Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1747: Angry mysterious man (second more)

In this process, Chu Mo has been citing the power of the nucleus, constantly expanding the world of Cangwu Shenjian. Constantly fill the vast territory into vast territory. At the same time, a large number of mountains and rivers in the channel world, vast plains, huge ice fields... all were sent to the world of Cangwu Shenjian by Chu Mo.

Those who entered the ancient ancestors, together with the elite alliance, personally came forward to maintain various orders. Start dividing the site and dividing the territory.

Throughout the world of the passage, I am afraid that I have never been united like this. It’s just a matter of peace. Everyone is working hard for a goal. The people who made trouble or the non-life spirit were directly suppressed in the first time.

This is to survive in the effort, who dares to destroy, who is the public enemy of all living beings!

In this form, the sky in the sky is simply amiable.

No one knows how many years can be maintained in this unprecedented scene, but this atmosphere gives all living beings a very comfortable feeling.

At the same time, the world of the sky, also known as the world of the gods, the day when the king of Chu moved into the world of the gods, was recorded as the first day of the first year of the world.

Channel world.

The sky is 4,120 years.

Now the entire channel world has become a huge and empty world.

The creatures that still live in this world are already quite rare. Almost to a rare degree.

All the top resources have also been brought into the world of Shenjian.

This great migration has taken away almost 90% of the resources of the entire channel world.

Here, it has become a vast and deserted land.

Chu Mo began to move the thousands of big universes and think of ways to migrate to the world of Shen Jian. Of course, this difficulty is very big!

First of all, God's door to the world of the world, though extremely incomparably huge, is simply amazing. Compared with the stars, the stars are like the same dust. But it is impossible to directly fit into a complete universe with independent laws.

Moreover, if there is no crystal nucleus in the channel world, these universes will be able to be loaded in, and will also madly reject the world of the sky. I can't accommodate it at all!

It's like being hard to put an egg into a dove egg. It is simply impossible.

Fortunately, the nucleus was obtained by Chu Mo, and it has taken root in the world of the sky. Perfectly integrated into it. In this way, the original "dove egg" directly turned into a huge "dragon egg." Well, as long as the portal is big enough. Or if there is a way to make those universes smaller, you can directly capture these big universes.

The gateway to the world of God, Chu Mo has the ability to make it bigger. But these big universes are really too vast. The portal is bigger and almost impossible to pretend.

Therefore, Chu Mo is ready to refine and refine these big universes and make them smaller!

This is a rather dangerous move because it is related to the cause and effect of the big day. If you are not careful, you may directly let the endless life in the entire universe disappear.

Therefore, even if Chu Mo’s heart has absolute certainty, he must be careful.

Channel world.

The sky is 4,121 years.

After a year, Chu Mo finally succeeded in refining a big universe. He refines this big universe into a ball. The result is perfect to even Chu Mo himself, some can not believe the point.

In the process, he almost showed all his ways. In particular, the six-character mantra of Buddhism and the nine-character mantra of Taoism played a huge role in this process. In the process, Chu Mo also realized more rules of the heavens and the earth that had not been touched in the past.

The specific application of these laws and regulations of the heavens and the earth has a completely system of its own.

At this point, Chu Mo's realm has been infinitely close to the observer's ancestral realm. But even those ancestors, I am afraid there is absolutely no such rich experience as Chu Mo.

Refining a vast universe of infinity, refining them into a star-sized sphere!

This ability is really incredible.

With the first success, the next step went a lot. Chu Mo's use and control of the law is also more and more handy.

When it came to the canopy calendar, in the fourth century and fifty-one years, more than four hundred years of history, Chu Mo will finally remove his hometown, and all the universes outside the Luotian big universe will be refining!

This is simply the means that God can have!

If this ability is transmitted, it will definitely shock the hearts of countless top-level beings.

Because before him, almost no one has done this kind of thing. Even in the eternal land, Chu Mo's ability is almost unique. Changed to the eternal Lord to do, for a time and a half will probably not have the success of Chu Mo!

The last big universe left, or his hometown, Chu Mo has some headaches.

Because of this big universe, there is no way to refine!

In fact, Chu Mo had already thought of it when he first started refining. There is a Luotian big universe with a strange black hole, which may not be so easy to be refining.

Sure enough, Chu Mo just tried it a little and declared failure. Then he was put aside.

Now there is the rest here, Chu Mo used the knowledge of God to sweep the world of Shen Jian. There is still a vast territory, there is no one. Those places are intentionally left by Chu Mo, that is, they are afraid of encountering this situation today.

Sure enough, it still came in handy.

After many years, this is really a long time... Chu Mo once again returned to the Luotian big universe.

This familiar world makes Chu Mo a tired heart and feels a touch of warmth.

Immediately, he used the fastest speed to meet Ji Qi and told Ji Qi the truth of many things.

Ji Qi was shocked, but also responded in the shortest possible time. No hesitation, nodded and promised. It’s a big joke, it’s too big. Who dares not to agree? Chu Mo will not harm them at all. The entire channel world, now only the solitary existence of the Luotian Universe. What are you waiting for?

Luo Tianxian domain... the whole move!

The eight major domains below, the overall move!

In the process, endless creatures don't even know what is going on. Only when some of the cultivation is strong and powerful can we feel that the whole world has undergone tremendous changes.

There are other other planes that have also been moved away by Chu Mo.

It is easier to do this than to refine the universe.

All the creatures in Luo Tianda's universe are the luckiest of the thousands of universes. Because they directly became residents of the world of God.

And the rest of the big universe, all of them are directly suspended by the ink and ink on the endless sky, and the world of God, has been completely completely isolated! Thoroughly cut off all the passages.

Today, only Chu Mo can freely enter and exit.

The creatures in the great universe, unless they can one day practice to the sacred realm, otherwise they will have no chance to leave there for the rest of their lives.

But there is nothing sad about this, because those big universes seem to have been turned into a star by Chu Mo. But in fact, the inside is infinite. Still boundless and terrible.

Just in Chu Mo, all the creatures of the entire Luotian Universe were moved into the world of Shen Jian, and they were made neighbors with the independent and closed Chu family.

Suddenly he felt a very strong heart!

It seems that there is a huge unmatched net that descends from the sky and shrouds over him.

Chu Mo directly absorbed the world of the gods and gods into the body, and one step appeared in front of the mysterious black hole. Then he didn't hesitate and went straight in.


Just in the moment when Chu Mo’s figure disappeared.

A cold and extremely powerful force swept the entire universe in an instant!

Then, Luo Tianda universe, together with the black hole... suddenly burst!


An astonishing roar rang in the vast, ridiculous passage world.

The voice is full of frightening anger.

It was a shadow of awkwardness, and his body was covered with endless black air. He didn't look tall, but it gave people a feeling that it couldn't be accommodated in the entire passage world.

The black air is rolling, from the shadow of the eye, two light beams are shot, and they are seen toward the broken Luotian Universe. Seeming to be looking for something.

Soon, he locked his eyes on where the black hole was.


Another roar.

This roar, almost smashed the entire passage world.

The power of the various laws began to appear, and seemed to want to suppress this figure.


The shadow waved directly, and the endless territory exploded.

The entire world of vast passages, like the earthquakes that have been earth-shattering, tremble.

This shadow looks at the devastated passage world, and is mad at the sky, hateful!

He did not expect that he was so secretive that even the eternal Lord was deceived by him. But it has planted a big head here!

Actually... I was discovered many years in advance!

Then I made a corresponding arrangement very calmly, not only taking away all the creatures of the entire channel world, but even those connected universes. The most important thing is that the crystal nucleus...the crystal nucleus is gone!

"In the did he know the secret of the nucleus? Impossible... This secret, except for the eternal Lord and the three major powers, in this world, no one should know this secret. Damn... Little ants, do you think you can run away? I will find you, and then, you will smash your body! I swear!"

The figure muttered to himself, then stunned and disappeared.

Only a world of shivering channels is left, until now, those who choose to stay are awake.

They finally understood that the end... is really coming!

This world is completely different!

Countless creatures, crying and crying, want to find the king of Chu, but it is too late. (To be continued.)

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