"It's OK for me to keep it secret," said Mo Jinnian. "The doctor will tell you the precautions later. You recite it for me and don't tell them when you recite it."

Ink brocade sugar: "

She's not a child anymore. As for making such a fuss?

However, Mo Jintang agreed with a smile: "back, I'm sure I can recite all."

"Not only do you have to recite, you have to do it. Don't take it to heart as soon as no one is staring at you." Mo Lan also said that he really knows the personality of MOJIN sugar.

"Well, I know." Mo Jintang said with his mouth and stared at Mo LAN. It was too much to bully her with his brother.

Mo Jintang thought that the two people were deliberately scaring her. Unexpectedly, after the doctor treated her wound and told her the precautions, the two people didn't mean to leave.

"Let's go. It's OK for me to go back to my bedroom to rest," urged Mo Jintang. "Also, don't you have a competition this afternoon, brother? I have to cheer you on."

"Add some oil and stay in your bedroom." Mo Jinnian said and asked, "what did the doctor say just now? Please recite it to me."

what? Mo Jintang widened his eyes and looked at them strangely. As a result, both Mo Jinnian and Mo LAN were waiting for her to recite. It was really true!

"I......" Mo Jintang was stubborn enough to beat them. He sighed and recalled the doctor's advice just now.

Hey, I really can't remember clearly.

"The wound can't touch water, and can't move around before scabbing, which affects the speed of wound healing. There will be growth itching when healing, and you can't pick with your hands, and..."

Mo Jintang recited it honestly. It felt like being suddenly called up by the teacher to recite the text when he was a child. He was nervous and had an inexplicable shame.

Finally, after reciting it, Mo brocade sugar blushed and said, "OK, can you take me away?"

"Well, remember to follow the doctor's instructions," Mo Jinnian said to Mo LAN again. "Take her back to her bedroom. I have something else to do. Don't come to the game in the afternoon."

"No problem," Mo Lan said, and directly picked up the ink brocade candy. "Come on, I'll take her away."

Mo Jintang thinks her brother and Mo LAN are wordy. She's a junior, okay? It's not a sensible child. How can you take care of yourself? Do you need to stare at her like this?

"Hum, brother, if you don't get the first place, I'll laugh at you." Mo Jintang turned his head in Mo Lan's arms and stared at Mo Jinnian.

"You're a third. Is that a good thing to say?"

"What's wrong with the third? My mother praised me. You despise the third!" MOJIN sugar said angrily.

"All right," Mo Lan said with a smile, "don't cry."

Mo LAN took Mo Jintang away, and Mo Jinnian returned to the sports meeting alone.

The first race in the afternoon was the men's 3000 meter long-distance race. In the past two years, mojinnian has always been the first in this project. This year, I heard that several newcomers are eyeing the championship.

"You say, can the senior student of Mo Jinnian defend the title this year?" several girls in the logistics group gathered together to discuss.

Xia yaruo was sorting out things. Hearing this, she immediately joined the discussion and said, "of course, no one has broken the record of Jinnian senior. He broke the record of freshman when he was a sophomore. Jinnian must still be the first!"

"Wow - you just entered school. How can you even inquire about such things?" the elder sister joked.

Xia yaruo immediately blushed. Gu left and right said to him, "there is no inquiry. The senior student of Jinnian is a man of the hour. Everyone knows these things."

"It's really sweet for a Jinnian senior. How about you send someone a bottle of water when the senior wins the first place later?" the elder sister urged.

Xia yaruo's mind was pierced and she was very shy, but when she thought of sending water, if she didn't go, it would be such a good opportunity... She tried her best to join the logistics group of the sports meeting. Isn't that why?

"When, of course," Xia yaruo whispered.

The water she was going to send to mojinnian was not a bottle casually picked up from the logistics group nearby. She bought it in advance yesterday. She also secretly drew a refueling little man on the corner of the wrapping paper with a water pen. The bottle of water was held in her hand and was almost warm.

"Stop it, the men's 3000 meter project is about to start!"

I don't know who shouted. The girls under discussion immediately rushed out of the preparation room and ran to the side of the track to observe.

On the track, with the gunshot, all the players rushed out, except Mo Jinnian, who kept a constant speed. At present, it seems that he is even backward.

Xia yaruo, who watched the Mo Jin year competition for the first time, was so nervous that her palms were all sweaty and cheered him silently in her heart.

"Senior, you must be the first. Come on!"

The elder sister next to her saw that Xia yaruo was so nervous that her finger joints were blue and white, and she couldn't help laughing.

"Is it your first time to watch the senior competition?"

"HMM." Xia yaruo was so nervous that she was stunned that she realized that the elder sister was talking to her, "I, I'm a freshman."

"No wonder, don't be nervous. Jinnian senior must be able to avoid it. He is usually like this. He won't spend too much physical strength at the beginning, and then he will explode directly until he crosses the finish line. Just wait and see."


Xia yaruo nodded, but the tension in her heart was not better.

Sure enough, as the elder sister said, after the first few laps, Mo Jinnian kept a certain distance from others at a constant speed. When others were gradually exhausted, he seemed to have just finished warming up, which was the real start of the game.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Some students screamed. Xia yaruo watched Mo Jinnian suddenly accelerate, and then surpassed his opponents one by one. He ran to the front from the middle position in an instant. As long as he insisted on one more lap, the senior student would defend the title successfully.

"Come on!"

In the cheering of others, Xia yaruo couldn't help shouting.

"Senior, come on!"

"Ah - the senior is the first!"

At the moment of crossing the finish line, the ranking result came out. No surprise, Mo Jinnian successfully defended the title again, and many people rushed in his direction.

"What are you doing? Don't you say you want to send water?" the elder sister smiled and touched the silly Xia yaruo's shoulder.

"Well, yes, I'm going."

With that, Xia yaruo rushed towards the shining man with a red face.

But mojinnian is a man of the moment after all. There are too many people coming to congratulate him. It's too crowded. Xia yaruo was almost pushed down by the crowd.

"You slow down." a Qingjun voice sounded. Xia yaruo only felt that someone helped her arm. When she stood firm, the man took back his hand.

As soon as she looked up, Xia yaruo looked at Mo Jinnian. She felt her heart was about to jump out.

God, this is the first time she has been in such close contact with the senior student. Just now - he helped her!

"Don't crowd so hard. Be careful of stampede." Mo Jinnian reminded everyone.

Xia yaruo's eyes are silly. She only ran 3000 meters, but the senior's breath is still so stable. She doesn't feel panting at all. Why is he so powerful!

"What have you been staring at me for?" Mo Jinnian looked at Xia yaruo and asked curiously.

"Ah..." Xia yaruo realized that she had made a fool of herself. Her cheeks burst red instantly. The sweat in her palm almost melted the pattern she had drawn. She handed the water in her hand to Mo Jinnian and stammered, "Xue, senior, congratulations on being the first. This water is for you."

Xia yaruo's face belongs to the lovely one, and her voice is also sweet. Mo Jinnian suddenly has a heart. It is reasonable that he has seen many people in the school because he works in the student union, but his face is still very strange.

"I don't seem to have seen you. What's your name?" Mo Jinnian took the water, naturally unscrewed it, drank and asked.

"I, my name is Xia yaruo, a freshman." Xia yaruo looked at Mo Jinnian nervously.

I heard that the senior student would not easily accept other people's water. She was ready to be rejected. Unexpectedly, the senior student not only accepted it, but also opened it in front of her!

If it hadn't been for someone watching here, she would have jumped up.

But did the senior see the pattern she drew?

Xia yaruo... Mo Jinnian repeated the name in his heart. Because of the relationship between his mother and his little uncle, Mo Jinnian was very fond of the surname "Xia". When he saw the girl staring at his hand holding the water bottle, his sight fell.

He saw the little man who was refueling. Mo Jinnian opened a smile, raised the water bottle in his hand and said to Xia yaruo, "thank you."

He saw it! Xia yaruo screamed again, bit her lips and said, "you're welcome."

God, the way the senior smiled was so beautiful that she almost fainted.

Someone called Mo Jinnian in the back. He looked back and said to Xia yaruo, "I have something to do. Xuemei, I'll see you next time."

"Well, see you, senior." Xia yaruo's heart collided.

The sports meeting lasted two days, followed by a three-day holiday. Many people went out to celebrate. After Mo Jinnian had dinner with the Secretary of the student union, he asked Mo LAN and Mo Jintang to have dinner together.

"Brother, you won the first place again. That's good," said Mo Jintang.

Mo Jinnian looked at her and didn't speak. For no reason, he thought of Xia yaruo who sent him water at the end. However, he didn't see the girl recently.

"Hey, brother, I heard..." Mo Jintang deliberately lengthened his voice and said in a particularly ambiguous tone, "someone sent you water that day. She's still a very good-looking primary school sister. Is there such a thing?"

"Can you stop gossiping?" Mo Jinnian said calmly, but his ears were red quietly.

Mo Jintang only thought it was fun to see it. Her brother has been popular with girls since childhood, but he never received anything from others. This time, she not only received other people's water, but also red her ears. It's so interesting.

"Your ears are red, brother." Mo brocade sugar said unkindly.

"Shut up and eat your meal." Mo Jinnian quickly changed the topic.

"Mo LAN, my brother is so fierce," Mo Jintang pretended to be frightened, leaned in Mo Lan's arms, pitifully asked for comfort, "it scared me."

"It's all right," Mo Lan said with a special touch of Mo brocade sugar's head, "your brother is playing with you."

Mo Jinnian looked at these two people angrily. Who is playing with you?

Mockup as like as two peas, the head of MOR's head rubbed against it. It was exactly like a pet.

As soon as Mo Jinnian saw the two people's sticky strength, he frowned, coughed falsely and said, "you two, this is a public place. Can you give me some restraint?"

I often hear that these two people love to abuse dogs, and dare to abuse him on the head.

"Don't fall in love. It's like a conjoined baby. Ink brocade sugar, sit down for me."

Different from others, Mo Jinnian is a brother after all. He always gives Mo Jintang and Mo LAN the illusion of "elders". He is really guilty and embarrassed when he trains him like this.

"I see," murmured MOJIN sugar.

Mo Jintang secretly thought that others are in love at this age, but his brother has no movement at all. Is it because he is too hard to see her and Mo LAN?

As soon as Mo Jintang turned her eyes, Mo Jinnian knew that she was wrong and immediately threatened: "if you think about something else in your mind, I'll go back and tell my mother about you and Mo LAN."

"Don't --" Mo brocade sugar is not ready, and she has to say it herself, "I'm wrong."

Under the warning eyes of Mo Jinnian, Mo Jintang and Mo LAN restrained a lot, and the meal was finished well.

After another period of time, the wound on mojintang's knee recovered almost. It happened that last weekend, they decided to go home.

Before parting, Mo Jintang and Mo LAN were bored for a while, and Mo Jinnian shook his head.

When I got home, before I saw anyone, MOJIN sugar dragged on in the living room and shouted, "Mom - we're back."

Hearing the voice of her son and daughter, Xia Zhian hurried down the stairs.

"Come back, what do you want to eat? Mom will cook it for you tonight." Xia Zhian said happily.

Fortunately, I studied in a university. Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang returned home quite frequently. If they really went abroad, Xia Zhian had to think about it at any time.

"Don't say what to eat first," ink brocade sugar rushed over and held Xia Zhian as a spoiled child. "Mom, I want to tell you something."

Xia Zhian felt strange. When Mo Jintang came home, she first talked about what to eat. Today, she was so abnormal. She subconsciously went to see Mo Jinnian, but the other party avoided her eyes.

"Well, mom, I'll go upstairs to take a bath first." Mo Jinnian said.

What if the topic falls on you later?

Mo Jinnian has foresight and runs away. Let Mo Jintang break it with his mother.

"What's the matter?" Xia Zhian sat on the sofa with Mo Jintang.

"HMM... yes, that..." although she has decided to tell her mother, mojintang is still very shy, but she can't always give brother Mo LAN a title? Thinking of this, MOJIN sugar was cruel and said, "Mom, I'm in love."

"Hmm?" Xia Zhian was really surprised.

MOJIN sugar is cute and has a good temper. Girls with this personality are very popular in college. Xia Zhian foresaw it early in the morning.

However, I haven't heard of this in my freshman and sophomore years. How come I suddenly fell in love in my junior year? Xia Zhian feels a little strange. I don't think I was cheated by my junior brother in primary school.

"Baby, tell mom who your boyfriend is?" Xia Zhian asked.

It's nothing to fall in love. It's quite suitable at this age, but Xia Zhian always has to help her daughter check.

"Oh, don't ask this," said Mo Jintang, with two red clouds flying on his face. "When our relationship is more stable, I'll take him to see you."

Ink brocade sugar was a good hand to play coquettish and depend on since childhood. At this time, he showed a shy expression, which made Xia Zhian want to laugh.

"I haven't said I want to see you. You should always let your mother know what your boyfriend's name is? I can't always call others like that." Xia Zhian said.

Mo Jintang was there for a long time, but Xia Zhian still wanted to ask. In fact, she couldn't help it, so she said directly: "my boyfriend is... He, he is brother Mo LAN."


Xia Zhian was even more shocked this time, and knew that Mo Lan was far more shocked than Mo Jintang.

Although so many years have passed, the original small groups have grown into adults, and in the final analysis, those things are just misunderstandings, Xia Zhian's feelings for Mo LAN are always special.

Anyway, she once regarded Mo LAN as her child at a certain stage.

"How could it be him?" Xia Zhian asked.

Seeing that Xia Zhian's expression was wrong, Mo Jintang knew those things himself, so he became nervous. He carefully looked at Xia Zhian's expression and asked, "why, mom, don't you like him?"

"No," Xia Zhian immediately denied, "Mo LAN is very good. My mother just feels very surprised."

Hearing that Xia Zhian didn't object, Mo Jintang was relieved, but he didn't want to say more. He just said: "anyway, I'm with him, and there's nothing new..."

Xia Zhian laughs. Her daughter is in love. She is completely blessed, and the other party is mo LAN. She also feels very relieved. After all, she is a child who knows the root and the bottom, and she will not be a bad child.

But when a daughter falls in love, a mother naturally has a lot of advice.

"Tangtang, mom won't interfere with who you fall in love with. As long as you are happy, but even if you are a big girl and can make your own decisions, you should still pay attention to discretion in some things, okay?" Xia Zhian said.

Mo Jintang looked at Xia Zhian in a confused circle. What does this mean?

Seeing her daughter's confused expression, Xia Zhian said it directly.

"Even if the other party is mo LAN, you are good friends who grew up together, but falling in love should be done step by step, okay?" Xia Zhian's eyes are meaningful.

At this moment, even if he was as dull as ink brocade sugar, he understood the hints in Xia Zhian's words.

"Mom, what are you talking about!" MOJIN sugar was embarrassed in an instant and lowered his head to play with his fingers.

It's true. Obviously, she never thought about these things. On the contrary, her mother put them forward first.

Mo Jintang and Mo LAN have been dating for so long. There is really no further action except holding hands and kissing mouth.

"I'm not talking about fun, Tangtang. You should keep your mother's words in mind. Girls must learn to protect themselves. When they should do what, when they should be awake, they must not be confused. Do you know?"

"I know!" Mo Jintang raised her hand and surrendered. In order to escape this shameful topic, she immediately chose to betray her good brother.

"Mom, you don't know yet. My brother won the first place again for 3000 meters. This time, a lovely schoolgirl sent him water. Do you know what? He took it. My brother ah, my brother, who is usually expressionless, actually took other people's water!" Mo Jintang's expression was exaggerated.

Xia Zhian knows that she is trying to change the topic, and she is not eccentric. She is also in love. Compared with ink brocade sugar, she is really relieved of ink brocade year.

However, it is impossible not to be curious at all.

"Really? How about that girl? Is your brother interested in others?"

"I haven't seen it either, but I heard that the schoolgirl is very cute." gossip may really be a kind of nature. Ink brocade sugar looks like it and his eyes are shining. "My brother has a tight mouth, but when I mentioned it to him last time, his ears are red. Do you think it's easy to play?"

"Yes, Jinnian is old enough to fall in love. It's very good," Xia Zhian said.

Seeing his mother's reassuring smile, Mo Jintang immediately returned and said wrongfully, "Mom, how can you be eccentric in this kind of thing?"

"You don't trust me when I fall in love. I think you can be happy when my brother falls in love."

Xia Zhian reluctantly shook her head. She is a baby girl. She is really a little fool. With this IQ, can she not worry?

"Why don't I trust you? Didn't I say I would support you?" Xia Zhian touched Mo brocade sugar's hairy head and said, "fool, even if it's eccentric, isn't it you who's eccentric?"

Mo Jintang didn't understand the difference. Anyway, her mother said she was partial to her, so she was the happiest. She was tired of holding Xia Zhian's waist.

Before going to bed at night, Xia Zhian mentioned it to Mo Qingchen.

"Our baby daughter told me today that she was in love." Xia Zhian said.

"What?" asked Mo Qingchen, "who?"

"Mo LAN, do you think it's a coincidence?" Xia Zhian said with some laughter.

But Mo Qingchen couldn't laugh. He thought that the men of the Mo family were really shameless.

At the beginning, Mo yezhuo had a bad heart for his wife, but he didn't lose to him. Unexpectedly, he asked his son to rob his daughter. This family is really good enough.

"What's the matter with Mo yezhuo? It's shameless." Mo Qingchen said angrily.

"What are you doing?" Xia Zhian said reluctantly, "what's the matter with Mo yezhuo?"

"What? You still want to help him talk?" Mo Qingchen immediately stared at Xia Zhian nervously.

Xia Zhian was amused by Mo Qingchen's solemn appearance and said, "where have I helped him speak for many years? Why are you so careful?"

"Who's careful? It's his uneasy and kind heart. I think Mo Lan was encouraged by him to harm our daughter." Mo Qingchen said.

"It's not as serious as what you said. I think Mo LAN is a good child. Tangtang is with him. I'm still relieved that he can take good care of Tangtang." Xia Zhian said.

"Who knows?" Mo Qingchen said.

On the surface, Mo Qingchen agreed to this, but he didn't like the father and son of the Mo family in his heart, just like defending them.

Early the next morning, Mo Qingchen was ready to go to the company. He just met Mo Jinnian who came back from running in the morning.

"Come here and I'll tell you something," said Mo Qingchen.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Mo Jinnian walked to Mo Qingchen and sat down while wiping the sweat on his forehead with a towel. "What's the matter?"

"Do you know that your sister is in love with Mo LAN?" asked Mo Qingchen, with a very serious expression.

Mo Jinnian was stunned, nodded and said, "I know."

"Hum, did you know earlier?" Mo Qingchen spilled his anger on the ink brocade.

"No, it's their business. How can I say anything?" Mo Jinnian wondered. What's his father's attitude today?

Mo Qingchen stared at Mo Jinnian and said, "you usually pay more attention to Mo LAN and your sister at school. If Mo LAN dares to bully her, you can clean up the boy directly. Don't be afraid of their house. As for Mo yezhuo, I will explain."

Mo Jinnian was puzzled by Mo Qingchen's serious attitude, and then he figured it out.

Although he was young at the beginning, he had experienced the "love hate entanglement" between his parents and uncle Mo, and naturally understood Mo Qingchen's attitude at this time.

"I know. Don't worry," said Mo Jinnian.

Don't say Mo LAN bullies Mo Jintang. It's good if Mo Jintang doesn't bully Mo LAN.

His father didn't really understand the situation.

As a result, Mo Qingchen was entangled in all kinds of trivial affairs as soon as he arrived at the company. There was no time to deal with the love affair between two children.

Ink brocade candy came home this time. I just felt very happy.

She and Mo LAN are now approved by her parents. This feeling makes her very comfortable. She didn't eat much dinner. Mo Jintang thought that when Mo LAN held her last time, they were sweating and were secretly losing weight recently.

However, it's OK at ordinary times, but it's rare to go back home. Xia Zhian's craft is too attractive. It's unpromising to drill into the kitchen and prepare to find something to eat again.

"Anyway, losing weight can't be done in a day. I promise I'll continue to lose weight when I go back to school!"

Then the ink brocade candy continued to look around.

"What are you doing?" Xia Zhian came downstairs to drink water and happened to bump into the ink brocade sugar drilling the kitchen.

"People didn't have enough for dinner." Mo Jintang said wrongly. He remembered the taste of Xia Zhian's snack, smashed his lips and said, "Mom, why don't you make me a snack?"

"Who made you bad at dinner?"

Xia Zhian said so, but the action in her hand was still very honest. She went directly to open the refrigerator and thought about what to do for MOJIN sugar for a snack.

"Hee hee..." Mo Jintang saw Xia Zhian's action and immediately said good words to coax people. "I knew my mother was the best. You don't know. I can think of this every day in school."

"How dare you say?" Xia Zhian pretended to be angry and said, "you have to eat well at school. I want to remind Mo LAN to watch you eat well. Don't do anything all day. Some don't have to lose weight."

"I didn't lose weight!" Mo Jintang lied with his eyes open. "I'm so slim, why should I lose weight!"

When the delicious snack was ready, MOJIN sugar said, "Mom, it's hard. Go to bed early and I'll take it back to my bedroom."

"Well, don't toss too late. Just put the bowl in the kitchen after eating."

"I see."

After returning to the bedroom, Mo Jintang made a video call to Mo LAN while eating a snack.

When the video was connected, Mo LAN saw the enlarged face of ink brocade sugar and the steaming bowl on the screen, smiled and asked, "why, you got me something to eat and broadcast, didn't you?"

"Hee hee..." Mo Jintang smiled and pointed the camera at Xia Zhian's masterpiece and said proudly, "how about mom's love snack? Do you want to eat?"

Mo LAN has tasted Xia Zhian's craft before. She really feels greedy when she says so.

"Forget the mother card," Mo Lan said with a bad smile, staring at the ink brocade candy. "I really want to try the girlfriend card."

Xia Zhian's craft is really good. Mo LAN just looked at it and felt that her mouth secreted a lot of saliva and her stomach was ready to move.

When Mo Jintang heard his words, he stared at him shyly and said angrily, "you think beautiful."

Stop it. Where can MOJIN sugar cook?

However, thinking that Mo LAN ate the food she made herself, the picture alone made Mo Jintang feel very satisfied. Otherwise, she would just find her mother to steal a teacher and learn two good dishes.

"Say again, but you are not afraid that I will poison you with my craft?" he said as he ate the ink brocade candy.

"No, if you dare to do it, I dare to eat."

"OK, you wait," said MOJIN sugar.

When Mo Jintang was eating, she had to talk to Mo LAN. She choked several times. She coughed continuously, which frightened Mo LAN.

"Stop talking and eat slowly." Mo Lan said nervously.

"I don't want to talk to you. Can you watch me eat?" said Mo Jintang.

"Just look." Mo Lan thought, it's pretty good anyway.

When the MOJIN candy was finished, she wiped her mouth and said to Mo LAN, "brother Mo LAN, I told my mother about our love. I guess my mother must have quietly told my father, but my father hasn't talked to me yet."

Mo Lan was really frightened by the heavy bomb. They hadn't discussed it before.

"Well... What's your parents' attitude towards me?" Mo LAN asked nervously. Although he is not strange to Xia Zhian and Mo Qingchen, this feeling is completely different now.

"Well, it's nothing special," MOJIN sugar thought for a moment and said, "I think it should be agreed. My father didn't say against us. My mother said it was good. You know, our family listens to my mother. As long as we get rid of my mother, who cares what my father thinks."

Mo Lan was a little relieved when Mo Jintang said so.

"What else did aunt Xia say?" Mo LAN asked. He was very curious.

"Didn't say anything, just said let me be with you, and let me not always lose my temper. Tell me, I'm not that unreasonable person at all, okay?"

Mo LAN stared at the screen and smiled. He didn't speak, so Mo Jintang continued to speak.

"My mother also said that although we have known each other since childhood, we should fall in love step by step, not --" speaking of this, mojintang suddenly stopped.

Is she crazy? Why did you even say this?

Mo LAN looked at the ink brocade sugar jokingly, couldn't help being bad, and asked, "why not?"

Mo Jintang's face turned red and said, "you know, you deliberately asked me? God, why are we talking about this? I'm so ashamed. I'll tell my mother you bully me! Don't tell you!"

Mo Jintang's shame burst. He said he was going to close the video, but he was stopped by Mo LAN.

"Don't turn it off. I want to see you more."

Ink brocade sugar's hand paused. In fact, she was not willing to close it. The fake model said, "let you see, but don't talk nonsense."

"OK, no nonsense."

The little couple was tired of it for a long time until Mo Jintang's eyelids were fighting. Mo Lan said, "well, go to bed quickly. Don't think too much."

"Who wants too much?" Mo Jintang said bravely, but he was too sleepy. "Then you should rest early, brother Mo LAN. Good night."

"Good night."

Hanging up the video, Mo LAN lay in bed alone and thought a lot.

He didn't intend to tell his family so soon. After all, falling in love is his own business. Whether he tells his parents or not doesn't affect his seriousness of MOJIN sugar.

But considering the relationship between the two families, and MOJIN sugar has said that they can't always be in an unwitting situation at home. Thinking of this, Mo LAN put on a T-shirt and got up from bed.

"Bang -" Mo LAN knocked on the door of the study. Seeing that it was still lit inside, he asked, "Dad, haven't you rested yet?"

"Come in." Mo yezhuo said, "you haven't slept yet. What's up?"

Mo LAN went to the desk and sat down. He thought he should tell his father that he didn't want to play love games all the time. Maybe the two parents knew earlier. When they graduated, he could directly marry mojintang and go home.

"Well, I want to tell you something. I've been in love recently," Mo Lan said.

The relationship between Mo yezhuo and Mo Lan was once very bad, but later, after Mo yezhuo learned how to be a father, he pulled the precarious relationship between father and son back to the right track. When he heard his son talk to him about this, Mo yezhuo relaxed back in his chair and asked, "your boy is not wrong. I thought you were not ready to fall in love. Who was the other person?"

"Aunt Xia's daughter," Mo Lan said.

"Ink brocade sugar?" Mo yezhuo asked in some surprise.

"Well," Mo LAN nodded and affirmed, "it's her."

Mo yezhuo was really shocked by the news, but then he reacted and felt that Mo LAN had done quite a good job.

Anyway, Mo yezhuo left a regret on Xia Zhian.

Although the situation has changed, and he has no such obsession with Xia Zhian, Mo Lan's ability to marry Mo Jintang home will always make him feel like revenge for Mo Qingchen.

"Yes, if you marry Mo Jintang home, I feel good at the thought of the expression on Mo Qingchen's face." Mo yezhuo said.

Mo LAN rolled his eyes without restraint. He was also very clear about the past of these adults, but his father's idea was too childish.

Why does uncle Mo feel unhappy when he marries Mo Jintang?

"Dad, you're really boring. You're old and childish like a child," Mo Lan said disgustingly, then put on a very serious expression and said, "you'd better not have that idea. I'm with Tangtang after careful consideration. I really like her and want to be good to her, not for fun."

That childish idea, in the final analysis, is only Mo yezhuo's Revenge compensation for his deep regret, not really persistent.

Seeing Mo LAN so, he also restrained his look and said, "I'm just kidding you, but - since you said you really like others, you should treat others well, but you're still a student now. You can't forget what you should do."

"Don't fall in love and indulge in female sex. Study enterprise management well. Your father and I also want to retire early. Men can't do without a career, okay?"

Mo yezhuo's words were very serious. Mo LAN listened, but some cheeks were hot.

"I see," said Mo LAN, whose eyes twinkled. He didn't know where to look. "Don't worry, I'm measured."

Mo Jintang has been spoiled since childhood. If Mo LAN doesn't work hard, how can she get better living conditions in the future?

Mo LAN can't bear to let Mo brocade sugar suffer with him.

After confessing the contact with Mo yezhuo and getting permission, Mo LAN leaves the study with satisfaction.

"Dad, you have to rest early. I'll go back to my room." Mo Lan said.


The next day, Mo LAN told Mo Jintang about the video chat again.

"What? You said it too." Mo Jintang was a little surprised. She told Mo LAN yesterday, not forcing him to confess to his family, but Mo LAN still warmed her heart by doing so.

However, just as Mo Lan was worried before, Mo brocade sugar must avoid feeling a burst of tension.

"What did Uncle Mo say?" asked Mo Jintang.

"He praised me for doing well," Mo Lan said.

"What --" Mo Jintang snorted and was amused by Mo Lan's words. The sweet smile made Mo LAN feel like a kitten scratching in her heart.

The communication went from the ground to the ground. Mo LAN and Mo Jintang were relieved by the attitude of their parents. As long as they didn't object, they would be very grateful.

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