Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1702: Changes in the world of the channel

There are not so many in this world, this kind of battle is not a game, it is not a friendly discussion and contest. It is a fierce competition for survival. If you die, you will live.

Therefore, in the face of Bai Ling's ancient ancestors seemingly pitiful pleading, Chu Mo did not have the slightest soft heart. Even his first head of refining, this woman is too ancient.

Endless spirits, once again injected into the land of the Chu family that has been silent for many years. On the land of the Chu family, which has already built a second city, all the monks have sensed an increase in the concentration of essence. They cheered. And know that their king... is back!

Yes, now Chu Mo is the real king on this land! It is the king of all souls.

The rain and the water are dependent on the two women, still beautiful and unparalleled. They are wearing a black long dress, a long dress in white, a high-rise, a noble atmosphere, and come here.

Seeing that Chu Mo is refining the gods of those people, the two women did not stay too long. They left quietly.

In these years, all the creatures here, repaired for speed, are quite fast.

But deep down, almost all the creatures are very eager to do something for this. They don't want to be passive like this, but they don't pay anything.

Therefore, as early as a few years ago, under the leadership of monkeys and sky ancestors, tens of thousands of monks of the Chu family have already participated in the battle against the gray creatures. At the same time, there are also a group of monks, collecting and sorting out various cultivation resources and collecting and arranging various exercises in the Chu family.

It is easy to build a city, but you want to re-establish a complete cultivation system and let the system work normally and healthily. It takes time and energy.

All of this, under the leadership of the old butler, is proceeding in an orderly manner.

The old yellow dog is very high in the territory of the royal family. Although it is still so old, it seems to be a little bloody. But all living beings respect it.

Chu Mo refines the heads of these monks in this group. In the process, it is almost dead.

That strong fear enveloped everyone. They may have seen it relatively lightly before, and think that this is nothing. Nothing is just a sin. But when it was time for this day, they realized that this kind of pain that they had applied to others in the past was so difficult.

Bai Ling's ancient ancestors pleaded from the beginning, to the endless curses, and finally to the numbness. When I was alone, I was almost completely refining and refining by Chu Mo. After only the Yuanshen power of the ancestors, she was completely ruined. The whole head was exuded with endless death.

Her sultry thoughts have completely disappeared.


The rest of the people, Chu Mo, one refining the past, no one has let go.

Time has passed and it has been going on for decades.

In these decades, on the side of the Chu family, there are a large number of gods on the list of gods to come to rely on. During the interval, Chu Mo took the godhead for them.

Chu Mo’s reputation has increased a lot without knowing it.

Now the entire channel world has gradually quieted down. The battle between the creatures and the spirits makes everyone feel exhausted. But this kind of battle is also the best way to motivate people to grow!

Almost all the monks who participated in the war have gained great experience as long as they can survive.

The same is true of the monks of the Chu family. Later, even the rain and water Yiyi began to follow the big forces to kill the gray creatures. Of course, they are very low-key, even many people inside do not know, the two ladies are also in the ranks.

There were some monks in the passage who accused Chu Mo of disregarding the whole situation and thought that he would attack the ancients when he was invaded by the gray. However, the voice of this accusation has almost disappeared in recent years. Because some people pointed out that even in those years when the gray earth was invaded, there was not an ancient ancestor who would take part in it. Even in the past, few of the ancient monks who took out the monks did not really go to the battlefield.

On the contrary, this time, because this grievance between Chu Mo and the ancients caused a large number of gods to leave the ancients, the children of the ancients had to take up arms and go to the battlefield. Personally resist the invasion of the gray creatures.

Therefore, instead of saying that Chu Mo’s shots on the ancients, regardless of the overall situation, it is better to say that the emergence of Chu Mo, let the nobles of these ancient tribes finally realize the crisis. Finally understand that defending the world, they are also responsible!

The outside world is harassing, and Chu Mo is simply not moving. The evaluation of others does not make any sense to him.

For an incomparably powerful practitioner, Chu Mo’s ability to withstand such things is even stronger than the group of ancient ancestors who were hung on the flagpole.

This is the end of an era!

The era of this group of ancient ancestors was ended by Chu Mo.

At the same time, a new era is about to open.

Elite Alliance, as the most powerful force in the world of the entire channel today, the development of these years can be described as flying!

The alliance's ally is still so mysterious, and the outside evaluation can't hurt her inner strength. Within the elite league, the prestige and status of the Chu is unparalleled.

The ancient ancestors of the two ancient ancients can be said to be the two most fortunate among the thirteen ancients. They are in the elite league, and there is almost no sense of existence in the low-key. Very cooperative, no matter what, they are very cooperative.

There are two great powers like them, and the hard power of the elite alliance is also the same.

Speaking of it, even the Luoshui family and the ice-cold family are too ancient ancestors, and they are very envious of the two ancient ancestors of the night-old ancients.

Don't look at Chu Mo, they haven't appeared in front of them yet, but at that moment, they are also going to be robbed.

In fact, during the years when Chu Mo returned to the royal family, these two of today's strongest ancients have been trying their best to resolve this grievance.

Take out the entire family's wealth and homeowner token in exchange for the life of the ancient ancestors? If they can, they may really do it this way. But the problem is that they are very clear in their own hearts. The destruction of the Chu family was half of the 18 ancient ancestors of Luoshui, Hanbing and the ancient gods!

Basically, they dominated the tragedy!

With this reason in front, to this day, even if everyone can escape this "fruit", they can not stay out of it.

In the fortieth passage year of the return of Chu Mo, the three ancient ancestors of the Cao ancient family chose the Huadao. Later, the owner of the Cao ancient family sent all the resources and tokens of the entire family, and returned all the territory of the Chu family to the Chu family.

It is not Chu Mo, but the old butler who represents Chu Mo.

On the spot, the old housekeeper only asked for a request for the Cao ancients who had killed the children of the Chu family to do their own work.

Later, among the ancient Clan of the Cao, there were hundreds of monks in the ancestral land and tens of thousands of great sacred places, and they chose the path of chemistry.

With the transformation of the three ancient ancestors, the Cao ancients finally ended their days of fear.

The ancient ancestors used to be their greatest heritage, their pride and spiritual leaders, but today they have become the biggest flaw in their survival. I have to say that this is ironic.

At this time, Chu Mo has also refining all the ancient ancestors.

Here, the peace has finally recovered.

Today, the entire passage world, the original thirteen ancients, left only the Ice Bing family and the Luoshui family.

These two ancient ancestors have not had any movements so far.

Their ancient ancestors are as if they are no longer there, silent.

In this regard, Chu Mo is not in a hurry, he first went back to the main city of the royal family, and met with Yu Yu and Yi Yiyi for some time.

In the past few years, Chu Mo is actually very tired. This kind of constant revenge is not as smooth as imagined, but he must bear this burden. Because no one can replace him except him.

Here, the total number of monks in the Chu family is over 300,000. Among them, at least 250,000 are the creatures on the list of gods. They are all from various universes, and they were once the hegemons of one side. But now, they are willing to be the most common member of the Chu family.

Here they recovered the long-lost dignity and freedom.

Chu Mo instructed the old butler, and wanted people to do their best. These creatures on the list of gods are truly talented.

The territory of the Chu family has now become enormous. Even bigger than a million years ago. Such a large territory requires someone to manage.

Chu Mo does not resist the decentralization of this kind of thing. On the contrary, if he can, he does not even care about these people standing on their own!

Only when the flowers bloom, can the world be made better.

As for when, there will be new Taishang ancient ancestors, Chu Mo does not care.

The ancient ancestors of the thirteen ancient tribes have almost fallen, and the entire passage world has become completely different.

Even a lot of monks with very low realms can clearly feel that the world has become full of life.

in the room.

Yu Yu looked at Chu Mo gently: "After solving the affairs of the Ice Family and the Luoshui Family, you will go to the relatives... from the universe below."

Chu Mo nodded: "I am also doing this."

Water Yiyi said: "We should have a child." (To be continued.)

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