Chapter 53: Chapter 053 – It’s Spiders, Man!

“Please order now! No IOUs accepted!!”

The researchers immediately took back their words. They realized that Luo Su was a true genius. Since he didn’t know how to research, he was just selling them.

They had truly fallen into his trap, for none of them was willing to give up on this opportunity right at their fingertips.

At this moment, a grim and indignant voice erupted.

“Kid, you have no idea of their value! This isn’t something that can be measured with money!” An elder professor furiously declared, “You disrespect science! Do you know how lowly your conduct is?”

Luo Su rolled his eyes. “So?”

The old professor gripped his glasses and began to slowly speak, “In order to stop you from continuing to blaspheme the sciences, I…will buy them all!”

“I’m sorry! There’s a purchase limit!”

Luo Su truly did need these researchers to help him spread the word about the mutant spiders of Prosperity, but just because he needed them didn’t mean that the researchers could just get everything for free. A price had to be paid for fame and prestige. This account needed to be settled.

Moreover, one could not be too generous as a person, as otherwise, the other party wouldn’t understand what was precious!

And it soon became apparent that those who could research for a living, no matter how poor, were still part of the upper class. This was especially true for older professors. As they had patents, they no longer lacked for money.

The researchers didn’t have that much cash, nor could they have brought that much cash, so they waved around checks as they gathered around Luo Su. At this time, an advantage in numbers became apparent, as the purchase limit meant that research groups with a greater number of people could buy more of the spiders.

Samantha and Chris were gobsmacked. As they watched Luo Su exchange pleasantries with the researchers and carry out transactions worth tens of thousands of dollars, they really didn’t know what to say.

Chris was shocked at how much Luo Su had matured. His young brother was enterprising and had the potential to be a businessman. Even without the mine, he could start his own business to live off of.

Samantha was more worried about her daughter. Although Ashley was young, beautiful, proud, and easily had the potential to be a movie star, men would turn bad when they got rich. Who knew what Luo Su would become in the future?

There was a saying that went: all men were singleminded! They would like beautiful 18-year-old girls their entire lives!

But next year, Ashley would be 19!

Luo Su’s plan was very successful. The chaos created by the researchers meant that Samantha failed to realize that some of the spiders had been shot to death, though she was still confused as to how Luo Su had managed to kill all of them.

Before Samantha could ask, Luo Su, pushed past the topic. “Now is not the time to talk about this. The town is in terrible danger! I don’t know how many spiders there are, but I saw an even bigger spider in the mines.”

Samantha’s face turned serious. “I’ll report the severity of the situation to my superiors and have them send special personnel to deal with the danger. This town is no longer safe. I have to organize the townspeople and have them evacuate.”

Luo Su shook his head. “Forgive me for being blunt, but evacuation is suicide. Spiders won’t let prey in the web escape. The entrances to the mine are spread out throughout the entire town, putting us right inside the web. If you insist on having everyone evacuate, the spiders won’t agree. Many people will die during the evacuation.”

Samantha paled. This was true, but staying in the town was like letting oneself be wrapped up in a cocoon and still meant death.

Chris added, “We have to think of a way to protect ourselves. The spiders could be hiding anywhere. Quite a few people have already gone missing. We need to rely on ourselves until reinforcements arrive.”

“If we have to protect ourselves, everyone has weapons at home…” Samantha shut her mouth halfway. From the number of spider corpses in the basement, she already knew that even the residents with machine guns would probably be killed. “I hope the government can react quickly. It would be best if they sent soldiers to garrison the place…”

Luo Su sternly said, “Let’s have everyone go to the town’s weapon store to equip themselves. As for the rest…they have to fend for themselves!”

“I’ll go to the radio station!”

Samantha hastily departed. Luo Su pulled back Chris from following her and waved around the checks in his hand. “Let’s head down to the nearby city. The gun store there has a lot of nice things, but I don’t have a gun license. I can only depend on you.”

Chris swallowed. “That’s not necessary. Let’s go borrow some from Samantha. The police station should have lots of guns.”

Luo Su disdainfully said, “You want to kill yourself? When I went to the police station last time, Pete was maintaining a Winchester, an artifact from World War I, worth more for its historical value than its practical value. I doubt it can even fire bullets.”

Chris was speechless. Not wanting to be too far from Samantha, he hesitated. “What do we do about the spiders? Didn’t you say that they wouldn’t let us go?”

“You’re overthinking it. The two of us together only weigh around three hundred pounds. The spiders won’t move out in force just for us.”

Chris was convinced, and the two of them drove off to the nearby city, the same city that Luo Su and Ashley had gone to see a movie. On the road, they saw no small number of police cars rushing toward the city.

Samantha, no…probably, the opinions of the specialist professors had probably gotten the attention of the government, though he didn’t know how much!

America was a country where gun culture flourished, and gun ownership was widespread. Every year, more gun stores would be opened than other kinds of stores. There was practically one on every street, as commonplace as stores selling fitness goods.

Luo Su and Chris first went to the bank to cash the checks. As expected, a town and a city simply weren’t in the same weight class. The moment Luo Su walked, he saw the renowned Barrett M82 sniper rifle.

It was a sniper rifle that could fire 12.7mm bullets, accuracy over a long distance, and enormous force. It was the most lethal weapon obtainable by an American citizen. The state of Tennessee had even made it the state gun, because Mr. Barrett, the designer gun, was a native of that state.

Heavens knew what was going on in the brains of Americans. The Barrett heavy sniper rifle clearly wasn’t designed to be used on people, but it was still being sold in gun stores.

For example, the one in front of Luo Su cost…$10000!

Luo Su put it aside after glancing it over. Barrett was powerful, but it was too much for dealing with spiders. Moreover, he was no sniper.

Before their visit, Samantha had called an acquaintance in the city’s police department, and with orders from above, the police here knew that Prosperity was not at peace. Special circumstances resulted in special treatment. The local police had drawn up a certificate and informed the gun store owner that Luo Su and Chris were representing the town of Prosperity in buying guns and that they should be provided with as many guns as they wanted.

Samantha had naturally not contributed so much because Luo Su was Chris’s little brother. It was because Luo Su had promised that all the guns and ammo would be donated to the town police after the spiders were taken care of.

Luo Su first got an M4A1. He was most familiar with this assault rifle. Besides that, he bought ten-some M9 ammo clips. Chris chose a shotgun. He originally wanted an MP5, but there were no authentic products, and the clones were also too expensive.

The gun store owner had a good character and didn’t try to overcharge his customers. He recommended the P320 handgun. This 20-centimeter square modular handgun was cheap to produce, and it was said that once it went through a name change, it would replace the M9 and become part of the standard equipment for the US Army.

Chris took one, but Luo Su, after getting a feel of the gun, decided that it wasn’t that comfortable to use, despite its low price. In the end, he preferred the M9.

Considering the vast number of spiders, Luo Su and Chris decided after some discussion to gather the miners and equip a small team. Thus, they bought five more M4A1s and a large number of ammo magazines and bullets.

Luo Su additionally bought several sets of stab-resistant gear. Their enemy was spiders, so this sort of gear would be useful.

As the gun store owner saw them packing the pickup truck with guns and ammo, he gave Luo Su a big thumbs-up. As expected of the mining town of Prosperity! They really had a lot of money!

Luo Su couldn’t be blamed for his fear of insufficient firepower. He had this even before he started traveling to different worlds. A rabbit was adapted to live as the environment demanded.

The gun store owner counted his money, a big smile on his face. “Fellas, I hear that something big is going down in Prosperity. I didn’t believe it at first, but I do now. Just tell me the truth, are you guys fighting a war over there? Or have aliens come to take your mine?”

“No! It’s spiders, man!”

“What?! Spider-Man!?”

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