Indeed, during this period of time, Mo Qingchen and Xia Zhian rarely have such relaxed moments. They eat and chat. Even if they occasionally meet each other's eyes and smile at each other, they are very happy.

Halfway through the meal, Mo Qingchen suddenly said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

"Oh." Xia Zhi'an said without raising her head.

Every few minutes, before Mo Qingchen came out, a few musicians came and stood on the small stage of the hall and played the violin. Xia Zhian jumped in her heart. She didn't know what tricks this man was playing.

As the soothing music sounded, Xia Zhian stopped her movements. She leaned back in her chair and enjoyed the beautiful notes. At this time, Mo Qingchen came out of the dark with a cart.

There was a bunch of charming red roses, a cake and a few pink candlesticks on the cart.

Xia Zhian looked at Mo Qingchen coming with a smile, with candles flashing around the restaurant in her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Xia Zhian asked, looking at Mo Qingchen's eyes full of gentle love.

Mo Qingchen didn't speak. He first picked up the bunch of roses and sent them to Xia Zhian's arms.

"Here you are."

Xia Zhian smiled, took the flowers, held them in her arms and smelled them. The fragrant aroma made her feel very comfortable.

At this time, Xia Zhian noticed that there was a crimson flannel box on the cart. It seemed self-evident what was on the surface, and her heart suddenly jumped violently.

There is a guess in my mind, which is very real, but people can't believe it.

"You --"

"Shh..." Mo Qingchen's index finger stood up and whispered to Xia Zhian, "don't talk."

Mo Qingchen picked up the crimson flannelette box, slowly knelt down on one knee in front of Xia Zhian, and then opened the box, which was a glittering pigeon egg.

Xia Zhian covered her mouth. She felt that she should not scream at this time, otherwise it would destroy the atmosphere.

"Xia Zhian, will you marry me?" Mo Qingchen asked affectionately. He knelt in front of her. It seemed that she could only be seen in those deep eyes, and the stars were printed in the bottom of his eyes.

Xia Zhian was stunned and completely speechless.

I didn't expect that Mo Qingchen would suddenly propose, let alone that he would propose at this time without warning.

The whole world is going backwards. Everything around it seems to no longer exist, leaving only her and him.

Many pictures flashed before Xia Zhian's eyes. She saw Mo Qingchen for the first time. She threw him down and almost pulled off his bath towel. He suddenly appeared at her door. She was knocked by his wall for the first time, and she was used as a pillow by him for the first time. He asked her if she could be his child's mother. When she was in danger, he could always fall from the sky

There are too many first times, and countless every time.

Xia Zhian's silence seemed to be too long. Mo Qingchen thought he was sure, and he couldn't help feeling guilty at this time.

What, isn't she sure?

"Speak, will you?" Mo Qingchen anxiously urged.

Xia Zhian forced her choking down. The bright and dark lights might hide her red eyes. It took a long time to find her voice, as if to pull back the city, and said, "you didn't tell me not to talk..."

Mo Qingchen: "

"OK, now please answer," Mo Qingchen held Xia Zhian's hand in his other hand, looked at him gently, and asked in an almost bewitching voice, "Miss Xia Zhian, will you marry me?"

Xia Zhian stared at Mo Qingchen deeply and wanted to print this face and this moment in her heart forever.

She stretched out her hand and put it in front of Mo Qingchen. Her lips opened slightly and said happily, "I do."

At this moment, there is no more beautiful word than these three words.

The sound of the violin continued, and even the music played by the most powerful musicians was eclipsed at this moment.

Mo Qingchen couldn't help it. He immediately stood up, took Xia Zhian's neck, bowed his head and wanted to kiss, but Xia Zhian blocked his face with the rose in his arms.

Mo Qingchen's Adam's apple rolled, and the surging emotion in his eyes seemed to take Xia Zhian away.

"All promised not to kiss?"

"No." Xia Zhian shook her head with a smile and showed her cunning eyes behind the rose. She stared at Mo Qingchen brightly. Her outstretched right hand pushed Mo Qingchen's shoulder and made people kneel again.

"You put it on me first," said Xia Zhian, as proud as the queen.

Mo Qingchen is very happy. He holds Xia Zhian's hand, slowly puts the diamond ring on Xia Zhian's ring finger, and then lowers his head to print the most pious kiss.

If Xia Zhian is the queen, then Mo Qingchen is her most loyal believer.

Xia Zhian stared at her hand and looked again, as if she didn't appreciate it enough. On the contrary, Mo Qingchen was ignored.

"Hey," said someone discontentedly, "is it that good?"

Don't I have a broken diamond ring? Mo Qingchen was unconvinced.

"Yes, all the gifts you sent are good-looking. It's best to see them." Xia Zhian said.

With the last word falling, Xia Zhian bowed her head and grabbed Mo Qingchen's shoulder and took the initiative to kiss the past.

Mo Qingchen finally achieved his wish and instantly changed from passive to active.

This kiss is different from every kiss before. It is more sentimental and confusing.

Xia Zhian was almost collapsed in Mo Qingchen's arms. Before the oxygen in her chest was swept away, Mo Qingchen finally let her go.

The flickering candlelight printed Xia Zhian's Crimson cheeks, which made Mo Qingchen's heart tremble.

Both of them seem to be a little anxious. They don't want to stay here and want to return to their world faster.

"Go." Mo Qingchen took Xia Zhian's hand and wanted to take her home.

Xia Zhian held the rose in one hand and Mo Qingchen in the other. Even the wind in the summer night was the smell of roses.

When the impulse retreated like the sea, Xia Zhian remembered another thing.

Although she never doubted Mo Qingchen's feelings for her, the meaning of the proposal was different.

Mrs. Mo has repeatedly stressed that she will never accept herself.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhian's smile faded.

"What's the matter?" Mo Qingchen was quite sensitive to Xia Zhian's expression change.

Xia Zhian doesn't want to mention a disappointing topic at this time, but this problem can't be avoided. They always have to solve it.

"Mrs. Mo, she doesn't like me very much. Do you think she will agree with the things between us?" Xia Zhian finally said her worry.

After all, only Mo Qingchen can deal with this problem.

"Leave her alone," said Mo Qingchen, holding Xia Zhian's hand and tightening it a little, "you don't need to worry about this kind of thing. Just leave it to me."

"Well." Xia Zhian raised her face and smiled at him.

Perhaps this matter will not be as easy as Mo Qingchen said, but as long as Mo Qingchen is willing to hold her hand, Xia Zhian will never let go.

No one can let her go.

Mo Qingchen was not honest when he sat in the car. He held Xia Zhian's hand and played around. Of course, he was wearing a diamond ring.

"Don't do this..." Xia Zhian tried to struggle, glanced at the driver and whispered, "how embarrassed it is to let people see."

Mo Qingchen didn't care. He took Xia Zhian's hand and appreciated it. The more he saw it, the more he felt that he had a unique taste.

The ring looks good, mainly the hands. How can it match so well? It's like it's tailor-made for Xia Zhian.

It seems a pity to let him enjoy such beautiful hands alone?

"What are you doing?" Xia Zhian asked when she saw Mo Qingchen take out his mobile phone.

"Send a circle of friends," said Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian felt a little childish, but there was a glimmer of joy in her heart. She didn't like to show off, but why couldn't she show such beautiful happiness to others?

"You're so boring." Xia Zhi'an said, but she still cooperated with Mo Qingchen and took several close-up pictures of her hands and diamond rings.

They clenched their fingers, and Xia Zhian put her hand on it, revealing the dazzling pigeon egg.

After considering for a long time, Mo Qingchen still felt that this photo was the best to see, and then sent a circle of friends with satisfaction, which immediately caused a cry of surprise.

No matter what stage a man grows up to, he can't help showing the most childish side in front of his beloved woman. To put it bluntly, Mo Qingchen just wants to show off. Of course, he doesn't mean to hide at all, that is, to show off directly!

The copy is equipped with a heart. Mo Qingchen deliberately sends it to those who are plotting against the law.

Xia Zhian is his woman. Everyone else died early!

Especially a person surnamed mo. after all, Mo Qingchen is very careful about this matter. Mo yezhuo sent that ambiguous circle of friends last time. Xia Zhian asked him to delete it, but he didn't delete it. Mo Qingchen still resents it.

As a result, Mo yezhuo didn't see it, but attracted Mrs. mo.

Mo Qingchen was playing with his hands and was suddenly awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

As soon as I saw the call, it was Mrs. Mo they just mentioned. Mo Qingchen frowned, picked it up and asked, "why did you call?"

"Are you okay to ask me?" Mrs. Mo at the other end of the phone knew from her voice that she had reached the edge of anger. She almost gnashed her teeth and asked, "ah Chen, what does your circle of friends mean?"

Mo Qingchen glanced indifferently and said, "that's what you see."

"Impossible!" Mrs. Mo's crazy voice sounded, and the movement was so loud that even Xia Zhian nearby could hear a little, "I have already said that I will never allow this fox spirit to marry into our Mohist school!"

"Do you agree or disagree?" Mo Qingchen asked with a sneer, "this is my business."

"What do you mean? Aren't you a Mohist?"

That photo simply stepped on Mrs. Mo's painful foot. She said that she would not object to their communication, but marriage is absolutely impossible. If Mo Qingchen sent a photo to show his love, it's OK, but that pigeon egg is too eye-catching!

Looking at the size of the pigeon's egg, I know that it is definitely not the weight of playing. This degree is undoubtedly the rhythm of proposing.

"I am a Mohist, but I am not a puppet of you and dad. My marriage has the final say."

"Don't think about it!" Mrs. Mo was unwilling to show weakness.

Mo Qingchen snorted coldly and lost his interest in dialogue.

But Mrs. Mo doesn't intend to let it go at all. Since Mo Qingchen has moved the idea of marriage, if she doesn't stand up and preside over the overall situation, I'm afraid she will really let Xia Zhian achieve her wish.

"Ah Chen," said Mrs. Mo, trying to restrain her temper and make her voice sound more rational, "why don't you let Xia Zhian reunite with Mo yezhuo's family? I think Wan'er is really good. If you really want to get married, you can only marry her!"

"Impossible," Mo Qingchen refused without hesitation, "I have no feeling for her."

"Do you feel like you can eat? OK, you young people pursue feeling. If you get along with Wan'er more and cultivate more, the feeling will naturally come?" Mrs. Mo advised.

Mo Qingchen is quite speechless. The fate between people is doomed. Some people only need to look at it to know whether they are their fellow travelers.

Moreover, on the road of emotion, he had already had Xia Zhian. From then on, the flowers gradually wanted to be charming, and his eyes had nothing to do with him.

"Is this necessary?" Mo Qingchen asked, "I don't care what you think, this is what I have decided and will not change again."

Xia Zhian was frightened when she heard it. Even if she couldn't fully hear Mrs. Mo's words, she could make up for Mrs. Mo's tone and wording only from Mo Qingchen's response.

"Don't make a noise..." Xia Zhi'an pulled La Mo Qingchen's arm, which means appeasement.

Even though Xia Zhian had pressed her voice very low, she was heard by Mrs. Mo at the tip of her ears. She immediately felt that Xia Zhian was demonstrating to her.

The taste of authority being challenged is very unpleasant. Mrs. Mo is too lazy to pretend to be polite. She feels that since Mo Qingchen has to fight against herself, she might as well say something absolute.

"Ah Chen, I'll give you two choices, either marry Wan'er or leave the Mohist school!" Mrs. Mo thought she had come up with a killer mace. After all, no man is willing to give up his status for a woman. She bet that Mo Qingchen is not willing to give up and is quite confident in her words.

"Ah..." Mo Qingchen was too lazy to waste his lips and directly hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Mo Qingchen was very silent. The silence made Xia Zhian feel a little uneasy. She didn't doubt Mo Qingchen, but felt that it was really bad for Mo Qingchen to make such a mess with her family because of herself.

"Mr. Mo, if Mrs. Mo doesn't agree, then --"

Before Xia Zhian's words were finished, Mo Qingchen glared at him with fierce eyes and asked, "so what? Xia Zhian, don't forget, you just agreed to my proposal!"

Are you going to go back now? Mo Qingchen hid this sentence in his heart and didn't dare to ask. He was afraid that Xia Zhian nodded and said "yes, I regret it". He couldn't bear it at all, so he took the initiative.

Xia Zhian was startled by Mo Qingchen's excited appearance. She couldn't help being wronged and said, "I didn't. you misunderstood. I just wanted to say that if Mrs. Mo doesn't agree, take your time. I'm not in a hurry. We can wait until she figured it out..."

The more Xia Zhi'an said, the more she felt wronged. She pushed Mo Qingchen and said angrily, "Why are you so fierce?"

Mo Qingchen was relieved. Xia Zhian's explanation made him feel much better.

"Sorry, I'm worried," Mo Qingchen held Xia Zhian's hand, printed a kiss on the back of her hand, kissed the pigeon egg on her ring finger, and said, "I'm afraid you'll shrink back because of my mother, Zhi'an. No matter what she thinks, since you wear this ring, I'll never allow it to be taken off."

"Hate, people didn't say to take it off..." Xia Zhian took her awkward hand back.

The previous sweet atmosphere was so noisy by Mrs. Mo that it suddenly disappeared, and even became a little depressed, suffocating and embarrassing.

Mo Qingchen complained and felt that such a beautiful night had been destroyed. The more he thought about it, the more angry he felt.

Until the car drove back to Mohist house, they didn't talk again all the way.

On Mrs. Mo's side, she completely misunderstood Mo Qingchen's meaning. She thought that the cold hum before Mo Qingchen hung up the phone was just trying to be strong. He finally gave in and chose to give in for his career and the Mo group.

Therefore, Mrs. Mo contacted Mo's house with joy.

"Hello, Wan'er?"

"Aunt?" Mo Waner, who was accidentally contacted, was surprised and inexplicably happy. She asked, "what can I do for you?"

"Wan'er, tell your aunt the truth. Are you interested in our ah Chen?" Mrs. Mo was too lazy to be polite and asked directly and clearly.

"Aunt, Wan'er thought her mind had been expressed very clearly." Mo Wan'er said tactfully. There was a kind of speculation in her heart. Since Mrs. Mo took the initiative, it should be done.

"OK," said Mrs. Mo, relieved by Mo Waner's words, "since you have this attitude, I'll talk to your parents about your affairs, and the engagement is settled."

Mrs. Mo thought again. Since Mo Qingchen had proposed to Xia Zhian, in order to avoid long dreams and temporary changes, she decided to let Mo Qingchen and Mo Waner hold a wedding as soon as possible, so that Xia Zhian would have no chance to be a demon.

"Forget it, don't pick on the day. I see... You'll take the registered residence tomorrow, and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with ah Chen to get the marriage certificate. As for the wedding banquet, don't worry about it. We must have a good reputation."

Mo Waner's heart was about to jump out. She didn't expect Mrs. Mo's assists to reach this level. She asked with surprise and joy, "really, really? Aunt, don't lie to me."

"How can I make fun of such a thing?" Mrs. Mo said, "Wan'er, I will let ah Chen appear at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow!"

"Well," said Mo Waner coyly, "aunt, I'll wait for ah Chen there."

After talking to Mrs. Mo on the phone, Mo Waner was very excited. She rolled over and over in bed for several times. She still felt that it was difficult to restrain her excitement.

"Bang - Bang -" Mo Waner knocked on Mo yezhuo's door and shouted eagerly, "brother, are you there? I want to talk to you. I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Mo yezhuo asked. He looked at Mo Waner's face full of joy and guessed, "you've been soaked in Mo Qingchen and look like a good thing is coming."

Mo yezhuo said it casually, basically to tease Mo Waner. Unexpectedly, Mo Waner didn't make trouble with him this time, but nodded with a shy look.

"Yes." Mo Waner whispered.

Mo yezhuo heard it again in a low voice. He was completely stupid and asked again in disbelief: "what, you really got him?"

"Yes." Mo Waner's face was full of a smile.

Mo yezhuo was stunned for several seconds. Then he came back and asked, "what's going on?"

Mo Waner told Mrs. Mo's call again and said, "my aunt will discuss our marriage with my parents. It sounds like my aunt is in a hurry. Let me go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to prove with Mo Qingchen tomorrow."

Mo yezhuo frowned after listening. He always felt something was wrong, but he didn't know.

"No, Wan'er, I didn't mean to pour cold water on you, but... Don't you think it's wrong?" Mo yezhuo analyzed, "if Mo Qingchen really agrees with it, why don't he tell you in person?"

"Also, even if you go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate tomorrow, shouldn't Mo Qingchen take the initiative to pick you up? Why do you have to wait at the Civil Affairs Bureau first?" Mo yezhuo asked.

Mo Waner couldn't figure out these problems.

"Anyway, my aunt said she would take care of it. I'll just wait for him at the Civil Affairs Bureau." Mo Waner said heartily, because in her opinion, with Mrs. Mo's affirmation, she was half successful in this matter. As for the rest, of course, if Mrs. Mo wants to solve it.

"I don't think it's right. Anyway, you'd better be careful," Mo yezhuo reminded. "The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

Mo Waner shriveled her mouth. She came to Mo yezhuo for blessing. Who knows, the other party poured a basin of cold water directly, which made her feel embarrassed.

"I see. I'll have a rest first." Mo Waner left bitterly.

Before going to bed, Mo yezhuo turned out his mobile phone, drew a circle of friends bored, and saw a picture of Mo Qingchen showing off his proposal ring.

"What's the situation?" Mo yezhuo was very confused.

Mo Qingchen's front foot is still proposing to Xia Zhian, and his back foot is about to prove with Mo Waner. Isn't this a joke?

However, Mo yezhuo also knows that Mrs. Mo's credit is indispensable.

In that case, he would polish his eyes and see how the play would go on.

"Wan'er will wait for you in the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow. Remember not to keep others waiting." Mrs. Mo sent such a message to Mo Qingchen.

And Mo Qingchen only glanced at it and deleted it directly as if he had received a spam message.

"What's the matter?" Xia Zhian asked, "do you have any business to deal with?"

Mo Qingchen couldn't help thinking of Mrs. Mo's phone just now. A meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and said, "there's no business to deal with."

Mo Qingchen hugged Xia Zhian from behind, and the two slept on the same pillow.

After a while, Mo Qingchen suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "by the way, do you have any places you want to go? I may be relatively free recently. Let's go out for a trip and change our mood."

"Really?" Xia Zhian asked in surprise.

Apart from the previous graduation trip, Xia Zhian really didn't go out with Mo Qingchen several times, and that time, the experience of the whole trip was greatly reduced because of the things Zhou Yalan did, so she always wanted to go out with Mo Qingchen again.

Considering that Mo Qingchen usually manages everything every day, she has no good intention to mention such capricious news.

"Do you really have time?" Xia Zhian asked suspiciously, remembering that she had worked overtime for so long after Mo Qingchen came back last time.

"Really, what did I lie to you for?"

"Well, I'll do my homework recently to see where it's more fun. Do you have any special places you want to go?" Xia Zhian asked.

"Oh, and this time, do you want to take Nian and Tangtang, and Yifan?" Xia Zhian asked again.

"No, I'm bored with the light bulb." Mo Qingchen said with "dislike".

"But..." Xia Zhian said with a long voice, "last time they didn't go, they always wanted to go."

Mo Qingchen picked his eyebrows and looked at Xia Zhian. He knew that Xia Zhian was good everywhere, but sometimes his mouth was not honest enough and always said some duplicity.

"Are you sure you want to take them with you?" Mo Qingchen asked. His eyes stared at Xia Zhian, as if he had already seen through her careful thinking.

Xia Zhian's duplicity is the limit. She is stared at by Mo Qingchen and asked her to lie. That's absolutely impossible.

In fact, she also longed for the world of two people in her heart, but her face was not as thick as Mo Qingchen, and she always talked about it at any time.

"Well, forget it. Take them next time." Xia Zhian said quickly.

Mo Qingchen was satisfied. He scraped Xia Zhian's delicate tip of the nose and said, "little thing."

"Hate, you are not allowed to mess with my nose!" Xia Zhian covered the tip of her nose and resisted very much.

"I want --" Mo Qingchen said, and then, under Xia Zhian's stubborn resistance, he still pressed people to "clean up" without effort.

As a result, the atmosphere changed without cleaning up for two minutes.

They still didn't do the last step, but it was almost the same. Xia Zhian sometimes wondered if her charm was not enough. Otherwise, why could Mo Qingchen always stop?

But at the thought of Mo Qingchen's enthusiasm for her, he felt as if he was not unattractive.

Ah - I'm so bored. Xia Zhian thought crazily, can Mo Qingchen do it?

But she didn't dare to say it.

Mo Qingchen had a plan in mind and naturally implemented it in an orderly manner.

Early in the morning, Mo Qingchen changed his clothes. Xia Zhian was still in bed. He walked over and had to wake others up.

"Well -" Xia Zhian woke up with a kiss. She opened her eyes mistily and saw the enlarged handsome face of Mo Qingchen.

The taste of aftershave water was very clear and went into her limbs and bones.

"What are you doing?" Xia Zhian just woke up, her voice was charming and whiny, with a trace of laziness, "go to work by yourself."

"I just go to work," said Mo Qingchen, pulling the half awake man up and lying, "but you have to help me tie my tie."

Mo Qingchen carried a smoky gray striped tie in his hand, which matched his suit very well. Xia Zhian had a beautiful man's welfare early in the morning, and the tired wake-up gas dissipated cleanly.

But you have to complain: "you can't tie it yourself?"

It's more like being spoiled than complaining.

"You've accepted my ring, that's my man, so you can tie all my ties in the future." Mo Qingchen said solemnly.

Xia Zhian was lifted up early in the morning and stared at Mo Qingchen with a red face, but she honestly tied her tie.

She patted the neckline with great satisfaction and said, "Mr. Mo, work hard."

"So afraid I can't afford you?" Mo Qingchen asked.

Xia Zhian covered her mouth and yawned. The sleepy insect got up again. She was too lazy to talk nonsense with Mo Qingchen and said, "who wants you to raise it? Go to work quickly."

Mo Qingchen bowed his head and kissed Xia Zhian's forehead, telling him, "be good at home."

Mrs. Mo thought it was a sure thing to threaten her power and status. Unexpectedly, Mo Qingchen has officially begun to prepare to get rid of the affairs of the Mo group.

"Take over half of the plans you got before, and then gather the middle and high levels for a meeting." Mo Qingchen ordered the secretary.

People in the company feel very strange. Mo Qingchen's rhythm is obviously going to have a long holiday.

"What's the matter? What exactly does president Mo mean by his speech at the meeting today?"

"Sounds like a holiday."

"Vacation? Why do I feel like I'm leaving?"

At the end of the meeting, the people who came out of it discussed it one after another.

"Who knows? Mr. Mo didn't say it clearly. Maybe we just think too much."

"Yes, Mo's family is just a prince. If it's not Mr. Mo's inheritance, what else can it be? I said don't think about it."

"But today's meeting is really strange..."

Mo Qingchen knows what kind of rumors will appear inside the company, but from the moment he decides, these things will have nothing to do with him and are no longer the scope he needs to worry about.

As for Mo Qingchen's plan

Just as he said to Xia Zhian last night, he was going to take her to have a good time first, which would be regarded as adjusting his life.

"I am out!" mowan has dressed up, and with her registered residence information, she has been looking forward to going out to the civil administration.

Along the way, thinking of meeting Mo Qingchen soon, they were just husband and wife. Mo Waner couldn't control the corners of her mouth.

"Young lady, you are in a good mood," said the driver, glancing at the rearview mirror.

"Yes," said Mo Waner.

From the point that the destination is the Civil Affairs Bureau, the driver knows why the eldest lady is happy.

When she arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, Mo Waner waited downstairs with her bag and materials. She came earlier. It is estimated that Mo Qingchen is still on the way. She hesitated for a long time and still didn't call Mo Qingchen.

After all, sometimes waiting is a good thing.

However, with the passage of time, the agreed time has long passed, but Mo Qingchen's figure has not been seen for a long time. Mo Waner's heart has turned upside down.

Did he go back on his word?

This is what Mo Waner is most worried about. From beginning to end, Mrs. Mo is communicating with her. She has never heard half a word directly from Mo Qingchen's mouth or even seen Mo Qingchen, so is it really not what she imagined?

Mo Waner persuades herself not to worry and wait patiently until an hour has passed from the agreed time, and her heart finally becomes cold.

It was getting dark. Mo Waner waited from day to afternoon. The whole day passed. Even the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau were ready to get off work. She still didn't see Mo Qingchen.

At this moment, she finally gave up.

Mo Waner summoned up the courage to contact Mo Qingchen. The response she could get was that she couldn't get through. Reluctantly, she had to choose to contact Mrs. mo.

"Aunt, what's going on today?" Mo Waner asked wrongly, "I waited all day, but I didn't see ah Chen at all."

"What?" Mrs. Mo was shocked. Didn't Mo Qingchen have made a choice? What the hell is going on!

"Wan'er, don't worry. It's so late. Go home first. When my aunt finds out what's going on, I'll give you an explanation." Mrs. Mo promised on the phone.

After all, Mo Waner is a girl and a young lady who has always been used to being reserved. When she meets this kind of thing, she will inevitably feel hurt, so her psychology is also a little broken.

"Aunt, Wan'er doesn't have to say anything ugly, but this time it's really too much!" Mo Wan'er couldn't help crying. "If ah Chen doesn't want to, why insult people like this?"

"Yes," Mrs. Mo also felt very sorry. "Wan'er, we Mohists are sorry for this. Don't cry, aunt, ah Chen will apologize to you!"

Mo Waner obviously didn't trust Mrs. Mo so much this time. She just said, "I don't dare to ask for an apology, but at least you should give me an explanation?"

"Of course, don't worry!"

It was not easy to coax Mo Waner. Mrs. Mo was so angry that her temples were jumping. She immediately called Mo Qingchen and asked her teacher to apologize.

As a result, even Mrs. Mo didn't get through to Mo Qingchen's mobile phone. Finally, she called Mo's family and contacted Mo Qingchen himself after transfer.

"Ah Chen, what exactly do you mean?" Mrs. Mo began to lose her temper and scolded, "do you know that Waner has been waiting for you in the Civil Affairs Bureau all day. I sent a message to you yesterday. You do this -"

"You sent a message yesterday, but did I reply to you?" Mo Qingchen interrupted Mrs. Mo's speech.

"Hmm?" Mrs. Mo was stunned. He really didn't reply, but didn't they reach a consensus on the phone before the message?

"I made it very clear yesterday that if you don't marry Mo Waner, you will leave the Mohist school. You promised yourself. Now come back?"

Mo Qingchen sneered and heard him say, "when did we reach a consensus?"

Mrs. Mo's voice also cooled down and asked, "what do you mean now?"

"I made it very clear that I only want Xia Zhian," Mo Qingchen said freely without being threatened. "In that case, I'll quit the Mo group."

Mrs. Mo didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at this time. She couldn't help asking, "what are you doing in the company now?" in Mrs. Mo's opinion, Mo Qingchen couldn't really leave the Mohist school, so she thought she had grasped Mo Qingchen's weakness.

"From beginning to end, I will officially leave after I have explained the company's affairs." Mo Qingchen said like a stream of good advice, without a trace of nostalgia and reluctance.

"What?" Mrs. Mo was completely shocked. She couldn't speak. She recovered for a long time and asked unbelievably, "ah Chen, are you serious?"

"Ha ha... When am I not serious?" Mo Qingchen said calmly. "Isn't this the choice you gave me? Now I have made my own choice. I hope you can do what you say and respect my choice."

"You --" Mrs. Mo wanted to say something, but Mo Qingchen had hung up the phone.

Murph was so popular that he told his father about it.

"Husband, do you think ah Chen is crazy?" Mrs. Mo refused to believe it until now. Mo Qingchen was willing to give up Mohism for Xia Zhian.

I'm afraid no one will dare believe it when it is said.

"I said you wouldn't work like this!" instead of comforting Mrs. Mo, Mo's father scolded, "now that it's like this, do you want me to go back to work?"

Mo's father has long handed over all the affairs of the company to Mo Qingchen. He is used to shaking hands with the shopkeeper, but he doesn't want to go back to work hard. Of course, he is very dissatisfied with Mrs. Mo's practice this time.

"I don't believe it..." Mrs. Mo murmured. She still felt incredible. "Ah Chen can't do this. It's impossible..."

Mrs. Mo didn't give up and tried to contact Mo Qingchen, but this time, even when she called the company, she couldn't find the figure of Mo Qingchen.

Mo Qingchen handled the matter almost, so he left the company directly and went home.

Now he is only thinking about the trip with Xia Zhian, and he doesn't bother about anything.

After returning home, Xia Zhian quickly showed her achievements of the whole day to Mo Qingchen.

"You see, these are the places I chose. There are all kinds of places. Which one do you prefer?" Xia Zhian has a lot of homework in front of her, and she can see that she is very attentive.

Mo Qingchen took the information made by Xia Zhian and looked at it carefully.

"By the way, have you handled the affairs of your company? Which days are the holidays? I can also plan the length of our trip." Xia Zhian said, pointing to one of the seaside lessons, "I want to go here. Are you interested?"

Mo Qingchen said indifferently, "anywhere is OK, as long as it's you."

Xia Zhian: "

Did this man read some books secretly? Why did he talk about love talk one by one recently?

"Just be sweet and serious. I'll ask you something serious!" Xia Zhian said, avoiding Mo Qingchen's straightforward and enthusiastic eyes.

"Where am I not serious?" Mo Qingchen asked.

"It's not serious anywhere!" Xia Zhian said fiercely. "Stare" at Mo Qingchen and said, "ask you, how many days can you rest?"

"I'll stay out with you as long as you want to play in a few days," said Mo Qingchen.

"How is it possible?" Xia Zhian said, "you speak well. If you play too long, you have to work overtime day and night when you come back..."

"Why, is this beginning to love me?" Mo Qingchen asked without beating.

"Who loves you!" Xia Zhian really couldn't help but roll her eyes. Finally, she said obediently, "going out to play is to relax. If you have to work hard after you come back, what's the meaning?"

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