Between the two brothers and sisters, they fell into silence again.

Things seem to become more complicated and confusing. Who is the eye staring at Xia Zhian behind?

If this matter can not be completely solved, will Xia Zhian live in such a fearful and careful way in the future?

"So you have to insist on moving to Yan's house just to stare at Yan Xinger?" Xia Yifan finally understood Xia Zhian's intention.

"Well, this is the best way to eliminate doubts about her," Xia Zhian said. "The above analysis is all based on external speculation. There is no real evidence. It can't determine Yan Xinger at all."

"When I moved there, I could get in close contact with her and take the opportunity to find clues. At the same time, it also reduced her chance to do it. Should she do it to me under the eyes of her parents?"

If you don't go into a tiger's den, how can you get a tiger's son?

Xia Yifan seems to be convinced by Xia Zhian's analysis, but he can't refuse. Xia Zhian's luggage has been packed, and the family has moved.

"All right," Xia Yifan said compromise and reminded, "however, when you arrive at Yan's house, you should be careful. If Yan Xinger is really crazy and dares to attack you in Yan's house --"

"It's all right," Xia Zhian said. "You don't have to treat me as a fool. I'll be very careful."

"Well, if you have any information, you must inform me and my brother-in-law in time."

"I see!"

Xia Zhian believes that if Yan Xinger has a ghost and his heart is full of hatred for her, he will certainly show his feet when he gets along day and night.

Therefore, she will try to catch Yan Xinger's foot!

When the brothers and sisters came down from upstairs, Mo Qingchen and two little guys had been sitting in the restaurant waiting for them.

Looking at the undisguised reluctance on the little guy's face, Xia Zhian also felt a little sad. After all, she wanted to move out for the first time.

"Eat," said Mo Qingchen.

This meal is the most silent meal of Mohism. Parting is imminent. No one has the mind to talk and laugh.

When leaving, Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang took Xia Zhian's hand and said, "Mom, if you're unhappy living outside, move back early."

"Well." Xia Zhian also choked. She gently kissed the fleshy cheeks of the two little guys.

When sending Xia Zhian, he didn't let the driver drive. Mo Qingchen drove himself, and Xia Zhian sat in the co pilot's position.

The man was quite normal at first. Later, his right hand was not on the steering wheel. He tightly grabbed Xia Zhian's left hand and held it in the palm of his hand.

"I'm still driving. You should pay attention to safety." Xia Zhian reminded me shyly.

How do you feel that holding hands is more overwhelming than hugging and kissing?

"Don't you trust my technology?" Mo Qingchen asked, holding his hand tighter and didn't mean to loosen it at all.

Xia Zhian struggled with a red face and didn't break away, so she followed him.

Although it was only the two of them, the car was always very quiet. There was an occasional conversation or two, but they were insignificant things.

Xia Zhian thought in her heart that Mo Qingchen should not be willing to let her move out. At least when she mentioned it, his expression and reaction at that time explained it, but why didn't he mention a word now?

This doubt continued until the car drove into the door of Yan's villa. Mo Qingchen stopped and went to the trunk to take out Xia Zhian's luggage.

"Let's go," said Mo Qingchen. "I'll take my luggage to the door."

"Do you want to go in and have a seat?" Xia Zhian asked. After all, the relationship between Mo Qingchen and the Yan family is also very close, and there is nothing strange about visiting.

"No." Mo Qingchen said. If he really sent people in, maybe he didn't want to go.

"In that case, get on the bus. The luggage is not heavy. I can do it myself." Xia Zhian said, reaching out to get his suitcase.

Mo Qingchen didn't talk nonsense or let Xia Zhian succeed. He dragged the box and hugged Xia Zhian towards the inside.

Xia Zhian always feels strange. She usually shows some intimacy, which is nothing, but in Yan's villa, she always feels like a middle school student secretly falling in love under the eyes of her parents.

The more you can't see the light, the more exciting it is.

At the door, that is, the time to really separate, Xia Zhian suddenly gave birth to a strong sense of reluctance.

She said she wanted to move out happily. However, at this moment, she knew that she was not willing to give up Mo Qingchen.

"What's the matter?" Mo Qingchen asked, seeing Xia Zhian's expression, with a slight rise in the corners of his mouth and a bad smile on his face. "Now I feel regret. I can't sleep at night without me?"

Xia Zhian was so ashamed that she beat him on the chest symbolically with her pink fist. It was neither light nor heavy. It was like a cat's claw. She said angrily: "nonsense!"

"OK," Mo Qingchen patted Xia Zhian on the shoulder and said, "go in."

Xia Zhian stayed there and refused to move. She glanced at the gate and Mo Qingchen. She seemed to want to say something. She bit her lips and didn't jump out a word.

At this time, Xia Zhian realized clearly and deeply that her feelings for Mo Qingchen had been so deep unknowingly.

Mo Qingchen didn't have so many hypocritical ideas. At the moment, Shengsheng was hooked out by Xia Zhian.

"Come here." Mo Qingchen's overbearing order.

"Huh?" Xia Zhian wondered. They were standing close enough. How else would they "come over"?

When Xia Zhian was at a loss, Mo Qingchen let go of the suitcase, put one hand behind Xia Zhian's neck, and brought people along with that force.

"Oh -" the kisses came.

Xia Zhian was stunned for a moment, then closed her eyes, accepted and responded to Mo Qingchen's kiss. Her arm had hung Mo Qingchen's shoulder before consciousness, and even tiptoed to make herself closer to Mo Qingchen.

The more he kissed, the more reluctant he was. Mo Qingchen calculated that Xia Zhian would not last long. He directly pushed the man against the door, kissing deeper and more lingering.

When Mo Qingchen released Xia Zhian, she was stunned. Her eyes were misty with water vapor. Staring at Mo Qingchen, she looked at her wholeheartedly.

At this glance, Mo Qingchen felt regretful.

Why did he allow her to move out?

Is it still time to go back and take people back?

"If you look at me like this again, I won't be a man." Mo Qingchen threatened with a low and magnetic voice.

Xia Zhian was startled by this. She stared with foggy eyes like a deer. She wanted to refute something wrongly, but she was not confident enough. Finally, she replied pitifully: "you are a bad man!"

Make her like this and threaten her, too much!

"Really?" Mo Qingchen said with a bad smile, "since you say I'm bad, I have to take the title of bad man."

He seemed to kiss again.

"Don't --" Xia Zhian immediately blocked his chest with her arm. She was guilty and whispered, "it's at the door of the house. How bad it would be if someone saw it?"

"What's wrong with me kissing my girlfriend?" Mo Qingchen said naturally.

Whether it is reasonable or reckless, ten Xia Zhian are not Mo Qingchen's opponents.

"Then you... You have just kissed." Xia Zhian said shyly.

"Yes, but you haven't kissed me yet." Mo Qingchen leaned forward and stared at Xia Zhian. It seemed that if she didn't take the initiative today, it wouldn't be over.

"What's your reason?" Xia Zhian was angry. Wasn't that kissing each other? How can you divide like this?

"I don't care. I won't let you go without kissing."

Mo Qingchen didn't want to do this, but looking at Xia Zhian's angry and unable to refuse him, he couldn't help but want to bully her.

Xia Zhian swallowed her saliva, and Mo Qingchen's face was in front of her. At this time, it was shrouded by him, as if her whole world was filled with him, which made her feel very relieved.

Hum, this rascal is more coquettish than sugar and sugar every year.

Xia Zhian closed her eyes and wanted to separate with a quick touch, but she was pressed by Mo Qingchen and deepened and lengthened the dragonfly kiss

When they were kissing, the door behind Xia Zhian opened with a "click -" sound. Xia Zhian almost stumbled, and the light in the house lit up their faces instantly.

Yan shaoting pushed the door out. Unexpectedly, he broke the scene. With a joking smile on his face, he said: "well... Am I not in the right time?"

Mo Qingchen glared at him angrily, which meant that there was no need to say nonsense.

"Don't blame me -" Yan shaoting raised his hands in a surrender gesture and explained, "my mother said why Zhi'an hasn't arrived yet. Let me come out and have a look. Who knows you..."

Xia Zhian was so ashamed of this that she almost hid in Mo Qingchen's arms.

Mo Qingchen pressed the man on his chest and impatiently said to Yan shaoting, "what's the hurry? Is it a minute or two?"

"Mo Shao only has a minute or two?" Yan shaoting asked exaggerated.

Not surprisingly, he was stared again.

Mo Qingchen rubbed the soft hair on Xia Zhian's head. The movement was full of reluctance. He looked at Yan shaoting and said angrily, "help me take care of her."

Yan shaoting whistled and said, "don't worry, Zhian is not only your baby, but also my sister."

Mo Qingchen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He stuffed the suitcase into his hand and said to Xia Zhian, "well, you go in."

"Well, you drive carefully."

The two were reluctant to part. Xia Zhian still didn't dare to look directly at Yan shaoting. After all, the scene just now was so embarrassing that she took the lead in entering the house.

"Zhi'an is coming!" Mrs. Yan immediately gathered together. Behind her, there were Yan father and Yan Xinger.

Yan Xinger looked at Xia Zhian's ruddy lips and unconsciously clenched her hands on her side. The jealous fire in her eyes seemed to burn out a forest.

The scene where Mo Qingchen and Xia Zhian kissed at the door just now was not only broken by Yan shaoting, but also seen by Yan Xinger upstairs at the beginning.

She never thought that these two people were so tired at home!

Yan Xinger secretly made up his mind that he would never let Xia Zhian go, especially when he knew that she was going to move back to live, the feeling of driving her away became more urgent.

"HMM." Xia Zhian smiled at the crowd, but she was nervous for fear that Yan shaoting would talk disorderly.

However, Yan shaoting just said, "I'll help Zhi'an take up her luggage first."

"OK," said Mrs. Yan. She didn't look at Yan shaoting. At this time, she only had Xia Zhian in her eyes. She took her hand and said, "Zhi'an, mom is very happy that you can move back."

Xia Zhian replied with a smile: "I'm also very happy."

"The room is still the one you used to live in. I usually have someone clean it for you. Today I bought a lot of things. See what you need before you go to bed. Let's buy it tomorrow!"

"Don't bother. I've brought all the basic supplies."

"How can I live at home? Of course, I have to live comfortably, not in a hotel!" Mrs. Yan said.

"Yes," everyone was very enthusiastic and happy. Yan Xinger naturally wouldn't be too cold. She also came forward and said, "if you lack anything tonight, you can come to my room to find me."

"Yes, you are as big as Xinger, and you should wear the same clothes." Mrs. Yan said happily. Isn't this the picture in her dream, with both daughters by her side?

"OK, thank you first." Xia Zhian said quietly.

Perhaps because of this return, she had doubts about Yan Xinger, so Xia Zhian saw through her welcome at a glance. It was so polite.

However, we can't just rely on this to think that those things before came from Yan Xinger. After all, she doesn't like herself. It's also a very normal reaction, which is reasonable.

Mrs. Yan was too excited and wanted to talk with Xia Zhi'an. At this time, Yan shaoting, who put his luggage down, came to the living room and said to Mrs. Yan, "Mom, it's so late. Zhi'an should be very tired today. Let her have a rest first. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Xia Zhian is very grateful for Yan shaoting's rescue. Although she and Mrs. Yan are as close as real mothers and daughters, she still feels overwhelmed whenever Mrs. Yan shows excessive enthusiasm.

"Oh, it's all because I'm too excited to forget this," said Mrs. Yan. "Then Zhi'an, you hurry up to clean up and have an early rest tonight."

"Well, good night, mom."

"Good night."

After returning to the bedroom, Xia Zhian quickly packed her luggage. She didn't bring many things, but when she was lying in bed, she still felt very uncomfortable.

It's not so simple to come to Yan's house for a night, but for the time being, she has to live here all the time.

Suddenly there was a person missing around. Xia Zhian even felt a little uncomfortable. Although she always disliked Mo Qingchen's moves at ordinary times, without him today, she turned around and didn't know what to do.

The mobile phone on the next cabinet suddenly rang. Xia Zhian took the mobile phone and found that it was the video phone dialed by Mo Qingchen. She was sweet in her heart and pressed the connect button.

"Why can't you see anything clearly?" Mo Qingchen complained.

The video is bright and dark. The lights on Mo Qingchen's side are bright, while Xia Zhian's side is dark.

She suddenly reacted and hurriedly said, "I forgot to turn on the light. Wait a minute."

With that, Xia Zhian half propped up from the bed and turned on the bedside lamp.

As Xia Zhian's side lit up, Mo Qingchen just caught the opened quilt from the screen, and Xia Zhian twisted her waist and turned her pajamas up, that slender waist.

This is not only Xia Zhian's first sleepless night, but also Mo Qingchen's.

I can see it. I can't eat it. It's terrible.

"Did you get home so soon?" Xia Zhian asked. She adjusted her posture again to make herself look better in the picture.

For girls, all phone videos will eventually become appreciating their beauty.

But Xia Zhian looked at herself more than that. Her eyes couldn't move away from Mo Qingchen's face at all. Perhaps it was because the weather was a little hot. There were hidden sweat stains on his forehead and jaw. It looked manly and full of hormones.

"Just arrived," said Mo Qingchen, "are you lying down?"

This is a nonsense. In the picture, Xia Zhian leans against the head of the bed. Mo Qingchen can almost imagine what kind of scenery is under the quilt. However, he can only think and can't hold it today.

"Well, I packed up, took a bath and lay down."

Xia Zhian found that the video was really dangerous. She felt like a crazy girl. Staring at Mo Qingchen in the coming year, she couldn't help being crazy about flowers for fear of being seen by him.

"Well, you seem very hot. Don't you have to take a bath?"

"Do you want to see me take a bath?" asked Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian immediately blushed, stuttered and explained, "I, I, no, I don't mean that. I see you sweating. Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"If you want to see it, don't be embarrassed." Mo Qingchen said in the video.

With his voice, Mo Qingchen disappeared in the picture. He seemed to be looking for something. Xia Zhian could still hear the sound of searching, so he asked, "what are you looking for?"

Xia Zhian just wants to jump over this topic. Anyway, she must say she can't win Mo Qingchen. It's better not to say.

Mo Qingchen didn't answer. He continued to search for a while, and then the voice stopped. It seemed that he had found it. He soon appeared in front of the camera, picked his eyebrows at Xia Zhian and said, "meet your wishes."

"Hmm?" Xia Zhian didn't react and asked, "what wish?"

Mo Qingchen took off his short sleeves directly, revealing his thick chest muscles and neat abdominal muscles. The ruffian smiled and said, "look at my husband's desire to take a bath."

"What... Don't talk nonsense, I, I didn't say that." Xia Zhian explained flustered.

In the screen, Mo Qingchen had picked up his mobile phone, naked his upper body and walked into the bathroom.

The light in the bathroom is better. Xia Zhian looks at Mo Qingchen's figure and feels that she can't hide the image of this crazy girl tonight.

It turned out that what Mo Qingchen had been looking for just now was a waterproof bag. He put his mobile phone in the waterproof bag, registered opposite the shower, and then directly unscrewed the water!

Xia Zhi couldn't say anything when she settled down. This... Is this the temptation of getting wet?

What a foul!

The body wet by the water has more than ten times more attack power than just now. If Xia Zhian's blood tank can be visualized now, you will see the wonderful picture that she immediately lost a drop of blood from the full blood state.

But no matter how beautiful the picture is, it can't compare with this scene on the screen.

"What are you doing," Xia Zhian said shyly, "is it really a video while taking a bath?"

Mo Qingchen seemed to see through Xia Zhian's duplicity and asked, "why, don't you look hard?"

Although this is a bit narcissistic, Mo Qingchen is absolutely confident in his body. Isn't his sweat and money in the gym just for this moment?

The rebuttal words came to her lips, but Xia Zhian really didn't have the backbone to deny it.

"The video scale is too large. Will the internet police find out and seal our wechat account?" Xia Zhian asked anxiously.

"Bang -" Mo Qingchen was full of disdain. "Is this a big scale?"

It seems that his baby is really simple enough. It's an interest at most, not even a pattern. It's far from the scale.

"It's not big? What else do you want to do?"

"Guess." Mo Qingchen suddenly approached the camera.

The picture changed from the beautiful man's shower to the enlarged handsome face. Xia Zhian almost breathed.

What the hell? She has a little insomnia tonight. After this video, don't sleep at all!

"I don't guess." Xia Zhian "hum" and said.

Mingming has been resisting just now. He has been watching this video for a long time and has seen everything that should be seen, but someone still hasn't hung up the video, and even watched it more and more vigorously. Mo Qingchen didn't expose his duplicity girlfriend.

There was water on the other side of Mo Qingchen, and the sound of "Hua Hua" overshadowed the voice of talking, so a perverse shower and a drooling silently watching the video

The mobile phone is placed in a waterproof bag. It is fixed by Mo Qingchen. You can just see his upper body.

But who would shower in pants?

As long as Xia Zhian thought of this, she felt that her face was about to burn. However, she pressed her hand on the hang up key and couldn't press it anyway.

It is... Xia Zhi an make complaints about himself in his heart, and his will is too firm, so easily attracted by beauty.

However, Mo Qingchen is her boyfriend. Who won't show her?

Besides, it's nothing to look at. Mo Qingchen doesn't suffer. She is full of eyes. After persuading herself, Xia Zhian sees it with more interest.

Men take a bath very quickly. After Mo Qingchen turns off the shower and wraps up his bathrobe, Xia Zhian even has a little more meaning

Mo Qingchen couldn't help laughing at her expression and said, "why, haven't you seen enough?"

"Enough, enough." Xia Zhian said immediately.

Then, he realized that he seemed to have fallen into someone's trap and explained with a red face: "no, in fact, I didn't see much just now."

Mo Qingchen stared at Xia Zhian with that kind of smiling eyes. He didn't speak. Just this look could make Xia Zhian raise his hand and surrender.

"Well, I admit I saw it. Didn't you show it to me?" Xia Zhian whispered. Her eyes flew disorderly and didn't dare to look directly at the screen.

Mo Qingchen was itched by Xia Zhian's reaction. However, the person was not around, and he didn't dare to tease. After all, the effect of force was mutual. In the end, he had to feel uncomfortable.

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you see it. I want to take care of it enough. If..." Mo Qingchen lowered his voice, stared at Xia Zhian tightly and said, "if you don't enjoy it, you'll come back early."

Xia Zhian was caught off guard by the suggestive words.

"You, you talk nonsense. Who wants to see you?" Xia Zhian retorted solemnly.

It was as if she was not the one who had been watching hard just now.

"OK, you don't want to see it. You don't want to see it at all. I forced you." Mo Qingchen said along Xia Zhian's words.

"Hum," said Xia Zhian angrily, "you have many tricks!"

They flirted and scolded again. Mo Qingchen said positively: "no matter why you have to move back to Yan's house, you have to be careful. If you're unhappy, tell me, I'll pick you up, okay?"

Hearing Mo Qingchen's words, Xia Zhian felt sweet in her heart, as if he was her strongest backing. Let her know that no matter what happened, Mo Qingchen will accompany her and accept her.

"Well, I see," Xia Zhian said obediently and told her to get up again. "You should take good care of yourself and help me look after Yifan and Tangtang every year."

"You don't have to worry about this. First worry about yourself. Can you sleep tonight?" Mo Qingchen said.

What? The man would not have been serious for more than two minutes. After only a few words, he began to talk nonsense again.

"It's like you can sleep." Xia Zhian said unabated.

Why? Why should we hurt each other when we are all fallen people?

In the final analysis, even if they were talking nonsense, they were not willing to hang up the video, but it was getting late.

"Well, you should rest early," said Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian stared at Mo Qingchen for a long time, then hesitated and said, "I can't sleep, and... I can't bear to hang up."

Mo Qingchen's heart was made soft by her. Xia Zhian didn't often act coquettish. Most of the time, she was unconscious. When she was serious and said soft words, she could especially stimulate people's desire for protection.

"Then put your cell phone next to me and I'll watch you sleep, but you can't stare at the screen anymore," said Mo Qingchen.

Although it is not rare for couples to "connect to sleep" like this, Xia Zhian still feels very shy, but she can't refuse to listen to Mo Qingchen saying that he will always stare at herself.

"That's all right." Xia Zhian said. She put her mobile phone on the cabinet, found something to lean against, and lay back.

Xia Zhian closed her eyes, but she didn't feel sleepy until she couldn't hold on until she fell asleep.

When did Mo Qingchen hang up the video? She didn't know it at all.

So the next day she got up with two huge dark circles under her eyes.

When the Yan family sat together for breakfast, the "Little Panda" was cordially condoned by Mrs. Yan.

"Zhi'an, what's the matter with you? The dark circles are so heavy. Didn't you sleep well last night?" Mrs. Yan asked with concern on her face. "Are you not used to sleeping in the bed at home, or do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Husband, let's buy a bed for Zhi'an again. We'll go in a minute -"

Before Mrs. Yan finished her words, she was interrupted by Yan shaoting: "Mom, do you want to exaggerate? Last night was the first day. It's normal for Zhi an not to get used to it. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill to save her from getting used to it."

"Yes," said Xia Zhian with a guilty heart, "I was too tired yesterday. I didn't sleep very much after I went to bed. It's all right. I don't have to change my bed."

Xia Zhian dare not say that the reason for her real insomnia is that she chatted with Mo Qingchen for too long and appreciated an exciting beautiful man taking a bath, but her cheeks were slightly red just thinking of that picture.

Yan Xinger, who secretly pays attention to Xia Zhian nearby, immediately clenches the chopsticks in her hand when she sees her reaction, and always feels that a touch of shyness is particularly dazzling.

"OK..." Mrs. Yan's tone sounded a little regretful, and added, "you should remember to tell your mother everything."

"Well, don't worry," Xia Zhian said.

Just after breakfast, Mrs. Yan was preparing to go shopping with her two daughters. There were two rare guests at home.

Mo yezhuo takes Mo LAN to visit in person.

It happened that Yan shaoting came down from upstairs and saw Mo yezhuo. He immediately said hello: "Mr. Mo, what brings you here?"

"Yan Er Shao is polite," Mo yezhuo explained. "It's lucky that Zhi'an was there yesterday and saved my son Mo Lan's life, so I took him here today to express my gratitude to Zhi'an."

Yan shaoting thought it was really friendly. Thanks to his knowledge of these things, he would have been fooled by Mo yezhuo's high sounding words.

"My sister just moved here last night. Mr. Mo can find the right place at once. It's really intentional." Yan shaoting threw a soft or hard nail.

Mo yezhuo didn't mind, but said, "since you come to express your gratitude, you should be sincere."

The two are talking and talking here. Xia Zhian is changing clothes upstairs because Mrs. Yan said she was going shopping. As a result, she hasn't come down yet. Mrs. Yan came out first.

"Isn't this Mr. Mo? What are you talking about here?" Mrs. Yan asked with interest.

Yan shaoting said, "nothing. Just talk. Mo always comes to Zhi'an. Thank her for saving her son yesterday."

Mrs. Yan felt very special when she saw the clever Mo LAN standing next to her. After all, this is Xia Zhian's own son and her own grandson.

At the thought of the Mohist's attitude towards Xia Zhian, although Mrs. Yan was satisfied with Mo Qingchen, she was quite dissatisfied with Mrs. mo. in addition, there was mo LAN here, and an idea suddenly came into her mind.

"Zhi'an is upstairs changing clothes. We'll go shopping later." Mrs. Yan said to Mo yezhuo.

"Oh, so it is. I didn't know you had plans. I'm really sorry." Mo yezhuo said gentlemanly. It seems that it's not so easy for him to make an appointment with Xia Zhian today.

As soon as Mrs. Yan heard this, she felt that there was a play. Even if she took the initiative to ask, "Mr. mo... Did you have any plans?"

Mo yezhuo was more direct and undisguised. He said, "because Zhian helped me a lot yesterday, I wanted to invite her to lunch. If it conflicts with your arrangement, I'll --"

"No conflict, no conflict!" Mrs. Yan hurriedly said. She had the intention to set up the two people. How could she miss this great opportunity, even if she agreed for Xia Zhian.

"You can go shopping at any time. It's rare for Mo to take the time to invite Zhi'an to dinner. Then you go first." Mrs. Yan said happily, "I'll let someone go up to urge Zhi'an and make her faster."

Mo yezhuo was stunned. He didn't expect Mrs. Yan to have such an attitude. Things were even smoother than he thought. He had expected to rely on Mo Lan's face.

Yan shaoting saw his mother's attitude and immediately guessed what she thought. He couldn't help sweating for his good brother Mo Qingchen.

"Mrs. Yan, don't worry. Let Zhi'an take her time." Mo yezhuo said.

Mrs. Yan was more fond of him when she heard him say so.

"OK." Mrs. Yan promised, but she still called a servant and whispered what to tell people.

"Go upstairs and help the eldest lady clean up. Dress up nicely. There are clothes I prepared for her in the wardrobe. Put on makeup and clean up slowly. Don't worry."

The servant understood Mrs. Yan's meaning and went upstairs immediately.

Mrs. Yan said to Mo yezhuo, "please wait a little longer. You know, girls always have a little trouble when they go out."

"It's all right," Mo yezhuo said. "It's my honor to invite Zhi'an to dinner. It's nothing to wait for such a small thing."

The servant went upstairs and just saw Xia Zhian coming out in an ordinary T-shirt and jeans. His face was also a clean plain face. He immediately pulled the man in again.

"Madam, you can't dress like this."

"Hmm?" Xia Zhi'an was stunned and asked, "don't you go shopping with your mother? It's more comfortable to wear like this."

"The eldest lady misunderstood. It won't work. Come on, let me help you."

With that, the servant opened Xia Zhian's wardrobe, helped her choose a small skirt, and asked her to sit on the dresser to help her put on her makeup.

Although Xia Zhian was inexplicable, she thought that her mother should have asked the servant to come up, so she didn't say anything. She was dressed up by this man.

But he muttered from time to time: "do you have to be so serious when walking around the street?"

Of course, the servant didn't say much. He only coaxed Xia Zhian and said that she was much more beautiful. Miss Yan Xinger would certainly dress up well. She couldn't lose her momentum.

Xia Zhian doesn't care about this. She doesn't participate in the beauty pageant. She's not so serious.

This side is still cleaning up. Yan Xinger has finished downstairs. When he sees Mo yezhuo and Mo LAN in the living room, he is stunned, but he doesn't say anything.

"Mom, I've finished it. Where's Zhi'an? Can we start?" Yan Xinger asked.

"Xing'er, let's not go shopping today."

"Why not?" Yan Xinger wondered.

Mrs. Yan took an ambiguous look at Mo yezhuo and whispered to Yan Xinger, "Mo always wants to invite Zhi'an out to dinner. Let's go shopping next time."

Yan Xinger immediately understood that this is to match Mo yezhuo and Xia Zhian!

She is really upset. Why can Xia Zhian, a Cinderella who has been working for more than ten or twenty years and such a humble woman, be so ardently pursued by the two diamond kings of city a?

And where is Yan Xinger worse than Xia Zhian?

But... Maybe this is also a good thing. If Xia Zhian is really good with Mo yezhuo, isn't Mo Qingchen her?

Thinking like this, Yan Xinger smiled and said, "Oh... So it is. Why don't I go up and help Zhi an?"

Mrs. Yan thought so, so she simply asked Yan Xinger to go upstairs and help Xia Zhian for reference.

Yan Xinger didn't really want to help. As soon as she went upstairs, she found that the servant had almost done it and turned around Xia Zhian. Seriously, the woman was still a little beautiful.

"You, what are you looking at?" Xia Zhian asked. Yan Xinger's eyes were really a little strange.

"Nothing." Yan Xinger approached again, smelled it and said, "no, it's almost nothing."

Yan Xinger turned over in front of Xia Zhian's dressing table. He felt that he couldn't, so he said, "wait for me."

After that, he ran back to his room, picked up a bottle of perfume, and ran quickly.

"It's better to spray some perfume," Yan Xing said, her own bottle is her favorite love, but in order to help Mo yotter, she really willing to give up.

The servant praised: "miss Xinger is still thoughtful."

Xia Zhian was a little confused by Yan Xinger's sudden enthusiasm until Yan Xinger examined her for a long time and said, "well, OK, let's go down."

As soon as she came downstairs, Xia Zhian was silly and asked, "Mr. Mo, why are you here?"

Mo yezhuo looked at Xia Zhian with a smile. Most of the time when he saw Xia Zhian, he either dressed up to attend the party or dressed casually with Mo Qingchen and his two little children. He had hardly seen such a real moment when he dressed up like a famous family.

This kind of Xia Zhian is a completely different feeling, but it still makes him feel excited.

Before Mo yezhuo spoke, Mrs. Yan opened her mouth first: "Zhi'an, Mo always wants to invite you to dinner. Why didn't you tell your mother about it?"

"Ah?" Xia Zhian felt strange. When she was in the Mohist school yesterday, Mo yezhuo did say that she wanted to treat and express her gratitude, but she thought that it was just polite, "but didn't we say we were going shopping?"

"If Zhi'an wants to go shopping, I can also go with you." Mo yezhuo said with great insight.

"I don't mean that," Xia Zhian explained. "Mr. Mo, if you are because of yesterday, you don't have to. In fact, that's what I should do. After all, it's because of me --"

"Zhi'an, it's OK. Anyway, you don't have anything to do at home. It's better to go shopping and eat with President mo. you should be relaxed." Mrs. Yan said.

"Mom, isn't that good?" Xia Zhian said with an embarrassed face.

Mingming's mother knows that she is dating Mo Qingchen. It's a little too much to go out with Mo yezhuo.

"What's wrong with this?" said Mrs. Yan. "What does it matter for you young people to get in touch with more at ordinary times?"

Seeing this, Mo Ye immediately patted his son.

Mo LAN went to Xia Zhian and said, "aunt, just go out with me and my father. Xiao Lan hasn't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much..."

Xia Zhian: "

Didn't we meet yesterday?

However, the little guy took her hand and sold cute with her. Xia Zhian really couldn't refuse.

"That, that's all right." Xia Zhian can only compromise, but her heart is too empty.

If the big vinegar king at home knows this, she must not be spared

No, it's just a meal. Why does she feel guilty like cheating?

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