"Really! If you can't bring it, please hire a servant. What can you do?"

Anyway, Mrs. Mo doesn't like Xia Zhian. She always has to pick a bone in her eggs.

"Just played downstairs for a while, it was a little hot, so I immediately brought them back to change their clothes." Xia Zhian explained that although she didn't mean it, she knew Mrs. Mo didn't like her, so she didn't want to annoy each other.

Mo Qingchen really couldn't stand Mrs. Mo's attitude towards Xia Zhian. He urged: "aren't you going to go? It won't bother you. Zhian has taken care of them for so long. I don't think anything has happened."

Mrs. Mo stared at Xia Zhian's son and shook her head helplessly.

When the two little guys saw that grandma's face didn't look very good, they immediately stuck it up and asked, "grandma, what's the matter with you? Who made you unhappy?"

The little guy's voice is sweet and milk. He stares at Mrs. Mo Mengmeng. Even if she has a big temper, she can't vent in front of the two children. What's more, she's in an embarrassing situation.

"It's all right. Grandma is not unhappy," Mrs. Mo forced out a smiling face. "You hurry to change your clothes and don't catch a cold."

"And -- if anyone dares to bully you in the future, you must tell Grandma, you know?"

Mo Jintang nodded and said, "I know, grandma!"

Mo Jinnian, who was born ten minutes earlier, was much wiser than Mo Jintang. He fully understood grandma's implication and glanced at the three adults standing. He said directly, "grandma, don't worry, mom won't bully us."

This makes Mrs. Mo's face hot. Now she has no confidence. She doesn't even dare to lose her temper.

"OK, you change your clothes and grandma is gone." Mrs. Mo quickly left the place where she felt uncomfortable.

With a bang, the door was slammed, and the room was quiet again.

Xia Zhian looked at Mo Qingchen and didn't know what to say at this time.

It was mo Jinnian who shook Xia Zhian's hand and reminded him, "Mom, change your clothes."

"Oh," Xia Zhian said, "OK, let's go. I'll take you to change your clothes."

The two children seemed to be too tired. Xia Zhian took them a simple bath and changed their clothes. They dozed off. After coaxing them to sleep, Xia Zhian went to the living room.

"Come here." Mo Qingchen was sitting on the sofa and waved to Xia Zhian. She walked over and sat down beside him.

Xia Zhian remembered what had happened just now and asked, "how did Mrs. Mo come?"

"Find me back to the company," said Mo Qingchen.

"Hmm?" Xia Zhi'an was stunned and asked, "what's going on?"

Mo Qingchen simply explained the recent chaos of the Mo group, and finally said, "so she asked me to go back and clean up the mess."

Xia Zhian was not stupid. After thinking for a while, she reacted and asked, "did you expect all this long ago?"

Even, this is just a part of Mo Qingchen's plan.

"Yes." Mo Qingchen admitted directly.

"Then... Will you go back?" Xia Zhian hesitated. Although she slept in the same bed every day, most of the time she couldn't feel the real thoughts in Mo Qingchen's heart.

"Return, why not return." Mo Qingchen said.

This time, it's just to let Mrs. Mo and Mo's father clearly understand his attitude. He will shoulder the responsibility of the successor of Mohism and do his part, but he won't sacrifice his happiness, let alone be a puppet manipulated at will.

Moreover, for Mohist, Mohist group is only a family business, but for countless employees within the group, this is their livelihood. From the perspective of social responsibility, MOH Qingchen will not give up easily.

Xia Zhian thought, since this is the case, that is to say, this matter has passed.

"Shall we move back?"

Many things have happened during this period, but in fact, it is less than ten days. Most of their things are in the Mohist villa, so it is always more convenient to move back.

"Whatever, these things are not in a hurry," said Mo Qingchen. He looked at Xia Zhian seriously. "You might as well think about when to marry me."

Hearing Mo Qingchen's words, Xia Zhian suddenly blushed, looked at him coyly, and said with flashing eyes: "this... I, I have to discuss it with my parents?"

Mo Qingchen smiled and said, "OK, let me know after discussion."

Immediately, Mo Qingchen approached again, lowered his head in Xia Zhian's ear and said softly, "don't let me wait too long."

"Well..." Xia Zhian's voice was too low to hear clearly, "I know."

While Mo Qingchen went out of the company, Xia Zhian called Mrs. Yan.


"Zhi'an, what's the matter?" Mrs. Yan asked, "I heard you went out with President Mo some time ago. How was it? Did you have a good time?"

Referring to the pleasant journey before, Xia Zhian bent her mouth and said, "well, I had a good time and had a good time."

Mrs. Yan said from the perspective of people who came over: "Zhi'an, is it suitable for these two people to live together? Going out for a trip together is the most illustrative thing."

"Well, mom, this time I called, I just wanted to tell you..." Xia Zhian paused, still a little shy, said, "Mr. Mo and I, we... Are ready to get married."

Mrs. Yan was stunned at the other end of the phone. Then she smiled sincerely and said, "really? Good! Zhi'an, if you have decided, my mother will bless you and support you!"

"Well, thank you, mom." Xia Zhian said shyly. This was the first blessing she received, and she felt warm in her heart.

"By the way, have you fixed the time?" Mrs. Yan asked anxiously.

"I just want to discuss it with you and dad?" Xia Zhian said.

"What else to discuss?" Mrs. Yan said quickly. "Of course, the sooner the better! My mother supports you to get the license tomorrow, and then give me some little grandchildren. Don't worry, my mother will bring them for you at that time!"

Mrs. Yan's desire to have grandchildren is clear and clear. Who hasn't been urged to marry among the Yan Family's children?

Now that a child is finally getting married, Mrs. Yan is more excited than anyone!

"Mom ~ you're... Too fast, I'm sure." Xia Zhian said, tomorrow? She doesn't hate marriage so much.

"That's also true. We can't seem that our daughter is too unrelenting. Well, just discuss the time. Mom has one opinion. Don't delay too late!" Mrs. Yan said. "Anyway, we've decided to be together. It's better early than late."

"OK, I'll ask Mr. Mo again."

Mrs. Yan listened to Xia Zhian saying "Mr. Mo" one by one. She was very uncomfortable and asked, "this is going to get married. Do you still call Mr. Mo?"

Xia Zhian is really used to calling. She suddenly asked her to change her name. She's really not used to it.

"Mom ~ why do you make fun of me?" Xia Zhian said coyly.

"OK, mom doesn't laugh at you. By the way..." Mrs. Yan's cheerful voice suddenly became worried and asked, "Mrs. Mo, she doesn't mind?"

Mrs. Yan was very clear. When she took the initiative to mention the marriage of her two children, Mrs. Mo couldn't resist.

In Mrs. Yan's opinion, their family Zhian is good everywhere. If she marries and suffers, she is the first to disagree.

"Mrs. Mo......" Xia Zhian hesitated. "She's relaxed recently, but I don't think she likes me very much."

This is a pity in Xia Zhian's heart. She hopes that her combination with Mo Qingchen can be blessed by everyone, especially the families of both sides, but it seems that this hope can't be realized for the time being.

Mrs. Yan doesn't quite understand what this means. Since she agreed, why don't you like it?

"It's all right, she agreed!" Mrs. Yan said, "but Zhi'an, my mother tells you, don't live in their house even if you get married. This kind of mother-in-law is not easy to get along with!"

Xia Zhian thought about Mo Qingchen's attitude and said, "we shouldn't live together."

It is estimated that Mo Qingchen can't stand Mrs. Mo's.

"That's good!" Mrs. Yan told again, "Zhi'an, although you married to Mohism, you are the daughter-in-law of Mohism, but you will always be the apple of mom and dad's eye. If you feel unhappy, you can go home at any time. Mom and dad are your backing, you know?"

Hearing this, Xia Zhian's eyes turned red. She sucked her nose and said, "well, thank you, mom."

Mrs. Yan let Xia Zhian realize the long lost maternal love, and her mood fluctuated for a time.

The mother and daughter talked for a while before they hung up.

Just at this time, Yan Yufeng was at home. He didn't go to the company today. As soon as he came downstairs, he saw Mrs. Yan sitting in the living room with a smile.

"Mom, what's the good thing?" Yan Yufeng sat down and asked, "you smile so happy."

"Your sister is getting married!" Mrs. Yan said excitedly and said again, "Hey, what will I wear for the wedding? No, no, I have to think about the dowry first. I have to let my daughter get married in style. I'm busy!"

Mrs. Yan was so excited that she looked at Yan Yufeng and said, "you are still the eldest brother. Why did you fall behind your sister? When will you take a girlfriend home to show me?"

Yan Yufeng was most afraid to talk about this. He quickly changed the topic.

"Zhi'an is getting married? With Mo Qingchen?" Yan Yufeng asked.

"Yes, I just called to tell me. I think Mo Qingchen is a good person, but it's his mother -" Mrs. Yan thought about it. She'll be in laws in the future. She can't speak too hard, but she's still not very satisfied. "Mrs. Mo agreed, but she's still dissatisfied with our Zhi'an. I don't understand. What's the matter with us Zhi'an?"

Yan Yufeng and Yan shaoting have long been in charge of the Yan Family's company, so he is very clear about the chaos of the Mohs group these days.

In this way, it seems that everything is connected by an invisible line.

"Mom, don't worry. Zhian won't be wronged when she marries ah Chen." Yan Yufeng thought it over and said with a smile.

"Are you so sure?" Mrs. Yan asked.

Yan Yufeng said his guess, including what efforts Mo Qingchen had made to make Mrs. Mo relax, and analyzed them one by one.

"Ah Chen, since he can do this, do you think he will let Mrs. Mo bully us Zhi'an?"

The second generation ancestors who have real skills are scarce resources in the circle. At the same time, they can fight with their family for their other half. This is one of the few. Mrs. Yan felt completely relieved.

"If you really say so, we Zhi'an are really lucky!" Mrs. Yan said happily, and she was more satisfied with Mo Qingchen.

"Don't worry. Shaoting and ah Chen and I have been friends for many years. We all know who he is." Yan Yufeng said.

After Mrs. Mo left Xia Zhi's home, she went back to the Mo house listlessly.

She always felt depressed. She grabbed the domestic servant and complained for a long time, but she still couldn't solve it. When Mo father came back, she continued to shout about it with Mo father.

"You say, why ah Chen?" Mrs. Mo wondered, "what's good about Xia Zhian? Even if it's Yan's parent daughter, isn't Mo Waner better than her?"

"I think it's better to seduce men!"

Mo's father has been very upset about the company these days. When he comes home and listens to his wife's complaints, he naturally has no patience.

"Can you stop worrying about your son?" in father Mo's opinion, he can't control it at all. Why bother about it? It will only make his son more alienated from home.

"How can I not worry!" Mrs. Mo roared. "He has to marry that fox spirit. He's obsessed!"

"No, why is Xia Zhian bad?" asked Mo Fu. "The Yan family has a name and surname. If ah Chen really wants to find a girl from an ordinary family, are you satisfied?"

"I'd rather be an ordinary girl!" Mrs. Mo said angrily.

In her opinion, Xia Zhian, a woman who gave birth to others, asked her to be the daughter-in-law of Mohism. In the future, others can use this to attack their Mohism. She can't afford to lose this person!

"Don't deceive yourself and others." Mo Fu mercilessly exposed Mo Fu's words. At the beginning, I didn't know that Xia Zhian had been a surrogate for others. When I thought Xia Zhian was the daughter of an ordinary family, she didn't agree?

"I just can't figure it out. I worked hard to conceive my son in September and brought him up by myself. I'm willing to work against me for such a fox spirit. Why?" Mrs. Mo said more and more wrongly, as if Xia Zhian robbed her son.

That's true, though.

"Hey, I'm too lazy to say you. Take your time..." said Mo Fu.

"What's the matter with you? You and your son are both moral and heartless!" Mrs. Mo couldn't help but vent her anger.

"What can I do? If you can't control it, I can control it?" said Mo Fu impatiently. "Forget it, I won't quarrel with you. I have to go to the study to deal with the company's troubles!"

At the mention of the company, Mrs. Mo was like a leaky balloon and couldn't speak.

Isn't it all her fault?

Seeing that Mo Fu changed his clothes and hid in the study, Mo Fu was so popular that he threw his pillow into the corner and continued to be angry in bed. The depression in his heart almost drowned her.

She is clear that in the future, as long as Mo Qingchen stands on Xia Zhian's side, she will have no confidence to scold Xia Zhian.

In addition to proving her ability, Mo Qingchen first let her know that if she wants to live a luxurious life now, she has to rely on his son to make money.

She can't live without a son.

Finally, Xia Zhian and Mo Qingchen discussed the time of the wedding.

They recently moved back to the Mojia villa. Moqingchen originally wanted to arrange for the reinstallation of the bedroom, but the company has too many trivia. In addition, they have to change a new house after marriage, so they don't think it's necessary to toss about.

In the evening, they lay in bed and discussed the matter again.

"My parents said that they had no opinion on time, but my mother wanted to be faster." Xia Zhian honestly relayed Mrs. Yan's words.

But Mo Qingchen wanted to tease her. He looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Mrs. Yan wants to hurry up, or are you anxious to marry me?"

Xia Zhian has been * * many times recently, and has gradually become immune. She pretended to say, "it's what my mother said. Hey, in fact, I don't think it's necessary to be in such a hurry. Otherwise, we can get married after graduation like me for a few more years."

Sure enough, Mo Qingchen's face changed as soon as he heard this.

Isn't he the one who should be anxious?

"What? You'll have to stay for a few more years, which means you're not very satisfied with me and want to return and exchange goods?" Mo Qingchen's tone became dangerous.

Xia Zhian noticed it, but she felt that it was too humiliating to be counselled again. She boldly said, "it's not just me. What if you're not satisfied with me, Mr. Mo? Isn't everyone still have a chance to consider it?"

"I think you just owe to clean up!" Mo Qingchen turned over, pressed Xia Zhian on the bed and warned, "I tell you, this idea was eliminated as soon as possible!"

Mo Qingchen raised Xia Zhian's hands over his head and pressed one hand.

"You're fierce." Xia Zhi'an said wrongly with her mouth, "Mr. Mo, I feel a little afraid."

"I'm afraid it's too late," said Mo Qingchen fiercely. "We'll get the certificate at the beginning of next month!"

Xia Zhian was surprised and said, "so fast?"

"Why? Do you really want to repent?" Mo Qingchen's face became more ugly, and his whole body was emitting the smell of the coming rainstorm.

Xia Zhian didn't dare to play, and explained: "no, I just talked nonsense, but... It's too fast. There's no time to prepare for the wedding..."

Which girl doesn't fantasize about her wedding?

Xia Zhian is of course willing to marry Mo Qingchen earlier, but if the price is a hasty wedding, it's not necessary. After all, why rush for a moment.

"Oh... Also said he was not in a hurry?" Mo Qingchen loosened his hand. "I said to get the certificate at the beginning of the month, but the wedding can be held at the end of the year."

For Mo Qingchen, this wedding is also very important. Of course, he can't have wronged Xia Zhian.

Xia Zhian's hand was released and naturally hung Mo Qingchen's neck. The two eyes were opposite, and each other's extremely outstanding face was printed in their pupils, with the same radian of their lips.

"After that, please Mr. mo." Xia Zhian said with a smile.

Mo Qingchen looked at Xia Zhian and felt that the whole starry sky was printed in her eyes, which lit up the night and his life.

In this situation, any words will become nonsense, only suitable for kissing.

The news that Mo Qingchen and Xia Zhian were going to get the certificate soon spread. Xia Yifan was not surprised. After all, he was optimistic about Mo Qingchen from the beginning. He even called his "brother-in-law". Now it's just more "worthy of the name".

To say the happiest, it is mojinnian and mojintang.

"Ah ah -" MOJIN sugar cheered, "after that, mom will be our real mom, right?"

She is like a little asshole. She sticks to Xia Zhian as a small tail after she settles down. She goes wherever Xia Zhian goes. She cries "Mom" one by one.

"Of course, Dad's wife is our mother." Mo Jinnian said next to him. God knows how worried he is. For fear that Mo LAN will take Xia Zhian away.

In this way, his father was the most powerful, and Mo Jinnian couldn't help feeling a little proud.

"I'm so happy!" Mo Jintang insisted that Xia Zhian hold her and read, "we moved back, and mother has become a mother. It's good!"

In the future, when the kindergarten wants parents to come to the meeting, Xia Zhian can rightly replace Mo Qingchen to attend, rather than always let the assistant go.

The two little guys' obsession with their mother finally took a big step forward.

Mo Qingchen worked in the company. Since his return, he immediately used thunder to restore the company to its original order as soon as possible.

Not only are people no longer worried inside the company, but even the partners who planned to withdraw before have renewed their contracts again, which makes Mrs. MO realize that today's Mo group is inseparable from Mo Qingchen.

But after all, there are too many things accumulated. Mo Qingchen always works overtime these days. It's not easy to deal with things today. He can go home in advance, but he received a call from Yan shaoting.

"Hey, I heard that Mo Shao is very busy recently?" Yan shaoting said foolishly.

"Something to say." Mo Qingchen said coldly.

"I said, you will treat your future brother-in-law with this attitude?" Yan shaoting said with a "tut" and said, "what should I do? It seems that you are not particularly suitable for Zhi'an?"

"So what?" Mo Qingchen was not threatened by anyone at all.

"OK, I know you're powerful and you're great, OK? It's a real family in the future. Can you be as warm to your family as the spring breeze?"

"Sorry, No." Mo Qingchen was still cold.

He was not a patient and good tempered person. The only tenderness was given to Xia Zhian. Of course, he could come any way to others.

"I'm convinced. It's because you're going to marry my sister. Do you want to get you a bachelor? How can you return this attitude? It's too much!" Yan shaoting said discontentedly.

Mo Qingchen thought for a moment. In the past, he might be interested in participating in this boring party of the second generation ancestors, but now, it's really better to go home and heat the Kang with his wife and children.

But as Yan shaoting said, their two brothers are also Xia Zhian's brother at least. This face always needs to be given.

"Even if you're single, call your brother and let's have a few drinks tonight." Mo Qingchen relaxed.

"OK," Yan shaoting smiled when he agreed, "it seems that my sister is very powerful and takes good care of you..."

Most men like to dress up in front of their brothers and like to show their family status, but Mo Qingchen does the opposite. He doesn't mind whether others think he is "henpecked" and feels very interesting.

"What do you know? It's called respect," Mo Qingchen laughed ruthlessly. "Forget it, a single dog like you should not understand it."

"You are killing people and killing people!" Yan shaoting shouted.

After the appointment, Mo Qingchen told Xia Zhian about it. He didn't go back to dinner at night, so she didn't have to wait.

As it happens, Xia Zhian has his own arrangements.

She called Xia Yifan back from school to help take care of Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang, but she asked Luo Yanqing out.

Luo Yanqing was just free, but he was surprised and asked, "what are you looking for me?"

After all, Xia Zhian is not the kind of person who will find someone to chat blindly.

"Well, I have something to ask you," Xia Zhian said.

Since she decided to get married, Xia Zhian has been worried about the choice of bridesmaids. Her roommate of four years in college must be the best choice. However, she has not regarded Qin Fangfang and Zhou Yalan as friends for a long time. Naturally, it is impossible to find them, leaving only Luo Yanqing.

However, she has always been high and cold. Xia Zhian is worried that she may not agree.

"What's up?" Luo Yanqing asked.

In fact, although Luo Yanqing is very cold in school, she is essentially a very righteous person to her friends. The premise is that she has to admit that you are her friend.

Once she thinks it's not... Refer to her behavior of throwing people out of the hotel room with their luggage.

"Yes, I'm getting married..."

Hearing Xia Zhian say so, Luo Yanqing's eyebrows were slightly picked. She guessed what Xia Zhian wanted to say behind her in an instant.

"At that time, can you be my Bridesmaid?" Xia Zhian asked. She looked at Luo Yanqing nervously.

So far, Xia Zhian only thinks of this candidate. As for other bridesmaids, she may have to wait until later.

"Is it with Mr. mo before?" Luo Yanqing asked, because as far as she knew, the two people didn't communicate for a long time, and Mr. Mo seemed to have children.

But after asking, she felt that it was impolite to ask, but she couldn't take it back.

Xia Zhian didn't feel anything. She nodded and said, "yes, it's him."

From Xia Zhian's expression, it can be seen that she is very happy now. Luo Yanqing suddenly feels that her ideas are too superficial. She should not judge others' lives.

What's more, the length of communication and whether there are children are not reasons.

"Sorry, I'm just a little surprised." Luo Yanqing explained, "very good, Zhi'an. I wish you a happy wedding and have a good relationship with Mr. mo."

"Thank you," Xia Zhian said shyly, "then you..."

"Oh, of course I'd like to be your bridesmaid. Have you made an appointment?" Luo Yanqing asked. In fact, she was the first bridesmaid, and she was looking forward to it.

"At the end of the year, when the specific time is set, I will tell you immediately." Xia Zhian said happily, "Yan Qing, thank you for being my bridesmaid." Xia Zhian sincerely thanked her.

"You're welcome. I'm happy to be invited."

Xia Zhian and Luo Yanqing talked for a while. Their friendship seemed to move forward because of this time.

In the past, because Luo Yanqing didn't talk much, Xia Zhian always felt a sense of distance. But on the last graduation trip, she sent those things to herself. Xia Zhian felt that Luo Yanqing was actually a good person. Even Mo Qingchen said that among her three roommates, only Luo Yanqing could contact.

In the noisy bar, Mo Qingchen and Yan's two brothers sat in the card seat.

Mo Qingchen leaned back on the sofa with a glass of wine in his hand. The deafening music made him feel a little collapsed. He couldn't remember how long he hadn't been to such a place.

"Why? Not used to it?" Yan shaoting seemed to see it and asked.

"Not at all," Mo Qingchen said indifferently, "I just don't think it's interesting."

"OK!" Yan shaoting made a stop gesture and said first, "Mo Shao, I know you have a happy life. Can you stop showing?"

Really, who did their single dog provoke?

Besides, Yan shaoting thinks it's cool to live among thousands of flowers without touching a leaf. Why do you have to enter the cage of marriage so soon?

Yan Yufeng was much more serious than Yan shaoting. He raised his glass and touched Mo Qingchen and said, "I'll be a family in the future. I don't say any polite words. You're good to my sister. I've said a lot of good words for you in front of my mother."

"I still need you to say good words for me?"

By implication, isn't he an object worthy of trust?

"You have no problem, but your parents..." Yan Yufeng only said half, and then stopped.

Mo Qingchen was silent. This is indeed a problem. Although it seems to have been solved at present, the core of the actual problem has not been solved.

"Don't worry about this," Mo Qingchen said solemnly after thinking, "I can't let Zhi an be wronged."

Yan Yufeng and Yan shaoting raised their glasses. Needless to say, they expressed their trust and blessing to Mo Qingchen.

After all, what Mo Qingchen has done these days can clearly show his attitude.

As Yan's family, what they really want is mo Qingchen's attitude.

The three of them sat in the bar for a while. They simply drank, didn't have fun, and didn't even take the initiative to come to the door for entertainment. Mo Qingchen soon felt boring.

"Keep drinking and put it on my account," Mo Qingchen stood up, sorted out his suit and said, "I'll go back first."

Yan shaoting made a gesture to let him go.

For the second ancestor, this time is the starting point of nightlife, but Mo Qingchen just wants to go home early because there is someone waiting for him at home.

When Xia Zhian opened the door for Mo Qingchen, she smelled a burst of wine.

"Did you drink?" Xia Zhian asked with a frown.

"HMM..." Mo Qingchen obviously didn't drink much, but he pretended to be drunk. He fell on Xia Zhian and said, "wife, hold..."

Xia Zhian felt angry and funny.

Angry is that Mo Qingchen has worked so hard recently and has to drink like this for entertainment. She is very distressed; The smile is that the man is drunk, even like a child, and quarrels to hold him.

Regardless of his shameless call "wife" in advance, he asked people to put most of their weight on themselves and help him go upstairs to the bedroom.

"You slow down!" Xia Zhian gasped. It's really physical work to "help" a man whose height and weight far exceed his own!

"If you drink like this later, I won't let you go home!" Xia Zhian threatened while people were not awake.

"No, you can't... don't me." Mo Qingchen's face was buried in Xia Zhian's neck.

The exhaled heat made Xia Zhian a burst of excitement. She thought she hadn't been drunk and could understand people's words.

"Well, then be good. Don't be so drunk again, okay?" Xia Zhian said to him patiently, although it was clear that when Mo Qingchen woke up, he might not remember what he said.

"Then hold me..."

"Isn't I holding you?" Xia Zhian chuckled.

Drunk Mo Qingchen is so cute!

When she stumbled into the room, Xia Zhian asked Mo Qingchen to lie in bed, go to the bathroom and get a wet towel to wipe his face.

"Mr. Mo, do you want to throw up? Shall I take a trash can and put it by the bed?"

Xia Zhian is also thinking about the super expensive bedding on their bed. If Mo Qingchen dares to vomit on it, she dares to throw him out!

"Don't want to, uncomfortable..."

"Hum, do you know how uncomfortable it is? Dare to drink so much next time?" Xia Zhi'an said that although she said so, she was too honest and said, "then you are good, lie here by yourself, and I'll make sober Soup for you."

Then Xia Zhian was leaving.

Mo Qingchen completely pretended to be drunk. At this moment, he was awake in his mind. He was not willing to toss Xia Zhian so much. He directly grabbed people's wrist and pulled Xia Zhian to the bed.

"What are you doing -" Xia Zhi'an exclaimed, but she had been suppressed by Mo Qingchen.

His eyes were especially bright tonight, like the last touch of stars falling into the bottom of his eyes. He stared at Xia Zhian seriously, which made her palpitation for no reason. At the same time, his heart beat quickly became violent.

"Don't go," said Mo Qingchen.

Xia Zhian stares at Mo Qingchen's eyes. The more she looks, the more something goes wrong. Will a drunk person have such sober eyes?

"Are you... Pretending to be drunk?" Xia Zhian asked tentatively.

Mo Qingchen suddenly became "dizzy" and directly fell into Xia Zhian's neck nest. He arched around and said vaguely: "ah... My head hurts, so uncomfortable..."

Xia Zhian has almost determined that this person is pretending to be drunk and teasing her!

"Hiss -" Mo Qingchen was hurt and pinched hard on his waist, "are you going to murder your husband?"

"Mr. Mo, you speak more accurately, and now you are not a 'husband'." Xia Zhian said fiercely, with an appearance of accounting, "how dare you cheat me!"

Mo Qingchen couldn't hold it anymore, but he still depended on people. He explained: "I really drank. I went to drink with your brother and them."

"Elder brother?" Xia Zhian suddenly understood what, but still asked, "why do you suddenly drink?"

"What do you say? You're not afraid of me bullying you, but you say --" Mo Qingchen propped up his body, stared at Xia Zhian brightly, and asked, "did I bully you?"

Xia Zhian's eyes were full of amorous feelings. She stared at him coyly and said shyly, "aren't you bullying me now?"

"This is even 'bullying', then I'm serious. I'm afraid you'll cry." Mo Qingchen said.

"Nonsense again!" Xia Zhian patted him and said, "I also asked Yan Qing to meet today and find her... To be my bridesmaid."

Mo Qingchen picked his eyebrows. He knew that Xia Zhian was reluctant to introduce Luo Yanqing to Yan shaoting before, but when he got married, Yan shaoting probably would be his best man. Wouldn't this boy have a chance?

"By the way, Zhi'an, do you want a Chinese or western wedding?" Mo Qingchen asked. They seemed to be going to talk with this awkward posture.

Mo Qingchen was secretly cool. Anyway, this posture was his welfare.

Xia Zhian didn't realize it was wrong. She thought for a moment and said, "I prefer Chinese style. What about you?"

"OK, Chinese style is Chinese style," said Mo Qingchen. "I'll arrange someone to measure our body shape in two days. The dresses have to be customized in advance."

"Well." Xia Zhian nodded and asked, "the time is at the end of the year. Do you have an idea on which day?"

"Around Christmas? What do you think?" asked Mo Qingchen, "or the last day of the year?"

"I can do anything," Xia Zhian said, "but you have to discuss with your parents about arranging invitations, and... Mrs. Mo, you have to --"

"I see," Mo Qingchen lowered his head, pecked quickly on Xia Zhian's lips and said, "you don't have to worry about these things. I'll arrange it. You just wait to be the happiest bride in the world."

Xia Zhian looked at Mo Qingchen's enlarged handsome face. She didn't have to wait until the wedding day. As early as the moment she was with Mo Qingchen, she already felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

Mo Qingchen was staring at her throat tightly by Xia Zhian's bright eyes. She threatened in a deep voice: "if you look at me like this again, you don't want to sleep tonight?"

Suddenly became ambiguous atmosphere, Xia Zhi an feels, seem to have what thing to make complaints about her, the cheeks burst suddenly red, this just hurried hurried and hurried the person on the body, whispered a sentence: "hooligan!"

"This is a rogue?" said Mo Qingchen. "Besides, reacting to his wife can only be said to be a physiological instinct, which has a half dime relationship with the rogue?"

"Baby, if I don't respond, you should cry."

Xia Zhian's face was very hot. It was clear that Mo Qingchen used to be a high and cold iceberg. Now she is really more and more "glib". She has no power to refute.

"You can say!" Xia Zhian said to herself, "anyway, what you say is right!"

Marriage is a big event, especially for families such as the Mohist and Yan families. No matter whether the two families have the idea of "marriage", the combination of Mo Qingchen and Xia Zhian is indeed a "marriage" to some extent.

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