Yan Xinger just opened the door of the office and went in. After all the inspections, she was very cooperative, but the whole person's mind was not here at all. His mind was full of sun Mingzhu, Mo Qingchen, and dragon and Phoenix fetus.

The time node when she can't have a baby is very important. Yan Xinger is more inclined, so she can't conceive at all.

But if so, how did the dragon and Phoenix fetus come from?

There must be some secret in it. Maybe it's a shocking conspiracy!

Thinking of this, Yan Xinger was almost sweating.

"What's the matter with you?" the doctor asked with concern. "Do you have any discomfort after checking out so much sweat? You have to feed back your status to us in time."

"Oh..." Yan Xinger soberly withdrew from his complicated thoughts and explained, "I'm not uncomfortable. I'm just a little hot and sweating."

"Then go back to the ward and have a rest. The nurse will pick up the inspection report for you. When the report comes out, you will come back to my office."

"Yes, please, thank you, doctor."

Yan Xinger went back to the ward and lay down. He sorted out what he had just figured out again.

The more she combed, the more frightened she felt. Sun Mingzhu's courage was not ordinary. Did she dare to use other people's children to pretend to be the blood of Mohism?

"Bang bang -"

The door of the ward rang. Yan Xinger put away those thoughts and said to the door, "come in."

Then Xia Zhian came in with a heat preservation bucket.

This time, Mo Qingchen did not appear together.

Xia Zhian stood at the door at a loss. She felt sorry for Yan Xinger, but she also knew that with their relationship, even if she came to see Yan Xinger with soup, the other party might not accept her love.

"Well, last time I said to cook soup to see you." Xia Zhian explained. Then she came in and put the heat preservation bucket on the cabinet next to the hospital bed, ready to open it. "You can taste it. The taste is OK."

"Don't do it," Yan Xinger said suddenly. "I have no appetite now."

Xia Zhian: "

When Xia Zhian appeared at the door of the ward, Yan Xinger suddenly remembered something. Xia Zhian had been a surrogate, and sun Mingzhu also played a certain role in this matter.

She just thought that the dragon and Phoenix fetus was not Mo Qingchen's child. She guessed that sun Mingzhu thought that she could marry Mo Qingchen if she had a relationship with Mo Qingchen, but she didn't expect that Mo Qingchen didn't intend to marry her because she calculated.

So she pretended to be pregnant at home and wanted to marry into the Mohist family by her children. But because sun Mingzhu can't give birth, the child can only pretend to be. The sun family must have bought the doctor who did the DNA test to change the verification results.

But from another point of view, what if DNA verification has not been tampered with at all? The dragon and Phoenix fetus is indeed Mo Qingchen's child, and it is not impossible. After all, Mo Jinnian really looks a bit like Mo Qingchen.

So... In fact, the person who gave birth to the dragon and Phoenix fetus is Xia Zhian?

"Is your physical injury better now?" Xia Zhian took the initiative to find a topic. "Listen to your mother, have you finished the examination today?"

"Well, just finished." Yan Xinger replied carelessly.

No, it seems that the casual attitude is not quite right. Xia Zhian is sensitive to it. At this time, Yan Xinger looks at her eyes, which is obviously different from every time before, but she can't tell what the difference is.

Yan Xinger felt that her idea was too exaggerated at the beginning, but when she connected everything and found that it made sense, she was more sure of her guess.

Sun Mingzhu's madness is unimaginable. It's OK to use other people's children to pretend to be their own children. However, this person is Xia Zhian!

If the truth is true, sun Mingzhu knew from the beginning that she couldn't live. She took advantage of Xia Zhian. After Xia Zhian left, she went to bed, pretended to have a relationship with Mo Qingchen, and got married into the Mohist school.

At this moment, Yan Xinger inevitably gives birth to a kind of pride that everyone is in the dark and she wakes up alone.

"You, what are you looking at?" Xia Zhian asked. Yan Xinger's eyes made her a little overwhelmed.

"Nothing," Yan Xinger even smiled and leaned back on the pillow. She stretched her posture. She stared at Xia Zhian and suddenly said, "Xia Zhian, you know? In fact, I've always been very jealous of you."

"Hmm?" Xia Zhi'an was stunned. She looked at each other at a loss.

Shouldn't this topic be a taboo between them?

Why did Yan Xinger take the initiative?

"I... I have nothing to be jealous of. In fact, you have been staying at Yan's house. Even now, it doesn't make any difference. Parents, brothers and Xi'er should treat you the same as before." Xia Zhian explained.

But this topic always makes people feel uncomfortable. She doesn't particularly want to talk.

"No, it's different," said Yan Xinger, but this time her tone didn't have the huge resentment in the past, but was more indifferent. "You didn't move back, of course, you think it's nothing, but I'm at that house every day. I know if it's different."

"Moreover, I am now in the Yan family, and my status has become very embarrassing. Even if everyone admits me, the gossip is enough to sober me up. How old am I?"

Yan Xinger calmly narrated, and this calm made Xia Zhian don't know how to continue, so she had to be an audience in silence.

"Ha ha..." Yan Xinger suddenly smiled again. Her eyes had been stuck to Xia Zhian, and she seemed to sigh again. Then she continued, "but I found out today that you... Are just a poor man."

Xia Zhian: "

Is there something wrong with this painting style?

Can she chat with Yan Xinger in the tone of an "old friend"? Are you sure it wasn't this accident that directly broke Yan Xinger's brain?

Xia Zhian doesn't know what Yan Xinger's so-called "pity" actually means. Her interpretation is that although she is Yan's parent daughter, she has been wandering outside in the past 20 years and hasn't actually enjoyed everything as the eldest daughter, so she's pitiful.

"In fact, it's OK," Xia Zhian explained. "The previous one..."

When it comes to the former home, it's inevitable to talk about Sun Zhen. Xia Zhian despised him very much, but she suddenly realized that Sun Zhen was Yan Xinger's father... So she immediately turned the conversation.

"Although the past life was a little hard, it wasn't so hard for anyone to accompany me."

"Even if my parents don't find me, I will graduate, find a job, and then continue to live with Yifan. My life will be better and better."

Xia Zhian's optimism and positivity are natural, otherwise she can't take her brother to today alone.

However, after listening to Xia Zhian's words, Yan Xinger only slightly raised the corners of his mouth, did not refute or agree.

Because they didn't say the same thing from beginning to end.

"Thank you for coming to see me," Yan Xinger said to Xia Zhian. "However, I don't think it's necessary for us to meet again, so don't come to see me unless it's an unavoidable situation."

Xia Zhian was a little confused. Even if they didn't talk happily just now, they were both polite. How did they suddenly become like this?

However, she can understand what Yan Xinger said.

"OK, I see," Xia Zhian turned and was about to leave, and finally said, "I wish you a speedy recovery."

After Xia Zhian left, Yan Xinger directly threw the hot she brought into the dustbin together with the thermos.

Xia Zhian is really poor. Isn't she poor herself?

The hate didn't dissipate. Even if she knew the truth, she would never tell Xia Zhian!

Let Xia Zhian continue to misunderstand! Who let her take everything that belongs to her!

In the days after that, Yan Xinger had been recovering well in the hospital, and the inspection report came out. Except for a little tear and inflammation, there was basically no big problem.

Under the doctor's careful treatment, Yan Xinger recovered and went out of the hospital.

The first thing she left the hospital was to meet sun Mingzhu.

In the cafe, two young girls dressed delicately and elegantly sat opposite each other. They all had a smile on their faces, but when they looked carefully, the smile only floated on the surface and did not reach the bottom of their eyes.

"I don't like beating around the Bush," said Yan Xinger. She took a sip of coffee in front of her and asked calmly and confidently, "Sun Mingzhu, Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang are not your own, are they?"

Sun Mingzhu's smile was stiff on her face and turned into shock and a trace of panic in an instant.

On the day of the hospital, Yan Xinger heard everything, and not only that, she guessed something, which was very bad

Yan Xinger didn't need sun Mingzhu's answer at all. Then she threw a new heavy bomb.

"I guess their real biological mother should be Xia Zhian."

This time, Yan Xinger didn't ask, but the tone of narration.

Sun Mingzhu pretended to be calm. Subconsciously, she had to refute Yan Xinger's words and said, "how is it possible? This joke is not funny at all. Of course, Niannian and Tangtang are my children. The Mohists have admitted it. Can they be false?"

"Really?" Yan Xinger smiled. She didn't admit sun Mingzhu's death. She just said casually, "since you are so sure, let me give some suggestions to the Mohists, such as... Let you have a paternity test with two children. Isn't it clear at a glance?"

Sun Mingzhu was speechless at once. She stared into Yan Xinger's eyes and fell into meditation.

Looking at Sun Mingzhu's deflated expression, Yan Xinger felt a burst of pleasure in her heart. She was cool enough, so she began to explain.

"Don't pretend. I heard every word of your conversation with the doctor that day in the hospital," Yan Xinger shrugged and said, "as for the speculation about Xia Zhian, it's actually very simple."

"I investigated Xia Zhian's background at the beginning. She had surrogacy experience, and the time was exactly the same."

"And the most important thing is... Don't you think, in fact, the eyebrows between Mo Jintang and Xia Zhian are very similar? I'm sure Xia Zhian was like Mo Jintang when she was a child!"

"But you are really good. I guess you must have known that you can't have a baby, so you want Xia Zhian to help you have a baby. After all, when Mo Qingchen woke up, the woman lying next to him was you, and the child was you who took the initiative to embrace him and wanted to recognize his ancestors. No one would doubt that the child was not your own. After all, they didn't know that you were actually born You can't have children. "

"And now you still take Mo LAN as an excuse. It's determined that whether it's the Mohist or the Yan family, they don't have the ability to let the Mo family agree to let their eldest son's son and Xia Zhian test their DNA, so they dare to cheat Xia Zhian!"

Finish saying his own speculation, Yan Xinger looks like a bamboo in his heart.

She doesn't believe it. It's already said. Can sun Mingzhu still argue?

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, sun Mingzhu simply gave up resistance and said directly, "yes, you're right. Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang are Xia Zhian's own."

Rao had guessed, but Sun Mingzhu personally admitted that at this moment, Yan Xinger was still distracted.

However, sun Mingzhu's reaction was not quite right.

Yan Xinger frowned. Since she had seen through sun Mingzhu's biggest secret, shouldn't she show even a trace of panic and fear?

But the sun Mingzhu in front of him was very calm and definitely not pretended.

"Don't you worry that I'll tell Xia Zhian about it?" Yan Xinger asked curiously.

Hearing this, sun Mingzhu smiled instead.

She relaxed her shoulders and neck leisurely and asked, "will you tell her?"

How is that possible?

Yan Xinger breathed. She wouldn't say. How could she tell Xia Zhian, but at this time, she couldn't just answer sun Mingzhu.

Sun Mingzhu smiled more happily. They seemed to exchange identities. Like Yan Xinger before, she calmly said, "you won't say, right, Yan Xinger?"

"You hate Xia Zhian so much. If you tell her the truth and let ah Chen know that Xia Zhian's surrogate is himself, do you think he will be happy to marry Xia Zhian directly?"

"Mrs. Mo disliked Xia Zhian because she had been a surrogate for other men, so she wouldn't allow them to get married. If she knew that Xia Zhian was the woman who gave birth to a dragon and a Phoenix, she wouldn't object to Xia Zhian marrying into the Mohist family. In this way, their family is neat, right?"

"But what about you? You were robbed by Xia Zhian of the identity of the eldest miss of the Yan family, and you had to watch the man you like marry the woman you hate most."

"So - you can't tell Xia Zhian at all. You'll just watch her continue to misunderstand. Even you hope that this matter will never be revealed to the world. Let Xia Zhian never know who her own child is!"

Sun Mingzhu said confidently, as if she had seen through Yan Xinger's heart.

Yes, every word sun Mingzhu said was right. Yan Xinger thought so. She suddenly realized that she could not seize this handle to threaten sun Mingzhu, because from a standpoint, their attitude towards this matter was the same.

"Ha ha..." Yan Xinger smiled, his face relaxed a lot, and said, "of course, how can I tell Xia Zhian? I just hope we can be more honest and trust, and have no other ideas."

Yan Xinger must change his strategy at this time. Threats are useless. We have to talk about them.

Sun Mingzhu saw through and said, "this is for sure. I didn't doubt you."

The words are somewhat true and somewhat false. They both know it in their hearts, but no one will take the initiative to poke it.

Unless they don't want to work with each other anymore.

"Just, I don't understand some things." Yan Xinger hesitated for a moment, always feeling that some points in this matter have not been clarified.

"If Xia Zhian hadn't lost her memory, wouldn't she know everything? Even if you did her car accident, it's impossible to forget those." Yan Xinger narrowed her eyes, or said that sun Mingzhu's first plan was to kill Xia Zhian directly? See Xia Zhian lose her memory, just let her life go?

Sun Mingzhu disdained to sneer. "It doesn't matter whether she has amnesia or not. At the beginning of her surrogacy, from beginning to end, I only introduced her to a surrogacy institution, but I never talked to her positively and asked her to give birth to a child to ah Chen. Even if she recovers her memory, she only remembers that she had a relationship with a strange man and gave birth to a child."

"Not only that, in her memory, no one told her from her pregnancy to the prenatal examination that she was pregnant with twins. She always thought she had only one child. Because after giving birth to a boy, she learned that her mother couldn't wait for money to cure her illness and decided to break the contract and don't want money to have children."

"Years after she gave birth to MOJIN, she didn't want her child to be taken away. The doctor could only make her unconscious. MOJIN sugar was born when she was unconscious. Therefore, how could she be the biological mother of dragon and Phoenix fetus when she gave birth to only one boy?" Sun Mingzhu proudly recalled the corner of her mouth.

Yan Xinger didn't expect sun Mingzhu to think so much.

Even if Xia Zhian was pregnant with only one, she would let the nurse deliberately say the wrong gender after giving birth, so that Xia Zhian could not doubt that she was a surrogate for Mo Qingchen.

"Let's talk," said Yan Xinger. "The previous thing has failed. Xia Zhian is now at home intact. Even my mother is more worried about her. Tell me, what are we going to do next?"

Sun Mingzhu frowned. The last thing not only failed, but also involved many other things later, which hurt her vitality. Recently, she has been bothered with the problem of childbirth.

"I think we'll have to wait a while," said Sun Mingzhu, who drank honey lemon tea instead of coffee.

"Why?" Yan Xinger asked with a frown.

She didn't have much patience. In addition, she compensated herself again. Now she was eager to let Xia Zhian pay the price. Where could she stop.

Sun Mingzhu has been dealing with Xia Zhian for a long time. Naturally, she needs much patience and experience.

"Xia Zhian has just narrowly escaped death. At present, it is the time with the strongest stamina. Both ah Chen and herself should pay great attention to safety, so if she starts again, the probability of success will be lower."

"Secondly, no matter how carefully we do things and how clean we pick ourselves, it's hard not to leave a trace of Xia Zhian's serial accidents. As long as a trace is found by ah Chen, it's not far from the day when we die."

"So now, the best way for us is to conserve energy, slow down for a while, wait until the next shot, and then hit it."

These are all sun Mingzhu's experience and heartfelt words. There is no intention to perfunctory Yan Xinger. On the contrary, every word comes from sincerity.

However, Yan Xinger doesn't think so at all.

She hated Xia Zhian. After the Oolong incident, she added a lot of fuel to her hatred for Xia Zhian. Now the flame is burning so vigorously, how can she stop?

"Hum, a coward!" Yan Xinger scolded in his heart.

"When are we going to hibernate?" Yan Xinger asked, "is it difficult to wait so long?"

"Of course not," said Sun Mingzhu. "Be patient. A really good time will come. Instead of touching her like a headless fly, we might as well stare at her first and take it at once when the opportunity comes."

"OK, listen to you." Yan Xinger said.

Although she said so on the surface, Yan Xinger didn't think so at all. She was just perfunctory to sun Mingzhu.

The two chatted again. Apart from this, there was nothing to talk about between them, so they soon dispersed.

Yan Xinger went out of the coffee shop and read: "who, it is estimated that Xia Zhian has been frightened and counselled. Keep your energy? Coax who, just afraid that something about her will be exposed?"

"If you don't dare to do it, you don't dare to do it," Yan Xinger thought it didn't matter. "I just shot Xia Zhian myself!"

Yan Xinger looked at the front with cruel eyes. She knew that some things were there and could never get through, and she would not escape any more. She would choose to face them directly.

"Ding Dong -"

The door bell of the Mohist villa rang, and Xia Yifan was right next to it, so he walked over.

In the monitor is a very familiar face. Xia Yifan frowned, but his face was smiling. He opened the door and said hello: "Why are you here again?"

The dispatcher handed a large handful of flowers to Xia Yifan and said, "of course it's flowers!"

I don't blame them for such a reaction. After all, I can say "see you every day" during this period of time.

"Sister -" Xia Yifan yelled at the house at the top of his voice, "come and sign for it. Someone has sent you flowers again!"

Xia Zhian heard the cry and hurried to the door. When she saw the bunch of flowers, she frowned.

It's been many days. A bunch of flowers every day is motionless, but there is no card in the bouquet, which makes Xia Zhian very curious about the identity of the mysterious flower giver.

When signing, Xia Zhian couldn't help asking, "who sent this?"

She was completely fluke, because the dispatcher should not be able to disclose the customer information to her. However, maybe it was the relationship of meeting every day. The dispatcher didn't hide it and directly said, "it was given to you by Mr. mo."

Mr. Mo?

Xia Zhian was naturally conditioned. When she thought of Mo Qingchen, she smiled, returned the receipt to the dispatcher and said, "thank you. I know. It's hard."

Knowing that it was sent by Mo Qingchen, Xia Zhian looked at the flowers this time and felt completely different.

Somewhere in my heart is sweet. At the same time, I think it's a waste. After all, the shelf life of flowers is too short. Once they wither, I have to spend time and energy to deal with them.

So, in the evening, Xia Zhian talked about it with Mo Qingchen.

"Mr. Mo, in fact, you don't have to send me flowers every day."

It's all a means to pursue women. With their current relationship, it's good to send one at the festival. There's no need to send it every day. If it goes on like this, the family will be full of flowers.

"What?" Mo Qingchen felt very confused. He thought that Xia Zhian had recently fallen in love with the flower art and had so many flowers at home. Unexpectedly, it was sent by someone.

"Ah?" Xia Zhi'an asked when she saw Mo Qingchen's reaction, "didn't you send it?"

"No," said Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian was also confused. The dispatcher clearly said Mr. Mo, not Mo Qingchen. Is it... Mo yezhuo?

The sweet feeling in my heart changed in an instant.

Thinking of the flowers piled up at home, Xia Zhian only felt helpless and headache.

"What's going on?" asked Mo Qingchen.

So Xia Zhian told what had happened in the afternoon and said, "that's probably Mo yezhuo. I really don't understand. What does he want?"

What else do you want?

Mo Qingchen, whose face turned black in an instant, thought that this uneasy and kind-hearted guy just wanted to dig his corner, and the flowers were sent to his house. This is not a * * naked declaration of war. What is it?

"Don't accept his flowers." Mo Qingchen said overbearing.

Xia Zhian's face was wronged and explained, "I don't know he sent it!"

If she knew, of course she wouldn't accept it.

"Then you know now," said Mo Qingchen, still smelling and unhappy, "throw away those ugly flowers tomorrow."

Xia Zhian is not reluctant, but the flowers are right, and they are not ugly!

I think so, but Xia Zhian didn't dare to say so, so that a vinegar jar had to seize the opportunity to teach her a lesson.

"Yes," said Xia Zhian, looking at Mo Qingchen like coaxing a child, "don't tomorrow. I'll throw it away now."

As if to prove her innocence, Xia Zhian immediately ran downstairs to deal with the unwelcome innocent flowers.

Mo Qingchen went directly to the housekeeper and asked, "do you collect things at home so casually? Don't ask who got it. Just accept it?"

The housekeeper looked inexplicably innocent and wondered in his heart what was wrong. He provoked the master and explained tremblingly: "yes, the dispatcher said it was sent by Mr. mo. we all thought it was sent by you, so we didn't dare to intercept."

"Hum." Mo Qingchen sneered. Mo yezhuo would take advantage of this little convenience.

"I'll make it clear later. I'm not allowed to accept anything except what I sent in my full name."

"Yes," said the housekeeper nervously.

After Xia Zhian handled the flowers, she went back to her bedroom and was ready to go to bed.

Before going to bed, Xia Zhian sold a good girl and said, "I threw them away. Don't be angry, okay?"

Xia Zhian is deliberately coquettish. Unfortunately, Mo Qingchen won't eat this set at this time.

"Oh, who is angry?" Mo Qingchen said with a black face.

"Oh..." Xia Zhi'an lengthened her voice, jokingly looked at Mo Qingchen's side face and asked, "I made a mistake about the vinegar smell in the house just now?"

Dare you laugh at him?

Mo Qingchen stretched out his hand to hold Xia Zhian's pretty nose tip and shook it. Then he said, "yes, your smell is out of order."

Xia Zhian immediately took the opportunity to hold his waist. The whole person nestled in Mo Qingchen's generous chest and said, "well, it's my fault. I must ask clearly in the future. I won't accept anything unknown. Don't put a bad face. I'm afraid."

"Are you still afraid?" Mo Qingchen hugged the man in his arms and hummed, "I think you have the greatest courage in this room!"


Xia Zhian knew that Mo Qingchen was not angry, and continued to sprinkle Jiao with kindness.

"You're not allowed to talk to that uneasy and kind guy." the possessiveness in and out of these words is not concealed at all.

But Xia Zhian didn't dislike it at all. She enjoyed it very much.

"I look at you every day. How can I have time to talk to him?"

Mr. Mo was immediately pleased by this. He consciously pressed the corners of his mouth, but there was still a smile leaking from his eyes.

The next day, the dispatcher reported on time again.

But this time, with Mo Qingchen's advice, the housekeeper was absolutely afraid to accept it. Even Xia Zhian refused to receive it.

"What about this flower?" the dispatcher looked at the flower helplessly.

"Take it back," Xia Yifan kindly advised him, "let your store owner stop doing this man's business next time. My sister has a master of famous flowers. This guest can't pry the corner."

"Ah?" the dispatcher was stunned and thought that Miss Xia accepted the flowers happily yesterday. How did the plot turn into such a story today?

After Mo Qingchen came home, everyone noticed that he held a bunch of flowers in his hand.

"Dad -" Mo brocade sugar rushed over first, stood beside him, stared at the flowers in his hand curiously and asked, "how did you hold the flowers yourself today?"

Wasn't it always sent before?

The little guy didn't know the twists and turns in this. He also thought that the previous flowers were sent by his father. A little excited and a little confused.

Mo Qingchen was too lazy to explain more, but said, "of course it's for your mother."

"Oh..." Mo brocade sugar turned his head, suddenly realized, looked at Xia Zhian and shouted, "Mom, this is for you!"

Perhaps because of the little guy's stirring, Xia Zhian's face suddenly turned red.

And let the messenger send the flowers in person. The effect is completely different. At least Xia Zhian feels a little overwhelmed.

She took the flowers from Mo Qingchen's hand and said, "what are you doing? Childish death!"

Like a child, Mo yezhuo will throw away the gifts from others and send them himself.

"Send you flowers, you can only accept what I send." Mo Qingchen said naturally.

Xia Yifan quickly fled the scene of dog abuse without looking at him. He also took the two little guys away. These two people feed dog food regardless of the occasion. The children are here. That's it. Be careful. When the children grow up, they fall in love early!

Of course, the flowers sent by Mo Qingchen were taken care of most carefully.

The next day, Xia Zhi specially found a delicate vase in the storage room and filled it with water. After breaking up the bouquet, she carefully inserted it into the vase, hoping to keep it for two more days.

To do these things well, Xia Zhian took out her mobile phone. After thinking about it, she took the initiative to send a message to Mo yezhuo.

"Mr. Mo, I already have someone I like. I hope you won't do such boring things and send flowers again in the future. I won't accept them either."

After sending it, Xia Zhian was relieved that she had solved a major event.

But unexpectedly, Mo yezhuo replied quickly. Xia Zhian was completely dumbfounded at his reply.

"What flowers? I haven't sent them."

Xia Zhian: "

Is this a deliberate act of stupidity? Or did Mo yezhuo really not send it?

If Mo yezhuo didn't lie, it would be too strange. Mr. Mo, who will send her flowers, Xia Zhian really can't think of anyone else.

Even though Xia Zhian was full of doubts, whether true or false, she felt there was no need to reply to this message. She was about to put down her mobile phone and "Ding -" rang again.

It's the message from Mo yezhuo. This man also takes this opportunity to talk to Xia Zhian.

"I haven't chased girls, and I don't know much about giving gifts, but if you like, I can buy them for you. I don't know what flowers Miss Xia likes?"

Mo yezhuo asked quite sincerely, which made Xia Zhian feel very embarrassed and full of embarrassment.

After all, if Mo yezhuo didn't send flowers, Xia Zhian's message seemed to be deliberately asking for gifts.

So Xia Zhian sent another message to explain.

"Sorry, Mr. Mo, there was a misunderstanding before. My message didn't mean to ask you for a gift."

Mo Ye sees that Xia Zhian is alienated and polite again, and doesn't bother about giving gifts. Instead, he cheekily says, "Miss Xia, I haven't seen you for many days. Mo LAN always pesters me to say that I miss you very much. Don't you know if you have time? Why don't you come to our house to accompany him this weekend?"

Xia Zhian immediately tangled up.

She knew that Mo yezhuo had caught her and used Mo LAN to approach her, but... Even if she knew it was a trap, she couldn't seem to refuse.

Mo LAN is her weakness, which she hangs in her heart.

The last time I saw Mo LAN, when they were on their graduation trip, I accidentally ran into their father and son in the ancient city. I remembered the scene of getting along with Mo LAN at that time. Xia Zhian was tangled for a long time and still clenched her teeth and dialed Mo Qingchen.

"What's the matter?" the voice of Mo Qingchen soon came over the phone.

Xia Zhi felt guilty when she settled down, but she still summoned up her courage and said, "Mo yezhuo said that Mo LAN missed me very much and asked me if I could go to their house to accompany Mo LAN this weekend... So, can I go?"

Hearing the name "Mo yezhuo", Xia Zhian's joy at calling suddenly dissipated. Mo Qingchen smelled a face and scolded Mo yezhuo in his heart.

"Why did Mo yezhuo suddenly send you such news?" Mo Qingchen asked bitterly.

In fact, Mo Qingchen is very confident in himself. He doesn't think Mo yezhuo will pose any threat to himself at all. The only exception is mo LAN, which is just an accident he can't move.

When did Mr. Mo encounter such a situation, he was naturally unhappy.

Xia Zhian didn't expect that Mo Qingchen's attention was so strange, but she patiently explained that she sent a message to Mo yezhuo. After listening, Mo Qingchen was silent.

Xia Zhian was very nervous. She couldn't stand this silence and asked again, "can I go?"

The tone was full of caution and a trace of inferiority.

Mo Qingchen knew that she was willing to go. As a boyfriend, he was not qualified to stop Xia Zhian, so he had to say sour and angry, "your legs are long on yourself."

Xia Zhian couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

Why is mo Qingchen so cute? It's cute and awkward, which makes Xia Zhian feel soft in her heart.

She coaxed: "well, big vinegar king, I went for Mo LAN. Don't think too much."

"Hum." Mo Qingchen proudly hung up the phone.

With the permission of Mo Qingchen, Xia Zhian has the confidence to promise Mo yezhuo and send a "good" message.

On the other day, Mo yezhuo, who received the news, was also happy.

Sure enough, the card "Mo Lan" is easy to use. He has to make good use of Xia Zhian's irresistible to Mo LAN in the future.

In the evening, after Mo Qingchen returned home, he went to the two children's rooms, even closed the door and whispered.

"Dad, why close the door?" Mo Jinnian asked suspiciously.

"This weekend, your mother is going to play with Mo LAN," said Mo Qingchen.

"Ah?" when the two children heard about it, they suddenly became nervous and looked at each other helplessly. They both saw the same worry from each other's eyes.

"So... Mom still likes Mo LAN very much and doesn't want us, right?" Mo Jintang said dejectedly, as if she would cry in the next second.

Mo Qingchen can't really scare Mo Jintang to cry. If she cries, she has to let Xia Zhian coax her. At that time, if you want to know the reason why Mo Jintang cries, don't you know what he said?

"Don't cry, Tangtang," Mo Qingchen coaxed. "I didn't say my mother didn't want you, but it's dangerous for her to see Mo LAN, isn't it?"

The two children immediately nodded, such as pounding garlic. It was really dangerous. What if Xia Zhian ran to be mo Lan's mother?

"Then what should we do?" Mo Jinnian knew that his competitiveness was not as good as Mo LAN, and asked with some worry.

Looking at the expression of the two children crying, Mo Qingchen couldn't bear it, but he couldn't fall short.

"You don't want your mother to be robbed, do you?"

"HMM." Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang nodded hard.

"Then at the weekend, you must follow your mother to Mo Lan's house. Do you understand?" Mo Qingchen coaxed, and then said his real purpose.

Mo Jinnian immediately realized it and said, "Dad, we know what to do!"

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