Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 49: Rescue

The scorching sun's flames converged into a powerful sun beam, which directly penetrated King Nedor and hit the Queen of Nedor who was behind him.

The extremely condensed grass energy in the solar beam is the biggest nemesis of the ground-based Pokémon. Although King Nido and Queen Nido have poison attributes that can restrain the grass attributes, so that they can be weakened when they are damaged by grass attribute skills. Into a general degree of injury.

But don't forget that Overlord Flower is also an expert at playing poison, and coupled with the continuous cultivation and strengthening of Grass Gu, its toxicity is not weaker than that of King Nido and Queen Nido, who are the heavenly kings.

Moreover, the violent degree of toxicity alone makes the Abo monster more toxic than the Overlord Flower. Therefore, when the twist is used, the invisible and colorless poison has quietly dismantled the poison on King Nido and Queen Nido. The firmness of the protection and scale armor.

And the most critical point is that the Overlord Flower has the ability to easily disarm the Abo Monster's poison, which further weakens the defensive ability of King Nido and Queen Nido.

Take King Nido as an example. His own poison attribute defense is eliminated by the poison of Abokai, and even the defensive ability of the scale armor layer has been weakened, but there is still a layer of poison that protects. King Nido.

But for the Overlord Flower, the poison of Aboguai, not to mention blocking, is simply fortification.

Therefore, the Sun beam easily broke into the siege. While the severe injury penetrated King Nido, it also caused a lot of damage to Empress Nido. Coupled with the injury that Empress Nido could not fully recover before, it can be said to be an injury. Injured, the combat effectiveness was once again reduced by 30%.

The Overlord Flower’s sun beam successfully reversed the situation, causing one serious injury, a moderately serious injury, and the fire poison attached to the sun beam made them miserable. The flames that sprang from their bodies from time to time burned them. Every nerve in the body.

However, the physical condition of Aboguai at this time is not optimistic. The previous article mentioned that Aboguai's body is crashing at the speed of an avalanche.

Because her inner alchemy is the collection of all her spiritual energy, the breaking of the inner alchemy is equivalent to the breakdown of her own energy and spirit. Even the huge body constructed by energy is rapidly disintegrating and dissipating in mid-air as fragments of light.

Musashi, who was lifted into the air by the Pippi, could do nothing except anxiety and despair in his eyes.

Because she wants to stop Abokai’s self-disintegration and demise, unless Musashi brings out the resurrection grass or holy ashes that can bring Pokémon back to life, she can't get it out.

With the medical skills inherited from Yin Gu, there is no method that can effectively contain the situation of Aboguai at this time.

Not to mention the magical ability of the bard, it is impossible for a second-level bard to obtain the magical skills to bring the dead back to life.

Moreover, the dream and time rabbi, which was pinned high, failed to appear in time for this critical moment. For a moment, Musashi felt that he was so naive.

Miyamoto was able to leave so decisively that even if she knew that she missed her very much, she could remain unmoved and hide in an unknown place. How could she always pay attention to and care about herself.

Audrey, the Empress of Yuhong, who is in a high position, is extremely busy every day, how can she know that she is in danger, and how can she know that she is about to lose the most important Pokémon Naga.

They don't know, they don't know!

The tears are like broken pearls, condensed in mid-air into round and translucent drops of water, falling on the ground and sputtering water splashes, and then dissolving into the ground in an instant, leaving an inconspicuous watermark, slowly dissipating .

Wait, I still have a way, I still have a way...

The blood inheritance, the blood inheritance of the snake girl!

As long as you deepen your contract with the Naga, you will definitely be able to stabilize the soul of the Naga that is about to collapse. When the soul is stabilized, the ability to control energy will naturally be strengthened, so that you can save your life.

However, another change in the situation smashed the hope that Musashi had finally raised.

Because both King Nido and Empress Nido had already broken free from the shackles of Abo Monster, the destructive rays were condensed in their mouths, and the extreme anger brought about an attack that had lost their reason.

The energy group in the mouth of King Nido, who was already seriously injured, was particularly huge, and the target was the Abo monster who was already dying.

His intention is very simple, since we are dying, let us die together.

The purple and sturdy tail entangled the blue tail tightly, as if they were still ignorant and loving each other before.

Two lines of clear tears were left in Empress Nido's red eyes, and the energy group in front of her mouth was constantly expanding her original body shape. The goal was the Overlord Flower in a stiff state.

Musashi's body was firmly grasped by a few Pippi, and more Pippi was using his fingers, and the target was locked on Nido.

The dying Abokai glanced at Bawanghua first, as if saying, wherever I can protect you, then he turned his gaze to Musashi and used his last telepathy to convey his proudest words to Musashi. But it was these words that emptied all Musashi's strength and froze under Pippi's protection.

‘Sister, I did it, you see, I broke through to the quasi-kingdom level. I also protected Brother Fan, you see, all the limelight has been given to him before, you must know that I am the sister of your original Pokémon. I'm the best, goodbye sister. ’

Destroy the death light... launch!

But at this moment, the never-ending time suddenly solidified, and all creatures fell into a standstill.

"It's our turn to do it."

"Yeah, this scene should end."

The pink dreams and the blue and white Shirabi showed their body shape out of thin air, chatting with no one else, but the voices of the conversation were not their original screams "Miyo" and "La beep", but two female voices. , Dream represents Miyamoto, and Shirabi represents Audrey.

"I'm going to stabilize Aboguai's body. You can adjust the dispute. If King Nido and Queen Nido don't appreciate it, kill them."

"Dream" Miyamoto said coldly.

"It's still as cold as ever, but Musashi is by your side and you don't say hello to her. You are really, nothing to say."

"What can I say hello? It just adds to the sadness, so let her look for it slowly, and I can see her every day, she also knows my existence, and knows that I am looking at her. That's why I dared to take the risk. With such a big risk to deal with this mess, how could I give birth to such a kind-hearted daughter, really is not like me at all."

"Just be stiff. But we waited until the most critical moment. Musashi must hate both of us. You mother, I am not worthy for Musashi. Let me train Musashi. She is looking for a wishful man.

Saying that the Sasaki family came over some time ago to ask whether Musashi is married, should you consider their Sasaki family, what do you mean? "

"Bah, Musashi is only a few years old, and he is still married, so I don't pay attention to my baby daughter. Besides, I didn't agree to recognize you as a stepmother, so you are not her stepmother, so don't give me your own opinion!!! "

"Cross the river and demolish the bridge, now is your baby, your daughter, why didn't you take her with her and put her alone in a poor peasant household? You can't figure it out, what to do if you raise it. Besides, Musashi was that day. The one who knocked too far was also called my mother-in-law. Under the testimony of everyone, don’t you agree that it’s useful~"

"You!!! Audrey, I think you are itchy!!!"

"Stop it, we'll show our stuff now when we fight. Let's do the business first. We will accompany you whenever we fight."


A dreamy flash appeared next to Aboguai, his body turned back into pink hair and merged into Aboguai's body. The shining pink light continuously emerged from Aboguai's heart, forming an illusory inner alchemy. .

And the dreamy hair was fixed in the center of Neidan, the illusory and disintegrated Abokai soul tightly entangled the dreamy hair, and the soul body began to condense.

Then majestic life energy emerged from the illusory inner alchemy and washed Aboguai's body, the process of collapse and disintegration was immediately stopped, and he was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Overlord Flower is much simpler here, Shirabi resolved the sequelae of Overlord Flower's use of the sun beam with a small hand, and completely healed the hidden wounds on Overlord Flower that were too late to repair.

As for King Nido and Nido, let's get rid of the energy that destroys the deadly ability.

Reach out for a little bit of the energy ball in front of Nedo's back, compressing it, and the energy ball in front of King Nedo's body is the same operation.

Then he snapped his fingers and rose to the sky at an extremely fast speed, and two gorgeous fireworks were frozen in mid-air.

Then I patted King Nido's body, and the pierced wound quickly recovered, leaving a fresh pink wound.

After Nido's injury is more convenient When the rabbi did not see any actions, he returned to normal.

"My side is all right, how is the situation with Aboguai?"

"I don't know where Musashi's whimsy came from. Even the fantasy transformation can't be completely solved, but fortunately, the situation has stabilized."

The dreamy hair pulled away from Aboguai's body and turned back to a dreamlike appearance and said to Shi Rabbi.

"What are you going to do with the next mess?"

Shirabi pointed to these people and Pokémon who were fixed in place.

"Hey, what else can I do, lift the time pause, this time I can't escape."

"Dream" Miyamoto said helplessly.

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