Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1711: Attacking the Styx family

Both of them shook their heads and felt that the Styx family could not have been so low-key. After all, as long as it is a high-level creature, there will be **, and once ** is born, then... it will break out sooner or later. This is irreversible.

"Secondly, we attacked the family of the Styx, which can relatively relieve the pressure of my brother, and let the three old ancestors of the Styx family be jealous. They will be angry. Or, come back to help. Or, only Watching the Styx family be destroyed by us!"

It does not hide the kind of mind she wants to help Chu Mo, and it is very straightforward.

"Third..." Chu Chu looked at Gu Bingbing and Luo Feihong: "This matter, you can lay a nail between the two ancient ancestors of the ancient family of the night, and the three ancient ancestors of the Styx family. At the very least, it can give birth to some embarrassment between them."

Gu Bingbing and Luo Feihong are very smart, but this time, it is a bit of awe-inspiring look.

Chu Chu explained: "You think, the night is ruthless and the night can't be two people. It is obvious that the entire elite alliance has been regarded as their bag, right?"

The two nodded.

Chu Chu said: "In this case, then you said that the three ancient ancestors of the Styx family will make them both pressure?"

The eyes of Gu Bingbing and Luo Feihong are all bright, and they seem to understand the profound intentions of the Chu!

Three to two, this kind of change to anyone, there will be pressure.

"Then, if we don't have any action, then the three ancient ancestors of the Styx family will break through the Chu family in the future, and in all likelihood, they will control the entire elite alliance in their hands. This piece of fat, they I won't let go. At that time, the night was ruthless and the night couldn't be two people, and only the teeth and blood swallowed. In the end, it was definitely an agreement. The victims...we are those of us."

Chu Chu will drop his gaze on two people: "We are now attacking the family of the Styx, and for a while, the three ancient ancestors could not pull back to deal with us. Because the Styx family is very strong, it is a hard bone, not so Good to fight."

"Yes, that's it." Gu Bingbing nodded.

"Then, our actions are tantamount to offending the three ancient ancestors of the Styx family. They want to take the elite alliance peacefully. It is impossible." Chu Chu said: "Then they want to destroy The elite league, the two of the ancient family of the night must not agree! In this way, between them, they will be born. Then, no matter what the outcome of the future Chu family, the night of the ancient family, There are reasons why you must turn your face between the three families of the Styx family."

"I already understand." Luo Feihong looked at the Chu: "However, our approach is tantamount to taking the fire in the fire."

Ancient ice ice also nodded, looking at the Chu, heart: indeed it is to take the chest in the fire. Fundamentally, I still want to help Chu Mo. But she is not disgusted, because she also wants to help Chu Mo. Moreover, these things that are well done are very bright. Although fundamentally it is helping the Chu family. But in fact, this is also a kind of self-help of the elite alliance.

If there is no threat to the realm of the realm, then the elite alliance will be the most powerful force in the entire channel world.

But there is no way, in the world of passages, there are these too old ancestors.


Gu Bingbing thought in his heart and raised a strong expectation. He said: Unless Chu Mo can turn the road into the sky, he will really step into that realm. In that case, regardless of the Chu family or the elite alliance, it will be truly safe, and will truly get rid of all the dangers!

Otherwise, the bigger you do, the easier it will be to be targeted by the predators, and the higher the level of danger.

"If this is the case, then this is the case." Gu Bingbing is also a fairly decisive person.

As for Luo Feihong, his support for the Chu is even more to the point of listening. Moreover, it is like this from the beginning. It has been many years since today!

He does not have his own ideas, but also has very independent ideas. But every time, at the end, he will choose unconditional support.

As Chu Mo saw in the past, Luo Feihong was really a favorite of the world.

The hundred and twenty years of the sky.

An earth-shattering battle has been unfolding on the borders of the low-key Styx family since the ages.

The cause of this battle, according to the interpretation of the elite alliance is this.

"We were training and accidentally set foot on the territory of the Styx family. As a result, we were secretly attacked by the children of the Styx family. On the spot, we killed more than a dozen elite members of the elite league. We are angry because we did not intend to invade. The family of the Styx family. They want to follow their theory. As a result, they sent a large number of troops and attacked them without any reason. In desperation, they can only choose to fight back. After all, members of the elite alliance have no stocks!"

But the reason given by the Styx family is exactly the opposite.

They are extremely angry, even out of anger!

"The people of the elite alliance are shameless to the extreme! They deliberately invaded the territory of the Styx family, and then secretly shot the children of the Styx family. After killing more than 300 people, they have already reached the 700 million miles of the Styx family. Within the territory, there are more than 300,000 people in their army, each of which is elite. Such a legion will come out to train the soldiers? The ghosts believe this! After the warning of the Styx family, the other party simply ignores it. Instead, it directly launched a terrorist attack, causing the Swan family to die tens of thousands of soldiers on the spot. In this case, I believe that no family can endure this kind of thing. We must counterattack and warn all the friends in the channel world. Be careful of the elite league!"

It seems that the two sides are brothers who say that they are not willing to give up half a step.

But in fact, those families in the channel can also guess a real reason.

It’s no secret that the elite alliance has maintained a very good relationship with the Chu family.

However, for the entire channel world, more than 90% of people do not care what the situation will develop.

Because the overall wind direction is in the hands of the elite league!

Let's take a look at the composition of the elites. Nowadays, the elite leagues are not only the children of the thirteen ancients, but also the children of other families who have countless channels!

It can be said that it seems that the entire elite alliance is like a huge force composed of all the children of the passage.

In this organization, there is no one in the Shuhe family!

In this case, if the overall wind direction can be directed to the side of the Styx family, then it is called a strange thing.

The Chu family is here.

The three ancient ancestors of the Styx family were all gloomy. Although they have confidence in the strength of their family, the strength of the elite alliance is certainly not weak!

Even if it is half a catty, if you die, the entire Styx family must be disabled!

They are full of hatred for the elite league.

The ancient ancestors of the two night-old ancients were all caught unprepared. They did not expect that the elite alliance is so daring. But they are sure to win the elite league, but in fact, their control over this prevention is not a little bit!

In other words, what the elite league does, in fact, has nothing to do with them!

This makes the night ruthless and the night can not both, all have a feeling of depression to want to vomit blood, they have no way to say. Looking at the gloomy face of the three ancient ancestors of the Styx family, once the Chu family was broken, the three ancient ancestors of the Styx family will inevitably start the elite alliance.

The problem is that the elite league has been regarded as a bag of things!

"Two, we three, how much do you know your mind. But the elite alliance, it is necessary to be eradicated." A Taihe ancient ancestors of the Styx family sullenly face, ruthless to the night and night can not say.

Another ancient ancestors of the Styx family said coldly: "They continue to do this, I am going to go back once. I am alone enough to uproot the entire elite alliance!"

This is not to be exaggerated. He does have this strength.

The night said ruthlessly: "Today's plan is to destroy the Chu family. If you don't destroy it, we will not be at ease!"

The three words of Chu Gongzi, like the sharp and unparalleled knife in his hands, brought tremendous pressure to this group of ancient ancestors.

Before the battle of Chu Mo, after their analysis, they have come to the conclusion that they have the ability to have a battle with the Taishang, the relationship between winning and losing, and the five-fifth opening!

This conclusion makes them feel deep fear.

There are also 12 ancient ancestors living in the Luoshui family and the ice family.

Although they are trapped there, there is no one who dares to underestimate their strength.

Therefore, if they can't get rid of them, they will divide the pattern of the entire channel world. The day when they got out of trouble, it was bound to be a huge chaos.

The three ancient ancestors of the Styx family naturally understood this truth. Therefore, although they were extremely angry and their faces were gloomy, they did not say anything. Only in their hearts, they have already included the elite alliance in the list of murders.

The two ancient ancestors of the Sharan thief over there were indifferent and continued to attack the squad.

In their hearts, they have no interest in what they are. Just thinking about knocking down the Chu family, killing Chu ink!

Then divide a lot of top-level cultivation resources and materials, continue to practice quietly, and lay out the afterlife. Their time in this world is not much.

The sky is 100 years.

The Styx family was defeated in the first game!

On the side of the elite league, they have found a way to restrain the most deadly way of the Styx of the Styx family. Developed a large number of implements and distributed them.

As a result, a battle, the other side of the Styx family, actually lost more than 100,000 elite warriors!

This battle shocked the world. (To be continued.)

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