Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1392: Battle to the most soul

After Chu Mo resettled Ye Qing, he turned around and looked at the big cockroach, the warning police of the sky, he had already received it.

The souls of the supreme realm, the movements are fast, the body is strong, and the two front legs are like two serrated knives, which are extremely sharp. This guy's eyes reacted quite quickly and moved faster!

Just if it wasn't for Chu Mo's reaction, it was fast enough. Ye Qing might really be split in half by this guy with a sharp knife-like front leg!

There is nothing to communicate with this creature, there is only one word war!

The cold moon knife swayed out, and the blue light of the knife turned into a cold moon, forming an arc shape, and pushing this big cockroach!


Daxie scorned and lifted a front leg, blocking the blow of Chu Mo, and then his eyes were still full of contempt.

Huo Di!

It moved.

The speed is too fast!

Not like a lightning bolt, but faster than lightning!

Soon, even Chu Mo, there is a feeling of being overwhelmed. He replayed the knife.


A loud noise, followed by a giant force, even if it is a star, under such an attack, it must be off track, even torn apart!

Although the rules of the heavens and the earth in the trial field are very strong, the fluctuations of this blow have caused the surrounding mountains to collapse and the mountains to be flattened. But in this aura where the plants and flowers and trees can be used for a few days, they will be covered with a layer of green.

The ink in the nine-character mantra of Chu Mo’s operation is not moving.

Then, but his hand is sealed, running the word 诀 vast energy!

Subsequently, Chu Mo once again run all the words and thoughts. This is to aim at the horrible speed of the big bang!

The speed of God's reading is always the fastest. If you want to keep up with the rhythm of your eyes, it’s impossible. Under the blessing of all the words, Chu Mo’s thoughts have instantly increased many times. I can finally keep up with the trajectory of the big bang.

I didn't expect that I could smash a stone mountain's blow. I couldn't beat this person half a step?

It’s just a mistake in thinking, and its reaction is still very fast!

But Chu Mo is faster!

In the battle between the strong, many times, the outcome is only between one thought. Chu Mo instantly runs the word 诀, hiding his breath perfectly.

The big cockroach who just wanted to retire suddenly found that it lost the breath of this person!

This is a deadly blow to the powerful creatures in battle!

The more powerful the battle between the creatures, the more important the lock of the breath, because many times, the eyes will be deceiving. What you see is not necessarily true, it is probably a residual image. Therefore, only the lock of God's breath is the most important thing.

But it has lost its lock on this human!


Da Yu immediately raised a feeling of fear and began to fear.

But its fears and fears only lasted for a moment.

Because Chu Mo’s attack has arrived, he has a cold knife in his right hand, and a compound eye to the big one, but his left hand is a fist, and he slams into a forefoot!

The figure is rushing forward!

At the same time, it runs the column characters in the nine-character mantra!

All of this is done in an instant.

too fast!

The means are too clever!

It’s not a big one. Although it’s very high, it’s almost never comparable to the powerful creatures that have fought with human monks.

When Chu Mo’s attack came, it only prepared for the retreat, and the powerful forces were all used to retreat. How can you think of your enemies with so many tricks and means?

At this moment, it seems to have solidified, and the space has become distorted, seemingly divided into many pieces.

In Ye Qing’s eyes, it seems that the whole world has become different!

This moment is the most impressive scene since Ye Qing studied and practiced!

"Is this what the son said?" Like a lightning bolt, it shines from the spirit of Ye Qing, and then Ye Qing's eyes become extremely bright. She is really a genius. In watching this battle, she realized that many things that the monks might not realize in their lifetime.



A lifetime of crisp sound.

Chu Mo that punched, directly smashed a fore leg of Daxie!

Not a discount, it is a bang!

It looked so sturdy, like a black iron cast, like a smashing front leg with a sharp, sharp knife, was smashed by Chu ink!

At the same time, Chu Mo that had a knife, did not see the compound eyes of Da Yu. It is also in order to avoid the Chu Mo knife in his own eyes, the forefoot of the big leg was attacked by Chu ink.

But with the abolition of a front leg, the knife of Chu Mo was also on the jaw of the big man.


The power of the sacred weapon erupted instantly, and the jaw of the scorpion was smashed directly!

one strike!

This horrible supreme realm has been fatally hit.

Yes, this kind of blow is really deadly for a creature like it!

The front legs can be regenerated and the lower jaw can be restored. But that takes time! If it is in an ordinary place, such a creature can dominate a galaxy! It is like the two frog statues that Chu Mo once encountered in Yanhuang.

However, in a place like a trial field, there may be a more powerful creature that will be eaten directly by the big hit!

Yes, the souls of the supreme realm are not at the top in the trial field! Being able to restrain their existence, there are too many.

For example, a squirrel in the Supreme Realm can easily kill the amnesty of the same realm. Not to mention that one is still injured.

Therefore, this big cockroach, already in the moment of being hit hard, is already crazy!

Among its huge complex eyes, it bursts with a scarlet glow. It is going to be desperate!

Chu Mo sneered, and the backhand was a knife. He slid directly into the mouth of the big cockroach, and the horrible murderousness in the sacred instrument broke out in the mouth of the scorpion!

The entire mouth of the big cockroach is instantly destroyed!

This is too terrible.

Squatting and rolling, while sweeping the huge front leg with the sharp knife like a knife to Chu Mo, trying to break Chu Mo's body.

Chu ink pinched his fist and punched it again.


A burst of crisp bones shattered. This leg of Daxie was also discounted by Chu Mo!

Chu Mo jumped and jumped directly to the top of Dagu’s head. His left hand, I don’t know when, suddenly there was a scarlet long knife.


The long knife directly penetrated into the head of Daxie, and even the handles were almost in.

Daxie’s body slammed, and then began a frenzied struggle. Chu Mo underestimated and jumped from the head of Daxie. Dad used the remaining hind legs to run wildly in the distance.

But even if he didn't even go out for ten steps, he planted it on the ground, twitched himself, and quickly dried up.

The cold moon knife in the hands of Chu Mo made several sobs. It seems that I am a little dissatisfied with the sudden jump out of the sky.

However, there was only a breath in the sky, and the cold moon knife was honest. No way, the grade difference is too much! One is the big brother, the other is the younger brother, don't say robbing, even the thoughts are not born. Haotian can easily suppress the cold moon knife.

After a while, the essence of the body of Daxie was all sucked away by the sky. Satisfied with the return to the world of the sky.

The cockroach that has just been prevailing is left with a carapace left there. But this...but it belongs to the supreme level of the shell. The value is immeasurable.

Chu Mo did not disappoint, directly put the shell of the big cockroach into the storage ring.

At this time, he looked back at Ye Qing. But seeing Ye Qing standing there, the whole person has entered an ethereal realm. Chu Mo slightly glimpsed, and then his face showed some incredible looks.

He once thought that Fang Lan was talented enough, but compared with Ye Qing in front of him, Fang Lan really did not see enough. Ye Qing’s talent is very good, and his comprehension is also super strong.

It seems that... only myself, can I be stronger than her? Chu Mo is thinking about some narcissism. Then he laughed at himself and laughed. When people were born, they accumulated a lot of unimaginable mass and could achieve the level of quasi-supreme without cultivation. How did you step into this realm? All the way is full of hardships, countless tears!

Chu Mo did not alarm Ye Qing, but the runner's word 诀, helped Ye Qing to treat the injury just now.

Then, sitting on the side of the knees, while practicing the law for Ye Qing, while continuing to practice. Being able to enter the trial field, everyone will cherish this opportunity. But Chu Mo is more cherished than all of them!

What kind of realm can be impacted, and the opportunity and the creation in the trial field are all seen. But before the opportunity and the advent of the advent, he will not give up any time of cultivation.

Ye Qing’s epiphany this time, it took a month!

During this period, Chu Mo used the **** gold that he had obtained from the body of the giant bird before, and made a rough embryo of the sword for Ye Qing. The means of Chu Mo refiner is not so brilliant, and this piece of Shen Jin seems to be able to refine the Supreme Instrument in Chu Mo. But he does not have that ability now. Only a rough embryo can be remanufactured for Ye Qing, and it has reached the level of the top Emperor. Compared to many Supreme devices, the rough embryo of this sword is not too different. Because it still has a huge room for growth.

You can let Ye Qing continue to refine himself. When one day, the rough embryo of this sword will be turned into a sharp sword by Ye Qing himself, it will become a real weapon!

It is also the life tool of Ye Qing.

A month later, Ye Qing woke up from Enlightenment. In her eyes, there was a rough world that was evolving.

This is the way!

In this trial, the first one she got was entirely her own chance. It is also her way.

"Gongzi, thank you!" Ye Qingyi fell to the ground, and seriously gave Chu Motou.

This is Da En!

Kindness is more important than heaven!

This time Chu Mo did not have the feelings and received the worship of Ye Qing.

Ye Qing’s realm of combat power has finally entered the level of quasi-supreme because of this enlightenment. The combat power and repairs have finally reached equilibrium. Although there is still much to learn, this is a speedy entry.

Chu Mo does not doubt at all, Ye Qing can step into the supreme realm when he leaves the trial field.

The two continued on, and after another month, they finally entered the prosperous area of ​​the trial field. Here, there have been traces left by practitioners. (To be continued.)

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