Chapter 14: Chapter 014 – Skill: Death Coil

Translator: Exodus Tales

Editor: Exodus Tales

As the hunting dog got closer and closer, Mr. Smith suddenly had an idea. He took the baby’s diaper, which was stained with something that all dogs loved. The smell was a little stifling, but it was perfect as bait to throw off the dog.

Mr. Smith was just about to start messing with the poop when the rumble of an engine came from the entrance of the alley. He thought that the enemy was getting reinforcements, but what he saw instead was a handgun poking out of the window and firing at the suited men.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The clip of 15 bullets was emptied in just a few seconds. The suited men had never expected for Mr. Smith to have an alley and were struck directly by those bullets. It was difficult for two people to walk shoulder to shoulder in the narrow alley, so the gunfire immediately caused seven or eight people to drop dead.

The dead couldn’t talk, but those who didn’t die naturally began to howl. The leader had also not expected this. He had taken Mr. Smith to be a loner this entire time.

By the time the group had found a hiding spot and turned to look back, the sound of the engine was already fading into the distance.

The dog was madly barking due to the gunfire, but none of the group dared to show their heads for fear that they might suffer another ambush. Their prediction was very accurate, as Mr. Smith suddenly popped up and fired his gun, taking out five people with five bullets.

With enemies both in front and behind, their leader cursing constantly, the rest of the group fled, abandoning their howling comrades and fleeing into a corner of the alley.

The sound of the engine once more approached the alley, but this time from another direction. The leader had his gun aimed and ready, but no one was willing to charge forward and send themselves to their deaths. Once the sound of the engine had faded away again, they cautiously walked out, but by this time, Mr. Smith was already gone.


The short leader angrily punched at the wall, and then his face turned red as he hid his hand behind his back and massaged it.

A gray cement wall wouldn’t care about a single punch, but the same could not be said for his hand.

The Ford F-150 drove on the dark road. Luo Su was in the driver’s seat, Mr. Smith was seated on the passenger’s seat, and Quintana was in the back, holding the baby.

The car was rather quiet. Luo Su gripped the steering wheel as he asked, “Smith?”

“Who are you?”

Smith had a cold attitude and didn’t seem at all grateful to have been saved. Even without Luo Su’s help, he would have been completely capable of safely escaping.

“I’m Luo Su. This is my introduction letter.”

Luo Su took a letter from his shirt pocket and handed it to Smith. Once Smith had read it over, his wariness dropped a little.

The whorled bullet made Smith give an understanding smile. “So how has Cross been doing recently?”

“To tell the truth, not very well. His son was kidnapped…by his former employer.”

“Heheh, that company is done for!”

Luo Su shrugged. Was this what they called bragging among friends?

Smith sat up straight, the words ‘acting cool’ written on his face. “For Cross’s sake, I agree to train you for one week, but now is not a good time. You’ll have to wait until I finish with my current job.”

Luo Su politely asked, “Do you need my help.”

“No need. It’s just a small problem. I can handle it myself.”

Smith closed his eyes and took a small nap. The man appeared thoroughly exhausted, but he still tried his best to act tough.

Luo Su knew that Smith’s act wasn’t for him, but for the woman in the backseat. Luo Su glanced at the rearview mirror, finding the charming woman in the back more and more familiar.

Oh my God, isn’t this my goddess?!

The woman had a face that was eighty percent similar to Monica Bellucci, and her body was just as well-endowed. Alas, her face was not as gorgeous, and the acrid and cheap perfume she wore made it very hard to associate her with the word ‘goddess.’

Quintana sensed that Luo Su was inspecting her. An alluring smile on her lips, she acted like no one was watching and pulled apart her clothes to breastfeed the now-awake baby.

Luo Su looked away in frustration. This demeanor and this style were not that of the goddess of his dreams.

After encountering this Smith who could go one against many, Luo Su sensed that he might have entered the plotline of another movie, but when he saw the face of Quintana, who appeared so similar to his goddess, he deleted the word ‘might.’

This was an entirely new script, though he didn’t know which movie it was. Forgive Luo Su for having no recollection of this movie. He only knew Monica Belluci from ‘Malèna’ and ‘The Matrix.’

But this was clearly neither of them!


[User has encountered plot character Smith, triggering the lottery phase. The user has accumulated two pulls. Would you like to pull now?]

[User has encountered plot character Donna Quintana, triggering the lottery phase. Would you like to pull now?]

Luo Su immediately replied yes to the system’s message and opened up the lottery screen. Just like with Slickback, meeting Smith had given him two chances to pull. As for Donna Quintana, he could only say that there was a reason she looked like his goddess, as she had also given him a single chance to pull.

But meeting Cross had not!

After pulling three times, Luo Su didn’t even know where to start with the cards he had pulled.

[Item Card: Carrot (Eating vegetables is good for your health)]

[Skill Card: 100% Accuracy (Your enemies exist only because you lack ammo)]

Of the two cards that had come from Smith, the 100% Accuracy Skill was incredibly powerful, and Luo Su was somewhat anxious to try. But there was a very high chance that it was one-time use, so he couldn’t waste it just yet.

As for the carrot…

Luo Su didn’t even want to talk about it. He simply regarded it as a bonus that came along with the 100% Accuracy.

As for the third card, Luo Su only needed to look at it to sense the otherworldly evil oozing out of it.

[Skill Card: Death Coil (Twisted Roots Version)]

Luo Su: “…”

My goddess, what were you doing in this world, and just how proficient at it were you that the system could make it into a skill?

And also, what in the world can I use this card for?

In this terrible mood, Luo Su drove the Ford into the city and stopped in a hotel. And then even worse, Luo Su discovered that Smith was penniless, so Luo Su had to pay for the rooms. He got three rooms, but in the end, one of them was unused.

Quintana said that she didn’t feel safe alone, so she took the baby and went to Smith’s room. As the door closed, Luo Su’s face began to twitch.

“I was the one who paid…”

Luo Su speechlessly entered the adjacent room, collapsed on the bed, and fell asleep. He had been driving all day and was rather fatigued.

After sleeping for some time, Luo Su vaguely heard some strange sounds. He cracked open his eyes and softly got out of bed. The sound was coming from the room next door, Smith’s room. This made Luo Su very nervous. Had the two been attacked again?

Luo Su moved very carefully, trying to make as little noise as possible as he moved up and placed his ear against the wall. The soundproofing of the hotel was lacking, and he could hear the screams of someone being tortured.

Luo Su rolled his eyes, silently cursing the two on the other side. Did they need to make so much ruckus in the middle of the night? Didn’t they know that some people needed to go to work in the morning?

His drowsiness had been driven away by the groaning on the other side. Luo Su washed his face with cold water and began to inspect his M9. At this moment, he sensed imminent danger. His danger was suddenly kicked, and a man dressed in black combat gear charged inside.


With one shot, Luo Su shot the man in the chest, and then he fired behind without even turning around. The glass window shattered, and the black-clothed man descending on a rope screamed as he dropped to the ground.

With a loud thud, the scream stopped!

The sounds of gunfire came from the adjacent room. Luo Su took in a cold breath and began to crawl along the ground.

The wooden walls of the hotel had been peppered with bullet holes. Luo Su crawled to the door and saw that there was not a single soul in the hallway. Clearly, all of the assailants had gone to Smith’s room.

Smith worked very quickly. By the time Luo Su reached his door, the battle was already over.


“Okay, I know it’s you. You don’t have to shout. I can hear your footsteps.”

This simple dialogue avoided any unnecessary gunfire. Luo Su strode into the room and saw the man and woman embracing each other. Quintana had her arms hooked around Smith’s neck, and even though Luo Su had walked in, she showed no signs of letting go.

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