"Even if they want to do something, they don't dare to be blatant. We're just going to see the situation today," Mo Qingchen explained.

After the end of the charity part, the dinner is no different from any drunken banquet. All kinds of people in the upper class circle gather together, some take the opportunity to talk about business, others just relax and entertain. Everything is hidden under the ambiguous light.

Xia Zhian suddenly felt very hot and a little dizzy in her mind. She thought she was above alcohol, so she planned to go to the bathroom to deal with it.

"Mr. Mo, I'm a little uncomfortable. Go to the bathroom first."

"OK." Mo Qingchen was not much better at the moment. He held his head and sat quietly aside.

Xia Zhian walked towards the bathroom and didn't notice that several people were following her. When she fainted on the road, these people suddenly appeared and took Xia Zhian to the room upstairs of the hotel.

At the same time, Mo Qingchen vaguely heard someone asking him.

"Mr. Mo, are you drunk, or I'll take you to have a rest?"

"Let go of me -" Mo Qingchen waved his hand, but failed to get rid of the man.

"It's all right. I'll help you upstairs to catch your breath. Miss Xia is also there."

Mo Qingchen sensed that something was wrong, but he was coerced by the medicine. That trace of Qingming was becoming more and more fragile. Finally, he was helped to the upstairs room.

"Mr. Mo, lie down here and have a rest," said a voice. He helped Mo Qingchen to bed and then withdrew from the room.

As soon as he left the room, the man called Sun Hua.

"Mr. Sun, I'll leave first when things have been done. As for money -"

"Don't worry, I'll have someone call you."

Sun Hua is in a room at the moment. Sun Mingzhu is beside her. She said, "Mingzhu, Mo Qingchen is almost there. Now hurry over and do everything according to the plan. Xia Zhian has her mother staring at her. Don't worry."

The heating was on in the room. Sun Mingzhu was only wearing a thin sexy pajama. Some stood there at a loss, as if hesitating.

"Mom, we really..."

"Pearl!" Sun Hua accentuated his tone and asked, "are you willing to let Xia Zhian take everything from you?"

"No! I'm not reconciled! But Xia Zhian is not what she used to be. What if the Yan Family retaliates against us, and what if Mo Qingchen doesn't admit it after waking up?"

Sun Mingzhu has never been so flustered for a moment, from domineering at the beginning to fear after the fight.

But she has been pushed to the top of the storm, and there is no room to turn back.

"I said, mom will help you with these things. All you have to do now is go to Mo Qingchen's room, okay?" Sun Hua stared at Sun Mingzhu with those oppressive eyes and asked her to retreat.


Sun Mingzhu put a hotel bathrobe on her, took a deep breath and walked towards the door.

Everything was planned. Sun Mingzhu went outside Mo Qingchen's room and just touched it. The door opened. There was no light inside. He couldn't see anything.

With the faint moonlight outside the window, sun Mingzhu saw a figure on the bed. She closed the door and walked slowly to the bedside.

Mo Qingchen, who was lying in front of her, frowned slightly because of discomfort, but there was no sign of waking up. It seemed that she could do whatever she wanted. Sun Mingzhu suddenly began to swallow her saliva. This was the person she missed so much, and now she could really hug him.

Those fears and hesitations all disappeared. Sun Mingzhu took off her bathrobe and climbed into bed in her thin pajamas. Just as she was about to touch the hand in front of Mo Qingchen's chest, before she could make trouble, she was caught by a powerful hand.

"Ah --"

Sun Mingzhu screamed with fear.

I saw the person who should have been unconscious. At this time, he opened his eyes and stared at Sun Mingzhu fiercely.

Mo Qingchen thought of driving back, so after taking a sip, he put down his glass. In addition, he lay down and rested for a while. At this time, the discomfort had almost dissipated.

The waiter was afraid of an accident. The amount of medicine was small.

"You, how could you --" Sun Mingzhu began to tremble, looking at Mo Qingchen's eyes full of fear, "it's not me, it's none of my business!"

Mo Qingchen was not interested in sun Mingzhu's request for Rao silk. With a big hand, he raised his leg and kicked sun Mingzhu directly under the bed.

This foot did not converge. Sun Mingzhu covered her chest with her hands and almost coughed out her lungs. Her whole face was unusually red.

"Cough -- cough --"

Because of the sudden violent action, Mo Qingchen's eyes were blank for a moment, but he soon recovered. His eagle Falcon like eyes held sun Mingzhu tightly and asked, "where is Xia Zhian?"

Since it was the medicine, the only thing he could think of was the glass of wine, but whether the other party was aiming at him or at them, and what medicine the medicine was. It was too late to ask these questions. Finding Xia Zhian was the most important thing.

"I, I, I don't know..." Sun Mingzhu trembled for fear that Mo Qingchen would give her another foot and keep shrinking back.

"I'll ask for the last time," Mo Qingchen pinched sun Mingzhu's neck and asked fiercely, "where is she?"

"Cough -" the thin oxygen made sun Mingzhu cough again. Her hands pulled Mo Qingchen's wrist, but it didn't work, "I, I really... I don't know, Tao."

Sun Mingzhu really didn't lie. She was responsible for fixing Mo Qingchen. The things over Xia Zhian were arranged by Sun Hua. She really didn't know.

"Mo, i... really -"

Seeing that sun Mingzhu was suffocating, Mo Qingchen insisted that he didn't know. He didn't intend to really kill people. Instead of wasting time here, he might as well find someone immediately.

He threw sun Mingzhu away. Mo Qingchen went straight to the door and called the Secretary: "where are you?"

On the other hand, Sun Hua is watching what happened in a room through monitoring.

As for how to deal with Xia Zhian, this is really a troublesome thing. In particular, the Yan family has shot at the sun family for Xia Zhian. If it is found this time, the Yan family will launch a more terrorist attack. At that time, the sun family may not be able to bear it.

However, if you continue to indulge, Xia Zhian will steal everything from sun Mingzhu.

Therefore, Sun Hua thought of shooting something, which can not only make Mo Qingchen give up his heart to Xia Zhian, but also become a sharp weapon to threaten Xia Zhian.

Xia Zhian is sleeping in bed because of drugs, but she is always talking about something in her mouth.

At this time, a man entered the room, looked up and down at the sleepy Xia Zhian, touched his chin, as if he was very satisfied, and stretched out his hand to pick Xia Zhian's clothes, but it was a little hard. After all, she was sleepy.

Half off, the man ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

"What's wrong? What should I wash at this time? Hurry up!" Sun Hua was worried about the monitoring. She always hung in her heart. She had to be at ease at the moment when things were done.

But fortunately, the man in the bathroom didn't linger too long. After he came out, Sun Hua stared at the picture in the monitor——

The man's hand stretched out to Xia Zhian's clothes, and his fingertips had touched it.

The Secretary rushed to Mo Qingchen and was shocked by his face.

"Mr. Mo, what's the matter with you?" the Secretary didn't understand. He went to deal with the donation and couldn't see anyone when he came back. "What happened?"

"Stop talking and find Xia Zhian first." Mo Qingchen thought for a moment and had to try the monitoring in the hotel hall.

"I'll go now!" the Secretary immediately ran to the monitoring room.

Standing in place, Mo Qingchen's face was so ugly that he couldn't stop waiting, so he looked for it along the corridor.

"Who?" the customer who was disturbed by the inexplicable crazy knocking on the door opened the door impatiently and was about to scold. He was frightened by the shadow on Mo Qingchen's face and said, "we didn't call room service..."

Mo Qingchen ignored each other and broke into the room regardless of stopping him. When he found that the woman in bed was not Xia Zhian, he hurried out again.

"What the hell? Psycho!" the man scolded.

In this way, like a headless fly, he found room after room. Mo Qingchen's heart became more and more nervous. The longer the time dragged on, Xia Zhian would only be more and more dangerous.

"Did you find any news about her?" Mo Qingchen called the Secretary and asked.

"Mr. Mo, there are too many monitoring, and I dare not look too fast..."

"You as soon as possible!"

Mo Qingchen hung up the phone and knocked on the door again.

The man who opened the door this time only wrapped a bath towel around his waist, blocked the door and asked impatiently, "what are you doing?"

Mo Qingchen didn't have time to answer his questions. He directly pushed away the other party and went straight to the room. When he saw the people lying on the bed, he couldn't help but want to thank God. His luck was not too bad.

At least Xia Zhian's clothes can cover her body at this time.

"What are you looking at? Give it to me quickly -" before the man finished, he was kicked to the ground by Mo Qingchen.

"Cough - what do you mean?"

Mo Qingchen was like crazy. He said hello to each other with his fist. At first, the man tried to resist. Later, he had been beaten by Mo Qingchen without parry and could only protect his head as much as possible.

"Hey, who the hell are you?"

The other party was still struggling, but Mo Qingchen had lost his mind. When the man was almost dying, Mo Qingchen pinched his neck and asked, "Why are you here?"

The man finally realized that the situation was serious. The red eyed man in front of him should have a deep relationship with the woman in bed. At this time, it was important to protect his life. He didn't dare to be clever at all.

"I, I just do business with money. It's none of my business. It's really none of my business!" the man immediately begged for mercy.

Mo Qingchen has basically determined that the "good play" tonight must have something to do with the sun family. He has thousands of defenses with Xia Zhian. Unexpectedly, the family dared to take medicine after eating bear heart leopard gall!

"Hum, when the police come, keep this for them to explain."

Mo Qingchen first called the police and said that someone drugged the hotel and tried to rape. Then he called the Secretary in the monitoring room and asked him to watch the processing progress here, while he left with Xia Zhian.

As early as the moment Mo Qingchen broke into the room, Sun Hua slipped away from the other side and took the time to erase all the clues related to their sun family.

Because the charity party is hosted by the sun family, the police need their cooperation in the investigation.

"Mom, what should I do?" Sun Mingzhu looked at Sun Hua blankly.

"Come on, take the lady to the hospital first," Sun Hua said to sun Mingzhu again. "It's all right. It's just a normal investigation. You go to the hospital for examination first. Don't worry. Mom has handled everything that should be handled."

Sun Mingzhu looked at the back of Sun Hua leaving. The whole person was distracted. She just felt that her chest was too painful to breathe.

Once the police were called, the matter could not be covered up at all, and soon the news spread all over the circle.

"I've really taken it. None of the sun family has brains!" Mrs. Mo scolded. At this time, she didn't know that the sun family was brave enough to give medicine to Mo Qingchen. She thought they just wanted to deal with Xia Zhian.

"No, although I haven't said it clearly, sun Mingzhu is the biological mother of Tangtang every year. Many people know about it. What if they are ridiculed because of this biological mother in the future?"

"Husband, do something!" Mrs. Mo said anxiously, hating the sun family.

At first, Mo's father didn't have any opinions about the sun family. He was not as persistent as Mrs. mo. he had to find a so-called "match" and preferred to respect Mo Qingchen's opinions. As a result, he didn't expect it to be so.

"What else can we do?" Mo Fu said reluctantly. "We can only suppress the news as much as possible, but someone already knows. It's also a catch-up."

"I don't care. I can't let my baby grandson be laughed at. Please let someone block the news!" Mrs. Mo roared.

Although he has asked his hands to do it, Mo father still feels that the root of the problem lies in Mrs. mo.

"Look, you had to let your son marry sun Mingzhu at the beginning. Fortunately, your son didn't agree. Otherwise, it would be bad luck to let such a woman into the house and spread such an in laws later!" Murphy's father sighed.

Mrs. Mo was not happy at once. Why did she blame her? She didn't want to do this!

"Can you blame me? I am willing to let my son marry sun Mingzhu, not because she is the biological mother of Tangtang every year. Is her mother better than her stepmother?" Mrs. Mo felt that she was really wronged.

"But if you didn't support Sun Mingzhu so much, the sun family might not be able to do so many things."

"Are you blaming me now?" Mrs. Mo asked.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Mo father didn't want to argue with his wife at this point, so he had to say, "how can you blame you? Of course, it's all the fault of the sun family. I'll go to someone to say hello and be sure to find out about it!"

Saying this, Mo Fu quickly slipped away.

The charity dinner turned into a farce because of the arrival of the police.

Sun Mingzhu lay in the hospital worried to death, but now she has a desperate determination. Now she just hopes that her mother can come out of the police station smoothly.

Sun Hua is resourceful. In this incident, she prevented things from being exposed from the beginning. Therefore, all things that can be borrowed from others are done by others, so that it is difficult for the police to get direct evidence to convict her. Finally, after cooperating with the investigation, she returned to the sun family.

After Mo Qingchen handed the scene over to the Secretary, he took off his coat, wrapped Xia Zhian, took him back to the car and drove back to the Mohist family.

Xia Yifan didn't expect his sister to go out standing and be held back. He immediately came forward and asked, "what's the matter with my sister?"

"She was drugged." Mo Qingchen said, but he didn't stop at his feet and walked directly to his bedroom.

"What?" Xia Yifan exclaimed. He couldn't help it. Since he had a relationship with Mo Qingchen, they had met all the things they hadn't met in their life before.

"What's the matter with you? You took my sister out and didn't protect her? Did I remind you before you left?"

Mo Qingchen can't refute Xia Yifan's question. It's really his fault that he didn't protect Xia Zhian, but this is not a good time to settle accounts.

"Are you sure you want to discuss this now?" asked Mo Qingchen.

Xia Yifan is young in the end. When he meets something, he can't compare with Mo Qingchen's reaction. Just when he is stunned, he only hears Mo Qingchen say to him, "I informed the doctor and you go to the door to pick him up."

"Oh." Xia Yifan glared at Mo Qingchen angrily, and went downstairs obediently.

Mo Qingchen put Xia Zhi on the bed, went to the bathroom to get a wet towel, and carefully helped her wipe the sweat on her face.

"No, don't go..."

Mo Qingchen listened to it several times before he could hear it clearly. The corners of his mouth bent a little radian, like coaxing a child, and said, "I won't go."

It seems that he is still a little cute when he is confused, but... He hasn't figured out what medicine it is, and Mo Qingchen can't rest assured.

I hope it's just like him. It's just a drug.

Mo Qingchen couldn't help thinking of the man with a bath towel in the room. As long as he arrived later, he couldn't imagine what would happen. At the thought of this, he wanted to tear these people to pieces.

"Don't take him away, please, please..."

Mo Qingchen frowned slightly. Xia Zhian closed her eyes. The whole person looked very bad and seemed to fall into a nightmare. She was always reading something that people didn't understand.

"Xia Zhian, what's the matter?" Mo Qingchen just wanted to bend over and listen. Xia Yifan came up with the doctor.

"You hurry to come and help her." Mo Qingchen said to the visitor. This is a doctor he is very familiar with. He told the general situation in the car. "She has been talking in her sleep."

The doctor took out his tools, checked Xia Zhian's fundus, and listened to her heart rate. Basically, it can be determined that she was also drugged.

"Both of you are psychedelic drugs, but she needs to take more. You should pay attention to how much this drug does harm to your body. And... It's a normal reaction for her to fall into a nightmare. These drugs are hallucinogenic. If the effect is over, it'll be fine when she wakes up," said the doctor.

Mo Qingchen was a little relieved, nodded and said, "thank you."

"I don't think you look very good. Why don't you check it?"

"I'm fine." Mo Qingchen waved his hand and said to Xia Yifan, "help me send the doctor, and then let someone make some tonic soup to simmer on the stove."

Xia Yifan saw that Mo Qingchen's face was really bad and didn't say anything more.

When only Mo Qingchen and Xia Zhian were left in the room again, the people on the bed were still EEE, and Mo Qingchen could only hear some fragments intermittently.

"Don't take him away, please..."

"Give it back to me..."

"Child... Give the child back to me, you give the child back to me!"

children? When he heard these two words, Mo Qingchen finally reacted.

It turned out that Xia Zhian dreamed about things related to the child. She lost a memory. Maybe this is an opportunity for Xia Zhian to find her memory and find the news related to the child.

"Who took your child?" Mo Qingchen asked softly.

"Don't go..."

"Who else, who are you standing with now?" Mo Qingchen tried his best to guide Xia Zhian to say something. It's best to know who else existed at that time, which is the most intuitive information.

However, no matter how Mo Qingchen guided, Xia Zhian didn't say any useful information except repeating those useless words.

Mo Qingchen didn't want to give up like this and began to ask questions about children.

"Where is the child and by whom?"

"It's my child, it's mine, I hold him..."

"Is the child in good condition? What did the doctor say?"

"He's fine, the doctor said... The doctor said it was a boy, mine, don't take my son away -" Xia Zhian's voice suddenly became fierce, and then suddenly opened her eyes.

"Give it back to me! Give it back to me! Give it back to me!" Xia Zhian screamed and sat up from the bed.

She was completely ignorant and at a loss for one minute. She looked around at a loss and was still unconsciously muttering to herself asking for the child to be returned to her.

Looking at Xia Zhian like this, Mo Qingchen felt very uncomfortable, and a burst of heartache came up.

Mrs. Mo once asked Mo Qingchen if she really didn't care that Xia Zhian had given birth to children to other men. At that time, he avoided it, but now he got the answer.

Any mind is not worth mentioning in front of Xia Zhian. He is only full of heartache at the moment.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Mo Qingchen gently coaxed Xia Zhian, gently held her in his arms, patted her back and comforted her.

"I really saw him just now, and I saw him again, but they still took him away. They took my son away, my child..." Xia Zhian sobbed in a low voice.

Mo Qingchen knew very well that the child's thing was an indelible thorn in Xia Zhian's heart, which would always grow there and never heal.

"If you really want to find him, I'll help you," said Mo Qingchen. "You just dreamed of him?"

As like as two peas, she took a few minutes to calm herself down, and recalled the dream. She just opened her mouth and explained, "not only has I been dreaming for a few years, but every time I repeat it, I repeat it is a dream that is exactly the same. I doubt it. It's not just a dream, it's something that once happened."

Mo Qingchen thought for a moment and asked, "so are you sure you have a boy?"

"I'm sure." Xia Zhian said firmly. She thought of the picture in her dream. "The doctor told me that it was a boy. When I held him, although I couldn't see clearly, it was also a boy in my consciousness. Then a group of people came out. They wanted to take the child away. I begged them not to do so. Then someone injected something for me, and then the child was taken away..."

"Every dream is like this."

Xia Zhian can provide so much information, but maybe the dream exaggerates the reality. After all, she signed an agreement for surrogacy, so there is no saying of "robbing" the child, but the dream is a subconscious projection. She really lost her child.

"It doesn't matter. We will find him." Mo Qingchen comforted.

"The sun family drugged you at the banquet. The doctor said you need to rest and supplement nutrition. I asked someone to make soup. Would you like to drink some?"

Mo Qingchen's gentleness warmed Xia Zhian's heart again. She nodded shyly, and realized that she was still lying in Mo Qingchen's bed.

"Thank you." Xia Zhian whispered, and Mo Qingchen just touched her head.

Mo Qingchen asked someone to send up the soup, stared at Xia Zhian to drink it, covered her with a quilt, and then left his bedroom.

Since we are determined to find out the whereabouts of the child, the sooner the better.

"Do you know when your sister produced?" Mo Qingchen asked Xia Yifan.

"How can I know?" Xia Yifan shook his head and slowly recalled the events of that year. "After confirming that my sister was pregnant, she was picked up by the other party. I haven't seen her for almost a year. When I received her news again, she said that she could come to the hospital to save her mother."

"As a result, my mother didn't wait for my sister to come, so..." Xia Yifan paused slightly. She seemed to have exhausted her strength to suppress the sadness, and continued, "my sister had a car accident on her way to the hospital. When I saw her, I was already in a coma. I woke up after a long time, and then found that she lost that memory."

"So, you know nothing about surrogacy?" asked Mo Qingchen.

"Well, basically, I didn't know she was going to surrogate until she was pregnant. It was too late at that time. When she informed me, I wasn't sure how long she was pregnant."

This is similar to the result in Mo Qingchen's imagination. After all, people choose surrogacy, which will certainly arrange everything, and will never let Xia Zhian have any relationship with the child.

However, this also means that at present, only sun Mingzhu really knows about the child.

Things seem to have returned to the origin. When Xia Zhian asked him to pretend to marry sun Mingzhu.


"Ah Chen?" Sun Mingzhu looked at Mo Qingchen in front of her in surprise. She didn't expect that after what happened yesterday, Mo Qingchen would take the initiative to come to her, "you, why are you here?"

"I have something to ask you."

When Mo Qingchen sat in the living room of the sun family, Sun Hua and Sun Zhen also came downstairs.

"Mr. Mo, what can I do for you?" Sun Hua stared at him with wary eyes. Was it yesterday that let him get the evidence?

"I'm here to negotiate today." Mo Qingchen didn't beat around the Bush and said directly, "I want to know who Xia Zhian is helping to surrogate."

Sun Hua and sun Mingzhu looked at each other, and shock and surprise flashed in their eyes at the same time.

"Since it's a negotiation, what can president Mo offer in exchange?" Sun Hua asked calmly.

"I can persuade the Yan family not to suppress the sun family, and I will bear all the losses of the sun family during this period." Mo Qingchen said the conditions he had already prepared.

Sun Hua took a breath. She really didn't expect that Mo Qingchen was willing to sacrifice so much for Xia Zhian.

Just when Sun Hua was excited, sun Mingzhu stopped her.

In sun Mingzhu's opinion, since Mo Qingchen wants to know about surrogacy so much, this condition is too painful and itchy. This may be the last chance for her. Why not exchange it for what she wants most?

"Ah Chen, I don't want you to save the sun family." Sun Mingzhu said. She looked at Mo Qingchen with greedy and affectionate eyes. "As long as you marry me, I can tell you everything."

What is saving the sun family?

As long as she married Mo Qingchen, she even had a share in Mo's family. It was not easy to save a mere sun at that time?

Even, when she gives birth to Mo Qingchen in the future, she will kill the two little things of Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang. Her children will inherit everything from the Mo group in the future! The whole Mohs group is hers!

Sun Mingzhu's wishful thinking sounded, but Mo Qingchen didn't intend to take the move at all.

"Negotiations can really talk about terms, but it's best not to talk big," moqingchen reminded.

This is indeed the lion's big mouth, but it is also a matter of "one willing to fight and one willing to suffer".

Since you want to know, you have to meet my conditions. Logically, it's right.

"But ah Chen, this is my wish." Sun Mingzhu insisted, "as long as you marry me, I am willing to say everything."

Mo Qingchen looked at them and was silent for a long time. It seemed that these people didn't see the coffin and didn't cry. He gave them a chance.

"Don't forget what you did yesterday. If you don't say it, you will not only pay for the medicine, but also let the sun go bankrupt until the Yan family continues to do it." Mo Qingchen threatened.

"Ah Chen, how can you do this?" Sun Mingzhu asked in shock.

Anyway, sun Mingzhu's current identity is the biological mother of Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang. Even if Mo Qingchen is cruel, he won't kill her, will he?

Mo Qingchen looked at Sun Mingzhu and didn't speak, but his eyes clearly said that he was not joking at all.

Seeing Mo Qingchen's insistence, sun Mingzhu had no other way but to continue to pretend to be poor.

"At least I'm also the mother of Tangtang every year. Ah Chen, can't you leave me a way to live?" Sun Mingzhu burst into tears and sobbed, "what did I do wrong? I just love you so much. Why can't you understand me?"

"I worked hard to give you a pair of twins in October. Haven't I paid enough? In recent years, how many people in city a know that I like you. If you don't marry me, who else will want me? I'm 25 this year. I really can't afford to wait."

"I never asked you to wait for me. From the beginning, I refused to marry you. You had to give birth to a child and threaten me." Mo Qingchen narrowed his eyes.

So far, he can't forget that he was caught and raped in bed, let alone that after that, she held two children and said it was his child, forcing him to be responsible.

Even if all the women in the world are dead and only sun Mingzhu is left, he will never marry sun Mingzhu!

"Ah Chen, I can't compare with Xia Zhian in the end. Tell me, I can change it, even if it's to give Nian and Tangtang a sound family, will you marry me? I will try to be a good wife and mother!"

"It's impossible," said Mo Qingchen, without any room for discussion.

To negotiate with the sun family is just to get the news of surrogacy faster, but if the sun family insists on tenacious resistance, Mo Qingchen still has another way.

"Ah Chen, you're embarrassing me. I've made it very clear that I want nothing else as long as you marry me." Sun Mingzhu bit to death and said, "if you don't want to, think I don't know anything."

Hehe... If Mo Qingchen is threatened by sun Mingzhu, it's really a big joke.

"If you change your mind, call me at any time." with that, Mo Qingchen got up and prepared to leave.

"Ah Chen -"

"Otherwise, you will be waiting for not only the bankruptcy of the sun family, but also the police station."

No matter how Sun Mingzhu asked behind him, Mo Qingchen was too lazy to say another word.

After Mo Qingchen left, Sun Hua said to sun Mingzhu, "Mingzhu, if you can save sun..."

"Mom, at this time, you must not hesitate. If you tell them, you will only lose big for small!"

After what happened yesterday, sun Mingzhu became more determined. Now that things have reached this point, we must stick to it until the end before we have a chance to fight back.

"Mom, I don't care about the company, but I can't be confused by the immediate interests. This is our last chip. We must exchange the most valuable things, otherwise we will have nothing in the future! Don't forget, there is Yan Family!"

"But the company can't last long now!" said Sun Hua. Sun is her painstaking effort and all she has. She can't watch the company destroyed.

"It doesn't matter," Sun Mingzhu said confidently. "They obviously want to know the news of their children, and only we know the truth, so they will compromise."

While the sun family were dreaming, the sun company was sniped again.

Mo Qingchen has learned the latest news from the police. Sun Hua's hands and feet are very clean and hardly found any useful evidence at the dinner party.

After all, it's too easy for someone to take advantage of the chaos in an occasion with many eyes.

"Well, in that case, don't blame me for being rude."

Mo Qingchen called his secretary into the office and said, "cooperate with the Yan family to suppress the sun family."

The secretary did not know the grudges between Mo Qingchen, Xia Zhian and sun Mingzhu, but simply felt that President Mo's decision was very strange, so he reminded: "President Mo, we don't have to do it, and sun won't last long."

The real reason is that an enterprise of sun's scale is just a tasteless chicken rib for Mo's.

There's really no need to waste time.

"Just do it." Mo Qingchen didn't need to explain.

Sure enough, as soon as Mohs took action, sun's stock plummeted, hitting a record low every minute.

Sun Hua looked at the news constantly jumping out of his mobile phone. He had a splitting headache.

"Pearl, our stock has almost fallen to the bottom. If it goes on like this, the company will really become worthless!" Sun Hua was really flustered this time.

"Mom, don't worry." Sun Mingzhu said calmly.

The mother and daughter simply changed roles. Sun Hua was too anxious to find the direction, but Sun Mingzhu was more and more clear-minded.

This is similar to the situation she imagined. Mo Qingchen saw that they did not compromise and could not find evidence to sue them, so he directly attacked sun.

The urgency of time fully shows that Mo Qingchen is eager to know the news.

Now is the best time for them to fight back.

"Mom, after this battle, even if sun is rescued, our shares will be impacted and lose their original shares. So now, taking advantage of the low share price, you must try your best to buy a large number of shares!" Sun Mingzhu said.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you forgotten? When Xia Zhian promised to help me, I prepared a document. Now it's time to come in handy."

"You want to give this information to Mo Qingchen?" Sun Hua asked.

"That's right." Sun Mingzhu's eyes glittered with the essence of calculation.

"Don't forget, Mo Qingchen is not as easy to fool as Xia Zhian!" Sun Hua reminded. The more you fight with Mo Qingchen, the more she fears this person. Once Mo Qingchen finds himself cheated, the ensuing revenge will not be affordable to them.

"Do we have another way?" Sun Mingzhu asked.

The current situation is that they are forced to a dead end and can only seek wealth and wealth.

The worst result is bankruptcy. If they don't cheat Mo Qingchen, they will go bankrupt. If you cheat, you may succeed in making a lot of money.

Sun Hua was silent and said for a long time, "then do as you say. These days, I will find a way to buy a lot of stocks."

"Well," said Sun Mingzhu, "wait a few more days and I'll give the information to ah Chen!"

A few days later, sun Mingzhu took the initiative to come to the Mohs.

"I want to see President mo."

"Do you have an appointment?" asked the receptionist.

Sun Mingzhu took off her sunglasses, smiled and said, "just say, sun Mingzhu is looking for him."

Sure enough, after the front desk lady reported through the inside, she got the release instruction.

"Miss Sun, Mr. Mo is waiting for you in the office."

Sun Mingzhu smiled brightly, put sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, stepped on high heels and walked to the elevator.

Mo Qingchen watched sun Mingzhu come in step by step, still holding a document in his hand, and guessed her purpose in his heart.

"Have you figured it out?" asked Mo Qingchen.

"You are so cruel to me, do I dare not understand?" Sun Mingzhu asked. She naturally sat opposite him and played with the document in her hand. "This is what you want, but - you have to fulfill your previous promise, not only stop the attack on sun, but also let the Yan Family show mercy. You have to supply me for the loss of this period of time."

At this time, in fact, sun Mingzhu is not qualified to talk about conditions with Mo Qingchen, but it doesn't matter. As long as he can get the news and convince the Yan family, it's not difficult. After all, it's also for Xia Zhian.

"OK," said Mo Qingchen.

"Ah Chen, I believe you. Don't let me down." Sun Mingzhu handed over the document. Before Mo Qingchen opened it, he turned and left the office.

After this time, sun not only lifted the crisis, but also doubled their share, which can be said to be a very beautiful battle.

Mo Qingchen, who got the information, didn't give sun Mingzhu any attention at all. He immediately opened the file. Unexpectedly, Xia Zhian's surrogate object was him!

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