Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1565: Different invitations (seventh)

After a few more days, the tension in the city has been reduced a lot. After all, this is the site of the big foot evil, not the territory of the red snake. The general has also been a very good face to the Red Snakes. The little prince of the Red Snake family is already dead. If there is no accident in this marriage, either change people or sue. Therefore, the pursuit of Mona and Chu Mo will gradually turn from the Ming to the dark. It is estimated that only the creatures of the Red Snake family will always keep it in mind and will not give up this hatred easily.

At this time, Chu Mo turned into a veteran of around 50s, and he was a fairy. He released the rhyme of the nine-character mantra at home and walked on the road, which was simply eye-catching.

"Is this person coming from the Sanye Tianzun side?"

"This human being... is a strong rhyme!"

"It should be a human monk on the side of Sanye Tianzun. It looks very strong."

Anyone who sees Chu Mo will be judged in secret.

Chu Mo's equipment, it seems to be very good.

Wearing a blue robe, behind the robes, embroidered with the yin and yang patterns with the line of **** gold. The material of the robes is also quite unusual, all made from top-quality materials. This body of clothing almost exhausted all the top materials that Chu Mo can now come out!

On his head, holding a bun, with a green scorpion. The scorpion, at first glance, was thought to be made of jade, but on the top, there was a star shining. Look carefully, it is actually a green star refining!

At this time, Chu Mo walked towards a very old mansion in the city. At the door, he was stopped.

“Is there a invitation for the predecessors?” The monk monk who came to a holy place at the door, when he saw Chu Mo, took a long time to come forward.

Here is the house of General Xie Xie, Xie Xie... It is the great devil who is in charge of the scouting army. Real power general!

He is the confidant of the big-legged evil spirits, and even the names are personally given by the big feet. The name carries an "evil" word. It is the most proud thing of General Xie Xie.

Today is his birthday. As for how old, Chu Mo really does not know. Most of the people who came to congratulate him are not aware of it.

Like these tyrannical creatures, if you have a birthday once a year, this life... I don’t know how many times to go. So, usually, you will choose a big number to celebrate your birthday. For example... twelve epochs, thirty-six epochs.

After the robbery, it is usually a good time to celebrate.

As for the celebration of what the general of Xie Xie is celebrating, or the birthday of the robbery, it is not known. Generally speaking, this kind of thing, unless it is a real confidant, otherwise no one will go out.

Anyway, as long as you know that it is a birthday, you can.

Chu Mo shook his head and said with a gentle face: "In the next place, I just heard the name of General Xie Xie. I learned that he celebrated his birthday and wanted to come and congratulate him. By the way, he would like to drink a glass of wine."

This sacred human monk can clearly feel the unmistakable strong rhyme of Chu Mo, knowing that this is a great power. Did not dare to offend, immediately sue a sin, enter the inside to ask for it.

Chu Mo stood quietly, not impatient. Looking at the loyalty of the evil city holding the invitation, the face always has a faint smile.

Even among the guests, Chu Mo also saw several powerful creatures of the Red Snakes, each with a ancestral atmosphere. It’s just that the expressions on their faces are very serious and they don’t see a smile.

The death of Xiao Wangye shocked the entire Red Snake family and the impact was very bad.

This cruel place in gray is actually a hidden rule. Aristocrats who are truly identifiable generally have few souls to kill. Otherwise, no matter who is the one who is working, he and all the creatures who have a relationship with him will not live!

Will be endlessly chased by the nobility!

Therefore, the aristocratic creatures who died in the grey land in the past few years are very rare. The identity of the little prince of the Red Snake is extremely noble... I don’t know how many years have not died.

Anyone who knows the inside will shake his head and sigh. On the one hand, those who do not care about themselves are somewhat gloating. I think the little prince of the Red Snake family died. Good end, actually went to desperately with others, the result was unfortunately lost life; on the other hand, the famous Mona, also became synonymous with the top hapless in everyone's heart.

It was indeed unfortunate, but it was a catastrophe in the city of the Red Snakes. Revenge on the slaughter and looting of the single-headed city before the Red Snakes, and the result was such a thing. Since then, the world has died.

It can be said that neither side has fallen to anything good. It's all bad luck!

The eyes of the few Red Snakes were also swept away by Chu Mo's body, but then they turned their eyes away. It seems that I did not put Chu ink in my heart.

Although the rhyme of Chu Mo is very strong, it is not unusual to say that there are a lot of ancestral creatures in this place. However, it is a relatively strong practitioner, and it is not worth paying attention too much.

At this time, the sacred monk in the sacred scene flashed in front of Chu Mo, and in his hand, he also held an invitation. Seeing Chu Mo, a humility: "Predecessors have waited for a long time, the management of the government is too busy, can not come out to meet. Specially called the villain to send an invitation to the predecessors. After the seniors go in, you can feel free."

Chu Mo slightly glimpsed, he thought it would be a bit of a twist, but did not expect that the people in this house are very open, there is no verification of identity, and also sent an invitation.

Chu Mo nodded and took over the invitation. This invitation started, and the spirit of Chu Mo’s knowledge suddenly emerged as a whole picture of Xie’s general. What is used in every place, the above is clearly marked. Except for the back house, all the rest are open to the guests.

The General Xie is very large, and it is like a small world. Therefore, it is not that people will find a place and become crowded.

With this invitation, it can be said that it is very convenient for guests.

Chu Mo’s heart secretly: I don’t know if it’s the big man in the whole gray place, there is such a thoughtful service.

At this time, he was very sensitive to the induction. A group of evil city lords who just came here, looking at the eyes of his invitation, were a little surprised. Chu Mo glanced at it and found that the invitations in the hands of those people were slightly different in color from their hands.

The invitations of those people are all purple inlaid with Phnom Penh. This is the hand of Chu Mo, but it is inlaid with gold in blue.

Is this my FIT invitation? Chu Mo’s heart, can look at the eyes of those people, it seems not very similar. Chu Mo did not think too much, put a heart, anyway, come, go in.

As a result, when he entered the General Xie, he found the problem. Although many people do not take invitations, it seems that there are people in charge of hospitality. The so-called responsible for hospitality does not allow them to wander around!

Looking at the invitation in his hand, Chu Mo slightly raised his eyebrows, revealing a thoughtful look.

At this time, it is in the deepest part of the General’s House, not in the inner court. Inside a quaint big house, two people are sitting.

The first one is a group of light and shadow. It can be seen that it is a human form, but it does not understand the appearance at all.

The next one is a long-standing young man who looks like a 30-year-old.

If a person with a sinister city sees this young man, he will be extremely respectful, because this young man is the great-legged evil lord, who is in charge of the generals of the scouting army, the vanguard army, and the elite guards.

As for this group of light and shadow, if the people of the evil city see it, they will definitely say nothing, and they will fall to the ground directly, and they will call the ancestors' worship!

Because this group of light and shadow, it is the body of the big foot evil deity!

In the whole evil city, the real people who have seen this group of light and shadow, I am afraid that there will be less than one hundred in a million.

At this time, the young man suddenly said: "He seems to feel a little bit wrong."

Light and shadow smiled: "This person is very sensitive. If you don't feel wrong, then it is not right."

"It's just a desperate person who has been chased by the Red Snake. Why do you value him?" The young man's face was a bit puzzled. In the face of the big feet, he seems to be very comfortable. Outsiders simply don't know that Xie Xie is actually a pro-disciple of the big-legged evil deity!

The two are in love with the father and son!

"He is like you," said the light and shadow.

“Hmmm?” Xie Hui frowned at the light and shadow: “What do you mean?”

"Well, that's what it means." Light and shadow nodded.

"That's interesting." Xie Xie's face also showed some interest and said: "I thought that only I would make such a crazy move in this world, smash my own godhead and step into Qingshimen. Go into the gray ground."

"I once thought that only you." Light and shadow.

Xie Xie thought for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"Help him." Light and shadow smiled: "Can you add something to the channel, why not?"

"Also, such a person, if he returns to the passage, even if he wants to be stable, it is completely impossible. The **** in the passage will never let him go."

"How is the search for the road to heaven?" Light and Shadow suddenly asked.

Xie Xie’s face showed a bit of frustration and sighed: “There is no clue and no trace. Since it happened once in the past, there has never been a trace.”

"This kind of thing, look at the opportunity. So, the channel can not collapse now." Light and shadow said lightly. Then look at Xie Xie: "Go, don't go there with me, go see the kid, if he knows, you will help him, and give him more things. Best... can give it back. The Red Snakes are having trouble."

"Okay, you can rest assured, I know what to do." Xie Xie said, stood up, gave a light to the light and shadow, and then stepped out.

In the room, the light and shadow gradually faded, leaving a slight sigh: "There are bureaus everywhere, this world... where is the fairy?"

Seven more broke out!

The number of words around 22,000 words!

The body is exhausted, but the spirit is exhilarating! ! !

Brothers and sisters, look good, vote! ! ! Monthly ticket! ! ! Recommended tickets! ! ! (To be continued.)

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