"Ding -"

The phone rings again and a message pops up in the dialog box again.

"Mr. Mo, how much should I compensate you for soiling your shoes last time?"

This matter really makes Xia Zhian "never forget" ah!

Mo yezhuo suddenly had an evil idea. Since he wanted to compensate, he would "complete" Xia Zhian.

"Fifty thousand."

"What?" looking at these two words, Xia Zhian exclaimed.

A pair of broken shoes costs 50000. Why don't you grab it?

Well, Xia Zhian admits that it's really not broken shoes. When she said she wanted to compensate, she didn't think it would be a bargain. After all, for capitalism like Mo yezhuo, what kind of food, clothing and use will have something to do with the word cheap?

But 50000, are you sure it's not blackmail?

Xia Zhian looked at several zeros. The meat hurt to death. The expression on her face was super wronged. She almost closed her eyes and put her fingers on the transfer page.

Forget it. After the loss, it will be settled. It's like buying a clean one, so as to save Mo yezhuo from looking for her again.

Anyway, she is also a little rich woman now!

Mo yezhuo really said casually that he thought Xia Zhian would bargain with him. After all, his shoes were less than 50000, but the woman transferred money directly!

Interestingly, it seems that Mo Qingchen will be interested in this woman for no reason.

"OK." Mo yezhuo replied after receiving the money.

And Xia Zhian's side, when she was very sad and hurt, Mo Qingchen finally couldn't help it.

"What's the matter with you?" Mo Qingchen crossed Xia Zhian's shoulder and tried to see her mobile phone screen. He complained discontentedly, "I've been playing with my mobile phone for a long time. Show me what's so fun that you can't sleep?"

Xia Zhi jumped at ease and immediately put her mobile phone under the pillow.

I'm kidding. If Mo Qingchen sees her chatting with Mo yezhuo, no one will sleep tonight!

"I didn't play, I was replying to other people's news." Xia Zhian explained solemnly.

"Who? The news in the evening?" Mo Qingchen asked.

Also deliberately hide not to show, this does not mean that there must be something fishy!

"Just a classmate, you don't know." Xia Zhian pressed her mobile phone and looked on guard against Mo Qingchen's coming up to grab it at any time.

He amused Mo Qingchen directly. He was really curious, but he didn't want to rob the mobile phone, but it was very interesting to amuse Xia Zhian.

"The mobile phone has radiation. It's bad for the brain to put it under the pillow. Take it and I'll put it on the cabinet for you," Mo Qingchen said.

"I'll put it myself." Xia Zhian said.

But after sitting up with her arms, Xia Zhian hesitated.

The bed in Xia Zhian's bedroom is decorated at the head of the bed and one side against the wall, so there is only a cabinet next to Mo Qingchen who sleeps outside. If she puts her mobile phone over, she has to hold her arm around the top of Mo Qingchen, but that action - obviously too ambiguous, so that she feels very embarrassed just thinking about it.

Seeing Xia Zhi an Leng there, Mo Qingchen hurried with a teasing smile: "you put it quickly."

Xia Zhian is so angry that she is really in a dilemma now!

"You help me put it!" Xia Zhian put her mobile phone into Mo Qingchen's hand, then quickly lay down, turned her back to Mo Qingchen, and added, "don't peek!"

Mo Qingchen is really cute by Xia Zhian's childish reaction. Her mobile phone clearly has fingerprints and has locked the screen. Even if he wants to peek, it's impossible. Why is this woman so stupid?

But stupid is cute.

After putting the mobile phone, Mo Qingchen still felt that it was not enough. He said very seriously before going to bed: "don't play with the mobile phone before going to bed."

With her back to him, Xia Zhian pouted so high that she thought why you should take care of me? I'm going to play.

The idea is very arrogant, but when it comes to practice, Xia Zhian is at most silent.

Before knowing that Mo LAN is Xia Zhian's child, Mo's and Mo's are in the state of no king. The two companies have not cooperated, and Mo Qingchen doesn't know Mo yezhuo.

However, recently, because of an opportunity, the two enterprises have signs of cooperation.

In addition, the two current corporate speakers felt a little unclear about each other, so that they met. While maintaining their politeness on the surface, they also looked at each other secretly.

They are also young talents, the current power holders of the family, have children, have no women around them, and are interested in the same woman. It is very subtle for them to get together.

"I've heard a lot about President Mo, but I didn't expect to finally have a chance to meet formally today." Mo yezhuo said politely.

"It's all for making a living," said Mo Qingchen. "It's also an honor for our company to cooperate with you."

"Mr. Mo's words are too flattering."

I'm used to talking about the scene. Which social intercourse is not like this, but it's very strange today.

This cooperation is led by the local government, so it is somewhat political and led by two leading enterprises. Therefore, there is not much room for them to compete and play during specific discussions. Generally speaking, it is still necessary to cooperate with the intention of the leader.

After some negotiation, they affirmed each other's business mind and style of conduct, but they had to compete secretly in their hearts.

This is Xia Zhian's surrogate, maybe her first man.

Possession and plunder are the instincts of male creatures. Mo Qingchen cares about Xia Zhian, so he naturally cares about this. Rao is that he doesn't care in front of Xia Zhian, but he can't help being jealous of Mo yezhuo.

While Mo yezhuo was looking at Mo Qingchen, he was also calculating how likely he was to succeed in digging from him?

"Well, I have no problem with this distribution," said Mo Qingchen. "We can come up with a plan in three days. We will continue to discuss it with President Mo at that time?"

"Two days is enough for us," said Mo yezhuo.

This is the first time he has released aggression against Mo Qingchen. Frankly, Mo Qingchen feels a little childish.

Mo may not be able to take it out for two days, but Mo Qingchen doesn't want to be more meaningless.

"There's still plenty of time. The details of the plan are perfect. We'll try to finalize it in three days." Mo Qingchen said. He didn't take Mo yezhuo's move and still kept his rhythm.

"OK." Mo yezhuo said with a smile. He raised his hand and looked at his wristwatch and invited, "the time is almost up. Why don't we have dinner together?"

Mo yezhuo laughs. He hasn't made an appointment with Xia Zhian yet. Instead, he made an appointment with Mo Qingchen first. It's really... It's hard to say.

Mo Qingchen doesn't have such leisure. He goes back to have lunch with Xia Zhian and the children. Isn't it fragrant?

Why eat with Mo yezhuo? He has no appetite when he looks at him!

"Let's just have dinner. When it's settled next time -" Mo Qingchen only said half of his refusal, and was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

"Knock knock"

After two regular knocks, the waiter at the door of the box opened the door and said, "gentlemen, there are guests."

As soon as the voice fell, Xia Zhian appeared with Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang.

Xia Zhian: "

The scene became very embarrassing for a time. Xia Zhian didn't expect Mo yezhuo to be here. What's going on?

"Mr. Mo?" Xia Zhian took the child to Mo Qingchen.

Although it is clear that they are calling Mo Qingchen, it is still a little strange because their surnames are homonymous.

"Why are you here?" Mo Qingchen asked with a frown. After all, this is a workplace. How can Xia Zhian know?

"The housekeeper said that Mrs. Mo ordered it," Xia Zhian explained. "According to the housekeeper's meaning, you asked me to come and have dinner with Tangtang every year."

However, obviously, this is not the case, otherwise Mo Qingchen would not be surprised.

So -- looking at Mo yezhuo sitting opposite Mo Qingchen, Xia Zhian felt a guess.

"In that case, you might as well leave ah Chen and spend your mind on your own son!"

What Mrs. Mo said seemed to echo in Xia Zhian's ears. She suddenly understood Mrs. Mo's intention. This is her design. The purpose is to let her meet Mo yezhuo again. It's best to start some stories. Doesn't that suit Mrs. Mo's heart?

Xia Zhian can think of it, and Mo Qingchen can think of it naturally.

It was too much. Mo Qingchen had an unknown anger in his heart. At that time, Mo Ping forced him to see all kinds of women. Now he actually helped other men dig the corner of his son. It's inexplicable!

"It's all right. We've just finished talking here. Let's go together," Mo Qingchen said to Xia Zhian. Instead, he looked at Mo yezhuo and explained, "Mr. Mo, I'm sorry. I have something else to do. We'll meet again in three days."

With that, Mo Qingchen got up and was ready to leave with Xia Zhian and the child.

However, Mo yezhuo also stood up at this time and said, "Mr. Mo, please slow down."

The party suddenly stopped and looked back at Mo yezhuo.

"Since everyone is here and everyone is an acquaintance, there's no need to be so formal and polite?" Mo yezhuo smiled. His eyes are clearly staring at Xia Zhian and continued, "it's better to hit the sun than choose a day. Today is so coincident, so let's have dinner together. Anyway, there should be nothing more than me, right, President Mo?"

Mo Qingchen and Mo yezhuo have the same status, and Mo yezhuo twice offered to eat together. Mo Qingchen has refused once before, and now it seems a little petty to refuse again.

But Mo Qingchen really didn't want to promise. As soon as he saw Mo yezhuo staring at Xia Zhian, he felt that he should.

However, before Mo Qingchen reacted, Xia Zhian opened his mouth first.

"I don't know Mr. Mo well enough. There's no need to get together for dinner. Since you're talking about business, I'll take them back first and don't disturb them." after that, Xia Zhian didn't give anyone a chance to respond and directly led two little guys to the outside of the box.

Xia Zhian can't stay. She finally makes up her mind to reduce her attention to Mo LAN and don't think about the communication proposed by Mo yezhuo.

But if she looks at Mo yezhuo for too long, she worries that she will shake and change.

So, just don't leave yourself any chance.

If you don't look, don't want, and don't listen, you won't be upset.

Mo Qingchen didn't expect it to start like this. He subconsciously wanted to keep up with Xia Zhian. He only had time to say, "in this case, let's talk again next time."

With that, Mo Qingchen chased Xia Zhian and left.

Watching the two people leave one after another, Mo yezhuo is a little frustrated. He feels that he is active enough, but Xia Zhian's reaction makes him completely confused.

Is this -- afraid of him?

But why are you afraid? He consciously did not show excessive aggressiveness in front of Xia Zhian. Was he so unattractive that he was so reluctant to eat a meal?

It seems that there is still a long way to go to dig the foot of the wall. There is a heavy task and a long way to go!

After Mo Qingchen chased out, Xia Zhian and the children didn't go too far, so they happened to take a bus home together.

In the car, in front of the children, they both tacitly agreed not to mention what just happened, including Mrs. Mo's malicious teasing.

But Mo Qingchen was not very comfortable. He recalled the conversation just now and always felt that Xia Zhian's attitude towards Mo yezhuo was very strange.

It is reasonable to say that Xia Zhian is like a spring breeze to everyone. How can she refuse Mo yezhuo so directly?

There must be something wrong, Mo Qingchen judged.

At home, Mo Qingchen avoids the two children and pulls Xia Zhian into the study again.

"What's the matter? Do you know Mo yezhuo?" Mo Qingchen asked. His eyes were like the sea. There were too many emotions Xia Zhian couldn't interpret.

Facing Mo Qingchen, Xia Zhian couldn't lie at all, so she had to be honest.

"Last time, Mo Waner's welcome banquet." Xia Zhian explained.

"Did you meet him?"

"Well, in the garden."

garden? Mo Qingchen immediately recalled that Xia Zhian felt uncomfortable when she came back from the garden that day, and then the whole person was very wrong. At that time, no matter what he and Xia Yifan asked, she refused to say.

Is -- Xia Zhian's bad mood at that time related to Mo yezhuo?

This speculation made Mo Qingchen feel very unhappy and couldn't help asking the bottom: "what happened to you in the garden?"

Xia Zhian didn't know how to answer. She was a little shy.

Seeing Xia Zhian's expression, Mo Qingchen went up and said, "you'd better tell the truth or -- do you want me to ask Mo yezhuo?"

No, no, no, Xia Zhian would rather say it by herself. Who knows if Mo yezhuo would add fuel and nonsense?

Then she jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it.

So Xia Zhian told her everything about almost falling down, Mo yezhuo's pursuit of her, and the loss of 50000 yuan.

Mo Qingchen suddenly has a sense of crisis. Mo yezhuo dares to think about her woman?

In addition to this, Mo Qingchen also wanted to understand one thing.

For so many days, Xia Zhian has shown all kinds of wrongs because of Mo yezhuo, so - Xia Zhian is really tangled. Do you want to promise Mo yezhuo to be with him?

The huge anger immediately surrounded Mo Qingchen. He ignored it and let this emotion push him forward. Directly from the distance of their normal conversation, Xia Zhian was connected to the wall.

"You have something to say. What is this --"

Xia Zhian's words had not finished, and the remaining syllables were swallowed by Mo Qingchen.

"Well -" Xia Zhian put her hands in front of her chest and tried to push Mo Qingchen away a little, "don't -- let go of me."

Unfortunately, it was in vain.

Mo Qingchen, who was surrounded by anger, kissed fiercely. He didn't see the lingering and tenderness in the past, which completely showed the domineering side of his predator. Xia Zhian faced him like a little white rabbit against a wolf.

The physiological reaction made her blush, and she coughed awkwardly. It was so poor that Mo Qingchen let her go temporarily.

Their foreheads are against their foreheads, and the tip of their nose is against the tip of their nose.

This was a very beautiful posture, but as soon as Mo Qingchen opened his mouth, it was a warning that there was no discussion.

"Xia Zhian, listen," said Mo Qingchen. He stared at Xia Zhian closely, just like the prey he bit in his mouth. His eyes were fierce and strong, and his words were overbearing and autocratic. "If you stay with Mo yezhuo in order to give Mo LAN a complete home, don't blame me for being cruel and cruel and doing something to Mo LAN."

Mo Qingchen's voice was low and deep, with a husky voice after a fierce kiss.

But Xia Zhian didn't feel ambiguous. She just felt cold all over.

She almost exhausted all her strength and pushed Mo Qingchen away. Her eyes were like a wounded little beast. She asked, "are you crazy, Mo Qingchen?"

This is simply unreasonable. Why do you want to start with an innocent child?

Even if it was just a verbal threat at the moment, Xia Zhian couldn't stand it!

"Yes, I'm crazy," Mo Qingchen said angrily with red eyes. "Why don't you try?"

Tears almost burst into her eyes, but Xia Zhian would never allow herself to cry at such an awkward moment. She held back her tears and stubbornly looked at Mo Qingchen. It was a gesture that would never yield.

Very fragile and very strong.

Contradiction but harmony.

When Mo Qingchen reached the moment of extreme anger, it was like a basin of cold water pouring down, and he suddenly became intolerant.

Mo Qingchen's tone became more relaxed and asked, "Xia Zhian, don't you think you're too much?"

"You provoked me first and dared to hesitate to leave. Is it too selfish for you to think so?"

Xia Zhian's old problem has been committed again. She eats soft rather than hard.

When Mo Qingchen threatened her unreasonable, she only felt angry and wanted to resist. However, when Mo Qingchen showed a soft attitude, she immediately changed from anger to guilt.

It's like she really did something wrong.

"I didn't..." Xia Zhian whispered his excuse, nothing? But I can't say it.

The atmosphere of the previous second was tense, and the painting style changed in an instant.

When Mo Qingchen realized that Xia Zhian ate this set more, he changed the routine immediately.

"You said you wouldn't be with Mo yezhuo." Mo Qingchen's tone was almost playing tricks.

This is quite contrary to his image as an overbearing president.

Xia Zhian felt very ashamed. She clenched her teeth and couldn't jump out a word.

"Say it quickly." Mo Qingchen directly held Xia Zhian in his arms and asked again.

What kind of domineering president is this? It's basically a child who plays coquettish and lies. It's 10000 times childish than Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang. Xia Zhian's soft heart has become a pool of water, shy and guilty.

"Do you say it or not?" Mo Qingchen urged.

"Don't say I kissed you again?"

"OK," Xia Zhian said helplessly, "I promise."

Mo Qingchen held Xia Zhian and showed a successful smile where she couldn't see.

Sure enough, the threat is better.

Xia Zhian felt that she was too finished. Every time she played against Shang Mo Qingchen, no matter which move he used, her final result was that she was eaten to death.

It's all like this. She thought she could give up him and chose Mo yezhuo. It's self deception.

Mo Qingchen, who got the guarantee, took off in an instant, holding the fragrant and soft Xia Zhian in his arms, satisfied.

"When are you going to marry me?" Mo Qingchen asked happily, very beautiful.

Although the "proposal" at this time seems a little "despicable", after all, Xia Zhian is in a soft and guilty state. Mo Qingchen feels that he is sure, but the reality always exceeds his expectations.

"When did I say I was going to marry you?" Xia Zhian asked.

Was rejected?

Mo Qingchen can't believe it. It's all like this. Xia Zhian has to refuse him?

Looking at the stunned and incredible Mo Qingchen on her face, Xia Zhian felt guilty for a while, but even if she was "soft rather than hard", she would never easily compromise on this issue.

"Have you forgotten?" Xia Zhian's "kind" reminded, "Mrs. Mo hates me so much..."

"Are you going to marry me or her?" Mo Qingchen was really convinced of this reason and asked, "she hates you. Does it have anything to do with whether you want to marry me?"

"Of course." Xia Zhian said hard.

Thanks to Sun Zhen's blessing, Xia Zhian has a strong desire and demand for family affection, so she hopes her feelings can be blessed, especially those of her relatives.

Like Mrs. Mo, she absolutely doesn't want to get involved with Mo Qingchen.

On this point, Mo Qingchen is really powerless at present.

Looking at Mo Qingchen's unwilling eyes, Xia Zhian said again: "and... I don't think our current relationship has reached the level of talking about marriage."

Mo Qingchen: "

"Then to what extent do you think you can talk about marriage?" Mo Qingchen asked, thinking you'd better tell me one, two, three, four, five.

How could Xia Zhian answer? She stared at Mo Qingchen with a pair of innocent eyes full of water until he disarmed and surrendered.

Don't say, Mo Qingchen really eats this set.

Well, he thought discontentedly that in that case, he would try to make their relationship "further".

When she saw it, Xia Zhian could find any reason to refuse.

The next day, Mohs.

Mo Qingchen had several secretaries in charge of various things. One of them was a woman. He dialed the inside line and called people into the office.

"Mr. Mo, what can I do for you?" the female secretary asked.

"There's something I'd like to ask you for help," said Mo Qingchen.

"What's up?"

Since Mo Qingchen said so, it was mostly a private matter. The female secretary couldn't help being very curious about what the boss wanted to ask her for. She was burning with gossip, but she made a big red face after listening to Mo Qingchen's request.

"But," said the Secretary, somewhat embarrassed, "Mr. Mo, I don't know her figure..."

This was a problem, but Mo Qingchen immediately thought of a solution.

He called the modeling room, asked clearly, and told the secretary.

Well, listen to this size, the figure is really hot.

"OK, Mr. Mo, I know what to do." the Secretary said. She got special approval and immediately got off work and ran to the mall for crazy shopping.

Although it's shopping for others, it's still cool when swiping the card.

"Ding Dong -"

When the doorbell rang, Xia Yifan flew to the door, but saw a woman in professional dress on the display screen.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" Xia Yifan asked.

"I'm president Mo's secretary. On his order, I'll send something to Miss Xia." the female secretary was curious about the woman who could openly live in President Mo's house.

"Sister, I'm looking for you -" Xia Yifan shouted.

"Who?" Xia Zhian walked to the door and found that although she didn't know her name, she recognized that this was mo Qingchen's secretary.

The female secretary never thought that Mo always asked her to help her buy things for her girlfriend. The so-called "girlfriend" is a woman who came to the company before and was almost regarded by her as a competitor?

I heard it was the nanny of President Mo's family? So soon?

Of course, as a professional secretary, executing the boss's orders is the first condition.

"Miss Xia, Mo always asked me to send these things," the Secretary said, pointing to the car behind her. A worker kept carrying clothes down from it. "Please tell me where your room is and I'll help you tidy it up."

Xia Zhian said, "Oh, upstairs, I'll take you..."

The brothers and sisters stood stunned at Xia Zhian's room door. They first watched the workers move the boxes into her room, and then the Secretary opened the boxes one by one, took out clothes one by one, and changed Xia Zhian's wardrobe.

Xia Zhian doesn't know many brands, some of which she knows and some she hasn't seen at all, but as far as she knows, they are all top luxury brands, and some even have to book in advance.

Xia Yifan doesn't have the bad problem of turning over other people's things, but it seems that these clothes are his sister's, isn't it?

Mainly, he was so curious that he took one out of one of the boxes.

It turned out to be a very sexy Tulle pajama. What's the difference between the fabric and the transparent one?

Xia Yifan was like being burned, and quickly threw the pajamas into the box.

Sister and brother, who had seen such a posture, immediately made a big red face. They were speechless to each other for a time.

Xia Yifan was worried immediately. What did Mo Qingchen buy for his sister!

The pajamas just now... What's the difference between wearing the pajamas and not wearing them???

But in front of the Secretary, he tried his best to endure until his face turned red.

The secretary finally cleaned up almost. Looking at the neat clothes in the cabinet, he couldn't help feeling full of achievement.

Mr. Mo is too kind and considerate to his girlfriend!

"Miss Xia, I've packed up," the Secretary said with a smile, "then I'll go first."

"Oh, thank you," said Xia Zhian politely, taking the man to the door. "It's hard."

As soon as the door was closed, Xia Zhian was immediately dragged back to the room by Xia Yifan.

Xia Yifan pointed to the cabinet full of clothes, especially the "sexy Pajama area", and asked, "sister, didn't you say you two were just sleeping?"

"It was." Xia Zhian was so innocent that she didn't lie.

"Are you going to lie to me?" Xia Yifan was angry. The evidence was sent home. How could it be pure sleep, "well, how do you explain these... Things?"

Both of them blushed. It was clear that the originator was not here, but they still felt ashamed and flustered.

"I, how do I know?" Xia Zhian was really hurt by Mo Qingchen. She is hard to argue now. "You don't know him. You always do whatever you want. Who knows what he wants to do when he suddenly makes these things?"

Xia Zhian said this more and more quietly, more and more guilty.

"Hum, I think he's just upset and kind." Xia Yifan said with hatred.

Forget it, it's no use forcing his sister. He'd better ask himself when Mo Qingchen comes back.

Female secretaries come and go like the wind and work very efficiently. As soon as they are finished here, they will report to the boss immediately.

"Mr. Mo, I have changed Miss Xia's wardrobe according to your instructions."


Mo Qingchen sat in the office and couldn't help imagining Xia Zhian's expression when she saw those clothes.

You should be surprised. After all, women like to receive gifts.

Such a interruption, he temporarily put down his work and called Xia Zhian.

"Ding -"

The ringing of the mobile phone frightened Xia Zhian, who was preparing dinner in the kitchen.

As soon as she looked at the screen, it was mo Qingchen's call. She immediately felt that her mobile phone had become hot.

Yes or no?

But the bell was like a talisman. Xia Zhian took a deep breath and picked it up: "hello?"

Before I could ask more questions, I only heard Mo Qingchen ask, "did you receive it? Do you like what I sent?"

Xia Zhian didn't know what she thought of. Her cheeks were slightly red. She looked outside the kitchen in a panic. She whispered, "what are you sending those things for?"

"Agreed to further develop." Mo Qingchen was confident.

Speechless, yesterday's conversation couldn't help floating in Xia Zhian's brain. She just felt that Mo Qingchen was deliberately like this at all. She was provoked with anger and shame. She didn't know what to do.

"You... You talk nonsense again!" Xia Zhian said helplessly.

I only heard Mo Qingchen laughing very arrogantly on the phone and talking nonsense?

I'll know if there's any nonsense tonight.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Zhian continued to prepare dinner in the kitchen, but her whole person seemed distracted. When she was washing, cutting or cooking, she felt that Mo Qingchen's loud laughter seemed to stick to her ear.

Fortunately, Xia Zhian was used to doing these things, so she wouldn't get hurt because of distraction.

At dinner, the atmosphere in the dining room was strange.

Although we usually don't deliberately look for words, today is filled with a depressing feeling, especially Xia Yifan, who eats a little "ferocious".

After dinner, Xia Yifan put down his bowl and suddenly said to Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang: "Nian Nian, Tang Tang, my little uncle has prepared a gift for you."

The rest of them were stunned. What festival is it today?

"Ah - really?" ink brocade sugar asked pleasantly, "little uncle, where is the gift?"

Mo Jinnian was wary and asked, "why do you suddenly give gifts?"

Xia Yifan pulled out a stiff smile. The child just received a gift. Where did he get so much nonsense?

"Give it if you want. It's not a festival today. Can't you give it?" your father sent a lot of malicious clothes to my sister. Xia Yifan thought of it with hatred, but now he seriously separated the two children. "I put the gift in the room upstairs. Will you open it yourself?"

"OK!" Mo Jintang said excitedly, "that little uncle will go up with us!"

"That's not enough. I can't stand the feeling when you open the gifts in front of me," Xia Yifan coaxed. "You go up first and I'll come to you in a minute?"

"That's all right!" then the two children went upstairs heartlessly.

At this time, there were only three adults left on the table in the restaurant.

The previous false and relaxed atmosphere deliberately created finally broke the work. Xia Yifan looked serious, stared at Mo Qingchen, and directly said, "don't go too far! You can't do that before you marry my sister and enter the door..."

Xia Yifan is young and tender in the end. When it comes to the key, he hesitates, which greatly reduces his momentum. Then he stammered and continued: "just those messy things, absolutely can't do!"

Mo Qingchen had no time to make a statement, but Xia Zhian whispered, "yes, I agree."

He was immediately happy!

Did the brothers and sisters just come to the real world from the cave on the top of the mountain? Why do you think so?

A man with two oil bottles and a woman who has been pregnant have to engage in premarital Plato. Who will believe it?

"You are really interesting," Mo Qingchen asked with a teasing smile on his face, "what is a mess?"

This is mo Qingchen's usual trick. Every time he comes to a critical moment, he pretends to be a fool and asks questions solemnly.

Usually, Xia Zhian is so ashamed of him that she raises the white flag to admit defeat, but Xia Yifan won't.

"You can't do anything indescribable to my sister! There can't be anything below your neck!" Xia Yifan said angrily, "are you a man? Don't you even know that?"

This provocation is really too childish. It is so childish that it can't arouse Mo Qingchen's desire to fight.

"Your sister and I are both adults. Why not?" Mo Qingchen asked loudly.

"What about adults?" Xia Yifan refused. "You haven't married yet, but you can't."

"I can do it now. Your sister said that I haven't reached that level. I'm not responding to your sister's words and speeding up the progress." Mo Qingchen said boldly.

Xia Zhian and Xia Yifan were speechless, and they were defeated without the power to fight back.

But this is not the end. Mo Qingchen continued: "besides, don't try before marriage. What if your sister is not satisfied in the future and regrets not admitting her account? I'm also considering it for her."

Mo Qingchen looked at Xia Zhian and said, "of course, this is just a modest statement. It can't make you dissatisfied."

The air suddenly became quiet. Two preschool rookies were taught a vivid lesson by Mo Qingchen, a disguised old driver.

Mo Qingchen completed a teaching at the scene to let the sister and brother know what a suicide attack is.

Xia Zhian and Xia Yifan were completely defeated.

"No matter what you say," Xia Zhian was completely flustered and could only stick her neck and say, "that... That me, I sleep with Yifan tonight."

"What?" Mo Qingchen and Xia Yifan were silly at the same time.

However, Xia Yifan still had some sense and didn't immediately refute Xia Zhian. Instead, Mo Qingchen immediately jumped out to oppose it.

"This is not good!" Mo Qingchen was a little angry and reminded, "you are not close brothers and sisters. Even if you are close, he has grown up. How can you sleep with you?"

It's really such a truth, but isn't it still forced by his Mo Qingchen?

Seeing that Xia Zhian didn't mean to compromise at all, Mo Qingchen could only take a tactical step back and said, "well, I promise that the clothes given today won't come in handy for the time being. Now you can rest assured?"

Sure enough, Xia Zhian was relieved.

"OK, then you must promise to keep your word!" Xia Yifan said, with a full distrust of Mo Qingchen in his eyes.

"Of course." Mo Qingchen accentuated his tone.

The brothers and sisters were relieved at last, and then they went back to each other. What should we do.

Although she got the guarantee from Mo Qingchen, Xia Zhian still felt very shy because of such a scene.

I cleaned up the kitchen and the living room. I touched here and there. I was almost scrambling to work with other servants, but I couldn't find any work until I hesitated to enter the bedroom.

Xia Zhian's ostrich mentality always feels that she can drag.

Mo Qingchen didn't like it, so he came to catch people himself.

"You won't sleep tonight?" asked Mo Qingchen.

"Yes, I want to sleep." Xia Zhian said.

"What's the delay? Have a rest and don't get up tomorrow?" Mo Qingchen urged.

Xia Zhian doesn't understand. It's clear that she entered her own bedroom. Instead, it's Mo Qingchen who is like a duck to water. She's uncomfortable and becomes herself?

Mo Qingchen lay on the bed, and Xia Zhian went into the bathroom for a long time, then slowly rubbed to the bedside in her ordinary pajamas.

As soon as her hand touched the quilt, Mo Qingchen suddenly grabbed her wrist and said, "put it on and show me."

"Ah?" Xia Zhian was startled by his action and asked, "what for?"

"What do you say?" Mo Qingchen asked with a smile, and then took out a sexy Pajama from the bed with his other hand, which he chose himself while Xia Zhian was in the bathroom.

I have to say that paying so much salary to the secretary still shows value. At least it's done to his heart.

"You..." Xia Zhian blushed at the moment when she was wearing that pajama. She couldn't speak clearly. She looked at Mo Qingchen in disbelief and said, "you, how can you go back? It's already agreed..."

Xia Zhian's voice is getting smaller and smaller, but Mo Qingchen is iron today and has to let her change.

The two kept the posture that Mo Qingchen grabbed Xia Zhian's wrist and couldn't stand still.

Xia Zhian wanted to cry without tears. She said wrongfully, "let go of me. If you do this again, I'll go to Yifan's room to sleep -"

"No." Mo Qingchen was angry and dared to say such words?

"Xia Zhian, do you dare to go there? Or you try. If you go to Xia Yifan's room, I'll kill you in front of him -"

"How can you do this?" Xia Zhian quickly interrupted him for fear that he would say something earth shaking.

"What?" Mo Qingchen stared at Xia Zhian tightly with deep eyes.

Again, again, the familiar feeling is again!

Xia Zhian was about to cry if Mo Qingchen didn't force her to change her clothes... But obviously, it's impossible. Mo Qingchen really stuck to this broken Pajama tonight.

"What a pity not to wear it?"

Xia Zhian: "..." I didn't ask you to buy it!

"Wear it," said Mo Qingchen brazenly. "You must look very good in it."

Xia Zhian: "..." the devil believes you. When I used to wear it, didn't you say I didn't have much meat? Don't you tempt me with pajamas?

"I want to see it," Mo Qingchen said softly. The voice was like a hook with magical power to confuse people's minds.

Xia Zhian couldn't say whether she was forced by Mo Qingchen to compromise or was finally bewitched by him. In short, at last, she nodded almost undetectable.

With such a subtle action, Mo Qingchen suddenly showed a smile on his face.

"But I don't wear the one you chose." Xia Zhian whispered her last resistance.

I'm kidding. What's the difference between the one in Mo Qingchen's hand and not wearing it?

She's crazy to really change that one.

At this point, Mo Qingchen doesn't insist. Anyway, the female secretary works well. These pajamas are basically the same in his eyes.

"OK, you choose yourself." Mo Qingchen said generously.

Xia Zhian stood in front of the "sexy Pajama area", frowning and doing multiple-choice questions.

This one? Or that one?

Ah... I'm so angry. Why did I promise? How did it become like this? What's the difference between this one and that one? Even the most conservative one is the one Xia Zhian will never take the initiative to buy and wear in her life!

Xia Zhian took the one with the most cloth with a state of mind of turning a blind eye to death and dawdled into the bathroom.

After changing, Xia Zhian first checked in front of the mirror, and suddenly suffered a face.

The most conservative one is at least ten times more expensive than the one she bought herself!

"Did you faint in the bathroom?"

Damn it, Mo Qingchen is still urging her outside!

Xia Zhian was really worried that he would break in like this, so she had to go out quickly.

At this time, only the light at the head of the bed was on in the bedroom. The shadowy light seemed to add a floating light and shadow to Xia Zhian.

She's like a woman coming out of a movie.

Mo Qingchen unconsciously swallowed his saliva, and then felt that insisting on Xia Zhian changing her pajamas was both a welfare and a kind of suffering.

Xia Zhian felt very embarrassed and said, "you turned off the light."

"Ah..." under the dim light, Mo Qingchen smiled gently and said teasingly, "are you inviting me in such a hurry to turn off the light?"

Invite you!

Xia Zhian finally understood that she shouldn't talk too much. How could she speak better than the old driver!

Quickly walked a few steps to the bedside and crossed Mo Qingchen. Xia Zhian quickly hid in the quilt and wrapped herself tightly with the quilt. This was a little reassuring.

However, after a long night, she dressed like this again. Can she really sleep?

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