Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1772: Crazy Chu Hui (ninth)

This sound is too shocking!

The entire **** field, with this sound, instantly became clear!

Then, the ancient figure with a huge axe, actually... really, roll!

He didn't even return to Pangu Axe, but turned and left directly!

It looks like it’s gone like a dingy.

The young man is dumbfounded!

He couldn't believe it, he hadn't used it all the time, even if he had been in a desperate situation... he didn't take out the bottom of the box, actually... so water?

This is simply a hell!

At this moment, the young man gave birth to an impulse to want to marry her mother for the first time.


In my hands, but Pangu axe!

This is the real heavy weapon in the hands of Pangu Great God!

This axe can be opened up!

You can open up a big day of artifacts!

Among the artifacts, the idea of ​​a Pangu god, how could there be no strong ideas on the knife?

Could it be said that the operator... is it really so special?

“Don’t dare to give a chance to compete fairly?”

The young man couldn’t help but roar.

That figure, after repelling the figure with the giant axe, was in the first time, back to the sky. As if... don't want to or disdain to the young man.

Chu Mo has a knife to the young man's head. Hearing his words, could not help but sneer: "Do you dare to suppress the realm to the ancestors to fight with me? Fair competition? Hey!"

"You are not my opponent in the realm of the great ancestors!" The young man roared and greeted the axe.


That loud noise made people feel trembled.

Chu Mo smiled coldly: "In the same realm, I can't beat you with a punch!"




The two sides began a crazy confrontation.

Chu Mo’s mouth continually spilled blood, but his body was as bad as King Kong. After playing with this young man for so long, he was not seriously injured.

In the process of refining and chemical nucleation, he realized too many more levels. And the use of the law has reached an incredible degree. Not to mention the great ancestor, even if it is a lot of landlords, in this respect, it may not be stronger than him.


In the moment when Chu Mo and the young man were wrong, he raised his hand and punched it directly on the face of the young man.

The tall nose of the young man was suddenly collapsed by Chu Mo!

He screamed, and then the axe in his hand made a wound in the waist of Chu Mo.

The two sides have reached this level, but they are still in a state of equal strength.

The young man had to take out the handcuffs. He held the axe handle of the ancient axe in his hands and tried to force the mountains. He was condescending and came to Chu Mo.


Pangu axe, bursting out to the murderous!

Although there is absolutely no way to compare with Pangu himself, it has reached an extreme.

A young man who can display all the power!

Chu Mo Heng knife, cold-eyed young people, he did not retreat, but directly toward this young man, striding up.


Chu Mo's blood, in this moment, suddenly boiled up!

In his body, it is like a layer of flame burning!

This kind of scene, even the Taiji and the infinite Buddha, are shocked.

Although they are very clear, Chu Mo is undoubtedly the operator, but how strong the operators are, they have not seen it!

I only know that Chu Mo can become a big God directly as long as it refines five crystal nuclei!

Of course, becoming a great God does not mean that Chu Mo can completely kill all enemies. But at least, his combat power will have an unimaginable improvement.

They did not expect that Chu Molian had such a terrible strength when he did not completely refine his metal nucleus.


This sound directly sank the void of this bloodshed!

The laws here have all become so messy.

I can't even see what kind of place it is!

This place is directly transformed into a chaotic original area.

In the hearts of young people, a big horror suddenly rose. His figure slowly receded.

This blow did not really hurt him, but Chu Mo's invincible momentum, but he was shocked!


Chu Mo spurted a large mouthful of blood, but the flame in his body burned even more!

The faint, vicissitudes of breath, scattered from Chu Mo's body.

The breath, as if from the ages, seems to have experienced a lot of robbery, as if crossing a long time!

Too old!


"This is... the breath of the ancient god!" The youngster's eyes are about to pop up. He can't accept the roar: "Impossible! How can the breath of the ancient **** appear on you? Even if you have the blood of the ancient **** in your body, it is impossible!"

The one who answered him was a white young man who was bathed in blood, a cold and ruthless knife!



The sharpness of Haotian seems to be getting more intense!

No, it doesn't seem, it's a fact!

After the change of Chu Mosheng, Hao Tian also gave birth to a huge change unimaginable!

In the hands of Chu Mo, he finally waved the power that was unprecedented.

One arm of the young man was directly paralyzed by the sky!

This is the last time, this mysterious young man, the second time in the hands of Chu Mo planted.

Only this time, on the finger of his broken arm, there is no ring for Chu Mo to pick.

The young man made a scream of screams and then went backwards in madness. Soon, his body shape completely disappeared into the blood. Only left an unwilling roar.

"I will return! The inheritance of the ancient **** must belong to!!!"

The voice of the young people is so fierce, as if the unwilling power is scattered from the soul!

The old monk over there and the old Taoist priest were almost shocked to speak.

Their eyes are also full of incredible light.

Actually... really give up?

Dazu hit the border?

Repelled the other party’s hard-won?

Moreover, still left one arm of the other side?

Is this true?

Chu Mo's body shape suddenly stunned, and wowed, a spurt of blood.

But in the next moment, he suddenly made a rather amazing move.

Directly waving a hand, summoning the sky, summoned from the Chu battleship, and instantly let it into its body. Then, the portal of the gods' world is opened, and the old monk and the old Taoist are suddenly sucked in.

This move by Chu Mo is very strange and very fast.

It’s slow to say, but in reality, it’s almost as fast as it is.

After doing this, Chu Mo’s figure, squatting, retreated to the depths of the blood.

Like... what is fearing?

At this time, the Chu battleship ... actually turned to Chu Mo, blasted a law of guns!

However, when the gun was blasted, the strange hustle of the Chu battleship trembled. It’s like someone is on the sidelines and pushes a hand.

This gun was missed.

Sticking to the body of Chu Mo, smashed into the depths of the blood.

Directly put the void in the blood field here, playing a chaotic channel.

Although he did not hit Chu Mo on the front, he still left a terrible wound on Chu Mo’s arm.

Chu Mo's arm, blood flowing.

He didn't talk, his look was quite severe, and his body constantly evaded in the blood.

The Chu warship also trembled constantly, as if someone was constantly shaking it.

Chu Hui in the battleship, her eyes, can not be determined. The flawless and beautiful face has become very twisted and twisted, as if it is resisting anything.

But in the end, Chu Hui finally recovered calm, and the battleship... no longer trembled.

She calmly looked at Chu Mo, who was constantly fleeing into the distance, with a smirk in her mouth.

Immediately, the horrible law cannon began a bombardment of Chu Mo.

Today's law cannons are far more powerful than the previous Chu battleships!

Its power has already reached the level of the great ancestors and entered the higher realm!

Under normal circumstances, even if Chu Hui evolved again, it would definitely not be able to develop such a powerful level of law.

Therefore, this person in the battleship is not Chu Hui, or ... is not the Chu Hui.

The degree of warships is also much faster than in the past. Has been tracking Chu Mo, firmly locked Chu Mo's figure within the attack range of the battleship.

Then, one after another, the pursuit of Chu Mo.

Chu Mo originally consumed too much because of the battle with young people. Now, under the chase of this warship, which suddenly became extremely powerful, suddenly it seems to be a little powerless.

But he did not give up, biting his teeth, running all the way. Constantly tearing open the void and constantly jumping.

The battleship, but behind him, followed slowly.

Finally, Chu Hui’s voice came from the battleship and almost overwhelmed the entire bloodshed.

"Brother, give up, you are not my opponent." Chu Hui’s voice sounded a bit cold, but with a bit of emotion in it: "Don’t make fearless resistance, hand over the five crystal nucleus, I No longer difficult for you."

"You are not my sister, don't call me like this, don't humiliate the word brother!" Chu Mo's face was a tough response.

"Oh, it's really... in your human words, what is it? Don't see the coffin without tears." Chu Hui's voice, with a bit of joke, sounded in the blood: "Since you don't know how to lift, then I don't need to care about the brothers and sisters between you and me."

"Roll!" Chu Mo cold and cold, suddenly, back is a knife!

This knife is so shocking!

too suddenly!

Even the Chu Battleship behind it did not expect that in this case, Chu Mo could actually counterattack.

Moreover, this counterattack is so fierce!


As a knife, this Shenjin refining, after many years of upgrading and reforming warships, was directly smashed into two halves by Chu Mo.

Then, Chu Mo reached out and grabbed a small box made of the top **** Jin Jin directly from the battleship and turned and left.

It was also this moment that half of the battleships were bombarded with Chu Mo.

This time, it seems that Chu Mo is inevitable.

The third wave is nine!

Cool? Is there a monthly pass? Cast it out! ! !

The last day of the year is 2o16, let's party together! ! ! ! (To be continued.) 8

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