Chapter 12: Chapter 012 – Mr. Smith

Translator: Exodus Tales

Editor: Exodus Tales

Once they got back to the factory, Cross was in low spirits and randomly fired at one of the human-shaped targets to vent his emotions. He had thought of every possible way to keep his son far away from the vortex of the assassination world, but Wesley had still been dragged, had still fallen into the hands of the cruel Fraternity.

The thought of Sloan’s sanctimonious face filled Cross with rage. He was worried that Wesley would be tortured, and what would he do if Sloan threatened Wesley’s life?

“You’re worried about your son?” Luo Su walked up to Cross’s side, loaded an ammo clip, and began to calmly shoot at a target.

Cross grunted. Why ask a question you already knew the answer to? Was there any parent so heartless that they didn’t worry about the safety of their child?

Luo Su emptied the ammo clip before casually asking, “Really, there’s no need for you to worry that much. Each day you live is another day that Sloan can’t sleep easily, and your son will continue to have valued being alive. I would bet that he would at most be beaten, not killed.”

“I get what you’re saying, but…” Cross dejectedly sighed, “Wesley, that’s my son’s name…I abandoned him and his mother before he could even remember things properly. I don’t want him to be harmed by enemies, but there’s also another aspect…”

Cross’s words failed him here, so Luo Su picked up where he left off. “The other aspect is that he inherited your blood and has the potential to be a top-class assassin. You don’t want his hands to be stained in blood and just want him to live as an ordinary person.”

Cross bitterly glanced at Luo Su. “How do you know that?”

Luo Su shrugged. “You know the reason. Because my parents were also assassins, they didn’t want me to walk that path.”

“Okay, I’m a little messed up right now, so I basically forgot about that. Now that you’ve mentioned it, I have to say that your parents were very good and truly loved you!” As Cross spoke, he thought about his relationship with Wesley, and his expression dimmed again.

“My parents were successful in their entire lives, but you pulled me back in.”

Luo Su retorted. Cross’s face turned red, but his mouth simply opened and closed. Anything he said would go against his convictions too much.

“Don’t be so down. If you have time to be a scruffy uncle, it would be better to think about how to save your son Wesley. Leaving him with the Fraternity will cause problems eventually.”

Cross profoundly glanced at Luo Su. Perhaps because Wesley was in danger, he had dropped his guard with Luo Su. He truthfully said, “I began to make a plan to finish off the Fraternity a long time ago. If everything goes as planned, I can destroy their base.”

“Then, we can just use that plan!”

“That’s my idea as well, but the time’s not right! The Fraternity still has many of its core members. These people are all elite assassins, and until they’re eliminated, the chances of success are very low. I don’t want to waste time on meaningless ventures.”

“Then Wesley will be in trouble. For each Fraternity member you kill, Wesley will probably have to eat an oilfish…” Luo Su was about to make a malicious comment when he saw Cross’s savage glare and immediately changed his tone. “Fine, fine, nothing about any oilfish. At most, Wesley will be beaten up every five minutes, or maybe you’ll receive a small part of his body every morning.”

“Shut your mouth, or else I’ll kill you! I swear!”

Luo Su blinked. “Let me say one more thing. I guarantee that you’ll like it.”

Cross was emotionless and continued to stare at Luo Su. The latter pretended to ignore it and began to spoil…I mean, he began to explain his analysis.

“Have you imagined another possibility? Wesley inherited your top-class assassin blood, and if he’s trained, he’ll have a body full of adrenaline. Sloan might use him against you.”

“That’s impossible! I’m Wesley’s father. Training Wesley to kill me is too stupid! Cross firmly declared.

“It’s precisely because you’re Wesley’s father that Sloan would do such a thing because you can’t shoot at Wesley…” Luo Su looked Cross directly in the eye and shattered his delusions, “You’re Wesley’s father, but who knows that? In any case, Wesley doesn’t know. He just knows that he’s never had a father growing up, right?”

Cross couldn’t argue against Luo Su’s words. But he was unwilling to accept this reality and blurted out, “It’s still not possible! Wesley isn’t that much of a fool!”

Sorry, your son really is that foolish!

Luo Su clearly from the movie that Wesley, this poor soul, had never been sure about who his father was. Sloan had told him that he was Slickback’s son, and Slickback had been killed by Cross, so Cross ended up being described as some heinous villain. Sloan, using Wesley’s desire to avenge his father, trained Wesley into a competent assassin.

Luo Su suddenly froze at this thought, because now, the one who had killed Slickback wasn’t Cross…but him!

Dammit, did I just become the killer of Wesley’s dad?!

Luo Su had a dumbstruck expression. He hadn’t realized this when killing Slickback, but now that he thought about it, this really was the case.

The thought of becoming the chosen one’s sworn enemy made Luo Su shiver in fear and remorse. There was no getting out of this alive!

“If they really train Wesley into an assassin, that will be an absolute disaster. I didn’t want him to walk the same path as me, but in the end…this damn fate.” Cross’s expression was dim and sorrowful. He had probably come to realize that despite his strength, he could never threaten his son’s life.

Luo Su butted in, “Destroying the Fraternity is probably your best bet of living a normal life!”

“It’s not that easy. Assassination isn’t a clean profession, and you can’t just switch out because you want to…”

“Not even trying guarantees failure, but if you try, there’s still a chance it could work. For your son, you should fight a little,” Luo Su firmly said. For the same of my life, you should also fight a little.

Cross was struck dumb, but after a few moments, he laughed. “You’re right; I should fight a little. Fate has never been fixed.”

Luo Su nodded in satisfaction upon seeing Cross invigorated. With Cross drawing fire, he immediately felt much safer. “Let’s start training. I’d like to learn some new skills. Your sniping skills are pretty good, and when we attack the Fraternity’s base, I can cover you from 10 kilometers away!”

“Sorry, the plan has been messed up, and I no longer have the time to train you. In the next few days, I need to clean up the members of the Fraternity. The more I kill, the safer Wesley will be.”

Luo Su anxiously said, “Then what about me? I hope you’re not planning to have a rookie protect you from 10 kilometers away, right?”

I might even end up blowing out your head!

“Relax! Although I can’t train, I know a formidable fellow who I’ll ask to train you.” Cross took a sticky note and wrote an address on it for Luo Su.

Luo Su had some guess as to who this was. In the movie, Cross wasn’t fighting the Fraternity. He had a reliable comrade, an old man who provided him ammo.

The image of the scruffy old man was just an appearance. As someone who could craft such intricate bullets, he must have had some amazing background. Thirty years ago, he might have even been the world’s number one assassin or something like that!

With this thought in mind, Luo Su took the sticky note. On it was an address and a name.

“Mr. Smith!” Luo Su raised an eyebrow. “Who’s he? Your Robin?”

This name immediately made Luo Su think of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but this was a problem. What relationship did Fox have with Mr. Smith?

“This is a fellow gunman I came to be acquainted with while working. At the age of ten, he became the shooting champion at the national games. His marksmanship is exquisite, and one could say without exaggeration that he doesn’t miss a target. If he hadn’t been recruited into the army and made to sign a vow of secrecy, he would have already been an Olympic champion!”

“He works in the army?”

“No. Just like me, he changed profession to an assassin.”

After a few moments of thought, Luo Su asked, “Is he handsome?”

Cross gave Luo Su a strange glance and took a few steps back, eying him warily.

“Damn, what sort of look is that?” Luo Su realized what sort of misconceptions his words could create and changed his tone. “Okay, that was my bad. Let me ask another question. Does he have a pretty wife?”

Cross’s eyes turned even stranger. Just what are you trying to do? He seemed to say.

“Please, can you stop imagining things. I didn’t mean that! And also, please answer my question. It’s very important.”

“From what I know, he’s single and poor. Even though he’s thirty, he still doesn’t have a wife or even a girlfriend!” Cross chuckled and continued, “Do you have any other questions?”

“Yes! Where did you work before?”


Luo Su immediately turned respectful. No wonder Cross was so formidable. When others were still assassins, he had already become a big boss.

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