The guest glanced at the manual and asked, "is that all?"

"Aren't you satisfied?" the staff asked, but they didn't want to lose the rich guest in front of us, so they flattered and smiled and added, "in fact, we still have a group of new pregnant mothers, but their information hasn't been done in time. We can show you the original information first."

The guest is noncommittal. The natural superior momentum makes people awe.

The new information was messy, but the guest didn't say anything. He turned page by page and seemed to be looking very seriously, just like selecting a new project.

Until he turned to the page belonging to Xia Zhian, his eyes stayed on that page for a long time, and then his index finger buckled on this page. His cold face showed a trace of satisfaction and said, "I want her."

"OK, no problem!" the staff said with a guaranteed ticket, "don't worry. When we arrange it, we'll send her to you tonight. We'll give her an ovulation injection, and there's a high probability that she can get pregnant overnight."

"Hurry up." the guest left only one sentence and left.

The generation pregnancy center is busy. I heard that Xia Zhian was favored by the guests so soon, but I heard that she looked mentally abnormal during the ward round this morning, for fear of turning the business yellow.

"What's the matter?" the person in charge scolded, "people who were fine yesterday are crazy in the morning?"

The staff member bowed his head and was scolded. He was sweating fiercely. He explained, "I don't know what's going on. No one did anything to her. I think it's probably that Xia Zhian is pretending to be crazy."

"Whether I'm real or pretending, you and I can't afford to delay the business!" the person in charge said angrily, "go and see Xia Zhian again. We must send someone over tonight!"

"Yes!" the staff in charge of Xia Zhian answered, took several people, left quickly, and walked towards the dormitory of these people.

Xia Zhian is staying in the house. She has just recovered her memory. As long as she calms down, she will be unable to extricate herself into that unbearable memory. She can't even remember how many times she has experienced those memories.

"What are you going to do?" Xia Zhian asked defensively, looking at the group of people who suddenly broke in.

The head of the staff smiled and said, "I told you yesterday that you can't help yourself when you come here, but you're lucky. You've been favored by distinguished guests so soon."

The man smiled and continued, "as long as you behave better tonight, you will not only have money, but also someone will serve you delicious and delicious in the future. You just need to enjoy yourself."

Xia Zhian was cold all over because of these words. She didn't expect to carry her back like this. It was only a day or two, but some guests really fell in love with her!

"Dream! I won't go!" Xia Zhian shouted.

The group of people directly ignored Xia Zhian's words. Under the sign of the staff's eyes, they would come forward and take Xia Zhian away.

Xia Zhian couldn't give in so easily. She tried her best not to allow these people to touch her.

Due to the order not to hurt Xia Zhian, these people are very inconvenient. They are forced to be inaccessible by Xia Zhian.

"You losers, you can't even subdue a woman?"

"No, we dare not hurt her?"

"Of course not!" the staff said carefully, "hold her down for me and don't let her bite crazy!"

Even though Xia Zhian tried her best to pretend to be crazy and silly, she never escaped the disaster. She soon exhausted her strength and let these people hold her down.

"Come on, take her away!"

When he left, he passed Xia Yifan's room. Through the small transparent window on the door, he saw Xia Zhian who was taken away and immediately shouted, "what are you doing? Where are you taking my sister?"

At this time, someone nearby sneered and said, "don't shout. Save your strength. You should be happy for your sister. You can meet such a high-priced guest. It's better than many people's luck..."

Hearing this, Xia Yifan felt cold, so... Can't escape?

"Let me go, let me out!" Xia Yifan kicked and kicked at the door. He wanted to go out to save Xia Zhian, but he couldn't escape from this small room that trapped him. He could only watch his sister be taken away.

Xia Zhian was injected by them. She didn't know anything. Then she was sent to the car.

There were many people watching her all the way. She didn't have any chance to escape until she was taken into a place like a hotel. After taking the elevator, she came to the door of a room and was handed over to another group of people.

"You are the people on the guest's side," said the valet pregnancy center pleasantly. "We have sent you people."

Xia Zhian was pushed out. Her heart beat very fast. She didn't know what else she could do.

Do you really want to... Xia Zhian is flustered and helpless.

"Well, now that the people have been sent, you can go." the group's voice was colder.

Xia Zhian raised her head and looked at one of them. Inexplicably, she felt a little familiar. She seemed to have seen it somewhere, but she couldn't remember anything at all.

"Yes, yes, we're leaving now."

When the people in the Dai pregnancy center left, Xia Zhian found that the new group of people, that is, the so-called employees of the employer, had an unexpectedly docile attitude towards her.

"Miss Xia, please come inside. Our boss is waiting for you inside." the man said.

Xia Zhian was stunned. Is this the attitude towards the pregnant mother? How does it feel like an attitude towards VIP?

Can't run, Xia Zhian can only push open the door.

After seeing the people inside, Xia Zhian was completely stupid. It was like being locked by someone and standing there couldn't move.

"Mr. Mo?" Xia Zhian was surprised.

The so-called guest is mo Qingchen!

Xia Zhian's tears came down in a moment. Mo Qingchen quickly came over, eagerly held the man in his arms and asked, "what's the matter, why are you still crying?"

"Are you okay?" he felt his body trembling in his arms. Mo Qingchen comforted, "it's okay. I'm coming. You'll be fine. Don't be afraid."

The more mo Qingchen comforts, the more Xia Zhian cries. She can't stop. At the moment, she is hugged by Mo Qingchen. Xia Zhian's mood is very complex.

If he knew the truth, would he still be willing to hold himself?

Xia Zhian desperately thought that maybe he would feel very disgusting and push himself away without hesitation

"What's going on?" Xia Zhian cried so that Mo Qingchen felt very wrong. He frowned, fished out the people in his arms, stared into her eyes and asked, "did they bully you?"

Mo Qingchen's heart was also raised. Although he had been trying to find Xia Zhian these days, he was also afraid that Xia Zhian would encounter an accident if he slowed down.

"No, no..." Xia Zhian forcibly pressed down the pain in her heart. She didn't intend to rely on deception around Mo Qingchen, but now there are more important things to do than confess.

"Yifan, Yifan, he is still locked up in the generation pregnancy center." Xia Zhian said, "save him."

Mo Qingchen thought that this was the reason why Xia Zhian was in an abnormal mood. He was a little relieved and said, "of course, I will save him. You don't have to worry."

"HMM." Xia Zhian said in a complicated mood.

There are still many things to do at present. Xia Zhian hid her worries for the time being.

"You stay here and wait for me, I'll arrange to save Yifan, and then I'll take you home, okay?" asked Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian nodded and said cleverly, "go."

Xia Zhian, who was crying with red eyes and red nose, was particularly lovable. Seeing that Mo Qingchen was soft in his heart, he bowed his head and kissed her gently at the tip of her nose, rubbed Xia Zhian's head and said, "good."

Watching Mo Qingchen go out, Xia Zhian was surrounded by a great sense of loss.

Such a affectionate and gentle Mo Qingchen, is she going to lose soon?

"Did you keep up with those people just now?" asked Mo Qingchen.

As early as the beginning, Mo Qingchen made various arrangements. No matter what role the generation pregnancy center played in this matter, he would never let them go.

"Our people have already set out and are now following them into the generation pregnancy center," said his men.

"Xia Yifan is still inside. Let someone bring him back." Mo Qingchen ordered.

"Yes, Mr. mo."

Following the group of people, they soon found the deep location of the generation pregnancy center and found Xia Yifan.

Knowing that Mo Qingchen has received Xia Zhian, Xia Yifan is finally relieved.

"Mr. Mo, what should we do with this organization?" asked his subordinates.

Following Mo Qingchen for many years, they know their boss's temper very well. Since these people dare to move Xia Zhian, they must be prepared to pay the price.

"Report directly."

This kind of organization with problems everywhere is not worth their efforts to solve. As long as a report letter is sent, naturally someone will deal with them.

After arranging these things, Mo Qingchen guarded Xia Zhian again.

"They didn't do anything to you?" Mo Qingchen asked anxiously. This was what he was most afraid of.

"No." Xia Zhian shook her head and told Mo Qingchen all the experiences of the past two days. Of course, she omitted the paragraph that she had recovered her memory.

Mo Qingchen keenly found that Xia Zhian's mood was not quite right. He guessed that she certainly didn't tell herself the truth, but she couldn't force her, so he had to say, "I'm not sure if they did anything to you, and why you and Yifan were in a coma at that time, so go to the hospital for examination, okay?"

Xia Zhian certainly wouldn't refuse. She obediently followed Mo Qingchen away.

When he arrived at the hospital, Xia Yifan had been brought over by Mo Qingchen's people.

"You also go to have a check, in case there is something wrong with the medicine." Mo Qingchen said to Xia Yifan.

"OK." Xia Yifan nodded.

The medical staff came and took Xia Zhian away first. When Mo Qingchen saw her leave, he had a chance to ask his doubts.

"What's the matter?" Xia Yifan was just about to leave when he was pulled by Mo Qingchen.

"Zhi'an, she......" Mo Qingchen considered for a moment and said, "she has been in a bad mood since she saw me, but she deliberately behaved very normal. I asked her, she didn't say anything. What's the matter?"

Xia Yifan looked at Mo Qingchen and saw that he was really worried.

But do you want to tell him?

Although Xia Yifan said "my brother-in-law won't mind" when comforting Xia Zhian, what if... Mo Qingchen really cares?

Seeing Xia Yifan like this, Mo Qingchen became more nervous and asked, "do you know anything?"

"I......" Xia Yifan hesitated.

"Tell me!" Mo Qingchen hurried forward and stared at Xia Yifan fiercely.

Xia Yifan bit his teeth and felt that this matter would sooner or later be known by Mo Qingchen. There was no need to lie, and avoiding could not solve the problem at all.

"When my sister was in that generation pregnancy center, she recovered her missing memory," Xia Yifan said.

"What?" Mo Qingchen felt strange and found his memory. Why would Xia Zhian's reaction be so abnormal, "what does it matter? Why is Zhi an wrong?"

"My sister has always been very tangled about the age pregnancy, and you should know exactly what her tangled point is. However, now that she has recovered her memory, she is extremely sure about her tangled things."

Xia Yifan tried to speak very implicitly, but is such implicity really what Mo Qingchen needs?

"My sister was sure that she had a relationship with Mo yezhuo. She was shaking with tears. She told me that she felt very dirty and couldn't face you. That's why she was in an abnormal mood."

Xia Yifan made a mistake in his eyes, stared at Mo Qingchen and asked, "so, will you dislike her?"

If the man dares to show a little dislike or hesitation, he will take his sister away!

Mo Qingchen was relieved. It was nothing at all. He had long passed the time to tangle about it. What he was really worried about was that Xia Zhian was bullied in the generation pregnancy center. Fortunately, he didn't.

"I also had two children with her. Will Zhi'an dislike me?" Mo Qingchen asked.

When Mo Qingchen said this, Xia Yifan was relieved. He shrugged and said easily, "this is between you. I'll check it first."

After taking a few steps, Xia Yifan suddenly stopped again, turned around and said to Mo Qingchen, "Hey, I've called your brother-in-law for so long. Be nice to my sister!"

With that, Xia Yifan left without looking back.

Mo Qingchen did not lie, and even there was no half hypocrisy in his answer.

He admitted that he had tangled. At the beginning, he couldn't directly answer Mrs. Mo's questions. However, when he found that his feelings for Xia Zhian were more and more profound, he had long given up this boring tangle.

When Xia Zhian finished the inspection, as soon as she came out of the inspection room, she found that Mo Qingchen was waiting outside the door.

She's not a good liar. It's really torture to hold such a big thing in her heart.

"Mr. Mo, I have something to tell you." Xia Zhian finally made up his mind.

"Well, you said."

"Recently, I have... I have remembered the past. Between me and Mo yezhuo, we -"

Xia Zhian was still thinking about how to speak. She really couldn't say that sentence in front of Mo Qingchen. When she considered it, Mo Qingchen interrupted her.

Of course, Mo Qingchen also has his own selfishness. He doesn't mind, but he doesn't want to listen to it again.

"I know it, you don't have to say it again," said Mo Qingchen. "Let's go home and go back to the Mohist family with me for a rest, OK?"

Xia Zhi'an looked at Mo Qingchen and suspected that she had heard wrong.

"You, don't you understand me?"

Otherwise, why is he willing to take himself home?

"I know what you want to say. Everything told me." Mo Qingchen said. He didn't want Xia Zhian to tangle with pain for this matter. He said directly, "Xia Zhian, I asked you, I was forced to have a relationship with sun Mingzhu. This is the most disgusting thing in my life, but will you dislike me because of this, and even hate years and sugar?"

Xia Zhian was stunned. Tears quickly filled her eyes, but she didn't want to cry at this time, as if she was deliberately provoking sympathy.

"No, I never thought about that." Xia Zhian said anxiously.

"So - since you won't look down on me because of this, why should I look down on you because of similar things?" Mo Qingchen stared at Xia Zhian's eyes and said, "you shouldn't be unsure of yourself, let alone doubt my feelings for you, okay?"

"No," Xia Zhian couldn't help but burst into tears. She felt ashamed and cried while blocking her face. "I don't doubt you, I just... I feel disgusted.

Xia Zhian doesn't have any strange special complex. She will cry and feel ashamed. It's not really because she had a relationship with Mo yezhuo.

If she had a boyfriend before meeting Mo Qingchen and had given herself to each other, she would never have any self-confidence because of this.

After all, it is no longer feudal thought.

But she has no emotional foundation with Mo yezhuo, just for generation pregnancy, which is the reason why she feels sick.

She felt that she was a woman who could sell her body for money and was not worthy of Mo Qingchen.

"You don't understand what I mean!" Xia Zhian cried.

Mo Qingchen's relationship with sun Mingzhu was forced; but her relationship with Mo yezhuo was voluntary and sold herself voluntarily.

The two things are completely different in nature. How can they be compared together?

The more mo Qingchen compares, the deeper and more painful the thorn in Xia Zhian's heart.

"I don't care what you mean!" Mo Qingchen knew that Xia Zhian must be struggling with something, but he didn't care at all. He only cared about the results. "Xia Zhian, do you want to break up with me because of this?"

Xia Zhian cried out of breath. As soon as she put down her hand on her face, she saw Mo Qingchen's angry face.

"I don't want to," Xia Zhian was so wronged, "but aren't you breaking up with me?"

Mo Qingchen was wronged. When did he say such words?

"Who said I want to break up?" Mo Qingchen strongly held Xia Zhian in his arms and asked, "do you want to break up and throw the pot on my head now?"

"I said I don't want to!" Xia Zhian shouted. She was held by Mo Qingchen. She completely lost her resistance and asked, "then you, you really don't mind?"

Mo Qingchen saw that Xia Zhian was almost burping for such a small matter. He couldn't help feeling distressed, angry and funny.

"I don't mind, but -"

"But what?" Xia Zhian became nervous for a moment, began to push Mo Qingchen again, and said, "I knew you still mind, so don't hold me, you let me go!"

"I won't let go," said Mo Qingchen, "but you can't have anything to do with Mo yezhuo in the future. That villain had planned to take you away from me, you know?"

Mo Qingchen not only didn't mind, but seemed to care about himself as before. Xia Zhian was crying and felt that there was no need to cry.

"I like you as much as you like me," Xia Zhian was a little shy, but she felt she had to say it at this time. "I'm just for Mo LAN. I've never been --"

Mo Qingchen kissed Xia Zhian. When he heard her say he liked himself, he just wanted to kiss her.

After a kiss, Mo Qingchen announced, "I don't want to hear that annoying name from your mouth."

"Then I won't say it," Xia Zhian added shyly and in a low voice. "Anyway... You should also understand what I mean. You can't doubt me in the future!"

The little couple cried and laughed in the hospital for so long that a child's laughter suddenly came from the corridor.

"Hee hee... Brother, why are they kissing again? I'm so ashamed." Mo Jintang said with a smile.

Mo Jinnian looked at his parents who distributed dog food wantonly in public, covered Mo Jintang's eyes with his hands, and said, "sugar, close your eyes, children can't see."

Mo brocade sugar reached out and pulled it, said unhappily, "then why can you see it?"

"I'm older than you."

"It's just a little bigger..."

This time, there was no problem with the arithmetic ability of little confused ink brocade candy.

"How did they come?" Xia Zhian looked at Mo Qingchen and asked shyly. If she knew they were coming, she shouldn't have kissed and hugged them again.

"I asked someone to bring it. We'll take you home together," said Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian was speechless. All those tender love words couldn't compare with Mo Qingchen's simple words. Such a serious provocation was the most advanced and terrible.

"Yes, we'll take mom home!" Mo Jintang ran over and said, "Mom, dad said you're coming back to live with us. Is it true?"

Xia Zhian remembered that Mo Qingchen asked her to go back to the Mohist family for a rest.

I'm a little angry. She hasn't promised yet. She even told her to do it first and then!

But it seems that she thinks so herself.

"Yes, is Tangtang happy?" Xia Zhian asked.

"I'm super - super happy!" the child exaggerated.

Mo Jinnian interrupted them and put forward his own request with justice: "can you adults not kiss and hug casually? Tangtang is still small. It's bad for her to always see you like this."

Xia Zhian: "

It was too humiliating. Xia Zhian was so angry that she pinched Mo Qingchen's waist. As a result, her muscles were too hard and ended up hurting her hands.

"Want you to manage?" Mo Qingchen said, "don't look at it. I kiss my wife. What's the matter with your little fart?"

"Who is the little boy?"

"Who is your wife?"

OK, don't admit it. It doesn't matter. Mo Qingchen looked at Xia Zhian's shy expression at the moment. He didn't see the tangled and painful appearance just now. He thought that his decision to take the two little things was right.

"We can go home and discuss this issue," said Mo Qingchen.

Just at this time, Xia Yifan also came out of the examination room on the other side. Seeing them, he came over.

"Little uncle, mom is moving back to live with us!" mojintang immediately shared the good news to Xia Yifan.

Xia Yifan picked up Mo Jintang and glanced at her sister's shy look. Seeing her little bird leaning against someone's arms, he couldn't help admiring Mo Qingchen more.

It's reliable. The ability to coax women is really first-class.

At the same time, I was worried about his sister. Xia Zhian, a single mother and fetus, met an old driver like Mo Qingchen for the first time. In the future, she can't be eaten to death?

It seems that he has to help his sister keep an eye on Mo Qingchen.

On the way back together, Xia Yifan concentrated on teasing the two children, while Xia Zhian told Mo Qingchen about the previous things.

"I want to accompany Yifan to report. Everyone in the Yan family should know about it." after all, she explained when she went out, but the kidnapping came too suddenly, even without warning. "From leaving the Yan family to finding Yifan and reporting, and then we went to lunch together, it took only about two hours..."

"So, I think Yan Xinger is very suspicious."

We can not only know the dynamics of Xia Zhian at the first time, but also quickly plan and arrange everything. No one can do it except Yan Xinger.

Mo Qingchen fully agrees with Xia Zhian's analysis, but to convict Yan Xinger, it is absolutely not enough to rely on analysis, and there must be evidence to support it.

"You don't have to worry," said Mo Qingchen. "I'll take care of these things at home during this time."

"HMM." Xia Zhian nodded and said that she trusted Mo Qingchen 100%.

They smiled at each other and held each other's hands.

Xia Yifan saw this, "tut" and said discontentedly, "can you two restrain yourself in front of the child?"

He's really convinced. Is he short of going home? Make love. When you get home, hide in the room and make love as much as you like. No one will have an opinion.

Xia Zhian was embarrassed and wanted to take back her hand, but she was held more tightly by Mo Qingchen.

"You just talk to your brother-in-law with this attitude?" Mo Qingchen said.

As soon as Xia Zhian heard the word "brother-in-law", she didn't dare to speak. The man was shameless. He didn't leave the eight characters. He said so!

But Xia Yifan bought it very well, and he was especially lack of confidence. He boasted: "what's the matter with my sister and brother-in-law? What we're talking about now is education, which is related to the growth and health of the flowers of the motherland. You're my brother-in-law, and you can't do it wrong!"

It's really OK. Mo Qingchen thought that he would raise himself to this level.

"I'm their father." Mo Qingchen killed him.

"So what, I'm still a little uncle!" Xia Yifan is unwilling to show weakness.

I really can't stand the bickering between the two adults and the primary school students. Xia Zhian stood up and said, "you two almost got it. In front of Tangtang every year, are you ashamed of such a childish bickering?"

The two men "hum" at the same time and express their disdain for each other.

After returning to the Mohist school this time, Xia Zhian was surprised to find that her bedroom had been empty, but she didn't take much away when she left!

"Well, what's going on?" Xia Zhian asked, looking at the empty room just as she had lived in for the first time.

Mo Qingchen said boldly, "why, do you have to sleep in separate rooms when you associate with me?"

"No," said Xia Zhian, a little embarrassed, "but it doesn't seem right for me to live in your room like this?"

"What's wrong?" Mo Qingchen asked.

Shouldn't they live in the master bedroom?

"This influence is not very good." Xia Zhian retorted in a low voice.

"In our own home, what's the bad influence?" Mo Qingchen said naturally.

In fact, Mo Qingchen asked the servant to move Xia Zhian's things into his room. It was still carried out quietly behind Xia Yifan's back. At this time, it was installed.

Xia Zhian consciously said that she couldn't help Mo Qingchen, so she acquiesced. Anyway, if she didn't move, it's also a truth and more inconvenient for Mo Qingchen to live in her bedroom every day.

Because Xia Zhian raised her doubts about Yan Xinger, Mo Qingchen thought that she would always speak with evidence, so she asked her people to investigate the matter.

"Did you find out what you asked?" Mo Qingchen asked his men.

My subordinates came to Mo Qingchen this time for this matter.

"When I left the hotel at that time, a car was very suspicious, but we checked. The car was registered under someone else's name. It seemed that it had nothing to do with Yan Xinger. We continued to check, but found that Yan Xinger was friends with the owner." my subordinates reported truthfully.

This doesn't even need to be analyzed. All guesses and possibilities are clearly in front of us.

"Call the police." Mo Qingchen said concisely.

The police learned the news and of course did not dare to sit idly by. Although Yan Xinger, a so-called friend, had an unusual background, under the joint pressure of the Mohists and the Yan family, he could only be obediently arrested in the Bureau.

"How could this happen?" Yan Xinger was very nervous when he learned the news.

"Uncle and aunt, how could this happen?" Yan Xinger discussed with his friend's parents. "We have to find a way to bail her out first!"

It's not how righteous Yan Xinger is. She's just afraid of taking herself in.

"We've been trying to bail, but the police station doesn't let go at all."

This is an obvious thing. With the hint of Mohist and Yan family, how can the police station "open up"?

"Xing'er, anyway, she is also your friend. Otherwise, ask your parents and see if we can solve the matter privately?"

My friend's parents didn't know that Yan Xinger had something to do with it, but because the victim was Xia Zhian and knew that the Yan family couldn't talk so well, they wanted Yan Xinger to help.

"Well, don't worry. I'll help her speak in front of her parents." Yan Xinger promised, but it's impossible. She didn't intend to speak to her parents at all.

At the same time, because Mrs. Yan learned that the person who hurt Xia Zhian was Yan Xinger's friend, she could not help but doubt Yan Xinger and felt that she might have instigated it.

"Husband, do you say... Does this matter have anything to do with Xinger?" Mrs. Yan was very tangled and discussed with her husband.

"Won't it?" said the strict father. "Xing'er grew up with us. How could she do such a thing?"

"Why don't I ask Xinger?" Mrs. Yan said.

"No, I don't think so. If you ask, it will hurt the child's heart," said the strict father.

Mrs. Yan thinks it makes sense. Yan Xinger's position in the Yan family is very delicate now. If she doubts Xing Er so directly again, she will feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, Mrs. Yan didn't intend to ask that at first.

But once the seed of doubt took root, the speed of germination and growth was simply out of control. It quickly grew into a towering tree in Mrs. Yan's heart, which made her suffer all the time.

No, Mrs. Yan has been unconsciously indifferent to Yan Xinger recently. She didn't mean it, but she can't help it. If it goes on like this, it's more likely to cause misunderstanding. Yan's heart wants to ask clearly.

"Xing'er, tell your mother the truth. Does the kidnapping of Zhi'an have anything to do with you?" Mrs. Yan finally couldn't resist and asked directly.

Yan Xinger was very nervous when he heard this.

"How, how is it possible?" Yan Xinger denied. Her mind turned quickly, thinking about how to clear her suspicion as soon as possible.

"Mom, although the person who hurt Zhian is my friend, I don't know her so well. I don't know she will do this. If I knew, I would stop her!"

"Really?" Mrs. Yan asked suspiciously.

After all, Yan Xinger's friends should be unfamiliar with Xia Zhian. How can they start with Xia Zhian?

In terms of motivation, it doesn't hold water at all, unless it helps Yan Xinger out.

"Mom, I know that it's hard for me to make it clear, but I swear --" Yan Xinger put his hand on his face and said sincerely, "I absolutely, absolutely have nothing to do with this!"

"I was brought up by you. From small to large, what kind of person am I? Don't you believe me?" Yan Xinger swore and began to sell miserably again.

Looking at the sad expression on Yan Xinger's face, Mrs. Yan began to love her again.

"Xing'er, mom just doesn't want to misunderstand you, so she asks you directly," Mrs. Yan said painfully, "but just make it clear. Mom believes you."

"HMM." Yan Xinger said wrongfully.

Mrs. Yan thought that since Yan Xinger vowed not to be herself, she should no longer doubt her daughter. At least remove this doubt. She doesn't have to be suspicious all day.

But Yan Xinger turned around and became more worried about his situation.

Will the police force extort a confession?

What if she recruits herself?

Yan Xinger was worried about it all the time. The whole human body was thin, and he looked listless at home at any time.

Mrs. Yan also felt that it was because of her doubt that she made her daughter like this, but she felt a trace of guilt.

"I said you shouldn't have asked!" Yan Fu also complained about Mrs. Yan.

"I don't want to be like this!" Mrs. Yan blamed herself and wronged, "but at least now I'm clear. I also believe in Xinger!"

Yan Xinger thinks about it and thinks that the best way is to "shut up" his friends.

To do something in the police station so that a person can't speak, it's easy to say, but difficult to say.

But for Yan Xinger, the most difficult thing is that no one under her is available now.

She has someone to help her, but these people are basically from the Yan family, so they can't be used at this time. Otherwise, what's the difference between throwing themselves into the net?

Yan Xinger, who dared not act rashly, could only ask for more blessings from himself and silently prayed that her friends would keep their mouth shut for her.

But how much pressure can a flower like this grow up in a greenhouse?

My friend was locked up in the police station and waited for several days. Let alone being released on bail, she didn't even have a chance to see her family. Under great pressure, the little girl had to recruit.

"If I tell the truth, will I be able to let me out?" my friend couldn't help but finally asked when the police officer came to put the meal.

The policeman looked at her and said, "we said at the beginning that you have the right to remain silent, but you have to be responsible for every word you say, and - be lenient when you confess, be strict when you resist, and you should have this kind of consciousness since you were caught."

"Then I say! I'll tell you everything!" the friend said eagerly. She had no appetite to eat at all. Under the dual torture of psychological torture and difficult physical conditions, the whole person almost stood firm in marketing.

After that, all the trial links went very smoothly.

How Yan Xinger asked her, how she decided to "stand up" because she couldn't be angry with her friend's injustice, and all said it without reservation.

"I've made it clear. Can you let me go?" my friend asked pitifully.

The policeman had no sympathy in his eyes and said, "it has to be done according to the procedure."

The Mohists and the Yan family have been very concerned about this matter. They have made such great progress. Of course, they told them at the first time. As for the suspect Yan Xinger

Because this matter is really special, both the suspect and the victim are the daughter of the Yan family. The police have rich experience in handling cases. They don't listen to the secrets of rich families. They also know that these people always have their own "rules of conduct", so it's difficult to do this!

"President Yan, this is the case. You see, for Yan Xinger..." the police chief talked to Yan Fu, but deliberately stopped here.

"I know the situation. Thank you. If you give me more time, I'll solve the matter." Yan Fu said politely. After all, if others give him face, he also has to explain to others.

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