Although there is no clear evidence that the perpetrator is the murderer, Mo Qingchen basically thinks so.

He was deeply aware that the murderer was now eyeing Xia Zhian.

Xia Zhian is in the Ming Dynasty and the murderer is in the dark. This is what Mo Qingchen is most worried about. It is impossible to prevent.

What's more, the other party has such a bad criminal record.

"Don't worry," Mo Qingchen comforted Xia Zhian in his arms. "Now you have provided information to the police, they will find someone as soon as possible, and I will send someone to investigate."

"You stay at home these days, with Yifan, Zhongnian and Tangtang."

"If there's something wrong with the school, call me and I'll deal with it with you, okay?"

Mo Qingchen thought about it in his heart, but he arranged it for Xia Zhian in an orderly way.

When Xia Zhian heard his words, she really calmed down a lot. She held Mo Qingchen's hand and felt the hot temperature in his palm. She immediately felt much better.

"Well, I know," Xia Zhian said.

Sitting in the back row, they are in an interdependent and very intimate position.

The day was full of ups and downs. Xia Zhian's mood fluctuated too much. She was physically and mentally tired. Leaning against Mo Qingchen's arms, she soon fell asleep.

There is still a distance from Mohism. Since Xia Zhian has been received, there is no need to perform the speed of life and death at this time.

"Tired?" asked Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian nodded in his arms, and even had no strength to respond.

"Nothing, you close your eyes and squint for a while," Mo Qingchen spoiled and touched Xia Zhian's soft head and coaxed, "I'll call you when it's time."

Xia Zhian obediently shrank in his arms, adjusted her posture, chose a more comfortable position, and closed her eyes.

Mo Qingchen's mind was full of what Xia Zhian had just said. If the murderer really stared at Xia Zhian, it was more urgent to let people protect Xia Zhian than to find out the truth. After all, he couldn't stay with her 24 hours to protect her.

Also, why did the killer stare at Xia Zhian?

There are so many mysteries in it that he doesn't have any clue yet.

At this time, the driver who had been driving quietly in front suddenly "eh".

Mo Qingchen didn't hear it at all. After all, he was paying attention to Xia Zhian and about the murderer.

The driver obviously didn't mean to disturb Mo Qingchen. He looked in the rearview mirror from time to time and found that a car seemed to be very close to them. This was very unsafe. Therefore, the driver subconsciously wanted to open some distance.

However, when the driver accelerated, the car accelerated.

Are you following?

Therefore, the driver deliberately slowed down again, but found that the car did not slow down. It seems that he thought too much, not tracking——

Before the idea completely disappeared, the driver's face suddenly became very ugly, even with some fear.

Because the car that didn't slow down crashed straight into their car and was accelerating!

The accident happened in that millisecond. Rao was an experienced driver and had no time to respond at that moment. He could only watch the car hit!

With a bang, the two cars collided and made a loud noise!

There were three people in the car. The driver was lying on the bounced airbag, while Mo Qingchen and Xia Zhian in the back row suddenly moved forward because of inertia and bounced back because of recoil because they didn't use the seat belt. With such a rush and collision, the three people immediately fell into a coma.

However, at this time, someone approached the scene of the incident, couldn't help but open the door and directly took Xia Zhian away.


"Hiss -" severe headache and aching all over, which is Xia Zhian's first feeling after waking up.

She slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a completely strange place. She was lying in a bed. Not far from the bed, there was a chair with a man sitting on it.

It was the school print shop, the handsome shopkeeper!

"You - why am I here?" Xia Zhian asked, "who are you?"

Mingming is very flustered, but Xia Zhian still tries to make her face look calm.

"Little beauty, I just want to add a wechat. Why do you run so fast?" the shopkeeper smiled very gloomy. He slowly stood up from his chair and walked towards Xia Zhian step by step.

What the hell is going on?

Xia Zhian's mind is in a mess. Isn't she with Mo Qingchen?

She was sleeping, and then... There seemed to be a violent impact. When she woke up, it was this absurd scene. She put her hands behind her and moved back, but her eyes revealed her fear.

The shopkeeper in front of me is really strange and terrible.

The smile and look looked like a pervert. Xia Zhian's heart hung up.

"What are you doing? Don't come here!" Xia Zhian roared, "stop, stop!"

The shopkeeper seemed very excited, or after seeing Xia Zhian's fear, he suddenly became excited.

"Don't be afraid. Be obedient and cooperate. I guarantee you will feel very happy," said the shopkeeper. He approached the bed and put his hand to Xia Zhian's leg——

On the other hand, shortly after the accident, the traffic police rushed to the scene and sent the unconscious Mo Qingchen and the driver to the hospital.

Although Mo Qingchen protected Xia Zhian because he didn't wear a seat belt, he hit badly, but the injury to his head was not serious, so he woke up soon.

"Where's Xia Zhian?" this was the first sentence after Mo Qingchen woke up.

He scanned the ward for a week and found no one. It happened that a nurse came in. He immediately asked, "where is Xia Zhian? Is she okay?"

The nurse was silly and thought that the man in front of him had broken his brain. She tentatively asked, "Sir, who is Xia Zhian?"

"It's the woman who came in with me." Mo Qingchen explained.

Silly, silly, it seems really silly. The nurse sighed in her heart that such a handsome man is a fool in the future.

"Sir, only one man came in with you," the nurse explained. "He's in the ward next to you. He's not awake yet."

Mo Qingchen's head was "buzzing". What does this mean? Xia Zhian didn't send it in with them?

Aware that the situation was wrong, Mo Qingchen turned and asked, "where's my mobile phone?"

"In the cupboard at the head of the bed --"

Before the voice fell, Mo Qingchen had taken out his mobile phone and quickly dialed a phone.

"Hello, Mr. Mo, what do you have -"

"Don't talk nonsense. Xia Zhian is gone," Mo Qingchen said eagerly. "Now you hurry to find someone for me!"

His subordinates were startled by Mo Qingchen's attitude, even if they checked it.

The intersection where the accident happened was monitored. Mo Qingchen's men hacked into the system of the Transportation Bureau and checked the monitoring at that time. Only then did they notice that Xia Zhian was taken away.

Then he followed the surveillance all the way to the last place the man entered.

Fortunately, it seems that the man hasn't left yet.

"Mr. Mo, we found the location of Miss Xia. This is --"

"Send me the address. You go first and I'll come right away."

With that, Mo Qingchen put on his shoes to run out, but was stopped by the nurse.

"Sir, your brain CT results haven't come out yet. You can't run around. Hurry up and lie down -"

Before the nurse said anything, Mo Qingchen had already run away, leaving only his back.

When Mo Qingchen arrived, his men also just arrived. They immediately came forward, faced the door and asked, "Sir, let's --"

Mo Qingchen kicked the door open with one foot.

"Bang -" the door opened, and Mo Qingchen rushed in first.

His men followed him, still worried, and shouted, "Sir, let's --"

Mo Qingchen rushed in and suddenly saw the man reach out and hold Xia Zhian's ankle. Suddenly, his blood surged up and kicked the man over.

"Mo Qingchen!" Xia Zhi'an shouted and hurriedly wanted to jump on the man. Mo Qingchen immediately caught the man steadily.

Fortunately... At least Xia Zhian looks well dressed, and there are no obvious scars on the body surface.

Mo Qingchen was relieved and ordered his men behind him: "call the police, watch him, and give him to the police at that time."

With that, Mo Qingchen left with Xia Zhian. They hurried to the hospital again.

I have to give Xia Zhian a full body examination first.

The police quickly arrived and took the man to the police station, but the interrogation ran into a problem.

The shopkeeper insisted that he only saw Xia Zhian at the scene of the car accident, recognized her, and took the person away. Before he had time to commit a crime, he was kicked over by Mo Qingchen, so he was at most an attempt.

The police still remember Xia Zhian's report. They didn't find Xia Zhian's so-called "bite" on the shopkeeper's arm. Therefore, they detained the shopkeeper for a period of time at most, and couldn't really do anything to the shopkeeper.

The news reached Mo Qingchen. He told Xia Zhian, who was being examined by a doctor, the results.

Most of the injuries on Xia Zhian's body come from car accidents. It shouldn't be too serious to be dealt with at this time, but she thinks it's not so simple.

"I think... The shopkeeper is the man who dragged me to the grove." Xia Zhian said, "they feel very similar to me. They are clearly a person!"

"Don't worry," Mo Qingchen said painfully. "This matter will be handled by the police. Take care of yourself first."

"Really, I really think they are the same person!" Xia Zhian said.

"OK, I'll find out. Now let the doctor help you deal with the trauma?" Mo Qingchen patiently comforted Xia Zhian.

Anyway, things have priorities. In Mo Qingchen, Xia Zhian's everything comes first.

But now we have to deal with Xia Zhian's injury. As for the grandson... Mo Qingchen will never let him feel better.

"He's still in the police station now. You can't run. Don't worry," said Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian calmed down and let the doctor help her deal with the wound.

It was midnight when the examination results of the two came out.

According to the CT results, it was only a slight concussion. The doctor suggested that he should be hospitalized for observation for a few days.

But Xia Zhian was upset and insisted on leaving the hospital.

"Lying here is also lying down. It's better for me to go back," Xia Zhian flirted with Mo Qingchen. She really can't stay in the hospital at the moment, "okay?"

Concussion can be big or small. Mo Qingchen was worried and talked with the doctor for a long time. In fact, he was also a patient at this time. However, he considered that the security of the hospital was really not as good as at home. He was even more worried about letting Xia Zhian stay here.

"Then I'll take her back. If there is any situation, I must contact the hospital at the first time."

The doctor couldn't resist Mo Qingchen and finally had to let them go back.

After such a toss, their physical strength was already exhausted. After washing, they quickly lay in bed.

The scenes that happened during the day were like movies. They were played in Xia Zhian's mind, so she couldn't be at peace at all. Various clips and physical discomfort made her very uncomfortable. She just felt that her head hurt more.

"Uncomfortable?" Mo Qingchen asked.

Xia Zhian dared not say "yes" for fear that Mo Qingchen had to take her to the hospital. She could only curl up like a coquettish and take the initiative to drill into people's arms.

"No, I just feel a little scared." Xia Zhian said. She was really afraid. When she was locked in the room by the abnormal shopkeeper, she almost thought she had no chance to see Mo Qingchen again.

At this moment, holding Mo Qingchen's warm body, Xia Zhian felt very lucky.

Luckily she didn't have an accident. Luckily she could hold him.

Xia Zhian rarely had such an active moment. Mo Qingchen was very useful. He took people in his arms, gently patted her back and coaxed her in his mouth: "don't be afraid. With me, I won't let anyone hurt you."

"Well." Xia Zhian held Mo Qingchen tighter.

The sense of fatigue slowly invaded. Xia Zhian only felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and then fell into a deep sleep.

After Xia Zhian fell asleep, Mo Qingchen got out of bed with light hands and feet.

He didn't leave too far, so he stood at the door of Xia Zhian's bedroom, left a crack in the door, and stood at the door to make a phone call.

"If you let the police continue to interrogate, there must be something wrong with that man."

Hit the scene of the accident by coincidence?

Hehe... This statement can only deceive primary school students. If he puts it here, he won't believe half a word.

"Yes, I see," said the man on the phone.

"And what she reported at night. Find out the result quickly."

"Yes, I see, Mr. mo."

This one thing next to another upset Mo Qingchen. How come they all came together and were full of dangerous elements. At the thought of such people staring at Xia Zhian, Mo Qingchen couldn't be at ease.

Xia Zhian was too tired. She felt her whole body was heavy, like falling into the deep sea. Her breathing was oppressed, and her limbs seemed unable to move.

Then the blue sea turned into a dark grove without five fingers. She could only hear insects and birds. She tried to run, but she seemed to be trapped in the woods. How to run was in situ.

She was so tired that she wanted to leave this place. Suddenly, a low male voice sounded.

"Where do you want to go?"

Xia Zhian turned her head with the voice. She wanted to see the speaker's face clearly, but she found that she couldn't see it clearly at all.

Scary laughter echoed in the woods. Xia Zhian continued to run desperately, but the voice kept chasing her, getting closer and closer——

Until she felt caught!

The master of the voice used violence against her. She fell to the ground and struggled to climb forward, but the man's strength was too strong. He pressed her and tore her clothes.

Her skin was exposed to the air, and she was surrounded by a feeling of cold and fear, and then the man began to invade her.

Xia Zhian seemed to suddenly become the perspective of God. She watched the man do evil to the "she" on the ground, bully her, kill her, and then cut off her limbs!

The scene was really miserable. The fear and pain deep into the bone marrow seemed that every knife was really cut on her, the blood splashed, and the dark night was red with blood

"Ah -" with a shrill scream, Xia Zhian suddenly sat up from the bed. Her forehead was soaked with sweat, but it was cold.

"What's the matter?" Mo Qingchen heard the movement in the bedroom, put away his cell phone and rushed in immediately.

"Are you all right?" Mo Qingchen looked at Xia Zhian anxiously and asked, "have a nightmare?"

Hearing the word "nightmare", Xia Zhian reacted. It turned out that everything was just a dream

"Sobbing..." Xia Zhian couldn't help choking. She opened her arms and needed a hug.

Mo Qingchen immediately went to bed, hugged people, gently patted her back, printed a kiss on her head, and comforted: "it's okay, it's okay, you're at home, I'm here."

Mo Qingchen's comfort alleviated Xia Zhian's palpitation to a certain extent, but the feeling had a long aftertaste.

"You are very weak now. Be good. Close your eyes and have a rest." Mo Qingchen looked at the white fish belly gradually brightening in the sky and was helpless for a moment.

This turbulent and chaotic night is finally going to pass, but what happened will not pass so easily.

No matter how Mo Qingchen comforted, Xia Zhian couldn't sleep. Even if she closed her eyes, her eyelids were still jumping. The picture in the nightmare seemed to be printed in the depths of her mind. Once she closed her eyes, everything would sweep again.

On weekdays, Xia Zhian coaxed the two children to sleep. Today, his identity turned upside down and became Mo Qingchen coaxed Xia Zhian to sleep. Only then did he personally experience the hard work, but he was more distressed.

This is really a disaster.

Since she couldn't sleep, Xia Zhian simply forced herself and forced herself to recall the scene when she was killed, the Boulevard, the night wind, the man, the grove, the threat

No, Xia Zhian suddenly opened her eyes, broke free from Mo Qingchen's arms, looked at him and said seriously, "I really think the man who took me away is the man who attacked me in the woods!"

"Although I didn't have a chance to see his face clearly in the woods, they gave me a very similar feeling."

Mo Qingchen looked at Xia Zhian and said helplessly, "but the police didn't find your so-called bite mark on his hand."

Although Mo Qingchen also believed Xia Zhian's words, he could not handle the case by feeling. He had to look at the evidence.

As soon as Xia Zhian heard this, she was in a hurry. She grabbed Mo Qingchen's arm, leaned forward slightly, and said, "the bite mark can't stay on the body for long. If you delay it until the bite mark completely disappears, you really can't testify against him at that time!"

"I know," said Mo Qingchen. He took Xia Zhian's hand and looked at him calmly with a little strength. "Don't worry, the police will actively investigate, and I sent someone to continue looking for evidence."

Xia Zhian nodded. Her eyes hung down again and stared at a certain place. Ten fingers entangled her. She knew that it was useless to worry, and that what Mo Qingchen said was reasonable, but she couldn't calm herself down.

Mo Qingchen looked at her, suddenly remembered something and asked, "do you know the man who took you?"

Xia Zhian nodded and explained, "I don't know you either. Before the defense, I went to his store to print papers at noon. When he paid, he said he wanted to add my wechat. I felt strange. I ignored him and left after scanning the code."

Mo Qingchen fell into a deep thought. A man who only met once was brave enough to take people away at the scene of the car accident. How could it be so just?

At this time, Xia Zhian added: "he was a new face. I saw him for the first time in the school print shop."

new face?

Mo Qingchen noticed something different in his heart. He just felt that the so-called print shop owner was more and more suspected, but he didn't show it on his face.

"I know," Mo Qingchen tucked Xia Zhian back into the quilt and coaxed softly, "leave these things to me. Have a good rest first."

Xia Zhian obediently closed her eyes and tried to calm down those complicated thoughts in her mind.

Until Xia Zhian finally fell asleep, Mo Qingchen quietly left the bedroom.

As soon as he came out, he bumped into Xia Yifan who had got up.

"I heard my sister came back temporarily last night. What's the matter?" Xia Yifan asked.

After all, it's about Xia Zhian's safety. Mo Qingchen can't hide it from Xia Yifan, so he informed him of this series of strange events.

"Your sister has just fallen asleep. Don't disturb her and let her sleep a little more." Mo Qingchen said.

Xia Yifan nodded and asked, "is the situation serious?"

Mo Qingchen cautiously replied, "it's still unclear what's going on, but I let her stay at home these days. You should accompany him more and pay attention to safety when you go to school."

"I see," Xia Yifan said with a heavy face, "you don't have to worry about me. Worry more about my sister."

After telling, Mo Qingchen began to deal with all kinds of subsequent things.

From the time he gave the order until now, his men still didn't send back valuable news. He knew: "go to the university to check the owner of this printing shop."

His subordinates quickly changed the direction of the investigation and immediately drove to the school. Only then did they find that the print shop didn't open at all because the owner was being detained at this time.

"Classmate, do you know where the shopkeeper of this store has gone?" my subordinates asked a few passing students, "I've been looking for him for a long time and haven't seen anyone. It's reasonable to say that he has lost a lot on the day he closes!"

"I don't know," said the classmate, "but he really delayed things. Everyone is anxious to print papers recently. We have to queue up more if there is one less store."

A classmate nearby also complained and said, "it's just that I came to print things last night. It's only 7:30. He actually closed the door. It's incredible."

His men keenly captured the information and asked, "closed at 7:30 last night?"

"Yes, I remember clearly."

After thinking about it, the man asked in another way, "he opened a shop at school. None of you are familiar with him. Do you have a contact information or something?"

"We are really familiar with other bosses, but he is new. I don't know him very well anyway."

Many students around agreed one after another. They knew it in their mind. After getting on the car, they immediately called Mo Qingchen.

"Mr. Mo, the shopkeeper has a big problem."

Mo Qingchen's face was very ugly. He listened to his men continue to report over there: "when Miss Xia had an accident at school last night, the store didn't open. Recently, they are graduates who come to print papers, so many people know that he always closes the store."

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, Mo Qingchen frowned. There are too many abnormal places on the shopkeeper. Even if there is one in ten million coincidence, it is impossible for so many coincidence contracts to happen to one person.

Mo Qingchen immediately contacted the police.

"This man definitely has a problem. When Xia Zhian was injured, he had enough time to commit a crime, and before that, he tried to get Xia Zhian's wechat, but was rejected."

"I hope you can find out the truth as soon as possible and explain it to my girlfriend."

Mo Qingchen is in city a, not to mention black and white, with one hand covering the sky, but he is definitely the top three on the taxpayer list. Usually people like this kind of person, people from government and public institutions have to coax and respect. After all, his status is there.

Knowing that the victim Xia Zhian was actually Mo Qingchen's girlfriend, the people in the police station were like beating chicken blood, and their enthusiasm and initiative for investigating the case rose several levels.

However, due to the lack of clues, the progress is slow. The police officers have been ordered by the leaders several times, and the pressure on them is huge. Therefore, it is certainly impossible to have a good temper with the detained shopkeeper.

But the shopkeeper was also stunned. A few words angered the guards and made them move their hands on him.

"Ah -" the shopkeeper screamed and screamed, "you're lynching. I'll sue you for illegal duty! I'll sue you!"

Faced with this situation, the police officer was familiar with it and immediately said, "OK, don't you want to sue us? Ask someone to examine your injury!"

Of course, the people who examined the injury were with the police, but they took a form. However, no one thought that this test really found a big problem.

There was a deep tooth mark on the shopkeeper's calf!

Isn't this what Xia Zhian said when she reported the case that she had bitten the perpetrator?

Is Xia Zhian remembering the wrong part and biting not the arm, but the calf?

The police immediately contacted Xia Zhian and responded to the problem to her.

"Miss Xia, are you sure the part you bitten is your arm?"

Xia Zhian was stunned. Are you sure?

It was dark at that time. She couldn't see anything at all. She bit what she caught in panic. She didn't notice whether it was an arm, but subconsciously thought it was an arm.

The shopkeeper was born beautiful. He was very thin. It's not surprising that he took his legs as his arms.

"I'm not sure. I couldn't see what part it was at that time. I just remember that I bit deeply and there should be a deep tooth mark."

"We found tooth marks on the suspect's calf!"

Modern technology has been enough to support making tooth models. Immediately, the wound traces on the suspect's lower leg and Xia Zhian's tooth model were extracted. As soon as they were paired, they were found to be completely matched.

The shopkeeper is the one who dragged Xia Zhian into the woods to commit the murder.

Xia Yifan was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"Strange, why did this psychopath attack my sister?" Xia Yifan didn't understand. With his sister's personality, he wouldn't make enemies with others at all. It's hard to come true because he killed his heart without going to wechat. It's too exaggerated!

"This is not clear. We can only wait for the police to continue the investigation," said Mo Qingchen.

But this matter has hardly been washed away. At least from the news found by Mo Qingchen, this man does have an antisocial personality.

It's true that poor people must be hated.

This seemingly handsome man, in fact, had a rich family background in the past, but he almost exhausted all his family background and even got a career in order to marry a wife.

I thought this would at least make my wife devote herself to him, but things changed. Finally, the woman eloped with their children and other rich men!

Later, the man's suspicion became more and more serious. He even suspected that the so-called child was not his own.

Since then, every beautiful woman is a bad woman with profit in the eyes of men.

Xia Zhian's original sin is because she looks too beautiful.

Xia Yifan didn't return to his mind for a long time after hearing this middle melody.

"This is really a psycho. Looking at my sister's good looks, I think my sister is a bad woman. Is there something wrong with her mind?" Xia Yifan said angrily. "Is it possible that he saw a Mercedes Benz and BMW stop on the main road and rushed up and smashed it?"

Mo Qingchen sneered that there are too many cynics in this society.

"I have told the police that this man is probably the prisoner of the previous serial murder," Mo Qingchen said.

Xia Yifan was terrified and said, "fortunately, fortunately, a group of college students rushed out that day, otherwise -"

He said half of it, but he didn't go on.

The pictures of those news reports seem to be still vivid.

If no one had saved Xia Zhian at that time, she might have become the next dead.

Still miserable.

"However, this man is hard spoken. Now he refuses to admit the murder case, but the evidence of his attempt to commit murder against Zhi'an is conclusive. No matter how he justifies, he can't run away." Mo Qingchen said.

"It's different!"

Can the attempted murder and the separation of bodies be compared?

"I think this man is to escape the trial of the law. After all, the sentence for attempted murder is much lighter. He is stupid and will take the initiative to admit that he did the murder?"

Xia Yifan continued to analyze and said: "for a psychopath like this, I don't think it's possible to teach him in prison. If he can't be convicted as a murderer this time, he will continue to commit crimes when he comes out of prison. Dogs can't change eating shit."

On this point, Mo Qingchen's view is completely consistent with Xia Yifan.

"Since he is suspected, the police will naturally step up the investigation," said Mo Qingchen, and his people will certainly help the police provide clues.

Looking at Xia Yifan's deeply worried appearance, he comforted: "it's all right. Others are inside now. Zhi'an is relatively safe. You don't have to worry too much."

Xia Yifan nodded. At least from the feedback on this matter, Mo Qingchen was still very nervous about his sister, which made him feel more good about Mo Qingchen.

Sure enough, after the police began to investigate the owner of the printing shop, and Mo Qingchen's people "helped" provide clues, the progress of the case has made a qualitative leap.

Within two days, it was directly confirmed that he was the murderer of the serial murder.

Public security organs now have business microblogs, which are generally operated by colleagues in charge of publicity.

After the case came to light, the official microblog announced the case. The specific details were not said, but it was confirmed that the prisoner had been arrested to calm the public's panic about the matter.

However, the peeling level of modern Internet users is improving day by day, which is a big case that has attracted attention. Some netizens do not know where to strip the cocoon. The news they get has made the case lively and colorful. Almost everyone knows that the first few victims received violations from prisoners before they were separated.

Originally, this matter has no impact. After all, it doesn't make any difference for netizens who just "eat melons" whether they rape first, then kill and then divide the corpse, or directly kill the corpse.

However, I didn't expect that this case was also concerned by Mrs. Mo, and she knew that Xia Zhian was also one of the victims, but she was lucky that she didn't become the soul of the murderer.

"What, it's still rape and murder?" Mrs. Mo didn't know what she thought. She found a familiar person to inquire about the news from the police.

Finally, it was really raped first and then killed when it was sent back to Mrs. mo.

Mrs. Mo frowned slightly and vaguely felt that there was something wrong with this matter

Xia Zhian is not dead, but it doesn't mean she didn't * *.

Mrs. Mo shook her head again and again. How could their Mohist daughter-in-law be a woman who had been a surrogate first and then violated by murderers?

Tell me, where else should the Mohist face go?

"Ah Chen, what's the matter with this serial murder?" Mrs. Mo immediately called Mo Qingchen. She must ask the matter clearly today.

"Are you interested in this?" Mo Qingchen asked, "just watch the news."

"Don't change the subject for me," Mrs. Mo said very seriously. "You know what I want to ask?"

Mo Qingchen really didn't know. He said, "I don't understand."

Mrs. Mo may not have no channel to get information inside the police station, so it's really uncertain what the purpose of this special call is.

But in Mrs. Mo's ears, she only felt that Mo Qingchen deliberately pretended, or the fact was really as she guessed, and Mo Qingchen was now trying to cover Xia Zhian.

"OK, then I'll tell you directly," Mrs. Mo asked directly without beating around the bush. "You tell me honestly, has Xia Zhian been violated by the murderer?"

Hearing this, Mo Qingchen was about to burst his blood vessels. Where are they?

"You worry too much, there's nothing to do." Mo Qingchen explained helplessly.

"Bang -" Mrs. Mo immediately expressed disdain and said, "I knew you would say so. Don't think I'm a fool. The murderers in front of me have violated. Why is it so special that you have to show mercy when you get to Xia Zhian?"

Mo Qingchen just wanted to explain, and Mrs. Mo said, "don't talk to me about what's available or not, I don't believe it at all!"

"Since you have said so, what do you ask me to do?"

Mo Qingchen was also convinced. Since Mrs. Mo refused to believe his words, why bother calling to inquire?

"Ah Chen, don't use words to your mother. Do you think if you say so, I will believe Xia Zhian is innocent?" said Mrs. Mo, thinking that she had seen through the careful machine that Mo Qingchen didn't exist.

In short, no matter whether Mo Qingchen explained or not, Mrs. Mo determined that he was defending Xia Zhian, and Xia Zhian was violated.

"Do you want to know the truth, or do you really want her to be hurt?" Mo Qingchen asked coldly on the phone.

Xia Zhian is the one he loves deeply. Anyone, even his mother, guesses Xia Zhian with such malice, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Mrs. Mo's mind was exposed. She was a little angry and said, "how can you talk to me? This matter can't be fought with me. Xia Zhian deserves it whether she has been violated or not!"

Mo Qingchen almost swam on the edge of rage. He needed to remind himself that his mother was on the phone all the time in order to resist the impending emotion.

"The police have thoroughly investigated this case, and everything has been proved by the surveillance video. Zhi'an, she was taken away and rescued in less than three minutes. What can happen?" Mo Qingchen said in one breath and paused. Then he continued, "if you don't believe it, I think you can find your friend to go to the police station to verify."

Hearing Mo Qingchen's evidence, Mrs. Mo reluctantly "hum", and even lost in her tone, which made Mo Qingchen feel very uncomfortable.

Mo Qingchen seemed to have finally had enough and said to the phone, "Mom, I know you don't like Xia Zhian and have great hostility to her, but it doesn't matter. I've been with her, and - we'll get married at the end of this year."

With that, Mo Qingchen didn't care what Mrs. Mo's attitude would be and hung up the phone directly.

"What are you talking about? You smelly boy, you --"

"Doo Doo"

Before Mrs. Mo could roar out, there was a busy voice hanging up on the phone. It was like a newly lit firecracker was splashed with cold water and turned into a squib.

One breath blocked his chest. Murph was so popular that he threw his mobile phone directly on the sofa, stood up and walked around in the living room. In short, the tone still couldn't disappear.

"Husband, who do you think I'm doing this for? Who am I doing this for?" Mrs. Mo couldn't digest this emotion, so she could only hold her father and vomit bitterness.

"I think ah Chen is paying less and less attention to me now."

"It must have been ordered by the fox spirit. Before she got married, she began to destroy our mother-child relationship!"

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