Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 105: Command ability

   Musashi always believed that the trainer's level was set based on his Pokémon's level.

   But it wasn't until just now that Musashi realized that his trainer abilities could no longer cope with this level of battle.

   Whether it is Aboguai's battle against the quasi-tennos three gophers or the overlord flower's one-to-six, it feels dizzying for Musashi.

Not long ago, the Abo monster and the smelly flower fought against Long Rock, and Musashi did not feel that he was unable to command. Even though Long Rock finally got the help of the Earth Orb, he temporarily returned to the peak of strength but was defeated by Musashi and turned into his own growth. Of resources.

   One-to-many battles have also been experienced many times. The most impressive is Yuhong City Warcraft Siege. Although the scale is not large, the anomalies that appear in it still make them extremely difficult to fight, but it is not impossible to start.

   But now I really feel that I have no way to start. No matter what order is given, before the word is spoken, their actual combat experience and reaction ability have perfectly made the way they want to express the response.

   Sometimes the coping methods that they think of are not as effective as their own actual actions.

   This phenomenon has occurred once before, when I was living in Songzao Village.

   Abo snake and the walking grass wandered in the back mountains of the village early and late. Although Musashi had full of ideas, his commanding ability was worrying.

   So the cooperation with them is basically that Musashi is watching while Abo Snake and Shizuo are playing against each other.

  Even, how did Abo Snake, the commander of the walking grass, attack.

   There was a lot of cooperation. After Musashi had a deep understanding of the strength of Abo Snake and the walking grass, he commanded him decently.

   Now this phenomenon has appeared again. In this, there are two Pokémon that Musashi's strength has soared, and there is no clear understanding of the strength of the past.

   There is also Musashi unable to grasp the key information in this level of battle. Even though Musashi can see their movements clearly under the observation of Snake Hitomi, his brain and words cannot keep up. This requires constant tempering.

  The accumulation is still not enough, Musashi sighed deeply as he watched the dazzling battle.

   For a long time, Musashi focused on the improvement of Pokémon's strength and his own abilities, but the trainer who combined Pokémon with his own has not made much progress in improving the most abilities, and he is basically in a state of eating his own money.

   Relying on my understanding of various Pokémon and the rich battle animations in the different world, I can always find some reasonable ways to deal with it so that I can win the final victory.

   But, after all, what is not one's own is not one's own, and the malpractice still appears.

   If this shortcoming cannot be overcome, then Musashi's trainer level may be capped at the quasi-tenwang level.

   As for the heavenly king level, the master level, there is no need to think about it. When the time comes, they will be blamed with the king-level Aber, all they can do is to lose the ball, pick up the ball, watch the match, encourage them, and take them back to be a salted fish. Most commanders go to abuse food to find a sense of existence.

   What's the point of being a trainer? It's better to lie down at home and stand the test of the sun. The front, back, left and right sides are evenly heated.

   To get rid of these unrealistic thoughts in his mind, Musashi cheered up and watched the battle between Abo and the others.

   The three quasi-tianwang hamsters stretched out their huge paws hidden in the ground, cold and dazzling, and slammed towards the claws of the Abo monster. The Abo monster flicked his tail, and the huge tail that wrapped the dragon scales directly confronted him, making a sonorous sound.

The clanging sound of    hadn't come down yet, and a ferocious poisonous dragon head emerged from the tip of the Abo's monster dragon's tail, biting it towards the three gophers.

   The three hamsters’ side heads and eyes flickered, and the triple attack was made to block, and then the other two heads also joined a shadow clone of the super-controlled quicksand **** to dissolve the Abo monster, and one head continued to swing the metal to grab the Abo monster.

   Abokai’s substitute suddenly violent at this time, Petrochemical Gong, sealed off the head that controls the quicksand hell, and vomited poisonous gastric juice in his mouth.

   The three hamsters were helpless, the metal grab turned the direction to block the gastric juice, and took the opportunity to slap Abokai’s stand-in to one side, turning it into a piece of snake skin.

   Aboguai seized the opportunity to slap his tail on the ground and rose into the air to complete the use of the ability to curl up in mid-air, opening his mouth and using a harsh sound.

   The three heads of the three hamsters work together to make a call to break the scratching sensation of the harsh sound.


   Endless dust rolled up again.

   There were six three gophers with Bawanghua back and forth, two of them disappeared instantly, Bawanghua and Aboguai looked at each other vaguely, and their expressions were dazzling.

   Abokai is a little far away from Musashi, so it's hard to get away. The Overlord Flower is relatively close to Musashi, but if the Overlord Flower returns to Musashi's side, Abogua will fall into a crisis of siege, and these three-headed field mice will have to be stabilized.

The Overlord Flower, who has not yet completed the combination of shaking dance and shadow clone, sinks his heart and directly activates this combination skill. The influence of the eight clones on the sunny day is instantly distributed in front of the five three gophers present, but it is only a shaking god. Obliterated by sand and dust.

   However, Bawanghua was not paying attention to the safety of Abokai, and returned to Musashi in the strange dance of shaking.

   Although the leader of the three gophers couldn't understand why the Overlord Flower would abandon Abokai and return to the human girl.

   However, the cunning leader of the Three Gophers had a sense of anxiety in his heart, and surrounded the Abo monster with no way to the ground with his own men, and the atmosphere fell into a deadlock for a while.

In the light of the leader of the three gophers, Musashi looked at Abo with nervous expression, opened his mouth several times, and then closed his mouth in anguish. The feedback from Fengsha made it clear to the three gophers that the Abo was real, no The double is not a clone, but where is the anxiety?

   On the other side, Musashi, who had regained his confidence, gradually grasped the attacking rhythm of Abokai and Bawanghua and their general strength perception.

   But if you want to command them, Musashi must first understand what the opponent will do, what will be done, so that he can accurately issue the correct instructions before the attack comes.

  If you can't do it, then don't speak, trust your Pokémon's strength and battle experience.

   But when the three gopher leaders started the sandstorm again, Musashi knew that his chance was here.

   Because in the previous observation, Musashi not only has a general understanding of the strength of his Pokémon.

   have a clear understanding of the three gophers' attack methods, their mastery of skills, and their abilities.

   There is no doubt that the characteristic of the leader of the three gophers is the power of sand, a rare dream characteristic. Of the two three gophers with sand-hidden characteristics, three of them were originally dead, and there were four sand-hole characteristics.

   The leader of the three gophers is the head of the entire race. He is responsible for the strength and the ability to control sand with one hand can be said to be amazing. If it weren't for the weather protection and grassy field where the Overlord Flower was open, whether Musashi could stand safe and sound would be a problem.

   Don't look at Aboguai and Overlord Flower as if they were okay, they were constantly fighting these powerful three gophers in the wind and sand, and they didn't lose blood even if they were able to do so.

   That is because the strength of Aboguai's body is just enough to withstand the attack of the sandstorm, and the Overlord Flower should have a substitute in the rear to continuously replenish, otherwise, Overlord Flower will take a break in the morning.

   It was also because the three gopher leaders needed to control the sandstorm, which made Musashi feel that he had a chance.

   The two sand-hidden three gophers are assassins. They have powerful attacks and fast speed, but their health bars are defensive, otherwise they wouldn’t be sucked up in one face, even if there is nothing left.

   The abilities of the three gophers in the four sand holes are relatively comprehensive. They have always been the main attackers and joint defenses, so the three gopher leaders are very precious to them.

   The current situation is that Abogua is surrounded by five three gophers located in the bright place, and two three gophers are prevented from hiding in the dark.

   But the surprising leader of the three gophers did not immediately attack. Musashi didn't know where his concerns were, but Musashi knew that he had no concerns. He looked at the top of the cave. It was a sunny day with two shining moons.

   "Abo strange, black mist. Overlord flower, power of nature!"

The Abokai in the middle of the siege opened his mouth, and a thick and cold black mist spewed out. When Musashi made a sound, the three gophers immediately took action. Four triple attacks plus a metal grab were hidden in the dark. Three gophers did not act.

After attacking and adding the body, the Abo monster did not give up the spit of the black mist, and the dampness and coolness appeared in the entire cave until the Abo monster was crushed into rags, and the black mist stopped Killed Aboguai, but the anxiety in the heart of the three gopher leaders grew stronger.

   At this time, Overlord Flower's soft voice came.


  The strong natural power radiates from the Overlord Flower as the center, and the three gophers who rushed over to dodge one after another, but they did not suffer any harm. Is this Overlord Flower just for a show?

In doubt, numbness and pain swept their minds and bodies, countless hyphae emerged from them, red, green, white, and brown mushrooms appeared one after another. The feeling of weakness and the slight hallucinogenic effect made them finally feel It's scary.

   The three gopher leaders knew that he had failed, and his sharp voice suddenly ripped up. Mud bombs sputtered on the three gophers one after another, as if they were alive, they wrapped the three gophers to relieve their pain.


   dived into the ground with a swish, leaving six holes in the same place.

   But now, how can it be so easy to escape, a thin and intact Abo monster crawled out of the broken body, and got into the hole made by the leader of the three hands.

   And Bawanghua once again used natural power to stimulate the spores that had been contaminated on the three gophers. They stopped in pain, and it was useless for any of the three gopher leaders to scream. Climb up uncontrollably, and finally ended his life.

   And on the other side, Aboguai caught up with the three gopher leaders and after a fierce battle, he disappeared in the abdomen of Aboguai.

   At this point, the battle for the cave ended perfectly.

   Speaking of it, Musashi was very curious about the gophers, what do the three gophers look like.


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