Murdering Heaven Edge

: Seven more broke out, asking for a monthly ticket!

"In the market... In fact, there may be one more thing. When the chicken lord was in heaven, he wanted to find something, but unfortunately... didn't go in. Copy the address to visit hp:"


"A little phoenix is ​​really a spirit..."

"Phoenix true spirit?"

"Yes, the real phoenix... is very rare. It is said that it is close to extinction. The phoenix and phoenix females in the heavens are not purely phoenix blood. According to the exploration of our Tianji family for many years, we finally found out that we are in the market. There are nine out of ten, there is a little phoenix true spirit."

"Do you want me to help you find this?"

"Forget it, this kind of thing, let it go..." The big **** sighed very rarely, then looked at Chu Mo: "Chicken has been searching for so many years, and has never seen any hope, is the chicken Can't run, not the chicken..."

Chu Mo thought for a moment and nodded: "Oh, I know, I will try my best to help you find it!"

The big **** looked at Chu Mo, his mouth was slightly moving, and he seemed to want to say something, but after all, he did not say anything.

Chu Mo stepped forward and patted the shoulder of the big cock: "Go, go back to fight!"


The cold tiger sat in the middle of the military account, with a sad face and a frown.

The first adviser, Shen Sheng said: "General, the miners' army in Daxia, after the honour of Yanhuangcheng, quietly disappeared. If the guess is correct, they should have entered the front line at this time. I don't know where they will be hiding. Who is the target of preparing for the ambush... However, according to the speculation of the subordinates, there are nine out of ten..."

"What is it?" Cold Tiger asked quietly.

"It's us!" said the adviser.

The cold face of Lenghu became more serious. He nodded and squinted and said: "You said... If at this time, we suddenly attacked Fan’s invincible old man, is it not feasible?"

The counselor fell into deep meditation, and for a long time, he said: "Let's suspend the battle for many days. The old man... I must have guessed the policy of our big people today."

"Tow..." said the cold tiger.

The counselor nodded and whispered in his mouth: "If not drag it?"

The counselor groaned and suddenly shot his thigh and laughed loudly: "The trick... the trick! The general is wise!"

The cold expression on the face of the cold tiger gradually dissolved, leaning against the chair and murmured: "I really thought... we are all big. Do you have to sit still? Fan Laofufu... This time, my tiger head Army. Will... give you the most profound lesson!"

The counselor looked at the cold tiger, and his eyes showed a gratifying color.

The sorcerer died for the confidant!

There is a general who can appreciate himself, even if he is dead... it is not enough.

"Play tonight!"

The counselor and the cold tiger, all in unison, then laughed at each other.


"How, what is the movement of the Tiger Head Army?" Chu Mo sat in the account and looked at He Xu.

"There is no movement at the moment, it seems... decided to stay with one heart." He Xu said with a smile: "Now the big Qi... What kind of tricks can you play?"

Chu Mo slightly frowned. Whispered: "I think... something is wrong."

“Isn't it right?” He Xu said with a smile: “There are some concerns for the son? The cold tiger is a member of the fierce, but they are in the current situation, the son is also very clear, what do they take to toss?”

He Xu said and suddenly frowned. He is not stupid. On the contrary, he is not only an ambitious. It is also a capable young general.

Some things, the reaction of a moment will not come, it does not mean that you will never wake up. After the reminder of Chu Mo, He Xu also squinted and thought for a long time, then looked at Chu Mo. The two said in unison: "Play tonight!"


Into the night.

The Hutou Army had already turned off the lights of the camp. Suddenly, the lights were bright, and all the tiger heads and soldiers were armed with armor, lined up in a row, and the tens of thousands of troops were heavily disciplined. In addition to the friction of the armor and the slight footsteps, there was no sound.

The cold tiger sat on a high-backed horse, wearing a silver armor, holding a reins, carrying a long gun, and screaming at the cold, looking at the already-ranked Tiger Head.

"Tonight... we are going to attack Fan’s invincible camp!"

"Today... we have to revenge for the robe of the Tianduan Mountains!"

"I know that there are fears and confusions in your heart... But I want to tell you that we are not afraid of death!"

"Tonight... I am destined to have a brother to sacrifice my life, but I hope that... when you see the gowns of the Tianduan Mountains, you are conscience!"

"You... can you do that?"

The sound of the cold tiger's voice, in this night sky, passed away and echoed around.

Tens of thousands of tiger-headed troops did not scream, because they were afraid of alarming the scouts of the summer.

But they are all lifted up in the hands of the soldiers, pointing to the starry night sky!

Under the cover of the torch, the blade of the soldier was cold.

"Kill!" The cold tiger screamed, his legs smashed into the horse's belly, and he rushed toward the night.

A full 20,000 cavalry!

This is the most powerful force in the hands of the cold tiger.

Because of the sneak attack, it must be quick, and it is necessary to give the army of the great summer a blow that is too fast.

The hooves of the 20,000 cavalry, on the ground, joined together, and the whole earth seemed to be slightly trembling.

Chu Mo, who was rushing to the cold tiger camp, was slightly gazing, then jumped off the horse and put his ear on the ground for a while. Standing in a dignified position, he looked at He Xudao: "It’s a coincidence... they actually chose to attack this evening!"

He Xuyu looked at it: "The son, I lead three thousand people... attacking the camp of the cold tiger, you lead nine thousand people... to attack the cold tiger's cavalry from behind!"

Chu Mo slightly thought about it, whispered: "Give me 3,000 people, you leave nine thousand people! The rest of the cold tiger camp... and many!"

"The cavalry he took away, at least 10,000 or more, 3,000 people are too few..." He Xu said in a deep voice: "We are six thousand!"

"I am five thousand, you seven thousand... Don't fight, this is the order!" Chu Mo looked at He Xu.

He Xu had no choice but to nod.

Chu Mo nodded: "Well, this battle only wins, does not lose! With the brothers... Come back! I am in Grandpa's camp, good wine, good food, waiting for you!"

Chu Mo and He Xu know that this battle is of paramount importance. And the two sides have no time to help each other.

If you don't succeed, you will become a man.

He Xu laughed and said: "Well, this time, the son can really see... the power of our miners' army!"

Between the talks, there are the following generals, the team has already been assigned.

The two sides are here to part ways!

Chu Mo with the soldiers of the 5,000 miners' army, facing the cold tiger's 20,000 cavalry, directly chasing the past!


The military camp on the side of the big summer is built on the mountain, and there is a big river in front.

However, in the late spring and early summer, it has not yet reached the rainy season, the river of this river is at most as deep as the knee.

And there are not many stones below, most of them are hard sand bottoms. If you are a horse, you can cross the river in the blink of an eye.

The terrain here, the scout of the cold tiger, has been examined many times, including the upper and lower tens of miles of the river, all viewed, without any problems.

Therefore, the heart of the cold tiger is very determined, this time the sneak attack will win! ——

Yesterday, seven people, I also voted a lot of monthly votes, very happy, very moved, but really tired of not even talking about the point.

But I still want to continue to fight like this. It is now 5:59. Our monthly ticket ranking is 101 (poor). If it is tomorrow, our ticket number will reach 90. Then, tomorrow, it will kill ten more!

I am going out, do you dare to go crazy with me once? (To be continued.)

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