Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1776: Pan Gujing (fourth more)

Its ** is divided into several parts, namely: Pangu Kaitian, Pangu Time, Pangu Body Method and Pangu Knife Method.

Pangu Kaitian is the basic method used by the ancient gods to control the famous artifact of the ancient axe in the past. There are nine strokes in total, but this nine strokes is enough to open up the world! It is only by using Pangu to open the heavenly power, in order to truly control the ancient axe.

The mysterious young man, I don’t know through any means, but he has already learned to open up the heavens. Otherwise, he could not have mastered the artifact of the Pangu Axe. It is even more impossible to achieve a tacit understanding of the relationship between Pangu and Axe.

Pangu time is a supreme way. This is the practice of truly controlling the law of time.

Compared with the nine-character mantra, it is a lot worse. Not on one level.

According to the power of this rule of Pangu time, it is almost possible to ban any territory and let the time of 10,000 years turn into a moment. On the other hand, it is a thousand years! The deeper the realm of cultivation, the stronger the control over the law of time!

According to the righteousness of Pangu time, when this kind of practice is cultivated to the later stage, once it is displayed, it can be directly transformed into tens of millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years!

What is this concept?

The time of cultivation in this realm of Pangu time, once displayed, can make the other party in the moment of billions of years!

Then, if you use this method in succession, even if you are an opponent of the great ancestors, you can't bear the consequences of this kind of instant aging.

And this is only the cultivation to the later stage, and it is really at the peak level. Then, even if it is the landlord...or even the more powerful God, in the face of this kind of practice, it is absolutely far from being avoided. of.

However, Pangu time is also quite huge for its own consumption. It is not without cost to exert this kind of practice that affects the years and rivers.

Pan Gu body method, in the view of Chu Mo, is simply amazing to the extreme.

Before that, he has been eager to have a top-notch approach. Because his speed has been quite fast all the time, but he can't reach the level of the world. In other words, there will always be people who can catch up with his speed.

In the same realm, those who can pass him faster in speed are minimal, but those who are higher than a realm are not inferior to speed in speed.

It was not until after the Pangu body law was obtained that Chu Mo really understood that the body of the world was the same.

The power of the law contained in it was originally run like this. It turns out that this kind of reorganization law can receive this magical effect.

It can be said that the Pan Gu body method is a seemingly simple, but in fact very esoteric exercise on speed.

After the practice of the ancient method, Chu Mo has already known that his own strength has already entered another field.

As for the Pan Gu knife method, there are three strokes in total.

劈, chop, sweep.

These three tricks, Chu Mo, after the refining of the spar was passed down, he was stunned.

how to say? It seems to be... too simple!

From the avenue to the simple one, he actually knew it many years ago. But knowing that he knows, when he got the Pangu knife method, he really understood what was called the real road to Jane.

It's so simple that it's unbelievable. This is a god-level exercise.

Moreover, these three strokes are all the kind of going back.

It is not like the general knife method, it can resist, it can be defended, and there is no such saying in the Pangu knife method.

Only one way forward!

In this static universe, only Chu Mo alone.

Old monks, old Taoist priests, including Xu Shizhen and Chu Mo’s family are all in the world of God.

Over the years, the old monk and the old Taoist have been studying how to crack the seal of Xu Shizhen and make her a person who can cultivate.

In this regard, Xu Shizhen himself, but it is not so valued. For her, even if she can't practice, she can have a life-long life. Also has a strong defensive ability. She really has little interest in cultivating such things.

But it is one thing to think about cultivation, whether it can be cultivated, but it is another matter.

Therefore, she herself wants to crack this seal.

Because according to the inference of the old monk and the old Taoist, this seal may not only seal the path of Xu Shizhen's cultivation. There is another deep meaning in it. Maybe it will have an impact on Xu Shizhen’s life.

Over the years, they have almost inferred that 90% have been successful.

After all, the seal of the realm of the landlord is not so easy to unravel.

On this day, Chu Mo returned to the world of Shen Jian, and then he was prepared to take the last nucleus in the world of God.

Thanks to the nurture of this nucleus, there have been many outstanding young offspring in the world of God. There are many that have already been cultivated to the realm of being too supre.

These creatures in the realm of the world are completely different from the old monks in the past, and their dependence on cultivation resources is very small. More, it is a kind of self-understanding.

It was also quiet in the universe that Chu Mo was sent to the world of the gods and refining into the stars.

Almost all the creatures in that do not know what happened. Therefore, their lives have not been affected. Still the same as in the past.

Therefore, many times, ignorance is not necessarily a bad thing.

My life is also boundless, and I know that there is no end to the horizon.

Perhaps this is also a blessing for the creatures in the universe.

Returning to the world of the gods, Chu Mo is still somewhat hesitant, whether or not to take the last piece of crystal nucleus.

The old Taoist appeared next to Chu Mo, watching Chu Mo smile and said: "Do not worry, there will be no problem."

The old monk also read the Buddha's number and came to Chu Mo: "I will succeed if you look at it. Don't hesitate. The inscription can protect this place. This is our chance. Once there is an inscription that can break through here, then it is dangerous. time."

"The old monk's words are not unreasonable." The old Taoist priest looked at Chu Mo and said: "Isn't Mr. Inscription already said that the inscription has an independent character? Although the three major powers and the eternal Lord are not available today. The ability of inscriptions to communicate directly, but this does not mean that they can't impress other inscriptions and attack them. Once that happens, we are in danger!"

Chu Mo nodded and finally made a decision. Later, he took the nucleus directly from the depths of the Chu family.

At the moment when the crystal nucleus is taken away, the whole Shenjian world can clearly feel that the original strong and intense vitality has suddenly dimmed a lot.

It is natural that there will not be much feeling when it is cultivated as a low-lying creature. But all the creatures above the ancestors can produce a particularly obvious feeling.

In these years, there are so many amazing and up-and-coming talents in the world of Shenjian, which are inseparable from this nucleus. After being taken away this time, it is not so easy to want to have so many amazing talents in the future.

But there is nothing that can be done.

Chu Mo whispered: "One day, I will definitely find a way to make this world become stronger again!"

He said that the law followed, and the whole **** knew the world, and there were a lot of visions.

This vision is very incomparable to auspicious, so that those who feel the vitality weakened, and some fearful creatures, all of a sudden quiet.

Later, Chu Mo did not hesitate anything, took this last piece of crystal nucleus and returned to the lonely universe.

I began to sacrifice this nucleus.

As time goes by, the volume of this nucleus is getting smaller and smaller. Chu Mo finally got the last Pan Gu's inheritance from the nucleus!

When Chu Mo got the Pan Gujing, the four inheritances that he had before were suddenly like a complete life!

This the inscriptions originally engraved on the walls, on the floor, on the eaves, they all have strong defense capabilities, no communication, and when invaded by foreign enemies, these inscriptions can form powerful defense. But after all, it gives people a feeling of dead things.

Just like the legal array, once it is turned on, it runs autonomously.

But after practicing the Pangu Sutra, these original inscriptions of the dead are alive!

The inscription can be turned into a white-bearded old man, Pangu Kaitian, Pangu time, Pangu body method and Pangu knife method, can also be activated by the Pangujing, into a living move!

After these inheritance came to life, Chu Mo really felt the shock.

He finally understood why the Pangu knife method has only three knives, why is it so simple!

Because with the Pan Gujing, these three strokes can almost sweep all enemies!

He used the myriad of my heart and mind, and the stars that brought him great help, I can give up at the moment of the Pangu scripture.

This feeling, like the use of tools for countless years, after the emergence of better and more convenient tools, the original tools, even if no matter how nostalgia, must be put down. They have completed all their missions!

New tools for better tasks.

That's it.

Pan Gu Jing is too powerful, Chu Mo is just just comprehending, only to reach the level of entry, the power that it can exert, completely beyond the meaning of God.

Chu Mo is also not sorrowful. In this world, the understanding of Tao and Fa is really endless.

The Pan Gu Jing, which he cultivated today, is already the top. But tomorrow, is it still the case? He himself is not sure.

Later, Chu Mo began to calm down, still using the kind of sentiment and perception of the source, began to sacrifice this nucleus.

In this kind of space, in fact, computing time has little meaning.

As the years passed, many Shenjian years passed again.

Chu Mo has completely refining the five crystal nuclei. At this point, he has obtained five of the five crystal nucleus of Pangu Great God.

He can even clearly sense the position of Pangu Axe! I even know that when he is in the middle of the Pan Gujing, he can make a thought and directly summon the Pangu axe back! (To be continued.)

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