Chapter 24: Chapter 024 – I Am Your Father

Translator: Exodus Tales

Editor: Exodus Tales

Whether it was figure, face, or demeanor, Fox could have ranked at the very top of the beauty charts. Beauties were beauties, and goddesses were goddesses. However, Luo Su was keenly aware of just how dangerous Fox was, and besides, this goddess wasn’t his. Thus, he would naturally show no mercy.

Rising to his feet, he looked at the unconscious Fox, picked up the M9 from the train tracks, and aimed the gun at her head. The Character Card’s effect had run out, but after some hesitation, he decided to put the gun down.

Fox could die, but not at his hand, or else Wesley would end his life.

Luo Su pondered what to do as he looked at the alluring figure on the ground. He took off his belt…and turned Fox so that he could bind her hands.

He then took off Fox’s belt…so that he could tie up her legs.

Luo Su then searched Fox’s body, and after confirming that there were no tracking devices, he dragged Fox by the belt used to tie her legs to the pickup truck and threw her into the back. He then used a tarp to completely wrap her up, and only then did he pat his hands and get into the truck.

Luo Su examined his swollen and bruised face in the rearview mirror. He opened the system menu and took out the Liniment. The effect wasn’t bad, and he quickly transformed back into a bright and handsome youth.


Luo Su found his phone beneath the car seat. Cross was calling, so he immediately answered, “What’s up? How did it go?”

Cross sounded rather dejected. “Badly. I subdued Wesley and told him that I was his father, but he won’t listen to me, and he’s even saying that he wants to kill me.”

Luo Su raised an eyebrow. “So?”

“I knocked him out. Go back to the factory first and wait for me. We’ll talk later.”


“How are things on your side? Did you escape Fox? Be careful that she doesn’t follow you.”

“No, I captured her alive!”

After a pause of two seconds, Cross replied in displeasure, “Why did you capture her alive? The risk is too great. You should have just killed her.”

Luo Su’s mouth curved into a smile. “There’s been a small hiccup. I can only say that if you kill her, you and Wesley would never let me go.”


“You might not believe me, but she said that she was pregnant with Wesley’s child!”


In the lathe factory, Luo Su tied Fox to a chair, and after waiting for around two hours, Cross returned with the unconscious Wesley.

Cross’s face twitched upon seeing the badly beaten Fox. If he recalled correctly, Fox was carrying Wesley’s child. Would being beaten so badly hurt the baby?

Luo Su took Wesley and proficiently tied him to a chair. Until Wesley believed that Cross was his father, it was better to tie him up tightly.

The unconscious Wesley suddenly felt a chill on his face. Waking up, he saw Luo Su standing in front of him with a cup of water. In this strange environment, confronted by this stranger with bad intentions written all over his face, Wesley immediately tried to escape. But his hands and feet were tied, so after a little struggling, he gave up.

“Where is this? Who are you?”

The training of the Fraternity had proved effective. The loser form of Wesley from two weeks ago would already be in tears and begging for his life.

Luo Su said nothing, standing aside to reveal Cross.

Cross’s heart went soft upon seeing the bound-up Wesley, and he immediately put up the kind face of a father. Alas, the warm scene of the father and son embracing in tears failed to manifest. Wesley saw the unconscious form of Fox and immediately began to curse at Fox, even spitting at his face in rage.

“Shit! You all belong in hell! I curse you…”

These weren’t Wesley’s actual words, but they roughly got at the meaning. Cross was dumbfounded, and Luo Su was also taken aback by Wesley’s ferocity.

Truly worthy of being the main character! He didn’t even spare himself once he got going!

Wesley was in a terrible mood. After learning the skills of the Fraternity, he thought that he was invincible and could avenge his father, but on the train, Cross had given him a one-sided beating.

In front of the Cross, his curved bullets were extremely immature. Once he ran out of ammo, Cross pushed him to the ground and beat him up, even forcing him to call him daddy.

Wesley felt unprecedented shame from this and tried to fight back, but all that earned him was another beating.

Cross had used his shoes, belt, a broomstick, and a whole assortment of other items to beat Wesley. Perhaps because he was too obsessed with the image of a loving father and obedient son, and perhaps because Cross had only seen this sort of thing with other parents, Cross had found the experience rather enjoyable and beat Wesley a few more times with his belt.

After being so savagely beaten, Wesley heard Cross once more humiliating him by ordering him to call him daddy. He spat on Cross’s face and was subsequently KO’d by a punch.

Wesley thought that he was dead and that his body would be buried in an abandoned field to be dug up and studied by some archaeologist several hundred years later, his skeleton displayed in a museum. But when he woke up, he discovered that he was still alive and that his goddess, Fox, was also here. But Fox’s face had been beaten into a swollen mess, and he would have never recognized her if not for her clothes.

Hitting her head was one thing, but why did they also have to hit her breasts?

Wesley was infuriated to see how badly beaten his beloved goddess was and immediately began to shower abuse on Cross. His words could essentially be boiled down to ‘Why don’t you come at me?’ and ‘What’s so impressive about beating up a woman?’ With his former timid personality, he rarely argued with others, so he could only repeat different variations of these words.

Ah, yes, there was also ‘I hope your son is born without a penis’ and ‘I hope your son is born without a butthole’!

Cross’s response once more took Wesley by surprise. He thought that the man might be enraged and apply the torture that should have been applied on Fox to him.

But Cross did nothing, just stared at him like an idiot. Luo Su was the same, and there was a hint of admiration and respect in his eyes, and also a little awkwardness.

Everything fell silent. Luo Su poured himself another cup of water and played the role of a spectator so that the father and son could fully act out their roles.

Cross once more revised Luo Su’s idea of just how low a top-class assassin would go. He was completely unperturbed while killing people, but in front of his own son, he became a mumbling mess. He just kept emptily repeating, ‘I’m your father’ without even the slightest hint of persuasiveness.

Wesley was also stubborn to a fault. First impressions were the strongest, so he had already taken Slickback to be his father and constantly cursed Cross’s son to be born without a butthole.

After watching for a while, Luo Su could hardly contain his laughter.

Cross angrily glared. To laugh at such a moving scene, are you even human?

“To tell the truth, you’re the lamest father I’ve ever seen. Just stand on the side and watch. This is the correct way to teach a rebellious son!”

Luo Su pushed Cross aside. He had given up hope on the oratory abilities of this lame assassin and decided to go himself. He splashed a cup of hot water on Wesley’s face, and when Wesley yelped, he gave him a right punch.

Cross’s eyes widened, and he almost shot Luo Su right there, but he managed to restrain himself. He decided to wait and see. If Luo Su couldn’t persuade Wesley, he would return that punch in place of his son.

Luo Su placed his hands on Wesley’s shoulders and warmly said, “Kid, you’re too agitated. That’s not good if we want to have a friendly chat. If you’ve calmed down, just nod your head. If you’re not, I’ll punch you until you’ve calmed down. Now, tell me, have you calmed down?”

You’re the one that needs to calm down!

Wesley mentally grumbled, but the sight of Luo Su’s smiling face made him lose all confidence, so he nodded.

This was how humans were. Kind and warm faces couldn’t be used to obtain tolerance and understanding, only spur the other party into trying to gain a foot after taking an inch. Only a savage face and tough fists could get someone to listen properly. It could all be summed up in a single word: Spanking!

“Now listen. I know that you’re a stubborn man and think that Slickback is your father, so you won’t believe Cross no matter what he says.”

“Who’s Slickback?”

Luo Su was speechless. He flipped through the photos on the table and found the one with the red ‘X’ on it. Upon seeing the photo, Wesley became extremely agitated, but when Luo Su raised his fist, he immediately turned obedient.

Luo Su tore apart Slickback’s photo. “He’s not your father and is not related to you in any way by blood. You’ve been fooled. That weather and scruffy man over there is your real father.”

“Don’t even think about trying to trick me! He killed my father!”

Luo Su chuckled in scorn. “Why is it that when the Fraternity tells you that Slickback is your father, you believed them, but when I say that Cross is your father, you don’t believe it?”

Wesley frowned. “Isn’t that only natural?”

Luo Su shook his head. “If Slickback was really your father, then I should be his murderer. What? Sloan didn’t tell you that the one who killed Slickback on the roof was me?”

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