Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1667: I still have a dog!

The ancestors of the gods were immediately a glimpse. Then, a sudden, fearful emotion suddenly rose, mixed with strong anger and uneasiness, and instantly shrouded the whole heart of the ancestors of the gods. He looked up in a daze and looked at the biography. In the direction of the sound, just in the moment, he actually has a feeling of facing the big feet evil!

How can this be?

The voice of the voice came, and the ancestors of God had already guessed the identity of the other party.

Chu Mo, Gong Zi Mo, the world's unparalleled Chu son!

It must be him!

But the question is, how does he know himself?

Long time no see... Where did you start?

This faint laughter also made others completely shocked. Especially the elders of the ancient ancients, all of them stood there. The other party did not say anything to them, as if they did not put their group of old people in their eyes. But what they feel in their hearts is not anger.

But, fear!

The fear in their hearts is much stronger than Chu Mo.

This feeling is simply too bad.

At this time, in the void, not far from them, suddenly ... as if born out of thin air, there are two high-profile flagpoles. On the two flagpoles, two wolf-headed heads hung.

I don’t have to look at the second eye at all. The elders of the ancient ancients have already recognized that the two heads are the two of them, the ancient ancestors of the East and the Hengtai.

In front of the flagpole, facing the two heads, sitting on a white-haired youth.

He was dressed in black and his hair was white with snow. Sitting in a quiet plate, it is like having been sitting in endless years. His body also exudes the breath of ancient vicissitudes.

An old yellow dog with no hair, quietly squatting behind the white-haired black man, pulling his head and closing his eyes, did not look at them.

Other than that, there is nothing else in that place.

All the creatures have a cold sweat!

The ancestors of the gods were directly shocked.

The pioneers of the Yi people were stunned and stunned.

The elders of the Oriental family were even more shocked.

Behind the ancestors of the gods, the overwhelming Yi warriors were completely stunned. Even, even their original gas field, at this moment, seems to be suppressed by an invisible field.

The ancestors of the gods looked at Chu Mo coldly, and its voice was also very cold: "Gunzi ink?"

"Yes, it is me." Chu Mo nodded.

My **** ancestors asked: "Have I seen you?"

"Hey God, you are really a noble person to forget things. Do you forget that you had a fight with General Wulong before?" Chu Mo smiled and reminded. The tone is very gentle, like a chill.

"Is it you?" The old ancestors suddenly opened their eyes and looked at Chu Mo, biting his teeth: "In the past, he used the means to save the people who belonged to the ancestors of my ancestors... Are you? Later, the suppression The guards in the crack, the people who escaped, are you?"

Saying, the ancestors of the gods slammed their heads: "I know, Mona who had killed the Red Serpent King before, must also escape with you!"

So, to the existence of this level, no matter what, just give them a little clue, they will grasp more information.

The same is true of the ancestors of God.

It is in the gray ground, itself is the existence of a very high status, in charge of the endless Yi soldiers. In front of the big feet, it is also a true war.

Up to now, it has fully understood, it is trapped!

Together with the group of idiot elders of the ancient ancients, they were deceived into this place and have already fallen into the trap that the other party has already designed.

Thinking of this, the heart of the ancestors of the gods is a burst of fury, its cold eyes, the group of elders who look at the ancient ancients, Senran said: "This is your mouth, purely horrible... not so terrible Chu Gongzi ?"

The elders of the ancient ancients were dumbfounded at the moment, and they looked at Chu Mo with a stunned look. Then, one of the elders looked at the ancestors and said with a hard scalp: "This is just a blind eye. The ancestors, now the son of the son is here, think about the endless cultivation resources, as long as you kill the son of the ink, they are all yours!"

God looked at the quiet disk and sat in the ink, and suddenly there was a lot of irritability in the heart. How could it not understand, killing Chu Mo can get endless resources? But the problem is that this is obviously a big pit!

At this time, Chu Mo, who was sitting there, said with a smile: "Oh, actually, you still have a choice."

The ancestors of the gods were slightly stunned, and the elders of the ancient ancients suddenly became nervous. Grabbing in front of Chu Mo said: "Oh my god, you don't listen to him nonsense!"

"God predecessors, we have already made an agreement between us! We swear by the gods, will not violate the promise."

"The son of the ink, you have to demon to confuse the public!"

Chu Mo sat there, pumping his mouth and laughing, "I said something?"

Everyone suddenly stopped, but indeed, Chu Mo did not say anything at all. They jumped out of urgency. The problem is that they all understand what Chu Mo wants to say in his heart, and he does not want to let Chu Mo say it.

Therefore, the elders of the ancient ancient tribes, at this time, also refused to offend the ancestors of the gods, and now they screamed at Chu Mo.

"You have not qualified for the conditions!"

"The son of the ink, the fate of your life, the set that you pretend to be a ghost, has been seen through us."

"Chu Mo, don't think that we don't know that someone is helping you in secret. But as long as the ancient ancestors of the realm of the realm don't shoot, you can only rely on yourself. Can you block our endless army alone?"

"If you know each other, you will be greeted and you will be humiliated!"

The gods stood there, and for a long time they did not insert words. Its face became very ugly. When the group of elders of the ancient ancients said it was almost the same, it said coldly: "Are you finished?"

The elders of the ancient ancients face each other and are indiscriminate.

"Hey God, you can't be deceived by him!"

"We have already agreed, and the predecessors of God, the existence of your status, will never be the opposite?"

"God predecessors..."

God finally got angry and shouted: "All my mother shuts me up!"


This roar, like the thunder between the heavens and the earth, directly shocked everyone to speak.

"It's so noisy!" The gods and ancestors looked coldly at the ancient ancestors of this group of oriental ancients, and then turned a pair of cold eyes to Chu Mo: "What do you say?"

Chu Mo smiled and said: "It is very simple. They killed the scum of this group of oriental ancients. They have already died. Now, their crimes have been added one more: collusion of aliens."

Collusion of the four characters of the aliens makes the face of the gods more ugly, but it does not appear on the spot, but looks at Chu ink.

Chu Mo said: "Then, I will allow you to turn back and kill, so many ancient people, which one to go to. Which resources can you grab, that is your ability. However, I only give you one year. Time. After a channel year, where are you from, I will quickly go back to me. Otherwise, I will personally shoot and directly destroy you!"

The ancestors of the gods were directly crumbled by the proposal of Chu Mo. It looked at Chu Mo with some unbelievable: "This is your other choice?"

Chu Mo nodded: "Yes, this is still in the face of Xie Xie."

The blue veins on the forehead of the ancestors of the gods are jumping straight. It looks at Chu Mo: "Do you really think that with you alone, you can kill me more than ten trillion yuan?"


Suddenly, the dozens of trillions of soldiers of the entire Yi people suddenly gave a loud roar.

Ten trillions... Qi Qi. This is really shocking!

The whole piece of Scorpio, instantly changed for it!

This group of gray creatures, just being crushed by Chu Mo is too uncomfortable, and there is simply a feeling of breathlessness.

Therefore, with the words of the ancestors of the gods, they finally found a breakthrough and directly screamed out. This time, their momentum has risen again. Every Yi warrior has a feeling of boiling blood.

They are fearless, they are invincible, where they go... all resources, all belong to them!

The two heads hanging on the flagpole, all of which opened their eyes slightly. However, in their eyes, there is no hope of any birth, only endless ridicule.

A bunch of alien garbage, also want to triumph in the channel world?

"Old ancestors!"

"Old ancestors!"

"You are still alive, great!"

The elders of a group of oriental ancients could not help but make a happy voice.

But the Eastern Clouds are also good, and the East Hengtai is also good. They don’t look at those people. A group of things that betrayed the ancestors, even mixed with the gray creatures? I have just thrown away everyone!

Don't look at the two things of the Eastern Clouds and the East Hengtai. They are full of blood and blood, but they are quite tough in their attitude towards the aliens. That is, when they are enemies. For the aliens, they will never apply the theory that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Never cooperate!

But these elders are actually mixed with alien creatures and colluding with each other. They are rather willing to see this scene.

At this time, Chu Mo smiled and glanced at the ancestors, and shook his head seriously: "Just kidding, by me alone, of course, you can't destroy your ten trillion warriors."

The ancestors of the gods sneered: "What else can you be arrogant?"

"But..." Chu Mo did not pay attention to the ancestors of the gods, but then said: "I have a dog!"

Wang Wang!

The old yellow dog finally opened his eyes, but still pulled his eyelids and screamed twice.

This time, even the elders of the Eastern ancients could not help but be excited.

"嚣 !!"

"Too mad!"

"I really thought that I was invincible?"

The ancestors of the gods also twitched their lips and looked at the sly smile. They looked at Chu Mo: "You are not on this road, I am not going to choose it, let me kill you!"

Three more sent!

Speaking of dogs, I suddenly remembered playing legends in the past... Dogs, huh, huh, good and long-lasting memories. At that time, with a dog, I felt that I was so handsome and bursty.

However, at that time, the brother played the mage, often used the holy words to play dogs, especially the seven-level dog, the best hit...


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