Multiverse Traveler System

Chapter 38 - 38: Invincible

~Alex POV~

Returning to our rooms to call our next fighters Geir looked at the marvel as she fans girl out seeing the fight, "WOW!! A human actually defeated a God but also Thor!!! That Luffy guys is really strong and you said we have more people like him!!"


I and Brunhild both laughed at that of course we do.

It's just the matter if they were willing to fight for the cause if they agreed and if its Shiva next, I already have a fighter in mind that will jump for the chance to help out.

As we enter the room showing the multiverse terminal of humans that we can summon I started to get over and type down our next fighter.

At this chance Brunhild comes to my side as she asked me in a curious tone matching the expression on her face, "So Alex who is someone that you have in mind against Shiva he isn't exactly a weak God with his absurd strength and speed."

Glancing over to Brunhild I hate to admit it, but it needed to be said, "True… unlike some of the Gods here Shiva is actually someone who has trained to where he is today. I for one actually like him for his years of training to be the top and he can pretty much topple anyone he comes across with his years of fighting alone."

Yeah Shiva from the manga has literally faced off against the likes of other Gods with another friend of his but regardless he became the strongest of the other 1116 that were on his way to the top.

That is something that should be taken into account very seriously as it could motivate someone to the extreme to get what they want.

Taking into account with Shiva thrill of the fight to awaken we need someone who is incredible strong but not only that they also have to endure a lot of punishment…

But also, a strong spirit of never surrendering to the cause of what is right and wrong…

Willing to go to any lengths to ensure peace is secured…

Also has extensive fighting experience to possibly match against Shiva as well…

And I know just the perfect one for the job.

A grin was plastered on my face as I finally got the next fight as Brunhild and Geir looked at my choice as I reply to the both of them of our next fighter, "We need a human that is not only strong but with a powerful will power to keep on going a spirit so strong that is practically invincible to his beliefs!"


Tapping on the screen Brunhild looked at the screen and all the details entailed as she was surprised so much so that she smirked as she says to herself, "A half that is part human and part alien? The superhero known as…"

The second match of Ragnarok was now under way as the announcer Heimdall began to announce the next fighters and hype the crowd, "The second battle of Ragnarok opens up with an open field after the destruction of the first round! Humanity has gotten the lead but now its time to begin the next round!"

The cheers of the humans began to intensify as they hope the people of humanity bring out the next fighter.

If a fictional character like Luffy saved them from the first round, then they can only hope that another human one would save them.

The Gods on the other hand…

They were furious.

Such a humiliating lost to them brought clear rage to them that the most prideful ones were really wanting a human to die.

Since the first lost that Thor lost Odin has been rather kept eerily silent but rage could be seen in his eyes glaring at Alex and the Valkyries as Alex returns the favor.

Heimdall now began to shout in his horn to announce everyone in the Gods side, "Representing the Gods in the western corner is this man!!"


Heimdall began to hype up the Gods side as he announces their representative for them, "After creating the world on a whim, he also destroys it on another. After creation comes destruction, comes rebirth… could it not be said that the world is this man's plaything?"

The god that was riding on top of the elephant hopped off in dramatic fashion as Heimdall began to hype up the crowd while the humans fear soon came, "What is it that you d.e.s.i.r.e? As this God for any boon you want!! There is no use in arguing! No point in reasoning! Those who do not interest him, receive nothing more than destruction!! SHIVA!!!!"

Shiva is shown to have four arms and five golden eyes, with only three of them open when he's calm. He has indigo skin and black messy hair.

He wears golden bandana and baggy golden trousers equipped with a blue sash, also, he has blue tattoos on his wrists & fingers.

As he gets off, he says to himself with clear amus.e.m.e.nt in his face as he says to himself, "It's finally my turn, eh? Time for me to destroy?"

The crowd of the Gods were cheering happily as Shiva shakes in excitement as he says to himself only for him to hear, "Seeing Thor getting a fight like that to that extreme made my blood pumping again! I wonder what the golden warrior sent for me or else himself! Now that is an interesting fight!!"

The crowd of the Gods cheered for Shiva to win while humanity was trembling a but seeing the god of creation and destruction as their next opponent!

Who else would dare face such a God!

Heimdall then began to introduce the next fight as he hypes up the human's side as he begins to read the information from the tablet, "Now the one representing humanity is someone who never gives in and does what he can to bring peace! He goes to space even against his own race from harming his home!"

Hearing the words coming from Heimdall mouth everyone was confused once again as Zeus furrows his eyes as he thinks to himself, 'Again? This is something I never heard of before as well. Who exactly is this person and why haven't I heard of this human before?'

The gods could only speculate as Alex and Brunhild smirks at the scene with Alex saying to the scene before him, "Looks like the Gods are having trouble figuring out who these guys are what a shame."

Brunhild stifle a small laugh as she says to him in a confident tone, "Hahaha… Yes, it's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to see those old geezers suffer and their stupid looks is all the satisfaction I need."

The both laughed as Geir was just ignoring them listening to the announcer.

Getting back in track Heimdall began to explain to everyone who the person is as he began to discuss about the background info, "This human is actually half alien what a shock! He comes from an almost extinct race that came to weaken Earth and its defenses in order to be subjugated but… NAY! He denies his birth right and fought alongside humanity!"

Everyone was quickly surprised but incredibly confused who is humanity representative.

But Shiva was getting excited hearing all the news as he pumps himself up as he thinks to himself in an excited tone, 'A alien human fighter huh? Now that is interesting opponent, I never fought an alien before so it might be actually challenging!'

Heimdall continues on as he began to introduce the challenger as he begins to speak, "Now the one to represent the side of humanity is someone who is a hero who faced many hardsh.i.p.s and many challenges! To face his alien father and barely survived the fight! Facing an alien invasion more than one occasion! Help the demented alien race of his to a proper path to peace instead of bloodshed as well as leader of their race!!!"


A large gust of wind has appeared surprising everyone as Shiva grinned excitedly as a man wearing the iconic blue and yellow stripe tight suit showing his muscles as he comes to the ground wowing the crowd.

The young man seems to be an a.d.u.l.t at the age of 30 or less as he smiles at Shiva as he says to him in a happy manner, "Hello there Shiva was it? It's nice to meet you the names Marks Grayson but you can call me- "

That was at that moment Heimdall and Mark both began to say the name of Mark superhero name, "The forever more and never-ending man to fight for peace for all individuals! Creating a true lasting peace for all for this hero!! INVINCIBLE!!!!!"


Mission, Inventory, Traveler

MTP: 135,000

Title: Ultimate Hope, Ultimate Human Lifeform

Stands: D4C (Ultimate), The World Over Heaven, Killer Queen, Tusk

Transformation: Super Saiyan, Legendary Super Saiyan

Skills: Electric Manipulation, Logia Intangibility (Lighting), Haki (Observation, Armament, Conqueror), Six Powers, Seimei Kikan, Swordsmanship (Advanced), Eight-Impact Fist, Spin, Hamon, Scan, DBZ Skills

Passive Skills: Infinite Energy, Energy Absorptions, Auto Regen, Evolutionary Body, Eyes of the Lord

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