Xia Zhian couldn't believe what she heard for a moment.

Let Mo Qingchen marry sun Mingzhu? Are you crazy? Why does Sun Mingzhu think she has the ability to order Mo Qingchen?

However, seeing sun Mingzhu's uncontrollable excitement, Xia Zhian guessed that she must want to use the news of surrogacy to make use of herself. In this case, she can only push the boat with the current.

"OK, I promise you." Xia Zhian said frankly, "can you tell me now?"

Xia Zhian waited nervously, but Sun Mingzhu laughed after looking at her.

"Ha ha... Xia Zhian, do you treat me as a fool or really stupid?" Sun Mingzhu suddenly changed her face, stared fiercely at Xia Zhian and said, "I'll tell you now. You won't admit it if you turn around. Who can I talk to?"

Xia Zhian looked at Sun Mingzhu silently. She knew that it was not so easy to deceive sun Mingzhu to tell the truth.

After a few seconds of confrontation, sun Mingzhu said, "when I married ah Chen, I'll tell you the truth."

Sun Mingzhu looked at Xia Zhian proudly. She finally found the superiority of Xia Zhian before her identity was exposed, and extremely enjoyed Xia Zhian's feeling of asking for her.

The news of Xia Zhian's visit to the sun family reached Sun Hua's ears. She immediately came back and happened to hear the dialogue between sun Mingzhu and Xia Zhian.

"Well," Xia Zhian finally compromised. She said, "I'll mention it to Mr. Mo when I go back. As for whether he will agree, I don't dare --"

Before she finished, sun Mingzhu smiled and said, "I'm waiting for your good news! Don't worry, as long as you help me get things done, I'll tell you everything you want to know. But if you don't succeed, I won't tell you anything."

Sun Mingzhu released the bait and waited for the fish to bite. Now she can be sure that Xia Zhian will take the bait.

After Xia Zhian left, sun Huacai came out from an inconspicuous corner.

"Mom, why did you come back so early?" Sun Mingzhu asked in surprise.

"I know that little bitch is looking for you, so come back and see what's going on," Sun Hua said.

"Ha ha! Mom, do you know what she did just now?" Sun Mingzhu excitedly explained what had just happened to Sun Hua, and finally said, "now if she wants to know the news, she must let ah Chen marry me!"

Sun Hua lived decades longer than sun Mingzhu. She was much more stable and considered the problems more comprehensively. She thought and said, "you must hide the original things. If she knew it from other places, it would be of no value and can't hold her."

"Of course I know. Don't worry!" Sun Mingzhu said with confidence. She always smiled on her face, as if she had seen the scene of her marrying Mo Qingchen in white gauze.

"Also," said Sun Hua with a heavy face, "even if you marry Mo Qingchen and tell Xia Zhian, you'd better continue to cheat her. The original truth can't be easily exposed, otherwise no one knows what will happen."

"Ouch..." Sun Mingzhu hugged Sun Hua and complained, "people know, do you really think I don't understand anything? I'm just using her. Who will pay attention to her when I'm with ah Chen?"

Sun Huashi pointed sun Mingzhu's forehead and shook his head helplessly.

"Pearl, you should remember that your mother trained you since childhood to marry you into a rich family, okay?"

For ordinary people, the sun family is a rich family.

But for people like Mohism, what kind of rich family is the sun family?

"I know, I know!"

After leaving the sun's house, Xia Zhian walked aimlessly by the side of the road, but her mind always echoed the words said by Yan's mother and sun Mingzhu.

President Zhu's child has nothing to do with her. If you want to know the news of the child, you must let Mo Qingchen marry sun Mingzhu.

If Mo Qingchen is willing to marry sun Mingzhu, the sun will basically rise from the west tomorrow. Xia Zhian knows that the probability is very slim and is likely to annoy Mo Qingchen, but she has to try no matter how hard it is for her children.

"Is Mr. Mo back?" Xia Zhian asked the housekeeper as soon as she arrived at the Mohist family.

The housekeeper has golden eyes. He can see that Xia Zhian was very "cold" to Mr. Mo yesterday. Today, he asked as soon as he came back. Is this the latest interest?

"Back," said the housekeeper, "Sir is in the study."

"Thank you." Xia Zhian quickly walked upstairs.

After taking a deep breath at the door for several times, Xia Zhian adjusted her expression, opened the door and went in.

"Mr. Mo, there's something I want to discuss with you?" Xia Zhian said solemnly, standing in front of the desk.

"What's up?" Mo Qingchen didn't even raise his head.

Xia Zhian was glad that it was better not to look at each other. She really couldn't stare at Mo Qingchen's eyes and say this request.

"Today, my mother told me that president Zhu's children have nothing to do with me." Xia Zhian said.

In the puzzled eyes of Mo Qingchen, Xia Zhian explained that she went to find sun Mingzhu again. Then, she hardened her head and continued: "so, can you marry sun Mingzhu?"

After this sentence, the temperature in the whole study dropped sharply. Xia Zhian only felt that her back was cold, and Mo Qingchen's face became darker and darker with the naked eye.

"You say it again." Mo Qingchen said coldly.

He thought that for this reason, Xia Zhian should retreat from difficulties. He didn't have the courage to repeat it again, but to his surprise, Xia Zhian, the death expert, actually repeated it again: "can you marry sun Mingzhu?"

"This is impossible." Mo Qingchen announced without discussion.

Xia Zhian didn't want to give up like this, but she was also afraid that Mo Qingchen would be angry, so she said in a flattering tone: "it's not true that you want to marry sun Mingzhu. Just deceive her and deceive her so that I can know who my child is. Please!"

The last sentence "please" has the meaning of being coquettish.

Mo Qingchen was still as motionless as a mountain. Xia Zhian continued: "Mr. Mo, please, just get the child's news out..."

Mo Qingchen's disgust with sun Mingzhu can't be changed. As long as he sees sun Mingzhu, it's hard not to think of what happened at the beginning.

For a man like Mo Qingchen, being calculated by a woman to climb his bed while he was drunk and create an embarrassing scene of "catching adultery in bed" the next day is a black history that he will never erase.

Even if no one dared to bring up the old story in front of him, he couldn't get through it himself.

"Don't think about it. It's impossible," said Mo Qingchen. "I don't even want to see her."

Xia Zhian also wants to continue to work hard, but Mo Qingchen has put on a posture of refusing to communicate with her.

After Xia Zhian left the study, Mo Qingchen was still a little angry. Although he understood Xia Zhian's mood of wanting to know the child's news, there were many ways to achieve his goal. Listening to sun Mingzhu was undoubtedly the stupidest one.

How dare this woman ask him to marry sun Mingzhu?

It seems that I really owe it to clean up!

The request is really too much. Xia Zhian was ready to be ignored early in the morning. She rushed to the kitchen and began to cook dinner.

When Mo Qingchen came out of his study, he smelled the smell from downstairs.

Xia Zhian was leading two children out of the room. Seeing him, he said, "Mr. Mo, the food is ready for dinner."

Mo Qingchen didn't answer her and turned downstairs.

"Dad, what's the matter?" ink brocade asked curiously.

Xia Zhian replied awkwardly, "it may be that she speaks too much in the company during the day and has a sore throat."

The thoughtless ink brocade sugar really believed it. As soon as he arrived at the restaurant, he immediately stepped on the chair and personally filled a bowl of soup for her father. He brought it to him and said, "Dad, you've worked hard. Drink more soup!"

Mo Qingchen was full of question marks. He didn't understand what the little guy was doing, but he stared at Xia Zhian when she was laughing.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome!" said MOJIN sugar sweetly. Seeing the table full of rich dishes, he exclaimed, "Wow - aunt, what festival is today? Why did you cook so many dishes?"

Xia Zhi'an smiled twice and explained, "you are growing up every year. You should eat more good things, and -"

Xia Zhian lengthened her voice and took the initiative to bring vegetables to Mo Qingchen. She said, "Mr. Mo has worked hard at work and needs to be supplemented."

Mo Qingchen sneered in his heart. Can't he see her careful thinking? I'm not going to take it at all.

No matter how hard Xia Zhian tried to activate the atmosphere, only two children bought her account at the dinner table. Mo Qingchen was very indifferent from beginning to end.

After dinner, she cleaned up the restaurant and finished all her work. Xia Zhian still felt she couldn't give up like this.

So he began to pay great attention to Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian knocked at the door of the study with a good cup of coffee, but Mo Qingchen didn't respond.

Can make complaints about it, but Xia Zhi an quietly Tucao Dao, but still smile on his face and push the door in.

"Mr. Mo, I made you coffee," Xia Zhian took the initiative to put the coffee in his hand and asked, "do you need me to tidy up my study?"

This is the first time Xia Zhian has volunteered to tidy up her study.

Mo Qingchen stared at the cup of coffee thoughtfully. After a few seconds, he said, "I don't drink coffee at night."

Xia Zhian: "......" was it the ghost who asked me to make coffee before? This man is stingy and hateful!

"It's OK not to drink coffee. Do you want to eat fruit?" Xia Zhian said with a smile and full score of service consciousness. "I'll go downstairs to make you a fruit plate now."

Xia Zhian's flattery is very straightforward, so straightforward that the flattered can never be wrong.

But the more she flattered, the more angry Mo Qingchen was.

Although it is said that he can understand Xia Zhian's mood, it does not mean that Mo Qingchen will be willing to sacrifice his hue. In particular, the other party is sun Mingzhu, who he hates most. He must let Xia Zhian retreat in the face of difficulties.

"You don't have to please me," said Mo Qingchen with a cold face. "I won't change my mind."

"I'm not trying to please you. I'm just doing my job as a nanny." Xia Zhian seriously pretended to be a fool.

"OK," said Mo Qingchen, "even if you really know who the child is, do you want to recognize it?"

Xia Zhian's face flashed lonely and did not escape Mo Qingchen's eyes. She shook her head and said, "I won't recognize it. I'm not qualified to recognize it."

This is the expected answer of Mo Qingchen. In terms of Xia Zhian's personality, she can't go back and rob the child. In this case, why insist on who the child is.

"So do you know the difference?" asked Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian shook her head and explained, "it's not like this, because every year and Tangtang are always by your side, so you can't understand my mood."

"I know there is a child in the world. Half of the blood flowing in his body comes from me, but I know nothing about him. Where he is, how he is, what he likes... I can only imagine everything about him. This feeling is very bad."

"I always worry about whether my child has been taken care of. So I want to know who he is. I just want to make sure how he is now."

"In order to satisfy your curiosity, I must sacrifice my hue in front of sun Mingzhu?" Mo Qingchen's rhetorical question was deafening.

Xia Zhian knew very well that she was not qualified to ask Mo Qingchen to do so.

But at present, the only one who knows the truth is probably sun Mingzhu, and her condition is so, so even if she was very offended, she spoke to Mo Qingchen.

"I'm sorry," Xia Zhian said, "I know you have no obligation to help me, but I really have no other way."

Seeing Xia Zhian's lost appearance, Mo Qingchen felt bad, but at the thought of sun Mingzhu, he felt that he was coerced by angry emotions.

Since Xia Zhian wants to know so much, he wants to see what step she can take?

"OK, I can promise." Mo Qingchen suddenly turned.

Xia Zhian was not happy too early. She knew that things could not be so simple. Sure enough, Mo Qingchen continued to say, "since you want me to sacrifice my hue in front of sun Mingzhu, should you sacrifice yourself first?"

Although Xia Zhian has no emotional experience, as an adult, she can understand the implication of Mo Qingchen.

Isn't it a hint that she wants to "sacrifice her hue"? As for the object, it is of course Mo Qingchen himself.

"One, must it be like this?" Xia Zhian asked with a guilty heart, and her hand couldn't help grasping the collar.

"What do you think?" Mo Qingchen thought she stepped back, picked her eyebrows, and looked at Xia Zhian with a complex expression.

Xia Zhian stood there and didn't speak for a long time. When Mo Qingchen thought she would be angry or burst out, Xia Zhian whispered, "let me think about it."

With that, Xia Zhian left the study without looking back and hid in her bedroom.

Mo Qingchen stared at the cup of coffee on the table. He picked it up and took a sip. It had already become cold.

Xia Zhian sat on the bed in the bedroom and only felt her mind.

To say how complicated this matter is, it's nothing more than sleeping with Mo Qingchen. Anyway, she has already helped someone surrogate, and there's no need to be so reluctant.

Transposition thinking, if she doesn't hate Mo Qingchen and can't accept having a relationship with Mo Qingchen, why should she ask Mo Qingchen who hates sun Mingzhu to be with sun Mingzhu?

Acceptance and rejection are between one thought. It seems that as long as we cross that barrier, the decision will no longer be difficult.

Xia Zhian asked herself, do you want to know the news of the child?

The answer is yes.

In that case, Mo Qingchen has let go. What else does she have to hesitate?

After making the decision, Xia Zhian's cheeks were slightly red. She didn't try to seduce anyone. She didn't know how to start this kind of thing. She simply took out her mobile phone and asked for help online.

"How to seduce a boyfriend?" Xia Zhian felt very ashamed when she typed these words.

"I haven't eaten pork and I've seen pigs running. I suggest learning from island female stars."

"Does your boyfriend need temptation? Didn't he take the initiative???"

"First, the whole lyrical and romantic music; second, drink a little wine and get drunk; finally, get up the next day."

Xia Zhian was surprised by all kinds of messy suggestions, but she still had a learning spirit and knew how to combine with reality. The basic operability of those complicated steps was not strong. As for waiting for Mo Qingchen to take the initiative? Forget it, she still knows herself.

Although Mo Qingchen often said ambiguous words to tease her, in the end, they had been sleeping in the same bed for so long, but he was always very polite at night.

Xia Zhian felt that when Mo Qingchen took the initiative to rush up, even for a long time.

Maybe her children have grown up talking about girlfriends?

Thinking again and again, Xia Zhian decided to sneak out to buy a set of war clothes while it was not too late. She had the same pajamas as those primary school students at present, not to mention Mo Qingchen. She felt that she couldn't do it.

Xia Zhian didn't understand why she wanted to look guilty. When she went downstairs, she stared at the doors of each room for fear of bumping into anyone.

"Ah -" after the defense, Xia Zhian met the housekeeper just as she was about to open the door.

"What are you fussing about?" the housekeeper rolled his eyes and asked again, "are you going out at this time?"

"Well, actually, I'm going out to buy something for Mr. mo." in order to avoid cross examination, Xia Zhian had to move Mo Qingchen out.

"Oh, you go early and return early."

Facing the dazzling pajamas in the store, Xia Zhian felt that she had lived too rough in the past 20 years. She didn't know that a pajama could be divided into so many types.

"What kind do you need, miss?" asked the shopping guide.

Xia Zhian was ashamed to speak, but she thought that the shopping guide should know very well about these, and she was the best free consulting object!

"Well, that... I mainly want to have a pajama to sleep with my boyfriend. Do you have any suggestions?" Xia Zhian stumbled, whispered more and more, his head was lower and lower, and his face was redder and redder.

The knowledgeable shopping guide immediately understood Xia Zhian's reaction.

"In that case, I suggest you buy this kind of clothes. You are in such a great shape that you can certainly fascinate your boyfriend." the shopping guide took Xia Zhian to the special area with very little or thin cloth.


Xia Zhian's heart is beating a small drum to seduce Mo Qingchen. It's really beyond the outline for her. If she really puts on these pajamas, can he be fascinated???

Xia Zhian's requirements are not high, and don't be fascinated by anything. She can do things successfully!

"OK, that's it." Xia Zhian chose the one with the most "cloth".

Back to the Mohist family, Xia Zhian immediately hid her pajamas in the bathroom. For what she had to do behind her, she decided to coax the two children to sleep first.

There was something in her heart. Xia Zhian even looked at them inexplicably guilty.

"Auntie, are you not feeling well?" ink brocade sugar felt strange and asked, "why is your face red?"

Because I'm going to talk to your father soon... Forget it, Xia Zhian thinks she's going crazy.

"It's just a little hot." Xia Zhi fanned wildly. She was really "hot".

"But I don't think it's hot at all."

When she put the child to sleep, Xia Zhian took a bath first. When she put on the so-called "war robe" and looked at the man in the mirror, she blushed for a while. What a shame!

She took a deep breath, summoned up her courage and knocked on the door. Without waiting for Mo Qingchen to allow her in, she directly pushed the door open.

When she appeared in the study again, Xia Zhian simply didn't know how to put her hands and feet.

"Mr. mo."

As soon as Mo Qingchen saw her cool clothes, his Adam's apple rolled and swallowed his saliva, but he forced himself to be calm.

That's a foul!

That layer of gauze is indistinct and indistinct. It seems to be lifted on the tip of people's heart, itching.

He held Xia Zhian and knew how wonderful her creamy skin touch was. At this time, he just imagined that touch, and Mo Qingchen felt that he was on the edge of explosion.

But it's a pity that the emotion in the heart is very untimely mixed with anger that can't be ignored.

Willing to sacrifice himself in order to make him sacrifice his hue?

The more Xia Zhian was like this, the more mo Qingchen forced himself not to touch her!

If you want to hook me up, you have to take the bait? Isn't that a shame for me?

Silence made Xia Zhian feel uneasy. She walked to Mo Qingchen under pressure, took the initiative to hold his hand, and said tentatively, "Mr. Mo, it's time to rest."

"Ah..." Mo Qingchen sneered, pulled back his hand, looked up and down in his eyes, and said disgustingly, "do you think this can tempt me? So thin, how much meat on his chest, and then wear this dress."

"You -" Xia Zhian was so angry that she could do this step. She was already in bloom, and she was despised by Mo Qingchen? She felt shameless and couldn't stay any longer. She didn't want to say another word to Mo Qingchen, and ran back to the room angrily.

forget it! Don't know the big deal!

This big villain is so hateful that he said that to her!

Xia Zhian, who returned to the room, looked down and saw her Tulle pajamas. She became more angry. She directly changed them and threw them aside. She was too lazy to take a look. She put on ordinary pajamas and got into the quilt.

Xia Zhian holding the quilt, still feel a little wronged, say good fascinated? The result is to dislike her skinny, too much, are liars and bad guys!

When Xia Zhian was ready to go to bed, the door was opened.

Holding back his anger and reminding himself not to touch her, Mo Qingchen finally lost.

My mind is full of the cool appearance of the goblin. I can't work well at all!

"What are you doing here?" Xia Zhian was still angry and said, "don't you say I'm too thin? Then you go out!"

Mo Qingchen didn't go. His attitude changed greatly. He began to play tricks and said, "don't women like others to praise her for being thin?"

What are you loading!

"Do you think I'm stupid? Is that a boast? Is it a boast?" Xia Zhian was so angry that she threw the pillow directly in her hand and said impatiently, "go out quickly!"

Anyway, it was not the first time to cheat. Mo Qingchen took the pillow and held it in his arms. Then he got into bed and forced people into his arms. He had to sleep together.

"Go away!"

"Well, don't make trouble, go to bed." Mo Qingchen coaxed, and then suddenly reacted. The hand didn't feel right. Xia Zhian changed her pajamas?

"How did you change it?" Mo Qingchen said discontentedly, "change your pajamas back and sleep again!"


I've been working for a long time. Was that serious look all pretended??

Mo Qingchen big color - Wolf real hammer!

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