Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1675: Xuanwu carapace

Although he did not know what happened, the reaction was almost unbelievable!


His blood was sprayed on the basalt shell, and the restless Xuanwu shell was calmed down.

The Taishang ancient ancestors immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the next moment... the four-week circle of law broke out with an endless killing. Its power is more than a thousand times directly enhanced!

The infinite pressure suddenly made this old ancestors stunned. He never dreamed that the squad here was so terrifying that he could feel the boundless pressure through the basalt shell. .

Even his horrible flesh has begun to show signs of resistance.

His body, actually gave birth to a small crack!

He is a monk in the realm of too! It is the true master of this channel!

Who can force him to this point in the ages?

However, it is only a legal array in the district. How is it possible?

But the facts are in front of you, and he can't believe it. At this time, he suddenly remembered an old legend. In the depths of the land of the Chu family, there was an ancient congenital array. It is said that it was the ancestors of the Chu family. It is also said that it was once cultivated here, and later left behind by the "Sin" that left the road of the sky.

However, this kind of statement has not been recognized by the ancient ancestors of the passage. They even believe that this ruling does not exist at all!

Otherwise, how could the Chu family be robbed a million years ago? If there is such a horrible law, even the upper can be strangled, the Chu family will not be safe and sound a million years ago, the thirteen ancients are too ancient ancestors... surely one can't go!

Therefore, no one thinks that the legal system actually existed.

But now, this ancient ancestor, suddenly there is a strong uneasiness, he has a kind of intuition, that squad... should be there!


The light of a boulevard hit directly on the basaltic carapace.

Powerful to the incredible Xuanwu carapace, a burst of fierce vibration. This kind of tremor caused a large number of cracks to appear on the body of the ancient ancestors below.

This is a road injury!

It is an irreversible road injury in a short time!

This Taishang ancient ancestor was directly shocked.

Those monks who followed the rain and the water and rushed out were all shocked.

They looked at the circle of sudden sudden increase in power a thousand times, and did not know what happened.

At this time, the rain began to wave at the Xuanwu shell again. But in fact, what really works is her heart!

Heaven and Earth are the only seven hearts!

Her heart can communicate directly with the world's spirits. Even the most ruthless, unreasonable, and incomprehensible spirits, Yu Yu has the ability to communicate directly with it!

This is a true gift of magic.

After the rain has entered the ancestral environment, I really understand the power of my heart.

She directly swayed the basal shell that defended the enchantment, and used it to stay in the unwilling spirit, and wanted to let it leave the ancient ancestor.

However, the other side's blood is too powerful, directly suppressing the Xuanwu shell, so although the rain successfully communicated the Xuanwu shell, but it is very difficult to let it leave the circle. Therefore, the rain directly ignited the circle of the depths of the Chu family.

Before Chu Mo left, he had already thought that someone might directly attack this place, so he had already taught how to manipulate the law of the royal family in the depths of the royal family and taught him the rain and the water. The power of the squad is that as long as you master the method, even a monk in the Holy Land can also manipulate it to trap the real top powerhouse!

Yu Yu did not hesitate to do so now. Moreover, although she was the first to manipulate this ruling, she was not at all unfamiliar, igniting the powerful murder in the squad and constantly attacking the ancestral monk.

Not to mention the monks who have just joined, even the monkeys, they are all watching!

Seeing that the power of the statute became stronger and stronger, the figure that was originally like a broken bamboo was getting harder and harder. Everyone, all shocked, almost lost the ability to speak.

At this time, someone finally recognized the origin of the elder brother who was trapped in the squad.

"Xu Tianxiao... He is Xu Tianxiao!"

This name suddenly made this group of monks who lived in the passage since childhood all look shocked.

"What is it?"

"He is not the ancestor of the thirteen ancients. Why did you break into us?"

"Obviously, the Thirteen ancients bought him and certainly made unimaginable interests. Otherwise, he will never appear here!"

"Xu Tianxiao is not the ancestor of the thirteen ancients, but he has an unimaginable reputation in the world of our passage!"

Soon, various information about Xu Tianxiao was transmitted through the mouths of these insiders.

This is also a truly powerful person who is amazing and fascinating, and has been famous for many years. The battle that allowed his name to spread throughout the passage was a battle between him and another ancient ancestor outside the Thirteen ancients.

Two people in the passage of the scorpio, played for more than 13,000 years, and finally, the name of the ancient ancestors, Xu Tianxiao directly into the two halves, it is said that even the gods, are followed by being smashed!

The battle between the ancient ancestors and the ancient passages is quite rare. Since the endless years, there have not been many times. Therefore, after the war, Xu Tianxiao’s name was directly remembered by countless people.

Xu Tianxiao, who had just recognized Xu Tianxiao, was once a child of the Thirteen ancient tribes. He once saw Xu Tianxiao's portrait and saw Xu Tianxiao's life notes.

The ancient ancestors of the Taishang realm can actually be bought, which is really shocking, but then, people’s hearts are even more shocking. They looked at the two fairies like the women there, and they underestimated the law, and they actually trapped such a powerful person in the circle of law. It seems that it is still retreating.

At this time, Yiyiyi has taken over the task of manipulating the phalanx. The rain is focused on communicating with the basaltic shell, and the shell is taken from Xu Tianxiao.


Xu Tianxiao is another blood, sprayed on the top of the Xuanwu carapace. This is his biggest reliance, and the basaltic shell is gone, so this squad will instantly create an unimaginable hit!

So, no matter what, he can't let this magic weapon fly away!

At the same time, Xu Tianxiao’s heart is full of hate for these two glamorous women.

He growled and said: "You two monks, if you give this seat a chance, you will definitely pick you up, you can't live, you can't die! Don't think about all the people in your entire king city. Suffering from endless torture!"


It was another fierce and murderous murder, and it was on the carapace.

At the same time, in Xu Tianxiao's body, the cracked crack... began to get deeper!

The Xuanwu carapace, which was fixed by his two bloods, began to tremble again.

"What the **** is going on?" Xu Tianxiao was also shocked and amazed by this scene. Because until now, he doesn't know what it is all about. This instrument has been honoured by him for countless years, almost to be smelt into his sacred weapon, why is it constantly struggling now, want to escape?

Moreover, with the desperate struggle of the Xuanwu shell, wanting to break free of his control, more and more attacks, began to follow the basaltic shells, the gaps revealed, rushed into it. Start a crazy blow to Xu Tianxiao's body.

Xu Tianxiao's combat power is extremely powerful, and the road is deep and unimaginable. He has never been defeated since the endless years.

Therefore, in his heart, there is an unimaginable invincible belief.

He made a big noise, and with the infinite amount of computing power, he began to push back the ruling. He was actually trying to break the battle!

The strongest legal array... How can it be?

As long as it is left by people, it must be flawed!

At this time, Xu Tianxiao suddenly felt that he had caught a loophole in this circle. His face suddenly showed ecstasy. Can't help but laugh wildly: "Look at me breaking you!"

His majestic knowledge suddenly slammed into the loophole.

But he did not see that he was presiding over the face of the water, and showed a sardonic smile.

"Break the battle?" Water chilled and smiled, then, a handful of waves.

Originally a loophole, it directly formed a horrible strangulation storm. That is a supreme road. Directly put Xu Tianxiao's knowledge into it.

"Ah!" Xu Tianxiao made a scream, his majestic knowledge was directly strangled!

At this moment, the Xuanwu shell that had been hanging over his head suddenly trembled fiercely... he directly broke away from his control and flew more than a billion miles in a flash. Actually, he broke free from the circle of law. Turned into a palm, it appeared in the hands of the rain!


A series of infinite murders directly rushed to Xu Tianxiao who lost his defense.

Xu Tianxiao's body directly broke out with a magnificent defensive atmosphere, temporarily blocking this wave of attacks.

But his whole person has collapsed!

A screaming roar.

"Return my magic weapon to me... return it to me!"

The rain gently pats the palm of the hand and the mini turtle shell, smiles lightly: "Now, it is my magic weapon."

Yu Yu said, directly with the soul to communicate with this basaltic shell, and then the top of the basaltic carapace, suddenly a layer of gray breath, a mysterious force, burst out from there!

This is what Xu Tianxiao has never seen since he got the Xuanwu shell!

This mysterious power directly left Xu Tianxiao on all the marks on this, and it was cleared at once!

A pretty cute white turtle appears in the shadow of the carapace. Looking at the rain with a look of relatives.

Xu Tianxiao in the squad, but uttered a scream of screaming, and spewed a large mouth of blood! (To be continued.).


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