Chapter 50: Chapter 050 – Female Character Cards

What was the source of the mutation?

Considering that spiders were matriarchal, female spiders had an extremely high status and could mate with any male spider they wanted. Luo Su speculated that the massive female orb-weaver spider in the mine had the highest chance of being the leader of the spiders.

But being the leader didn’t mean being the source of the mutations. Although the massive orb-weaver spider could mate with any male spider it wanted, just like the others, its mutations had been caused by the chemicals.

It could not be the source of the mutations!

As he thought about it more, he suddenly found a plothole. The chemical caused the spiders to mutate and rapidly grow larger in size, so why did it not have any effect on other insects?

If you said that it was because spiders were arachnids and not actually insects, then why didn’t scorpions or centipedes mutate?

The desert region was never lacking in scorpions, and the chemical’s lack of effect on them made one think. After all, it couldn’t be that the chemical only affected spiders, right?

Luo Su suddenly realized that he couldn’t completely deny this hypothesis. The unknown chemical, the mayor’s collusion, and that Vioro Chemical company hidden in the mine all indicated that things were not as simple as they seemed.

“If I follow this train of thought, this is clearly like the spider version of Umbrella Corporation and T-Virus!”

Luo Su decided to see what was in the mine directly under the mall. If those chemicals really were the source of the mutation, then he could be sure that Vioro Chemical was this world’s Umbrella Corporation that had developed this spider-mutating virus and used the town of Prosperity as its laboratory.

If it wasn’t…then this was even more annoying!

Luo Su massaged his forehead, truly hoping that this World Mission was just as simple as killing spiders and that he could just rush in there and beat them up. Even if he couldn’t beat them, he could call the FBI and let the real bug exterminators help him finish the mission. This was far more preferable to having no clue whatsoever.

As they were getting back to town, Pete tried multiple times to call Samantha, and he finally succeeded. The car turned around as the two returned to the scene of the crime to wait for Samantha at the spider farm.

America was a federation, and its states managed themselves. Its police system was completely different from China’s, with an extremely complicated structure and many kinds of officers. A sheriff like Samantha would normally be considered a ‘peace officer,’ and they wielded a great deal of authority and were responsible for many things.

Their duties went from things as small as traffic stops and domestic disputes to investigating criminal cases. Joshua’s death was naturally no exception.

It had been many years since there had been a murder in Prosperity. Given that there were only two police officers, Samantha had no other choice but to go.

On the spider farm, Samantha put on gloves and began to investigate. Quickly, her brows creased.

Although she had been elected to the peace officer position, Samantha was not just a pretty face. She had gone through systematic and specialized training and was quickly able to rule out a robbery and murder.

Joshua’s exposed skin was covered in bite marks, and the skin around the bites had changed color. He had clearly died from being bitten by some poisonous insect.

But in this spider farm, what other poisonous insects were there besides spiders?

The culprit was obvious, and the overturned shelves only further strengthened this conjecture. Joshua had been bitten by poisonous spiders, and while wracked by extreme pain, he knocked over the shelves and was attacked by even more spiders.

There were two suspicious points in this case!

One, was Joshua really bitten by spiders? Was it coincidence, or had it been instigated by someone?

Two, the criminals…that is the spiders, where had they gone?

Samantha patted her forehead. She was no doctor, so she couldn’t find any more clues from the body. She could only phone a specialist and have someone take the body away.

The town’s long-standing records of years without a major incident finally came to an end, and Samantha could kiss her bonus goodbye. But what hurt Samantha the most was that her son Mike had been the last to interact with Joshua, and her daughter’s boyfriend Luo Su had been the first person at the scene of the crime.

Logically speaking, they were both suspects who could have released the spiders and made them attack Joshua.

Samantha decided to put Mike under house arrest and requested that Luo Su not leave Prosperity so that he could be summoned whenever he was needed.

Luo Su had no objection. The mission wasn’t over, so he wouldn’t leave even if he was asked to. Moreover, a man of integrity did not fear a crooked shadow. It was normal for him to be considered a suspect, and he was in no way displeased.

In the police station, Luo Su brought up his suspicions that the spiders of the spider farm had mutated to Samantha. A jumping spider that should have been one or two centimeters had become as large a fist, and it might get even larger in the future.

He hoped that Samantha would take notice and treat this as a major incident of a foreign creature invading America. As the town’s two cops weren’t capable enough to handle this case, she should hurry and report the matter to her superiors!

Samantha was dubious about the mutant spider explanation. She hadn’t seen them with her own eyes and so found the idea positively absurd.

Fortunately, Luo Su wasn’t without evidence. The chemical barrel was still floating in the pond by the spider farm. After his fierce pleading, Samantha and Pete agreed to get the barrel and submit a sample to the EPA lab in Phoenix.

An amusing scene played out in the meanwhile. Pete, while working in the river, raised his head to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

His forehead…ended up being contaminated!

The case was temporarily closed. While they were waiting for the reports from the coroner and the EPA, they simply told the people of the town to be careful of poisonous insects.

Samantha didn’t understand how difficult the situation was, but Luo Su knew. The spiders would get bigger and bigger as the days went by. He needed to have Samantha see one of the spiders so that they could be exterminated before they grew too large.

The spider army wasn’t something that could be taken care of by one or two people. He needed outside help, but he didn’t have enough weight in the community to be believed without evidence. But Samantha was different. She was a peace officer, and her words held some sway over her superiors.

Really, all he lacked was the body of a mutated spider. With a body, he had the FBI, the US Army, the US Airforce…maybe even Area 51 and the black ops.

Once he got home, Luo Su took out his journal and began to think back to where the spiders had appeared in the movie.

The first area was mine. There were many spiders there, but that place was the spiders’ nest. It was easy to get in, but hard to get out. He couldn’t gamble his life for a simple corpse.

You had to pick the ripe persimmons, and he needed to find a spider that was on its own.

After that…Luo Su came to the sudden realization that, as the mine tunnels spread out in every direction, the spiders could travel to any part of town. As long as he was lucky, he could run into one.

This was somewhat awkward. Luo Su didn’t want to waste cards in the Mission World of ‘Eight Legged Freaks,’ but it seemed from the situation that this was unavoidable.

“System, list all the cards I can use in this world.”

[Does the user wish to set up this command as a default, to be executed for each Mission World?]


When the system wasn’t trying to act cute, it was actually rather reliable.

In an instant, a screen popped up in front of Luo Su, listing all the cards he could use. All of his cards could be used in the world of ‘Eight Legged Freaks,’ even ‘Character Card: Temple Guard.’

“System, use ‘Item Card: The Goddess of Fate’s Ring’!”

There was no telling what might happen when facing the horde of spiders. Luo Su was determined to give himself a Luck buff.

There was a ding, and then a white ring appeared in Luo Su’s palm. It was exquisitely crafted, smooth to touch, and covered in complicated and chaotic lines.

The texture seemed like titanium, and also a little like copper-nickel alloy, but there was none of the coolness of metal. After looking at it for a while, Luo Su decided to put it on.

The thumb, index, middle, ring finger…in the end, to his speechless shock, he discovered that, truly, as the Goddess of Fate’s ring, this ring was meant for women. Even his pinky wasn’t small enough for it to fit.

After some hesitation, Luo Su asked, “System, will dripping blood onto the ring to make it mine allow the ring to change size?”


“Trash system, you can’t even get me the right size. Doesn’t that mean I can only just stare at it until I one day unlock an Athena God Cloth?”

[There are also female Character Cards. User will have a chance to pull them, and then you can simply equip their skin]

Luo Su fell silent, and his mind entered his mental world.

A tree that wasn’t pruned wouldn’t grow straight, and a person that wasn’t fixed would start mouthing off!

This system would grow spoiled if the rod was spared. After only a few days of not being beaten up, it already dared to challenge the user’s dignity.

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