Chapter 46: Chapter 046 – Confirming Identity and Sorting Out Clues

Confirming Identity and Sorting Out Clues

The town of Prosperity!

A small mining town in the state of Arizona. Compared to the state capital of Phoenix or the world-famous Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam, Prosperity was nothing, so insignificant that it could be ignored.

The town was in the middle of the desert, two hours by car from the nearest major city. There were around three hundred households in the entire town and a total population of less than one thousand.

Many of the youth had gone elsewhere, and the town suffered from a severe aging crisis. The reason for the town’s depression was that the mine that was its economic lifeline had experienced a problem.

The town of Prosperity only had a history of a few decades. At the start, there had only been a mine, and it was only because the miners’ needs that a town had taken form.

From the name of the town, one could see that the mine had flourished for a time, but there was no such thing in the world as a mine from which one could endlessly extract wealth, so it was only natural that Prosperity began to decline.

Luo Su drove his motorcycle around the entire town. While its population was small, the area the town covered was not. If you wanted to walk the entire town on foot, you would probably need the entire day.

He was able to learn quite a lot about the town through the moving company advertisements posted on the side of the road. He had few memories regarding Eight Legged Freaks, and the small town that served as the setting had barely been mentioned. He needed to gather more information.

After making a circuit of the town and gaining a rough understanding of the terrain, Luo Su followed the signs to his home.

The address on his driver’s license had been written very clearly. Luo Su that his home would be quite average, but when he found it, he realized that his family was rather well-off. Not just well-off, it was actually very wealthy.

It was a three-story single-family house with a large garden in front that contained all sorts of trees and flowers.

Luo Su took out his driver’s license and confirmed one more time that this was his home. Only then did he park his motorcycle in the garage. He had no desire to inadvertently intrude on someone else’s home and get shot to death by the owner.

He was worrying too much. As he walked toward the three-story house, a black and white French bulldog rushed out from the dog door and began to jump around his feet.

“Good boy, what’s your name…oh, I almost forgot. You’re an actual dog, not that dumb system.” Luo Su picked the dog up, and it began to bark and lick his neck.

The door wasn’t locked, which was good news, as Luo Su didn’t have the key. But the bad news was that since Luo Su had no memories of the person he was in this world, he didn’t know how he should treat the person he was about to meet.

“Brat! So you still know to come home! I didn’t see you all day! Did you go out street racing again?”

From a room that was probably the kitchen walked out an old woman who was getting on in the years, an apron around her waist, and a cigarette in her mouth. The old lady was dressed very fashionably. Her curled hair, make-up, and light purple eyeshadow indicated that she had yet to submit to old age. At least in terms of mindset, she was still young.

Luo Su was taken aback. This old lady was white while he was Asian. Just what had fate contrived that they would become members of the same family?

Could it be…

That he was a mixed-blood?

But he didn’t look like one?

Luo Su didn’t know what to call her. Frowning, he put on a frustrated expression, walked up, snatched the cigarette out of the old lady’s mouth, and extinguished it in the ashtray.

“At your age, it’s best if you smoke less, even if it’s for your own sake.”

After saying this, Luo Su began to climb up the stairs to the second floor, still holding the bulldog. Logically speaking, his bedroom would be on the second floor.

The old lady was quite unhappy and shouted at Luo Su’s back, “Brat, you should be calling me, Aunt Gladys!”

“Okay, Aunt Gladys!”

“We’re about to have dinner. Don’t go upstairs yet.”

“Just save my portion. I’ll eat it later.”

Upon hearing the reply from the second floor, Gladys shook her head and muttered, “Little brats in their rebellious stage are truly insufferable. This boy is getting ruder and ruder!”

Luo Su walked around the second floor, but he failed to find his room. When he was at his wit’s end, the French bulldog was a major help and began to bark out the ceiling. It turned out that his room was on the third floor, and he needed to pull down the staircase so that he could access the loft.

The room was rather messy. The clothes that needed to be washed were piled up on the floor, and the place stank of the moldy scent of a male dorm. The source was the stinky socks in the corner.

Luo Su opened the window to keep the air flowing through the room and began to clean the place, throwing the source of the foul scent into a trash bag.

The loft was less than twenty square meters. Part of it had been made into a bathroom, and the rest of the space was reserved for a bookshelf, a wardrobe, a twin-sized bed, and a computer desk. It felt a little cramped.

Luo Su turned on the old-fashioned computer with its massive CRT monitor. It took ages to turn on, and he didn’t find any of the information he wanted in the files, so he began to look through the bookshelf. There were five journals, and through the scattered entries, he slowly began to understand who he was.

Firstly, Gladys wasn’t related to him by blood. His parents had been Chinese who had worked for the McCormick Mining Company. They had died when he was still young in a mining accident.

Old McCormick, the owner of the mine, had adopted him. Half a year ago, Old McCormick had passed, but before he died, he had requested his younger sister, Gladys, to take care of him.

Gladys didn’t have any children of her own, so she had spent the last few years helping out in caring for Luo Su, making a place in her home where Luo Su could stay. Even the French bulldog’s name, ‘Bruce,’ had been suggested by Luo Su.

The journals noted that Luo Su had been a fan of Batman comics during that time…

Ugh! This was probably the darkest and most tragic point in the Batman series!

Luo Su put down the journal; his mind was somewhat blank. Even though he was adopted, he was still a member of the family that owned the mine, so he had some right to inheritance. It was only some because Old McCormick had an engineer son who had left home ten years ago for the big city.

Luo Su’s blurry memories found something. If he remembered correctly, the male lead was that engineer who had left home ten years ago, that scruffy man.

This memory left as quickly as it came. Luo Su, fearing that he would forget, immediately wrote down whatever he could in the journal. Although he didn’t know what the World Mission was, it would have to involve the spiders, because this was a monster movie involving spiders.

The primary conflict was caused by spiders mutating due to mysterious chemicals spilled by a truck.

Luo Su wrote the words ‘Jin Ke La’ down. Considering that these spiders grew like they had taken hormones, there was no problem with calling the chemical Jin Ke La.

(TN: Jin Ke La is a type of fertilizer sold by a Chinese company that claims that it can double wheat yield. It translates to ‘Golden Soil.’ It is most well-known for an advertisement in which an African man and Japanese man attempt to intercept a shipment of Jin Ke La.

Yes, the same Jin Ke La that the African and Japanese men fought over!

Jin Ke La! The man who raises spiders! The cave! The mall!

Luo Su wrote down several keywords, using them to put together his scattered memories and remember what the plot was.

Alas, he had skipped through the movie, as he had been primarily watching for the big-breasted Ashley.

It wasn’t merely because he liked the actress, but because he lusted for her beauty…tsk, I meant the other way! It wasn’t because he lusted for her beauty! He just liked her as an actress!

For him to sort out the entire plot now was rather difficult. But a few keywords was enough.

In monster movies, the general situation was that the monster killed humans or the humans killed monsters. At the end of Eight Legged Freaks, the spiders were killed by exploding the mines. Luo Su believed that his World Mission was probably eliminating the spiders. Otherwise, it was to protect some people from the attack of the spiders.

“Luo Su, your dinner is in the kitchen. Remember to wash the dishes when you’re done.”

“Okay, Aunt Gladys. I’ll come after taking a bath.”

Luo Su closed the journal, determined to pay a visit to the mines tomorrow, and also that man who raised spiders. Besides that, there was also the mall. Of course, he also couldn’t let the trail represented by Ashley grow cold. The World Mission had a high chance of being triggered by the male and female leads. As the male lead wasn’t back yet, the female sheriff had a greater chance of triggering the mission.

Luo Su opened the wardrobe to find a clean set of clothes, but what he found inside was an M9 handgun. It was the M9 from the Item Card he had used in the world of Wanted. After some thought, he locked it inside his bedside table.

By the time Luo Su came down after his bath, the French bulldog was already snoozing in its bed. Gladys was sitting in the living room, reading a newspaper while she listened to the radio.

Luo Su took his dinner and sat across from Gladys. The radio was babbling some nonsensical gossip, mixed in with obscene profanity and slang. The broadcaster was talking about whatever came to mind with little logic.

Luo Su kindly said, “Aunt Gladys, you shouldn’t be listening to things like this at your age. Trust me. You should be listening to classical music. You can cultivate your mind while also maintaining a young mindset.”

Gladys put down the newspaper and shot a glance at Luo Su. “Brat, do you have any objections about my age?”

“Alright, I was wrong!” Luo Su shrugged. “I just think…he’s just speaking nonsense. Don’t you think so as well?”

“No, you haven’t experienced society, so you don’t understand many things yet. The host might sound crazy, but he’s satirizing reality. I think he knows a lot of what’s going on behind the scenes.”

Luo Su: “…”

It’s fine as long as you’re happy!

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