Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1592: Will not let go

Mona smiled coldly: "Are you famous? Why do you want to know you?"

"We are... very famous." The member of the Sharan thief now has only endless resentment, and how can he be killed by such a few people? It’s unfortunate to the extreme!

Then, the member of the Sharan thief said unreservedly about the various forces within their organization. He is not a betrayal organization at all, because this information is almost completely open! Throughout the passage, several ancient people, all of them are clear about the power of the Sharan thief!

Finally, Chu Mo gave this person a happy. The man died with a bit of satisfaction and endless resentment.

Then, Chu Mo looked at Zidao and Mona: "Do we seem to be in trouble?"

The child road is a bitter smile, and the heart says that this is not just a matter of causing trouble, is it simple? After listening to the introduction of the Sharan thief to their organization, if they are less courageous, I am afraid they will be scared. The power of the Sharan thief is not a bit powerful, but powerful!

Otherwise, how could they have been in the place of the passage for so many years? There have been endless years.

Although the ancients are not willing to have a general knowledge of the Sharon thief, in fact, is it not because the Sharon thief is strong enough?

There is a kind of meat that you can kill me, I can also bite a few pieces of meat from you and drag you to death!

Otherwise, they do not know how many years ago, it is estimated that they have completely perished.

Mona did not care about laughing: "In fact, such a thing, gray is happening every day. No big deal, it will cause trouble."

"You can see it." Chu Mo smiled: "If this power is not so cruel and bad, even the old and the weak women and women will not let go, we should actually be able to cooperate with them."

These people all understand the meaning of Chu Mo. Indeed, standing in their position, it really should not help the ancient **** family. However, nothing can escape the word morality. If several of them can kill the ancient city of Sharon for their own interests, then they will lose morality. In that case, what is the difference between the monks in the ancient city who are not closed?

"Let's tie this bar today, and it is estimated that many big men in the ancient city have been offended." Zidao laughed and teased.

"Yes, those people now may not hate us, let us do nothing," Ouyang Fei said.

"Take it, let's clean up and enter the city!" Chu Mo said, the body shape slowly changed slowly, becoming an extremely ordinary young man, heading straight to the ancient city.

Zidao and Ouyang Fei and Mona also changed their appearances. They followed Chu Mo, and many people who had not yet decided to return to the ancient city, mixed in.

at this time.

In the ancient city, next to a huge house in the city government.

In the hall of the roman, there was an angry roar: "Who are they?? Check it out! Is it from the ancient gods? Is it damn... they completely disrupted all our arrangements!"

"The Sharon thief, I am afraid I hate us now..." Another voice said quietly.

"Hate? They lost a monk in the ancestral world, but we are dead here! Who are we looking for?" the angry voice said.

"Let's look for the ancient **** family to hate it. It has always been safe and sound, and we have a lot of taxes paid every year in this ancient city. The filial piety in the week is not bad. There are still some people dissatisfied with the ancient **** family. Still holding us back. It’s hate!” The third voice, talking to a woman.

"Now I don't have any meaning at all. I have to find out clearly who is in the middle." The angry voice gradually calmed down, and his voice became extremely cold: "No matter who it is, let them pay the price!" Otherwise, the Sharan thief may have angered us."

"I heard the people who fled back and said that the four people were quite terrifying, especially one of them, the left arm was able to release the power of the Thunder, I suspect that it is a creature who cultivates the thunder!" The sound came.

Subsequently, many people in the room retorted.

"Is it impossible? How can there be a creature in this world that can cultivate the thunder?"

"Yeah, I have never heard of it."

"Maybe, it is a powerful and unmatched implement."

"Well, I think so too."

There are about a dozen people in the entire parliament hall. The strongest of these people are all monks who have been cultivated in the ancestral world. Others are all monks at the peak of the great holy place.

Here, it is the Lu family of the ancient city. Lu family is not a big family, it can only be regarded as the top force in this ancient city. In the entire channel, the name is unknown. But they are here, but they have a very high status and power.

There is a deep interest relationship with the former city owner. The Lu family has always been walking in the ancient city. But as the former city owners were treated by the ancient gods, their status began to become somewhat awkward.

They have all heard that the new generation of the city master is the younger brother of the ancient **** family. From this point, I can feel the determination of the ancient **** family this time. It should be a good time to renovate this ancient big city.

And they, like the cancer in this big city, have been entrenched for many years and are deeply ingrained. It is most appropriate for the new city owners to pack them to stand up.

It is not that no one in the Lu family has proposed to re-deliver the new city owner, but this proposal was rejected at the first time. It is impossible to succeed at all. Because of their entanglement with the former city owner, it is too deep!

As long as the new city owners are not fools, they will not have any friendship with them.

There are other families in the same predicament, so they decided to unite and give the new city owner a horse, and give her a look!

Let this ancient big city become a mess. Let this ancient city become riddled with holes. The new city owner is coming, and it will definitely be overwhelmed. It takes at least a dozen years to get rid of this mess. If you want to rebuild this ancient city, you must cooperate with these families!

By then, they will not only be safe, but also have the conditions and qualifications to negotiate with the new city owner.

For the Sharon thief, there is also a huge benefit. Such an ancient city, just a civilian is a practitioner. How much resources can they take away if they are allowed to rob? That must be an incalculable number.

This is equal to a win-win situation. At the end of the pit, only the people in the ancient city and the small forces, as well as the new city owners.

However, what does the lives and deaths of those people have to do with them?

In the long run, they can also become a close partner with the Sharan thief again. In the future, if the new city owner still wants to move them, then they can once again collude with the Shalan thief, and under the outside world, give the new city owner a little color to see.

Everything is planned to be perfect, almost seamless. The entire ancient city, those who have the ability to fight against the Sharon thief, do not shoot. The rest of them can only be slaughtered.

Of course, they are not stupid enough to cooperate with the Sharan thief in a blatant manner. When Chu Mo came here, the four ancestors who met with the Sharon thief were from the ancient family.

Confrontation, doing it, showing others that we are not without effort, we also sent people to resist. But our strength can only stop the other four strongest... The rest, we can't stop, we can only guarantee our own.

Yes, this is a layer of fig leaf, everyone knows, but even if the new city owner makes a martyrdom, they also have something to deal with.

Unexpectedly, such a good arrangement was actually ruined by four people who did not know where it came from. There were hundreds of people in the Great Holy Land sent by the Sharon thief. There were hundreds of people, and none of them could live back.

The monks of the four ancestors were killed by one person and fled back to the three... all of them were seriously injured.

This ******... It’s just a hell!

The four people of Chu Mo were mixed in the crowd and entered the ancient city together. They were considered to be a group of people who entered the city earlier. Then they saw that the city did not know where to come out of the brigade, and began to block the gate of the city and set up a card to intercept.

The people who were stopped outside the old city were going crazy, and everyone was angry.

In this regard, the head of the complex card, Sensen, said: "There are spies of Sharan thieves in you, you must go through a careful search before you can enter the city!"

"Fart! We are all people who are in the old city. What kind of spies?"

"It’s a nonsense. When the Sharon thief struck, how could you not even see your shadow?"

"What are you? Are you a city defense army? What are the qualifications to intercept us?"

"Too much too much! New City Lord... Why don't you come yet!"

Chu Mo and Mona and Zidao, Ouyang Fei four people standing in the city not far from the city gate, watching the group of monks with cards. I looked at each other and guessed that this group of people should want to find out a few of them.

It seems that the four of them are unintentional today, and it is indeed a major event that has broken many people. So that the other party was mad, and even set a card directly at the gate of the city, began to intercept people.

Looking at the group of people who were blocked outside the city, Chu Mo turned back without expression and walked toward the ancient city.

The same is true of Mona and Zidao and Ouyang Fei, and they are heading for the city. At this time, they are no longer required to come out.

Those who set up a card check can only cause public anger at most, and there will be no big troubles. They should not be daring to kill people at the gates of the city. In that case, the new city owner is coming, and certainly will not let them go.

In fact, it will not be let go now.

Ancient ice ice digested the news from the ancient city of Qi, a pretty face, full of frost, biting his teeth and said: "A group of animals, I will not let you go!"

Three more sent, and ask for a monthly ticket. (To be continued.)

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