Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 87: The consequences of striving for perfection

At the end of the song, Musashi put away Lai Yaqin and looked at the sleeping Masaka Ibrahimovic and the big rock snake. Musashi took them back to the poke ball and turned to look at the auspicious egg, only to see her body emit a faint pink halo. With bursts of inaudible fragrance, she must have mastered aromatherapy.

   In fact, two months ago, Geely Egg followed the stinky flower to learn aromatherapy under Musashi’s suggestion. The theoretical knowledge is very solid, but it lacks a touch and can’t really learn it.

   At the beginning, Smelly Flower learned aromatherapy because his mastery of sweet aroma is already perfect. Therefore, during the evolution, the honeydew in the body will eventually form a floral fragrance that can cure abnormal conditions.

   While Geely Egg wants to learn aromatherapy, Musashi believes that the key point is the new application and her understanding of the healing heart.

  Although I have been learning aromatherapy with smelly flowers, the main thing is to experience the operation mode and therapeutic effect of aromatherapy. Only in this way can I better help Geely Egg understand the essence of it.

   However, as Geely Egg continues to master various knowledge about aromatherapy, I finally found that I lacked an important factor that is diffusion.

   diffuses the refreshing healing energy, but he lacks a breakthrough to release this ability.

   But this time is different. After using the egg-laying skill, Geely Egg took honeydew, followed Musashi's suggestion, and tried Tonggo aroma treatment again.

  As honeydew takes effect in the body, various essentials of aromatherapy emerge in my heart, and a new look is activated. Energetic energy envelops the honeydew fragrance and flows through the body.

   The original egg-shaped body of the original Hunyuan seemed to have broken a hole at this moment. As long as you go through it, the aromatherapy can be learned, and then all the energy is rushed towards the gap.

   In an instant, the aroma filled the cave, and Musashi took a deep breath. Compared with the aroma treatment of the smelly flower, the smell of the Geely egg exudes a feeling of happiness, it is very warm, and the corners of the mouth are slightly tilted unconsciously.

  Geely Egg opened his eyes and sniffed the fragrance that permeated the cave, and screamed happily.

It turns out that the problem that has troubled me for so long is because of the egg that has been kept in my pocket. All the energy is either absorbed by the egg when passing through it, or because the egg is obstructed, the aroma treatment cannot be successfully applied, but after that, there will be no This kind of trouble.

   After all, the old saying goes well once and then again.

   "Congratulations, auspicious egg, I finally learned aromatherapy."


   "You come back and rest first."

   After Musashi finished speaking, he took back the lucky egg.

   Don't look at the auspicious egg, just came out to say hello, lay an egg, and then fell into silence, in which the brain power almost turned her into a hot spring egg, but fortunately, it was time to rest and rest.

   "Fan, how is your recovery?"

   "Ha na~" Not bad.

   Smelly Smelly Flower retracted the roots that extended to the ground, and replied as usual.

   "Don't behave, you know, there's a monster here to protect me, so come back and rest."

   "Ha na." You can see it, um, Abo blame, protect the master.

   "Just right~" I know, I don't need to remind you.

   Aboguai silently waved his tail to beckon him to rest early.

   "Okay, don't worry, Abogua must be very familiar after living here for so long, so don't worry, come back."

   After Musashi finished speaking, he also collected the stinky flower into the poke ball, hooked the tip of Abokai’s tail, and walked toward the depths of the cave.

   "Abo, is there anything that needs attention here?"

   When Musashi first arrived, he still asked Abo to blame the ground snake, so as not to be ridiculed by her.

"Call me..., forget your sister's question, the younger sister will definitely answer." Under Musashi's deterrent eyes, Abo blamed his heart. After all, the majesty of Musashi is not the snake that has not yet become a king. Resistible.

   What Abokai didn't know was that the reason she was unable to resist Musashi was not only because of Musashi's care since she was a child, but also because of the all-round suppression of the upper bloodline rooted in the bloodline over the lower bloodline.

   Even though Abokai has completed a bloodline transformation, it is still not worth mentioning compared to Musashi's bloodline of the snake girl who has almost reached the source of the snake clan bloodline.

  Unless Abosnake truly masters the king's position, and the strength reaches the heavenly king level.

   But it is impossible for Musashi to stand still, so ignorance is a blessing.

   After Abokai’s introduction, Musashi knew that the cave was obtained by Abokai by defeating a Pangshan King who was about to break through the Quasi-Tianwang level.

   I thought that the strength of this mountain king was the middle and upper level here, but as Abogua continued to explore and deepen, even the quasi-Uranus level became very common, and there was even a Uranus level in the underground magma.

  After many quizzes and listening, this Heavenly King Pokémon is a big rock snake that is about to evolve into a big steel snake.

The huge body is rich in various minerals that the rock snake has swallowed in the past 100 years. The partially crystallized body emits brilliant and eye-catching diamond brilliance in the magma, especially the unicorn on the head, which is like a colored crystal diamond. Dazzling luster.

   The huge body of the big rock snake walks in the lava, without fear of high temperature calcination, to remove the impurities in the body little by little, leaving a more refined and firm material to build the body.

  The body that was close to silver showed a metallic Under the action of pressure, the body condensed and shrank again.

The original elliptical head is wide, with exposed fangs covering the sides of the head. Every other spherical body of the huge rock that makes up the body, there are a pair of crystallized bumps, a total of three pairs, and the tip of the tail is already long. It has become a nail shape and has successfully crystallized.

   But because of the gorgeous unicorn on his head, he has been unable to complete the final transformation for a long time.

   In fact, Dayan Snake is also secretly regretting in his heart, because he has reached the evolutionary standard 50 years ago, but he has suppressed and postponed it time and time again.

  Because he felt that he was not yet evolving, he didn't feel that it was time to evolve until his body was inaccessible and he had reached the perfect posture.

   But reality gave him a severe blow, because as long as the big rock snake completes its evolution, its form will definitely be a super steel snake, which can be said to be ascending to the sky in one step.

   But because of being too perfect, the energy needed for evolution is no longer what he can provide perfectly now. Unless there is now a mage stone (key stone) of the super big steel snake, or the power of the family can help him complete the final transformation.

   It's really not good, it can only wait for a hundred years, and with the lifespan of the big rock snake, it can live for three to four hundred years.

   Of course, if the big rock snake is willing to give up the perfect body he has accumulated through hard work, then it is also possible to evolve into an ordinary big steel snake.

   Of course, it's impossible for Abokai to know this information, and Musashi also doesn't know. They only know that the great rock snake lives in the deepest part of the cave.

   I explained so much, just to let you understand what is so great about the big rock snake~


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