Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 49: Sucking kiss

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"Teacher Mujin, I seem to see spiritual power while sitting in meditation, but no matter what I do, I can't touch it. Every time I get upset, I am forced to withdraw from this state. What should I do?"

"You should guard your mind, without thinking or thinking, because any spiritual power that can be seen by you, touched by you, and perceived by you is all false things you have imagined.

I believe that when your teacher taught you, he definitely didn't tell you clearly what kind of spiritual power is, what kind of form it is.

At most it is a description: Spiritual power is a little aura in the ethereal, unknowable, unsearchable, and unbelievable.

Because spiritual power is different when it is formed in each person's body, it may be a water drop, a small fish, or a giant dragon.

You will only know when you truly gain spiritual power.

Oh, it turns out that spiritual power is like this. "

"Thank you for your guidance, I think I know what to do."

After listening to Mujin's instructions, Yang Nai finally realized that she had fallen into a barrier of knowledge and vision before, and she had no spiritual power at all. It was just a kind of deceptive guidance from the inner demon, and her mind was also settling down once, not being impatient.

"En." Mu Jin nodded comfortedly, clever children are easy to take and get through.

"Tamako, Musashi and the others have been given pointers, can't you do without you, is there anything you want to ask?" Qingxue couldn't ignore her children, and asked.

Whether it is a child's world or an adult's world, the most important thing is that it is covered with rain and dew.

It's fine if you don't meet each other normally. Since you are in the same car, you must have some guidance.

Joey Yuzi was pleasantly surprised when she heard that, because the relationship between their family and Qingxue was a bit far away, and the auntie was only to draw closer the kinship between them.

But in real terms, the two families have been away for three generations, and they basically don't move around. There are many polite sentences during the festivals, and there is no more.

The little Joey in the school is basically Joey Qingxue's niece, and some are even grand-nieces, so it is definitely not realistic to point out the past one by one.

"Auntie, how should my flower therapy ring combine the angel's kiss and the absorption kiss, and trigger the priority treatment feature?" Yuzi also asked the question that had troubled her for a long time.

"About these two skills, what do you plan to focus on?"

"The kiss of inhalation."

"The kiss of absorption is the remote control of direct contact skills and the kiss of angels. Why do you want to focus on the kiss of absorption?" Qingxue asked, there was obviously a school test.

"Because all absorption moves are based on close contact, which can reduce energy loss and restore the body to the greatest extent, so I want to focus on the kiss of absorption."

"Very good, then do you know where the chaotic power of Angel Kiss mainly comes from?"

"From the lovely appearance of the flower therapy ring, as long as the Pokémon that can be attracted by the flower therapy ring can't escape the influence of the angel's kiss, the effect of the powerful willpower Pokémon will be much lower."

"anything else?"

"Angel's kiss is a fairy-type skill. Using the fairy's ability to magnify the cute appearance of the flower therapy ring makes it more charming. This is the key point of the angel's kiss."

"Then you know you should do this, right?"

"What? Oh! I understand, thank you auntie."

Yuzi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly returned to his senses. It turned out that the reason why he had not been able to succeed was that he had ignored the essential core of Angel Kiss, the charm and the use of goblin energy.

What did I think about after so long?

Yuzi was a little crazy thinking about it, but it was not too late. After all, there was more than a year to study in school, enough for her to complete the cultivation of Huahuahuahuanhuan and become a real healing partner.

Some people will wonder, why do you study these two skills that are completely irrelevant to the treatment, and how can you get involved with the treatment partner?

In fact, this is not a conflict. The kiss of sucking can not only absorb the physical energy of the opponent, but also eliminate the abnormal energy invasion and toxins in the patient's body, because in Yuko's cognition, all abnormal states are abnormal energy. It is caused by the abnormal operation of the body, as long as the root cause of the disease is eliminated, the condition will naturally get better.

The angel's kiss is to increase one's own affinity, or to eliminate the patient's sense of rejection and hostility towards oneself, as chaos is optional.

Seeing that all four people in the car have gained, the three adults nodded in satisfaction. After all, they really did not have so much time to teach them in person. The second energy is not allowed, so they can only instill a little when they have the opportunity, or check Looking at their progress, they are basically in a semi-stocked state.

"Girls, the destination has arrived, get out of the car and pay attention to safety, Musashi, this is for you."

Gingu interrupted the four little cute meditations, then said to Musashi again, and stretched out his hand to give Musashi a small pocket.

"Master, what is this?"

Musashi took the doubt and said

"For your Girls' Day expenses, there is no money to eat, drink and play. Remember to gather here at four o'clock in the afternoon and don't forget the time.

"Okay~Thank you, Master, hee hee, sisters, go on, today I have a treat~!!!"


After Musashi and the others got out of the car, Gingu drove away. As for where they are going, Musashi doesn't care. Anyway, they are more powerful than them. They have the most hands.

"Auspicious egg, Ibrahimovic will ask you to take care of it, the smelly flower, and the Elf Egg of Big Rock Snake will be handed over to you. Be careful not to lose it."

"Lu cky~"

"Ha na!"

"Hey, Musashi, how about we go shooting?" Don't guess it is Jigme, this boyish little girl.

"Yucai, Yuzi, do you want to play?"

"I can't aim to play well." Yuzi flinched a little at first.

"I...want to try it." Yang Cai said.

"That's OK, boss, all four of us play." Musashi set the number.


"It's boring to have more than three lacks and one. It doesn't matter if you don't play well. Come out and have fun. The most important thing is to listen to me. Take it." Ji Mei took the simulated gun in the hands of the boss of the doll shooting shop and just stuffed it to Yuzi.

"Let's compare and see, who will shoot the doll you like first." Musashi suggested.

"Comparation. Liuwei, I'm here!" Jigme said, looking at the cute six-tailed doll on the shelf, not to be outdone.

"it is good!"

"Okay." Yuzi couldn't, awkwardly holding the gun and started aiming.

Although Yang Nai said she wanted to play, she had never touched a gun, and she didn't know what to do with the gun in her hands.

"Hina, like me, drag the **** with the left hand, this is the position, hold the gun with the index finger in the right hand and pull the trigger, and look at the center of the scope with the left eye, yes! That's it."

" why doesn't it respond?"

"Haha, I forgot to tell you the most important point, that is loading. Doesn't the gun body have a wrench? Break it off and pull it back on the buckle. Hey! Do not point the gun at others to prevent accidental injury."

"Oh, oh, sorry."

"It's okay, as I taught you before, aim and shoot, then push back to reload, then aim and pull the trigger again."

Yang Nai was looking at the target intently, pressing her hand hard.


"Ah!" Yang Cai almost couldn't hold the gun in shock.

"Haha, let's be surprised." Jigme smiled and turned back and forth, obviously teasing Yang Nai is a very interesting thing.

Musashi and Tamoko also covered their mouths and smiled, and Tamoko's expressions also relaxed a lot, and there were not so many tensions and worries.

It’s also embarrassing how Yangna sacrificed herself~

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