Without saying anything, Mu Lanfeng picked up the man from his wheelchair.

As like as two peas, Mu Lanfeng was still very much trusted and dependent. He hung his arm on his neck and buried his head in his thick, firm chest.

But Xia Zhian's attention was not on how close the two people were. Her mind was full of the words Yan Xier had just said, and every word kept spinning in her mind.

Looking at the back of Yan Xier and Mu Lanfeng leaving, Xia Zhian couldn't help thinking that Yan Xinger didn't know Yan Xier was not her own sister at that time. He could be so cruel that he was unimaginable.

Therefore, this strengthened Xia Zhian's guess. She must find the evidence that Yan Xinger has a problem and uncover the hypocrisy of this person!

Xia Zhian was not in the mood to visit the garden. When she returned to the house, she happened to meet Yan Xinger coming up from downstairs.

This scene is really subtle. Only the two of them, no third person was present.

"What are you doing?" Yan Xinger asked actively and friendly.

Looking at the smile on her face, Xia Zhian only felt interesting. She smiled and said, "Oh, I just wandered in the garden and met Xi'er. She talked to me about the past."

"Sorry... Alas, since she was injured, she has rarely come out for activities. Sometimes looking at her, I think God is too unfair. Why should she be so cruel to a girl?" Yan Xinger said regretfully.

Xia Zhian was surprised. She wanted to test Yan Xinger with her leg injury. Unexpectedly, she had the courage to take the initiative to mention it.

"Yes, Xi'er told me something about her injury." Xia Zhian said. Her eyes stared at Yan Xinger tightly, trying to see the slightest change in her face.

"It's my sister's fault. Even if I'm only a few hours older than her, I should protect her." Yan Xinger scolded himself, and there was no flaw in his expression.

In fact, both Yan Xinger and Xia Zhian were born on the same day as Yan Xier.

Yan Xier was born at 23 o'clock that day, so Yan Xinger is more likely than Yan Xier.

Xia Zhian didn't expect Yan Xinger to act so well. She really looked away before.

"Xi'er can't blame you for such a thing." Xia Zhian said cooperatively.

"By the way, I'm going out to meet my friends," Yan Xinger said enthusiastically to Xia Zhian. "Aren't you bored staying at home all day? Do you want to go out with me and get to know more friends."

In this way, it really looks like a pair of sisters with deep feelings.

"No, you have a good time." Xia Zhian said, turning and walking upstairs.

Where Xia Zhian couldn't see, Yan Xinger cast a disdainful radian at the corner of his mouth.

Hehe... With so much skill, do you still want to set me up?

That night, Xia Zhian went to bed early. She was originally lying in bed thinking about what happened during the day. She fell asleep unconsciously.

Later, I felt too thirsty. When I woke up, I planned to go downstairs to find water to drink.

As soon as I got to the stairs, I heard the voice of dialogue below.

"Get me some midnight snack," Yan Xinger's voice sounded, accompanied by the sound of the door being opened. "Hurry up, I'm starving. Don't let me wait too long."

"Yes, miss Xinger, I'll go now," said the servant.

It seems that Yan Xinger wanted to have a snack, so he called the servant up.

Of course, this big night, anyone who is affected to rest will not have a good temper.

While the servant was busy in the kitchen, he had to complain.

"At dinner, I don't know what to pretend. It's not good to eat. I'm hungry at this time. I can do these tricks."

It's washing ingredients and cutting vegetables. The servant thinks it's too much trouble. She's very sleepy.

"I don't know how she is a fake. She has the face to stay at Yan's house. She acts as if nothing had happened every day in front of her eldest daughter. Obviously, the real eldest daughter has come back. She has a thick skin."

"It's no wonder that Mr. Mo, whom she likes wholeheartedly, doesn't like her. Finally, he goes out with the eldest lady. Mr. Mo is really powerful. He knows the Pearl with his eyes. Who is the real princess and who is the fake can be clearly divided!"

The servant complained bitterly that the longer he worked at home, the more he resented Yan Xinger.

Yan Xinger happened to think she was too slow. She was going to the kitchen to see what was happening. She listened to all these complaints. She was already uncomfortable. Now a servant dares to discuss her so wantonly, which is against the sky.

But no, Yan Xinger wants to maintain her personal setting. She can't get angry. She can't resist her anger so much that her facial expression becomes ferocious.

This scene was completely seen by Xia Zhian.

"On the surface, everything Yan Xinger has suffered now is really caused by me, so she must hate me, but during the day, or in front of her family, she can show such a close look to me and even take the initiative to show kindness. This intention is definitely not ordinary!"

The more she found Yan Xinger's two sides, Xia Zhian had more doubts about her.

"Ah -" the servant took the cooked snack and turned around to see Yan Xinger. He was startled. He thought that he was uneasy about his complaints just now. "Miss Xing and Xinger, this is your snack. It has been done."

The servant didn't dare to look straight at Yan Xinger and took the night snack to the table.

Yan Xinger can't get angry openly in order to maintain the staffing. Just like when she asked the servant to make sober soup, she only played tricks and made things seem like others were wrong. This time, after listening to so many insults, of course, she's not going to let the servant go.

By the light from the kitchen, Xia Zhian clearly saw that Yan Xinger quietly stretched out a foot and wanted to trip up the servant

No, Xia Zhian immediately reacted. If the servant tripped, he would overturn the midnight snack. If the hot soup was sprinkled on people's skin, something would definitely happen.

Seeing that the servant was about to meet Yan Xinger's feet, Xia Zhian immediately shouted, "who's in the kitchen?"

Xia Zhian rubbed her "bleary eyes", came over and said, "I'm so thirsty. Is there any water?"

"Madam, I'll pour water for you." the servant was ready to go into the kitchen again.

Yan Xinger didn't have time to take back his feet, but he was afraid of showing flaws. He directly held the servant's arm and said, "Hey, be careful, don't fall down..."

The servant was helped to avoid falling. She patted her chest with lingering fear and said, "thank you, miss Xinger."

But I thought in my heart, when did this man become so kind?

It made her feel very uncomfortable.

Xia Zhian saw through Yan Xinger's trick and didn't show it on her face.

With the reaction between lightning, stone and fire just now, Oscar should give Yan Xinger a little golden man.

The reaction speed and performance ability are absolutely first-class.

"You, don't be so fussy. The girl fell and held it. If she left a scar, it wouldn't look good." Yan Xinger was still telling the servant how much he cared about her.

"Yes, miss xing'er, I'll pay attention," said the servant guilty. After all, she scolded others just now.

Yan Xinger looked at Xia Zhian and said, "Why are you getting up? Are you hungry? Do you want to have a snack together? It's not difficult for others to let her continue. I'll give you half?"

Xia Zhian sneered in her heart. It's not difficult for others now. Didn't she want to trip others just now?

If she had not witnessed this scene, she would never have thought that a person could be schizophrenic to this extent!

"No, I'm not hungry. I just feel a little thirsty. Come down and find water to drink." Xia Zhian said.

The servant also poured the water at this time, brought it to Xia Zhian and said, "Miss, I'll help you pour the water."

"Thank you," Xia Zhian said.

When she finished drinking, she saw the servant still standing in the restaurant and asked, "what are you still doing here? Why don't you go and have a rest?"

The servant controlled his resentment, took a look at Yan Xinger, who was having a snack, and explained, "when miss Xinger finishes eating, I have to clean up the kitchen."

"It doesn't matter to keep it for tomorrow. Go to bed early. It's so late."

The servant immediately smiled and said, "thank you, miss!"

Yan Xinger, who lowered his head to eat supper, suddenly felt that it tasted like chewing wax.

Since Xia Zhian moved in, everyone called Xia Zhian "big miss", while Yan Xinger has changed from big miss to "miss Xinger". The weight of these two titles is clear at a glance.

That should have been her name, but now Xia Zhian has robbed her.

Now she and Xia Zhian are sitting together. She feels strange for her servant to ask for anything, like a bad name.

Obviously, the servant cares more about Xia Zhian's attitude and listens to Xia Zhian's orders.

Yan Xinger was already upset. As a result, Xia Zhian still made such a move in front of her, which means that she doesn't know how to be considerate of servants. She can really buy people's hearts!

"Sorry, I'm just too hungry to sleep, and I can't do it myself, or I won't let her get up and help me do it. I really don't think about it this big night." Yan Xinger said hypocritically, showing proper remorse.

Xia Zhian felt very interesting, but she didn't expose Yan Xinger, but said with special cooperation: "you didn't mean it. Besides, this is originally a part of their work."

The two men said with their own thoughts. Xia Zhian didn't want to stay more. He put the quilt back and said, "take your time. I'll go upstairs first."

As soon as Xia Zhian left, Yan Xinger threw away his chopsticks directly!

What, even pretending to be her?

Hum, she will drive Xia Zhian out of the Yan family one day. Who dares to do this to her then!

The next day was the weekend. Mo Qingchen couldn't carry the two kids who could make trouble at home. He promised to take them to Yan's house to find Xia Zhian. When he set out, he had time to talk to Xia Zhian.

"Help me."

As soon as Xia Zhian answered the phone, she was confused by Mo Qingchen's endless sentence. She was tight in her heart and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

I only heard the voice of Mo Jintang shouting over the phone. Mo Qingchen said, "I'll bring them to see you. Only you can keep it down."

Xia Zhian chuckled. She was relieved and said, "well, I miss them anyway."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Zhian changed her clothes and simply went to the door to wait.

As a result, as soon as the driver stopped the car, Mo Qingchen couldn't stop it. Mo Jintang urged his brother to open the door for her, and then ran towards Xia Zhian with short legs.

"Mom -"

Xia Zhian squatted in a very tacit way and directly hugged people.

"Do you want sugar?" Mo Jintang asked.

"Of course."

"Hum, then you didn't come to see me. Didn't you say you would come back to see me?" Mo Jintang complained. She was very wronged, but it was hard to see Xia Zhian. She won't waste time. The whole person depends on her.

"We won't go back tonight." Mo Qingchen came over and said to Xia Zhian.

"Ah?" Xia Zhi'an was stunned for a moment and her cheeks were slightly red. Although it was not the first time for Mo Qingchen to spend the night at Yan's house, she always had a feeling of entering the house with her children. She still felt guilty, but she couldn't refuse.

"Oh, OK," Xia Zhian said.

Yan Yufeng and Yan shaoting are still unmarried, so the old couple of Yan family really hope to have a grandson. Even if they are not their own grandson, other children can borrow to play.

Therefore, Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang were soon "watched" by the old couple.

Xia Zhian had something to say to Mo Qingchen, so she took advantage of this opportunity to take Mo Qingchen outside.

Other people only think that their little lovers want to whisper, but they don't feel anything.

"Mr. Mo, I felt thirsty last night. I went downstairs to find water to drink, and then..." Xia Zhian told Mo Qingchen the scene when she saw the exquisite acting skills of Yan Xinger's two faced sect, and finally said, "there's another thing, which is more terrible than this."

"The reason why Xi'er's legs become like that has nothing to do with Yan Xinger. Xi'er told me personally, but she didn't say much about the specific situation."

This is explosive news, especially when they are full of doubts about Yan Xinger. It is the best material to prove her character.

Mo Qingchen thought that the young Yan Xinger had the courage to attack Yan Xier, even to the point of disability. How vicious is this?

And now Yan Xinger, will he become more vicious?

"No," said Mo Qingchen with a frown. He took Xia Zhian into his arms, firmly pressed her waist, let her close to herself, stared at Xia Zhian's eyes, and said overbearing, "I really don't trust you to continue to live here. What if Yan Xinger's old skill is repeated and hurt you like Yan Xier?"

This is not impossible. After all, Yan Xinger is jealous of Yan Xier or protects his status, but it is a genuine hatred for Xia Zhian.

"You think too much," Xia Zhian said. She stayed in people's arms and didn't resist. She just said, "even if Yan Xinger hates me again, she doesn't dare to attack me directly at Yan's house."

"Think about it. What's the point if there's a little clue to let the Yan family know that she did it to me, even if I didn't threaten her as she wanted?"

If Yan Xinger wants to stay in the Yan family forever and doesn't take off the aura of Yan's daughter, he must not show his true face, otherwise everything will be in vain!

"Even so, I'm not at ease," said Mo Qingchen, who didn't mean to let go at all. "I'll take you today."

Xia Zhian knows very well that it may not be more useful to reason with Mo Qingchen than to act coquettish with him at this time.

"Oh......" Xia Zhi'an hugged Mo Qingchen, put his hands around his thin waist, put his head on people's generous chest, and said delicately, "don't do this. I'll be very careful. I've come to this step now. I don't want to give up halfway."

"If I go back now, what's the point of moving out?" Xia Zhian asked.

Mo Qingchen was still silent, neither good nor bad.

Xia Zhian had to annoy him. She pinched the meat in other people's waist. As a result, her hand was hurt by the muscles. She said with her mouth: "why do you practice your body so well? You can't pinch it!"

Mo Qingchen almost laughed angrily by Xia Zhian's words. Is he reasonable?

Seeing that Mo Qingchen didn't hold up and showed a little smile, Xia Zhian immediately wrapped it up, leaned her neck in front of him and tried to be coquettish.

"Okay? Don't force me to go back. Give me some more time. If I can't find out, I'll listen to you. Promise me, please..."

At this time, Xia Zhian has no integrity. It's hard for her to be charming at ordinary times. Now she takes the initiative.

No way, their own women can only coax themselves.

"OK, tell me the time," said Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian saw that he let go and made up a time to fool him. Anyway, if she hadn't found out at that time, she would continue to play coquettish and cheat!

Two people were talking like no one else here. They didn't notice someone coming behind them.

But Mo Qingchen was sharp in the end. When the man got close, he immediately noticed something wrong. While holding Xia Zhian in his arms, he turned around and looked at him with fierce eyes.

The visitor seemed to be startled by Mo Qingchen's eyes, patted his chest and shouted exaggeratedly: "what are you doing? Mo Shao, are you? When he came, he would flirt with my sister. I came to you for a word and stared at me like this. Don't do this, I'm afraid."

For Yan shaoting's affectation, Mo Qingchen was too lazy to respond.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Yan shaoting was not angry. He wrinkled his nose and sniffed. His face was embarrassed and asked, "Hey, do you smell any strange smell?"

Mo Qingchen knew that Yan shaoting didn't have a straight face and didn't answer him at all. Instead, Xia Zhian sniffed foolishly and asked, "what's the smell? Why didn't I smell it?"

"It's the sour smell of love!" Yan shaoting's face changed for a moment, and he made a righteous accusation against Mo Qingchen. "Mo Shao, is it not very good for you to be a man like this? It's too much to kill dogs in other people's homes."

Mo Qingchen expressed his disdain with a "bang".

Xia Zhian was not as thick skinned as the two people. She immediately stood up straight and opened a little distance with Mo Qingchen, which attracted Yan shaoting's dissatisfied stare.

Yan shaoting is really not wronged. He did it on purpose.

Mo Qingchen and Xia Zhian fall in love. They are the only two left in the world, but Yan shaoting knows that there is another Yan Xinger who has a heart for Mo Qingchen at home.

Even at ordinary times, it's really cruel to openly stimulate Yan Xinger in the Yan family.

Therefore, Yan shaoting came out to "make trouble".

But even if there is such a close brother, it still can't change the fact that Yan Xinger's heart is broken.

Seeing Xia Zhian and Mo Qingchen's honey oil mixing as if there were no one else, Yan Xinger silently clenched his fist. In her opinion, this is Xia Zhian's provocation to her!

Occasionally, Yan Xinger never shows her foot in words, so Xia Zhian is anxious. If she wants to annoy her in this way, Yan Xinger will never wait to die.

In that case, wait for a good play.

Yan Xinger didn't bother to look at these people. They looked quiet and good. "Deng Deng" ran upstairs and shut himself in the bedroom.

"I haven't slept very well recently, but my doctor's sleeping pills are gone. Do you have any? Bring me some to use first." Yan Xinger found her friend.

This matter can't go to her doctor, otherwise it will be easily known by strict parents.

"OK, I have it here. I'll have it sent to you in the afternoon," said the friend.

"OK, thanks." since the last time I asked a close friend to mediate, Yan Xinger deeply realized the benefits of not directly looking for his own men to do things.

Because once she fails, it is not easy to find her head. On the contrary, if her people are caught, even if she has a hundred mouths, she will plant the seeds of doubt in everyone's heart.

Yan Xinger slowly conceived tonight's action in his mind. If it can succeed, it may save a lot of trouble.

In the evening, Yan's father and mother were not surprised that Mo Qingchen wanted to stay.

"Mr. Mo, I asked the servant to prepare two guest rooms. Is there anything to pay attention to when I sleep with Tangtang at night this year?" Mrs. Yan asked. After all, it's a child, so I have to pay more attention.

"Thank you. Don't bother. They can do it themselves," said Mo Qingchen.

Although he said so, when it was time to go to bed, Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang became entangled with Xia Zhian.

"Mom, I already have one, two, three --" Mo Jintang broke his fingers and counted for a long time. Finally, he didn't count clearly, so he had to say, "anyway, he didn't listen to the story for many days..."

Mo Jinnian also took Xia Zhian's hand and wrote "I want to hear" and "I want to hear".

"Don't be coquettish," Xia Zhian said. "Go back to your room and lie down. I'll come and tell you a little story in a minute, okay?"

The two little guys immediately ran back to the room.

Xia Zhian remembered that she heard Mo Qingchen cough a few times just now, so she specially cooked rock sugar Sydney soup in the kitchen and asked the servant to stare at it for her. Before she went to tell a story to the children, she went to the kitchen again.

"Well... It looks like it's still a little hot." Xia Zhian checked it and said.

"It should be more than ten minutes," said the servant.

Xia Zhian thought that the two children were still waiting for her. If she waited until it was done here, it was estimated that the children would be unhappy, so she said to the servant, "please help me watch, turn off the fire in ten minutes, put a bowl and send it to Mr. Mo's room upstairs. Thank you."

"Don't be so polite, madam. Go and help me. I'll help you get things done."

Xia Zhian said thank you again and hurried to tell the two children a bedtime story.

The servant in the kitchen immediately chatted with her little sister.

"The eldest lady is too virtuous. She can also make rock sugar Sydney soup. It smells delicious..."

"No, it's said that the eldest lady can cook, and her craft is particularly good. Don't you think the eldest lady is very considerate to Mr. Mo?"

"Yes! Mr. Mo just coughed a few times and she immediately made Sydney soup. It's so sweet and sweet. No wonder Mr. Mo likes the eldest lady so much!"

"Hey, you have to help the eldest lady deliver Sydney soup later. You can get along with Mr. Mo closely. I envy you!"

"Don't admire it. Mr. Mo belongs to the eldest lady. Wake up as soon as possible."


Yan Xinger has been looking for a chance to start since he got the sleeping pills in the afternoon, but he hasn't met the right time.

Just at this time, she was ready to take a chance, so she heard the conversation of the servants in the kitchen.

Hehe, isn't this a god given opportunity?

Didn't you just make a rock sugar Sydney soup and let the servants blow it into the sky? Sure enough, it's something that doesn't have much insight and can't be on the table!

Yan Xinger scolded the servants and Xia Zhian in her heart. She took another look at the sleeping pills in her hand. She had ground them into powder in advance, and then walked towards the kitchen.

Seeing her coming, the servants suddenly shut up. The servants who were not in charge of the kitchen asked if they were in good condition and slipped away quickly, as if Yan Xinger was a terrible plague.

"It's delicious. What's cooking?" Yan Xinger asked curiously, looking straight over there.

"It's rock sugar Sydney soup," the servant said honestly. "The eldest lady cooked it. Let me take a bowl to Mr. Mo's room when it's ready."

"Speaking of it, I haven't had it for a long time," Yan Xinger said, licking his lips and asking, "can I have another bowl? Or just for Mr. Mo?"

The servant looked at Yan Xinger in embarrassment and looked at the soup again. He thought that normal people would not ask for this kind of soup when they heard that it was the love soup of other people's little lovers, but... It really seemed that they could hold more bowls.

Moreover, even if the eldest lady is here, she should not fail to give Yan Xinger Sheng.

"More than one bowl," replied the servant.

"That's nice!" Yan Xinger smiled and said happily and contentedly, "then you can also serve me a bowl."

With that, she was not ready to go. It seemed that she wanted to wait here until the Sydney soup was cooked. In fact, it was only a few minutes before it was cooked.

"Yes, miss xing'er," replied the servant. After another look at the time, he thought it was almost time, so he took out two porcelain bowls from the cabinet.

After holding a bowl, the servant put the bowl beside him and prepared to hold a second bowl.

At this time, Yan Xinger brought the first bowl directly. She leaned over and made sure that the servant would never see her action. Then she quickly put the prepared sleeping powder in and stirred it evenly with a spoon.

When the servant took the second bowl and was ready to send it upstairs to Mo Qingchen, when she took the plate, she found that Yan Xinger had put the first bowl on the plate and said to her, "send this bowl up. Give me your bowl directly. I don't need the plate. I'll drink it in the restaurant."

The servant was flattered. Did the sun rise in the West today?

Yan Xinger took the initiative to help her!

"Oh, thank you, miss xing'er." the servant was stunned for a moment, took the plate, carried it and walked directly upstairs.

When Yan Xinger and others left, a cold smile appeared on his face. He showed a disdainful expression towards the steaming rock sugar Sydney soup, and poured it directly into the trash can.

Xia Zhian cooked something, she was not interested in drinking!

Then, Yan Xinger quickly returned to the room, counting the time with full expectation and doing some preparatory work in advance.

"Knock knock"

Mo Qingchen heard a knock at the door and said, "come in."

The servant's heart was like beating a drum. With a shy look, he pushed open the door and said somewhat modestly, "Mr. Mo, this is the rock sugar Sydney soup cooked by the eldest lady for you. Yes, it's useful for your cough."

The servant lowered his head and didn't dare to glance at him.

Hearing that Xia Zhian specially prepared it for herself, Mo Qingchen had an indistinct smile on his face and said, "you put it on the table."

"Yes." the servant put down his plate and immediately ran away from the room.

Mr. Mingmo's attitude is normal, but his aura is too strong. Even if he is in the same space with him, the servant can feel the sense of oppression coming face to face.

Mo Qingchen knew that Xia Zhian should be coaxing the child to sleep at this time, so he planned to pretend to stay in his room first and sneak over later. After all, this is the Yan family, so he still had to act to show respect.

After drinking rock sugar Sydney soup, Mo Qingchen lay in bed for a while. Somehow, he suddenly felt that his eyelids were heavy and very sleepy. He went to sleep unconsciously.

Yan Xinger changed herself into a set of sexy pajamas, but her room was a distance from Mo Qingchen's room, and a silk nightgown was added outside.

As soon as she thought that she could have a relationship with Mo Qingchen later, she couldn't help but become excited. At that time, she would design a good play to let her parents "catch adultery in bed". She is not sun Mingzhu. She absolutely wants Mo Qingchen to be responsible to the end!

In this way, with an uneasy mood, Yan Xinger quietly got into Mo Qingchen's room. With a "click -" sound, the door closed and stared at the sleeping person on the bed. She could no longer restrain her readiness

Because I haven't seen you for a while, Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang are particularly difficult tonight.

"I've finished telling two stories," Xia Zhian said with a fake angry expression. "Why don't you close your eyes?"

"I'll fall asleep when I close it," explained MOJIN sugar.

Xia Zhian is speechless. Isn't she coaxing them to sleep?

"It should be time to go to bed now." Xia Zhian said patiently.

"I can't see sugar when I'm asleep." MOJIN sugar is very wronged. She shriveled her mouth. "I don't want to see you."

Xia Zhi surrendered when she settled down. In front of the little sticky human spirit, she was eaten to death.

"No, I promise, you can still see me when you open your eyes tomorrow." Xia Zhian touched her small face, turned to look at Mo Jinnian and said, "so, will you go to bed quickly? If you sleep too much, you won't grow high."

This can't deceive Mo Jinnian. He asked solemnly, "is mom in a hurry to sleep with dad?"

What's going on?

Xia Zhian thinks they haven't been separated for a long time, but the attack power of the two children has improved rapidly. At ordinary times, is it mo Qingchen teaching disorderly, or Xia Yifan?

What a worry!

"It's not!" Xia Zhian said subconsciously because of her guilty heart. "Adults don't need others to sleep with them."

After that, he felt like he was a little fierce just now, so he quickly mended his way: "well, well, don't talk nonsense. You go to bed quickly, and I'm going back to my room."

Xia Zhian almost had the illusion of running away. Just when she suspected, she heard two children discuss together.

"Don't dad and mom sleep together when they are at home?" MOJIN sugar wondered, "why not now?"

"Shh -" Mo Jinnian lowered his voice and explained, "mom must have lied. She just blushed. She must have gone to find her father."

"Hee hee..." the two children thought they were laughing quietly again.

Xia Zhian has black lines all over her head. She is not an illusion. She is really forced to flee by two little children. It's a shame.

When going to the room, Xia Zhian couldn't help thinking that she didn't need to go to Mo Qingchen. It was clear that Mo Qingchen took the initiative to run to her room every time.

The red faced Xia Zhian returned to the bedroom. As soon as she opened the door, she found that there was no one. She was stunned for a second. Then she read again: "hum, if you don't come, you won't come. Who cares? How good it is to sleep alone!"

In fact, Xia Zhian also misses Mo Qingchen, but it seems strange to ask her to take the initiative to run to his room.

After tossing in bed for a long time, Xia Zhian's thoughts have changed for several waves. Will he come later, but it's late enough now, isn't it

Xia Zhian suddenly felt very wrong. She suddenly sat up from bed.

"With Mr. Mo's personality, it's absolutely impossible for him not to come. Something must have happened." Xia Zhian murmured.

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became. In this anxious mood, she finally decided to go and have a look.

Yan Xinger, who was ill intentioned and ready to move, just took off his silk nightgown and was ready to extend his evil hand to Mo Qingchen on the bed. Before he could touch the skin of his arm, he heard it——

"Knock knock"

The door was knocked!

At that moment, the blood color on Yan Xinger's face faded. She didn't know who the people outside the door were and didn't dare to gamble. So she immediately picked up the Nightgown on the ground and spread it around. There was no way. Finally, she had to drill into the bed to hide.

Xia Zhian knocked on the door several times, but there was no response, which made her feel more strange.

"Mr. Mo, are you there?"

Xia Zhian, who couldn't get an answer for a long time, no longer waited. She said, "then I'll come in." she pushed open the door of Mo Qingchen's bedroom.

It's Xia Zhian!

When she opened her mouth, Yan Xinger heard that the person who destroyed her good deed was Xia Zhian!

It's a narrow road for friends.

Xia Zhian is really shameless. Before she married ah Chen, she dared to deliberately come to someone else's bedroom in the evening. She is an uneasy and kind bitch. Yan Xinger scolded in his heart.

But she didn't want to. She also secretly ran to Mo Qingchen's bedroom in her scheming pajamas. On the premise that others didn't feel about her, Xia Zhian's stage was too far from her.

The light is on in the bedroom, so Xia Zhian can see the whole house as soon as she comes in.

She worried about people for a long time. At this time, she was lying in bed and sleeping very heavily. She didn't even feel someone breaking into his bedroom.

I don't know why. Xia Zhian has an intuition. The feeling here is not quite right. There is always a place that seems to be shrouded in shadow, which makes people see it unreal. This feeling makes her more uncomfortable.

Xia Zhian quickly walked to the bedside and shouted, "Mr. Mo?"

Mo Qingchen lay quietly without reaction.

Xia Zhian frowns. How is this possible?

Usually when they sleep together, a little noise can wake Mo Qingchen up. Why are they sleeping so heavily now?

"Mr. Mo?" Xia Zhian was patient and shouted several times, even reaching out to push Mo Qingchen's shoulder, "Mr. Mo, wake up?"

"Is it sleeping or something?" Xia Zhian said to herself, but the action on her hand didn't stop.

Yan Xinger under the bed was so angry that she broke her silver teeth. This was a heaven given opportunity. Seeing that she was about to succeed, she unexpectedly asked Xia Zhian to cut her beard in this way. She really couldn't bear this tone.

"Mr. Mo!" Xia Zhian increased her strength and pushed it hard. Unexpectedly, the people in bed finally had a reaction.

"Hmm..." Mo Qingchen opened his misty eyes, frowned, seemed very uncomfortable, and asked, "what's the matter?"

Xia Zhian knew that she was right when she saw the expression of Mo Qingchen.

She was too familiar with the state of Mo Qingchen when he woke up. It would never be like that just now.

"I feel dizzy..." Mo Qingchen said.

"Have you been drugged?" Xia Zhian immediately asked, "what have you taken before?"

"The rock sugar Sydney soup you sent." Mo Qingchen said, staring at Xia Zhian tightly. They seemed to have a common answer in their hearts.

Yan Xinger under the bed nervously combed everything she had experienced in the kitchen. She was sure that even if Xia Zhian asked the servant, she would never ask any information that was unfavorable to her. At most, she could be sure that she had been to the kitchen once.

Xia Zhian didn't expect that someone was so bold that she dared to do such a thing in Yan's house. It seems that she has to be more careful.

"Don't sleep here," said Xia Zhian with a worried face. "Go to my room."

When Mo Qingchen heard this, he put on a smile at the corners of his mouth, raised his eyebrow and asked, "are you inviting me?"

Xia Zhian: "

When is it that he is still in the mood to make such a joke?

She's worried to death, okay!

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