Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 95: It was decided that it was you.

Audrey touched the rough tree trunk and sensed the life energy hidden in it, with a trace of worry in her eyes.

Then he suppressed the thoughts in his heart, gently squeezed the bark, stepped back and waited.

I saw a wave of ripples appeared on the huge body of the Tree of Origin, and the ripples were stable. A pitch-black tree hole appeared in front of Audrey, from which a thick but old voice came: "You are here. , Please come in."

"excuse me."

Audrey leaned slightly into this dark tree hole with no end in sight.

Just one step, the scenery in front of me has changed drastically. The originally dark tree hole with no end suddenly opens up, a small piece of tree fruit field, a ground spring, and a straw mat. A bright weather ball is hung on the top of the space as a light source. , And the owner here is taking a nap on the straw mat. It is a huge frog flower, and it is a super-evolved frog flower.

Blue-green skin with pimple, dark green palm leaves on the head, revealing a pair of red inner triangle ears, the back is a huge palm tree-like huge plant with two layers of branches and leaves, especially the second There are several vines hanging in the layer, and the top layer is a huge flower in full bloom, with red petals and golden stamens.

"Kang Yuan Mountain God." Audrey bowed and saluted the Miao Frog Flower.

"I'm getting older and I'm not good at energy."

While Miao Frog was talking, the palm leaf covering his head was slowly opened, revealing a small blooming pink flower. There are three regular dark green marks underneath the flower, and the orange eyes are slightly narrowed. Looks like not awake.

Then his sturdy limbs slightly pushed up the heavier body, swayed his body left and right, and transformed himself into an old man with no hair on his head but with blue mysterious lines, and his snow-white eyebrows were under his yellow eyes. He has a white beard and a blue-green gown with a vertical lower abdomen, an earthy yellow hakama with blue stripes, holding a cane tied with a vine and pink flowers.

"Tuk Tuk"

With crutches on the ground, a stone table, two stone benches, and a few tree fruits fell in response, rolled into the spring water, and floated to the table again.

The old frog flower sat on the stone bench, pointed at the empty stone bench and said, "Please sit down."

"excuse me."

When Audrey sat down, Miao Frog joked: "Is this the old man who came to see me empty-handed?"

"You laughed, isn't this prepared?" Audrey smiled, turned his hand into a pot of steaming tea, took out two cups, and personally poured the wonderful frog flowers until they were 80% full and clear. The translucent tea soup ripples in layers in the white porcelain cup, the tea fragrance is like orchids, and the fragrance is elegant and elegant.

"Wild fruit goes well with tea, interesting and interesting, please." Miao Frog Flower raised the tea cup, skipped the tip of his nose, smelled the long-awaited tea fragrance, shocked, laughed, and drank the tea.

"Please." Audrey also picked up the tea cup, took a sip, waited until the fragrance of tea filled her mouth, and then gently put it down, pouring another cup for the old man.

"It's been four or five years since you came last time, why suddenly I remembered that I came to see the old man."

Holding the tea cup, the old man gently shook the tea soup, scented the fragrance of tea, and asked contentedly.

"I received a new disciple. I will take him to see if he can conquer a little guy back. The second is to ask you for a few flowers of Origin. However, I found that the life energy of the Tree of Origin was not as good as before. It happened. What happened?"

Audrey explained her intention and asked her worries again. After all, the tree of origin is related to the safety of the entire secret realm, and it also maintains the health of the old man in front of him.

"This matter, I gave a little guy who strayed into this place not long ago, it bloomed once, and consumed some life energy. In exchange, he gave me this, but it is not a loss." The old man opened his palm, his palm was extra. A few pills glowing with hazy moonlight, exuding a strong and refreshing breath.

"What is this? It feels like a top-notch food, but it is more condensed, and the energy contained is greater, and the light breath is somewhat like moonlight jelly, and that's it."

Audrey studied the pills in the hands of the old man, frowning slightly and took out a top food that she had obtained from a friend in Changqing City.

The old man took the small pink regular cube jelly in Audrey's hand, and threw it into his mouth and said: "Huh? These two things are exactly the same, but they are not pure and pure."

"Unexpectedly, this good friend of mine has made a big breakthrough in the nurturing home." Audrey said with emotion, not minding the old man's behavior.

"By the way, how many flowers of the origin did you want? Just so, there are a few left, so I'll give you some." The old man didn't eat Audrey's things for nothing, took out three five-petal pink flowers and sent them to Audrey. In front of Li.

"Thank you, Elder Kang." Audrey received the Flower of Origin with joy and thanked.

"Okay, okay, hey, the little apprentice you brought is a bit capable, and you tricked that shy little guy into his hand. Go, remember to bring more delicious food next time you come, and bring these fruits as well. Give the top score to the three little guys outside." The old man waved his hand and said to Audrey.

"No problem, I thank you on their behalf." After saying that he put away the black and white two-color mystery cheese fruit on the table, leaving the teapot and a box of tea leaves, and bowed back.

The old man watched Audley leave, picked up the teapot and added a cup of tea to himself, and started to consider himself with satisfaction.

. . . . . . .

Kojiro looked at the grass-based Pokémon chosen by Katy Dog and Fang Cage for him, Pallas and Shy Bud, crabs with their own ingredients are quite in line with Katie's preferences, and... the look is quite suspicious and Fangs. Cong, he is looking for a girlfriend for himself...

With regard to the choice of his two Pokémon, Kojiro was a little unable to complain. It was not that they had chosen a badly, but the only place. Whether it was accepted, it seemed unfair to them, so it was excluded.

"Huh? The wind is blowing." Kojiro straightened his hair and looked up to the sky as if feeling. He immediately noticed a group of shuttlecock flowers in the sky led by shuttlecock cotton.

"Shuttlecock cotton? Really rare, I didn't expect to see them here."

Most of the Shuttlecock family live on the vast grasslands or mountainous areas, and most of them live in urban areas. Because of the towering Baiyin Mountain as a barrier, they rarely fly over Baiyin Mountain to the Kanto region, so after Kojiro saw it It's still quite novel.

"But what is better to choose?"

Kojiro, who didn't move, didn't pay much attention to the group of shuttlecock grass, and he lowered his head to think about the next Pokémon to be conquered.

But being in a daze can't solve any I don't think about these things anymore, and told them to stop disturbing themselves, close their eyes, and concentrate.

In fact, Kojiro didn't know if it was right to do this. Anyway, the explanation given by Audrey should be like this. With his own understanding, he can sense that the outside world has a grass-based Pokémon that can become his partner.

But let’s not say that Kojiro, who has no basis in mental training, started his first attempt, and the result was unexpectedly successful. As his thinking fell silent, his spirit hit more and more. The first thing he felt was the group around him. Like a flaming Katy dog, the two are very close, but there seems to be an insurmountable barrier in the heart that hinders both sides.

Kojiro didn't try too much, and moved his target to the canine cage that exuded rich greenery. Compared to the Katy dog, the obstacles on the canine cage seemed to be thicker and tougher. After confirming his two treasures After dreaming that he couldn't become his spiritual partner, Xiao Jiro turned his attention to the outside world.

After the mental power is not paying attention to the Katy Dog and the Fang Cage, it is like a fish entering the sea, spreading quickly, passing by one cute Pokémon after another.

No, no, still not.

Kojiro kept getting rid of it. He thought that when he was maintaining this ability, people would soon get tired, but Kojiro didn't feel tired at all, but became more energetic.

From the perspective of the outside world, the illusory green light is being absorbed by Kojiro a little bit. It can only be said that he is really a Kojiro who has a grass-line affinity. Here, it is like returning home, relaxed and free.


A burst of inexplicable attraction led to Kojiro's feeling, across the horizon, and fell into the other side of the forest.

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