Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1709: stable

The night can't look at Chu Mo, the hate in the eyes, no disguise, he whispered: "Chu Mo, what else can you rely on now? Just rely on this law here? How many years can you hold on? It's better to just stand up, stand up, fight like a man, and we will give you a decent death."

The sound that can't be heard at night is rumbling. Covered all the territory of the entire Chu family. He just wants everyone to hear what is happening here. To make everyone see, Chu Gongzi is abolished! He can't live for long!

There are rows of flagpoles over there, those who used to be too old, and all of them have their eyes wide open at the moment.

The black sky above the sky above the head, what is going on, this group of realms fell, but the wisdom is still clear in the hearts of the ancient ancestors.

They regret, they hate, they can't help!

Can only say that time is also life, this is their life.

However, they really did not expect that, so fast, there will be too much trouble for the ancient ancestors to come here to find Chu Mo.

Therefore, they all have their eyes wide open and want to hear who the person is.

"Night can't? Is this person unable to sleep at night?" A very ancient ancestor of the Ji's ancients was excited: "I don't think so, he actually came so fast."

However, he was then poured into a cold water. Over the ancient times, the ancient ancestors of the Eastern ancient ancestors fell into the air. ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : “ The royal family was broken, the heads of these people... I want to change places?"

Oriental Hengtai said on the side: "Maybe we will be taken to other places to exhibit."

The ancient ancestor of the Ji’s ancients was silent. In their hearts, they are very clear. In any case, even if the Chu family is really broken, Chu Mo is really killed. They are at best vented, and feel revenge. But in this life, and in the future, the eternal life will never be able to return to the peak and go to the wind.

Such an opportunity is gone, it has disappeared, and it will never go back!

Outside, Chu Mo looked at the night and couldn't, but said with a smile: "Like a man? Go to the elite league to go? Ask for it? Go find a way to live? Then once you find that the sky has changed, you chose to betray the first time. ......Oh, yes, for the ancient ancestors of this group of singularity, this is not called betrayal. It is called to live as you wish. Right?"

"Death to the end, but also to say such words to mock us, boy, your courage is really not small." Night can not say faintly, do not care about the irony of Chu Mo.

The night is ruthless, but the mood is very good: "Small beast, the two old things that you are most dependent on, I don't know what happened to them, but I know that they are definitely not in the world of passage! They have no influence on the world. Leave this black canopy... It has already exhausted their last bit of the law and the law. So, in this case, they can’t even have a backhand. You’ve smashed all the squares before, sweeping the thirteen ancients. Do you feel that you are very prestige? Do you think it is very exciting? I have said that you will have retribution! Now, the retribution is coming. If you still have a little spirit, stand up. Death. In this way, we may be able to open the side to your loved ones, those who belong to the Chu family. Otherwise, you are dead... they don’t want to live!”

The night could not add to the side: "His two wives, in any case, can't stay. In case something is reborn, I don't want Chu Gongzi to reincarnate this kind of thing, and repeat it again. Kill it and kill it completely! However, we can give you a good time. Chu Mo, don't smash it there. Like a man, take out the spirit of the man!"

The two ancient ancestors of the night-old ancients, there, there, I am a sentence, I am extremely ridiculous about Chu Mo. Their purpose is only one, forcing Chu ink to stand up and be killed by them!

Then they can level the entire ancient passage world!

As for the forces outside the Thirteen ancients, those who are too ancient, they are not in the eye. Now, in the entire channel world, what kind of power can you compare with elite alliances?

The elite alliance has long been regarded as a sacred object by the ancient ancestors of the two night-old ancients. A group of little farts, shouting is so powerful, the sky is ringing, how big is the sound, what is the use? Looking for foreign aid? They simply don't understand what the ancient ancestors really wanted!

Besides, the composition of the elite alliance, almost all elite power, comes from the thirteen ancients. In this regard, the two ancient ancestors of the ancient family of the night have absolute confidence and can take all of this in their own hands.

Therefore, they simply do not care what kind of reaction will be made in the elite league. In the face of absolute strength, everything is all slag!

Chu Mo Shuguang looked at the two men coldly, and then suddenly laughed: "You two, said that you are happy?"

"Small beast, this time, do you still come here, does it make sense?" The night ruthlessly said: "We are the true masters of the channel world! Your destiny is now in our hands, we... ”

After he had not finished speaking, Chu Mo turned and left.

Turned away!


Just gone!

I haven't looked at them any more!

The night is ruthless and the night can't both stay there, and then face each other, they think, this little beast... is really crazy!

"Hit!" The night can't stop talking nonsense, and rushed directly toward the Chu family.

A huge bang of the mountain shakes, I do not know how many billions of miles of mountains and rivers, directly hit by the night can not sink. The circuit that can be seen in front of us is not moving. It seems that there is no intrusion.

I couldn’t anger at night and shouted: “Let’s!”

The night is ruthless and directly shot.

At this time, speaking with strength, let Chu Mo swear, more powerful than any threatening words!

The two ancient ancestors took a total of shots, and the kind of damage caused was even more amazing. They shot in succession. Not too much. Hard to give birth to the world outside the Chu family... to a complete deep unfathomable abyss!

The entire billion-mile territory protected by the entire Chu family is like an abrupt continent, standing alone. In all directions... it’s an abyss!

It looks like a poor island.

It can make the night ruthless and the night can not be all discouraged, this island... still gives people an unbreakable feeling.

Not affected too much at all!

Within the Chu family.

Chu Mo and his party gathered together.

Everyone's face is very heavy, although they don't know what happened, but they already know a general.

Chu Mo did not conceal anything, and said directly to the crowd: "I have been secretly sheltering me, helping my two predecessors, the Promise and the Immortal Buddha, to leave the world of passage. They used the last word and the law to condense into this darkness. The sky is the last guardian. If it breaks, then the entire passage world will also be exposed to the outside world. By then, whether it is a gray creature or a creature outside the passage, it may be easy to enter. Come in this world."

Everyone was silent, watching Chu Mo, waiting for his following.

"But we didn't go to the bottom of the mountain." Chu Mo looked at the crowd and said faintly: "What do you do, do what you do. Practice well, these things, I will deal with them."

At this time, the sky ancestors looked at Chu Mo’s voice and said: “How many years can we maintain this circle?”

Chu Mo thought for a moment and said: "Under normal circumstances, under the constant attack of five ancient ancestors, it should be able to maintain a thousand years. If ten people take the ancient ancestors, they can maintain up to five hundred years. If it is, it is estimated to be the most, and it will be two hundred years."

Two hundred years... This number is really worrying.

Although the passage world, the remaining ancient ancestors are now added, it is estimated that there is not much. It is unlikely that there will be two hundred scenes of the Taizu ancient ancestors who took the Chu family reaction. But even for a thousand years... not long!

For the mortal world, for a thousand years, it has been countless times of reincarnation, and it has been possible to develop dozens of generations. But for the practitioners, a thousand years...that is, a time for retreat.

Chu Mo looked at the crowd and knew what was in their minds. He waved his hand: "If I want to think about it, I will now be able to repel the two ancient ancestors of the night ancients. But I can't kill them."

Everyone was stunned and looked at Chu Mo’s gaze with a bit of disbelief.

Chu Mo also went to explain more. Before enlightenment, his level, in fact, has already entered the field of too much. The only thing that has not broken through now is his flesh!

He is prepared to use one or two hundred years to consolidate the flesh and let the realm of the flesh enter the level of too much.

By that time, he can really step into the realm of being too young to become a young...

He is not the ancient ancestor of anyone, but as long as he stepped into the realm of Taishang, Chu Mo is fully sure to use the shortest time to suppress the two ancient ancestors of the two night-old ancients!

This is his emboldened!

It can be said that Chu Mo is very stable and very stable!

A lot of things, he knows, even if you say it now, you can't let everyone feel completely at ease. Then use time to verify that everything is fine.

He is not in a hurry.

Fortunately, the entire Chu family, from top to bottom, although everyone is a bit stunned, but also a little bit of fear. But none of them really fell into despair. Because they are all people who come out of desperation.

The feeling of despair is deeper than anyone else. They have experienced the true desperate taste, and now this form, for them, is the most... just full of uncertainties. But still far from despair.

So, on this land that was made into an island, everything is still the same.

The old yellow dog squats in the sun every day, and the old housekeeper often runs between the big cities. Everything is still developing step by step. No change!

Everyone has their own duties.

Water and Yi Yu, in this case, both pregnant.

Time is passing by.

In a blink of an eye, a hundred years.

Three more sent. (To be continued.)

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