Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 57: Ibrahimovic

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"Children, how was the Girl's Day yesterday?" Joey Chika, the head teacher of the middle grade class one, made a simple opening remark.

"Very happy~"

This is what Jigme said. After all, she spent the entire Girls' Day, got exquisite dolls, and saw the unknown side of Musashi, which was full of rewards.

However, after yesterday, or after Abo-snake left with the big rock snake, Musashi disappeared. Although he knew that he was taken by Gingu, he was still a little worried, but after a while, Musashi returned.

It's just that the whole person is depressed a lot, and his eyes are flushing. It is obvious that he has cried, which makes Jigme feel more deeply about the word parting.

I was forced to enter this school by my family, although I couldn't escape the law of true fragrance. But the initial period of adaptation is destined to be difficult.

And Musashi and Abokai lived together for three years, inseparable like a person, or twins, suddenly missing the other half, sadness must be inevitable.

If you switch to yourself and Rokuo, you might not be as strong as Musashi.

I don't know what happened to Abo Monster and Big Rock Snake now.

Turning his head to look at Musashi, he found that Musashi was looking out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

"It’s time to cheer up after a night of depression. After all, Abokai and Big Rock Snake didn’t really leave them. It’s just that the older sister took his younger brother out to play for a while. Although it’s a long time, they will always come back. Here."

Thinking of this, there was finally a smile on her face, and she felt that someone was looking at her. Following her gaze, she found that it was Jigme, but she was worried. Musashi gave her a big smile and signaled that she was all right.

Seeing Musashi smile, Jigme relaxed for a while and listened intently to the teacher's remarks.

"If you are happy, then let us talk about a happier topic. The monthly test results come out. There are surprises and surprises. The surprise is that the top 5 of the year is still in our class. The surprise is the Daoshi classmate who was originally stable in the top ten of the year. , I dropped a dozen places this time. Daoshi, do you know where your weakness is?"

Joey Chizuru looked at the squad leader Daoji Temple sitting in the front row and asked in a deep voice.


Zhishi nodded in response. The scores should all be deducted on the third day of the match. His performance was really bad.

"Let's talk about it." Qianhe didn't plan to let Zhishi off so easily, and continued.

"Pokémon's weak combat ability, obviously Laplace can play better, but under my wrong command, it hastily lost."

"The biggest mistake?"

"Use of surfing skills."

"What will you do if you play against it again?"

"I still use surfing, but I will also add the freezing light that Laplace is good at."

"What did you gain after this battle?" Qianxia nodded, agreeing with Zhishi's statement, and then asked.

"Controlling the overall situation, and also, I found a shining spot on Shao Huaban, which turned out to be able to be used like this."

"Well, sit down, I hope you can return to your original level in the next monthly exam."

Qianxia is still very satisfied with Zhishi, but this time she is out of order because she needs to have a longer memory.

"Next, I want to commend the students who helped us win the top five in the year. First place, Miyamoto Musashi.

Second place, Joey Dance.

Third place, Joey Yuko.

The fourth place is Chizuru Asakusa.

The fifth place is Shangzhi. "

"Please come up here."

"Based on your ranking in the year, the top ten will have a special reward, rewarding a Pokémon. They can be the Pokémon that you cured in the second phase of the monthly exam, or you can choose the school nurturing house. Pokémon cultivated in.

Next, the first place, Musashi, will be rewarded with 1,000 credits, a designated skill learning machine, an arbitrary evolution item, and free use of the school's fee-based facilities for one week. Have you considered choosing that Pokémon? "

"Teacher, I choose the Ibrahimovic that I cured. By the way, is it a learning machine for any skills?"

"Any, the same goes for the evolution stone. Ibrahimovic is with you now, don't have to pay it back. Which skill machine and evolution props do you want to choose?"

"Shadow clone and metal coating."

"Well, this is an exchange voucher. You can redeem it for free when you go to the Pyramid." Qian Xia pulled off the deputy and gave it to Musashi after finishing writing.

After taking it, Musashi bowed and walked off the stage.

The second place Joey Dance and the third place Joey Yuko rewards are similar to Musashi, but the use period of the fee-based facilities has been reduced a bit. The Pokémon they chose was also the Pokémon cured by their hands, namely Hua Beibei and Marilu.

In the fourth place, Asakusa Chizuru had only one choice between the skill machine and the evolutionary item, and the fee-based facilities were used for three days. The fifth place Hisashi award was the same as Asakusa Chizuru.

However, the elves they chose were not the Pokémon that they had healed, and they chose to choose one from the breeding room.

Asakusa Chizuru chose Dandan, and Hisashi chose the blue cotton bird.

"The next top 20 paid facilities are free to use for three days and can be used at any time without worrying about expiration. The seventh place is Amano Haruna, the ninth place is Dorji Sanme, and the eleventh place is Kinomoto Sakura. Four Yoshimi Shirota, fifteenth..."

After announcing the rankings and awards, Qianxia briefly began to explain the test papers, but a few major topics were explained again, and the get out of class ended as the bell rang.

"Musashi, Haruna." On the side of Yoshimi's runway, Musashi called Yoshimi over.

"What's the matter?" Musashi asked.

"You have all harvested new Pokémon, but I don't have one, so I plan to go to the wild to catch one on the rest day. Who will be willing to accompany me then?"

"Why don't you all go, and relax with Musashi by the way," Yang Na suggested.

"Second, how about Musashi, do you want to go?"

"Since I have said that, can I still not go, this Saturday and Sunday?"



. . . . . .

Pokémon: Ibrahimovic

Evolution Pokémon, four-legged beast type group

Attributes: average, height 0.22 meters, weight 4.2kg

Level: lv330.30%, gender: ♀

Features: escape foot

Status: young, malnourished

Meditation: "Dream"

Age: 1 year old. UU Reading

Character: Bold

Hobbies: like to be held in a warm embrace

Intimacy: 82

Trust score: 71

What to bring: the soothing bell

Race value: HP: 55, attack, 55, defense: 50, special attack: 45, special defense: 65, speed, 55, total: 325

Skills: screaming, wagging tail, bumping

Genetic skills: hold on

Comprehension skills: acting like a baby, round pupil

Evaluation: One has not been taken seriously since its birth, and it can even be said to be ignored, but its character is surprisingly quite resilient. In your observation, this Ibrahimovic has a unique ability to comprehend, and it is precisely for this that she is more and more favored by you.

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