Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 7: Parting and fighting

Manjin City, Manjin Airport Hall.

"Musashi, do you really don't need me to stay with you?" Li Jia looked at Musashi, who looked as usual, and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, don't worry. I just don't know if Fan Heying is used to living with Master Shiyuan." Musashi smiled at Li Jia and answered the question.

"Don't hold it, hold it for someone, and worry about whether they will not get used to the life there. I think you should be worried the most. The Naga, who is almost inseparable from you, will coax you to stay in a few words and stay here. The Garden Shrine learned from the monarch snake of the mother, and now Fan, who has been with you for the longest time, has also forced you to stay with Master Shiyuan, which is to practice kendo.

Tell me, there are still a few Pokémon around you who can truly understand your character.

Up to now, it still shows me that I have nothing to do.

Yes, Junior Brother Xiao Jiro will accompany you on a trip in the city, but how long Junior Brother Xiao Jiro has been here, after all, are close to each other. He can't see what's going on with you now, can't I? "

Rika looked at the current Musashi and was angry. Pointing to Musashi was a curse. It felt not enough. Seeing Kojiro who was ignorant and not knowing what was happening, she became a nameless fire, and pointed to Kojiro and said: "Kojiro, you Remember it for me, keep an eye on Musashi’s emotions, and don’t be confused by how she looks now."

"Look at what Musashi looks like now. When I was scolded by me, it still looks like what I said is right. Are you saying it's normal? If you are usually angry and want to fight with me, this shows her heart now. It's not here at all, so show me Musashi."

"Oh oh."

Kojiro nodded quickly, but still couldn't understand what happened to Rika, why he thought the matter so seriously, and also couldn't understand. Musashi looked good now, there was no problem, was it too fussy?

"You, forget, I'll explain it to you later." Li Jia reached out and took a poke ball that Musashi had buckled on the poke ball belt, pressed the white button in the middle, and the sleeping little blessed egg appeared in Li Jia's hand.

"I haven't woken up yet, what did Musashi do to these little things?" Rika glanced at Musashi, who seemed to be normal, but was already wandering away from the sky, and asked Kojiro.

"I don't know, but Senior Sister Musashi said that they will wake up one by one in a few days. I think it will be fine in two days." Kojiro recalled.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now." Li Jia took Musashi and took her to the rest area to the side, and carefully put the group of small blessed eggs in Musashi's arms, and Musashi naturally took it.

"Huh? Why did the little blessing egg come out of the poke ball?" Musashi asked strangely.

"I let it out for you, you hold it first, without thinking about it." Li Jia said.

"Oh." Musashi didn't ask much, he didn't know where he took out a piece of flannel and carefully wiped Xiaofudan's body with a focused look.

"Sister Musashi?" Kojiro whispered.

"Stop calling, she will be like this for the time being. I will tell you about Musashi. After you listen to it, you will know why I made you pay more attention to Musashi with such a big fanfare." Li Jia gestured to the chair beside him. Kojiro sat down and listened.


"Do you know Musashi's life experience?"

Kojiro shook his head, only knowing that Musashi was the righteous daughter of Master, and didn't know much about the others.

"Musashi lived with her adoptive parents since she was a child, as if she was four or nearly five years old, and Abokai and Bawanghua were both cultivated when Musashi was five years old. It can be said that they are compared to Musashi's adoptive parents. You also need to understand all aspects of Musashi, and the relationship with Musashi is much closer than her adoptive parents. In many things, Musashi will deal with his emotions by telling Abokai or Bawanghua.

But now these two Pokémon are gone, which means that the spirit of sustenance has disappeared all the time. And she told me that when she was in the Geely Egg Nurses College, in order to allow the newly-born big rock snake to have a good growth environment, she asked Aboguai to take the big rock snake to live underground by herself. At that time, she was crying. With the company of smelly flowers at the time, it took almost a week to get out of the impact of this incident on her.

So, after I'm gone, you should pay more attention to Musashi's emotional changes, you know, talk to her more, and be more accommodating to some things. "

"I understand."

Kojiro nodded and wrote down everything Rika had said about Musashi.

"What are you talking about?" Musashi, who was temporarily free from the memory, looked at Rika and Kojiro and asked curiously.

"Let's talk about you again. If my mother had not handed over the gymnasium to me, I would have to know Yuhong City, and I wouldn't have said so much to Kojiro."

"Me? What do I have to talk about." Musashi held the flannel and pointed to the tip of his nose with a look of surprise.

"What do you mean, I've been out of mind all day long, and I don't know what I'm thinking." Li Jia said angrily, obviously, Musashi didn't think about what happened just now.

"Ha, ha ha ha." Musashi could only respond with an awkward smile, his eyes darkened, and he stroked the little blessed egg in his arms for a while.

. . . . . .

Under the examination of the master of Kendo, Bawanghua and Meihua passed the basic test, which means that they can stay and learn swordsmanship with this master of kendo, but before that, Musashi still needs to communicate with Bawanghua.

"Fan, you know the purpose of our coming here."

"Dafu." I know, but can I not stay?

Overlord Flower asked almost in an imploring tone.

"Do you know why I put Naga next to the Sovereign Serpent, and I want to keep you next to Master Shiyuan?"

"...Dafu." I don't know, I don't want to know, I just want to know if I can't leave the master's side with you, you promised me, let me protect you for the rest of your life.

Musashi did not answer Bawanghua’s plea, and said in a flat tone: "Because your existence has somewhat hindered the growth of your younger siblings, and you will basically not have much room for improvement if you stay by my side. Since it buried your talent, it is better to temporarily place you next to these helpful existences, work hard to improve yourself, and be able to stand up and help me in the near future."

"Dafu." But, Master, your safety is at stake.

"Fan, how about we fight again. You have already lost to Naga not long ago. Although you are suspected of releasing the water, you will eventually lose. If in this match, you lose to me , Then you just stay obediently and work hard to improve yourself."

"Dafu." If I win, I don't have to stay.

"No, but if you win, I can stay with you." Musashi said affirmatively.

"Dafu!" The master was rude!

Overlord Flower raised her foot and stepped on the ground, and moved away from Musashi's side. From the start, the moonlight rose into the air. The crystal bright light scattered on Overlord Flower, and the invisible aura erupted from Overlord Flower, two slender ones. The calyx fell to the hand and turned into two thin swords, and the tip of the sword pointed to Musashi, ready to attack at any time.

Musashi smiled slightly, took out two kunai from the small bag of the back waist, glanced at the ground that the Overlord Flower had stepped on before, and hooked his hand to the Overlord Flower.

Master Shiyuan looked in the direction of the bamboo forest strangely, and curiously asked Li Jia: "What are the little girl named Musashi and Bawanghua doing there?"

"It should be in a It is said that in some difficult-to-decision situations, it has been decided by a battle. There are some weird things, so Master Shiyuan doesn't care."

"Haha, really energetic."

"Dafu!" Master, rude!

In an instant, Bawanghua split into two and attacked from two directions, two bodies and one heart, like twins, walking at the same pace and appearing in front of Musashi in a flash, four sharp swords pierced Musashi's eyes and chest. , And two arms, absolutely do not give Musashi a chance to parry.

"Fan, know that what your eyes see is not necessarily true."

After Musashi finished speaking, the figure shattered, and a burst of air pierced the back of one of the Overlord Flowers.

Feeling the sharpness behind her, Bawanghua knew that it was too late to dodge, and she turned around with her swords like dragons to go out to sea in an attempt to replace her injuries, but the expected figure did not appear in front of her, knowing that she had once again followed the way of Musashi. I only felt a pain behind my back, and a slight tingling sensation kept coming.

"Sometimes what you hear can also be fake. Haven't you already forgotten my strength and abilities after a long time when you have not played against me?" The broken golden snake eyes flashed with a mysterious light, seemingly kind. Pointed.

Bawanghua didn't answer, she concentrated on fighting the toxin that Musashi had planted on her body, and she was a real body.

Although Bawanghua's poison resistance is very high, Musashi's own poison is obviously even higher. It will take a while for Bawanghua to detoxify with her own ability.

The double who was not attacked quickly stepped forward to fight with Musashi, and the back hand left before was also revealed in advance, that is, the double seed buried underneath. Bawang Hua knew that this back hand must have been seen through, so she didn’t plan to. Continue to hide, launch in advance to besiege Musashi.

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