Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 62: Yingu's strength

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"Yes, it's me, isn't it surprising that I have the courage to come out to save my apprentice~"

Yin Gu said with a smile, his expression almost the same as Musashi. It's all so annoying for vipers.

"Shimeng!" Yin Gu said to Geng Gui suddenly.

"Jiehehehehe~" Geng Gui gave a weird smile and disappeared beside Yingu. When he reappeared, half of his body sank into the head of Kabymon, as if licking something.

It looked like a brain-eating evil spirit in a ghost movie, as if he noticed his gaze, raised his **** generous face, grinned silently, as if saying that the next one was you.

"Mosquito-repellent-repellent swimmer, wake up slap! Strange power, bullet punch." The poisonous snake had a chill, and then threw a strange power poke ball and commanded it.

"Large needle bee, stop it, wonderful frog flower, strong whip."

In Musashi's eyes, the scene was chaotic. The mosquito-repellent-repellent swimmer wanted to rush to the Kabymon to wake him up forcibly, so that even if Kabymon was injured and lost his fighting ability, it would be better than being sucked up by Geng ghost.

However, the bullet fist of the strange force is heading towards Yingu, trying to force Yingu's Pokémon to return to defense, so as to save his Kaby beast.

But a big needle bee with a strange pattern suddenly appeared in front of the strange force. The huge needles perfectly blocked all the attacks of the strange force, but under the huge force of the strange force, there were still signs of defeat.

However, this was enough for Yin Gu to leave the field calmly, and a large number of vines with thorns suddenly appeared in the dense forest behind Yin Gu, and they headed towards the mosquito-repellent swimmer with their teeth and claws.

And at this moment.


With a scream, Kirby lost his fighting ability, and his body was covered with purple lines, and the fur on his body was no longer the previous blue-green, but turned into blue-gray, bitterly defeated and disorderly.

"Friendly remind you, if your Kabymon does not complete the treatment within an hour, he will not have a chance to see the sun tomorrow."

"Damn it, mosquito-repellent-repellent swimmer, beg for rain! It’s a strange force.

"Flying Leaf Storm, Big Needle Bee, Sword Dance."

The patter of raindrops poured down, and the mosquito-repellent swimmer, who was supposed to be faster, staggered, stiff as if frozen.

But Wei Li failed to complete a bodybuilding session, and a paralyzing arc appeared on his body.

Perseverance characteristics are launched!

But before the poisonous snake was happy, Feiye Storm swept down, and his body was full of blood and lost the fighting ability.

The big needle bee, who completed the sword dance, raises the double needles and moves at high speed to approach the mosquito-repellent swimmer.

"A new look, White Mist!" The poisonous snake, who could no longer hold back his retreat, quickly said to the mosquito-repellent swimmer, without stopping, he took out the pokeball in an attempt to recover the monster power and the Kaby beast that had lost the ability to fight.

However, the red light was pierced by the evil eyes emerging from them, and failed to recover.

"What do you want?!" The snake said madly.

"Please go to our academy as a guest. After all, Musashi is taking care of you. We must do our best to be a landlord." Yin Gu said with a smile.

"Landlord's friendship, I'm afraid it's not that simple, Abo strange, harsh sound!"

"It's useless, see what this is?"

After Yin Gu finished speaking, he pointed to the wonderful frog flower, and saw a limp Abo on one of his vine whips, like a dead snake.

"How is it possible? How could you know the existence of Abo monster, and become so strong, who are you?" The poisonous snake looked at Yin Gu in disbelief and said.

"You better go back and talk slowly with me."

As the ancient silver tone fell, the big needle bee had appeared behind the poisonous snake, and the poisonous snake passed out under the light touch of the needle tip.

Although the poisonous snake couldn't beat the big needle bee, it was still possible to resist and escape, but there were two other Pokémon staring at Yin Gu, his own Abo Monster.

He could only let the Big Needle Bee do whatever he did without resisting, which showed that he no longer had the energy to continue the battle.

Because in his hands, the strongest Pokémon is this Abo monster at the high level of the heavenly king.

The name ‘Viper’ was also obtained by the Aber Monster, and he took it as his own name, but it was little known.

Although the Kabymon, the mosquito-repellent swimmer, and the monster force are all heavenly kings, they are only disguised to conform to the character's image and cover the eyes and ears of others.

But the unsatisfactory ultimate move has turned into a joke today, which shows how much it has dealt with the poisonous snake.

Therefore, he will show such a state.

"Miao Frog Flower, get rid of their poison, Geng Gui, put them all into the Elf Ball. Big Needle Bee, throw this person into the car. It just so happens that there is a scooter available."

"Musashi, let's go home." Yin Gu said toward Musashi, who stuck his head out.


"By the way, did you see Master Jigme and others?"

"Yes, I told them to go back first."

"It really scared me to death. I thought I would never see you again, Master." Musashi patted his chest with lingering fear.

"Fortunately, Hibiscus has been aware of it, otherwise, you can just wait for Sakagi to send you back."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because the matter should be resolved. She won't bother you anymore."


"I'm not very clear. I'll be talking when I see the senior sister."

"Foster mother? Why did you get involved with her again?"

"It's a bit complicated. I can't say it clearly for a while. By the way, after this experience, are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid... But I'm even more afraid of the smelly flowers and they will leave me first."

"Hey, you kid, you have to apologize to the smelly flower after you go back, do you know?"


The scenery outside kept receding and turned into a fuzzy picture. Musashi wanted to see it clearly, but he felt more and more blurred, and he looked back angrily.

The Elf Ball holding the smelly flower, through the transparent red shell, the smelly flower curled up inside, wrapped in a thick fog, so that Musashi could not see it clearly.

Sigh, did you do something wrong?


Is the smelly flower doing the wrong thing?


But just because of this right or wrong thing, an invisible wall was built between Musashi and Smelly Flower, blocking each other's hearts that originally hugged each other and hugged each other to keep warm.

This made Musashi's hard to calm heart throb again.

Abo Guai is not around, but the heart can still perceive it. The smelly flower is clearly in his hands, but it is drifting away.

Did you really do something wrong?

"Master, did I do something wrong?" Musashi suddenly asked Gingu who was driving.

"I can't give you the answer to this. When you think through each other, you will find that right or wrong is not important at all."

Yin Gu had only a wry smile when faced with this problem.

"I don't understand." Musashi was a little dazed, even though he had the memory of another world, he still didn't understand.

"When you grow up, you will understand."

If it weren't for driving, Ginkgo would definitely put his hand on Musashi's head.

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