Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 15: A small town blown by the beginning wind

The small episode passed, and the group came to the small plain discovered by Shuttlecock Grass just before the sun set.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a scenery near Ruoye Town."

Dr. Soramu stood on the plain overlooking the wonders of the mountains and rivers in the distance. The flaming sun set on the mountains, covering the clouds with a red wedding dress, seeming to be reluctant to say goodbye, but in the end he still sent the world. Give it to the bright moon at the other end.

"Doctor, dinner is ready~" Kojiro greeted Dr. Soraki who was staring into the distance.

As for Musashi, he has already started to eat it. After filling his mouth with another bite of the meal, he said to the chef Fang Cang with a face of contentment: "Fang Cang, your cooking skills seem to have improved a little bit. Sure enough, take Kojiro to travel with you. The decision is correct."

"Senior Sister, please pay attention to the etiquette. Anyhow, Dr. Soraki is still there." Kojiro turned around and saw that Musashi had eaten it, and said helplessly.

In fact, this is not to blame Musashi. During this time without Audrey’s constraints, with Rika and Kojiro on his side, Musashi has been a lot of presumptuous. Now even Rika, who is a model of etiquette, has already met in Yuhong City, Musashi. More and more unconstrained, he began to return to his own nature.

If the Overlord Flower is still in the team, Musashi might be able to constrain a little bit, but now that he leaves the team temporarily, the unattended Musashi will become even more unscrupulous.

As for Kojiro, forget it, I can't care about Musashi at all, at best, he can say a painful piece of advice like now.

"Well, I'll try to pay more attention to it in the future." Musashi said in a perfunctory sentence, using his chopsticks to dial his bowl of rice to make it look like it hadn't moved before, quietly waiting for Dr. Soramu to take his seat.

This action seemed inexplicably cute to Kojiro. He shook his head slightly to throw the thought out of his mind. The previous image of holding a sharp weapon at his neck was still clearly printed in his heart.


Recalling the first time I saw Musashi, he was dignified, polite, and full of self-confidence. The whole person looked unattainable and had a sense of distance. But now when I look at Musashi, it's like a little girl living in the mortal world. She is coquettish, lively, sad, and greedy. She is a little girl next door within reach.

"Hey, hey, what are you thinking about, Dr. Soraki has been sitting here for a long time." Musashi stretched out his hand and shook in front of Kojiro's eyes and said.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I suddenly thought of something and got a little distracted." Kojiro glanced at Musashi, turned his head blushing, and said to Dr. Soraki embarrassedly.

"It's okay." Dr. Soraki waved his hand, looked at Kojiro's performance thoughtfully, and smiled mysteriously.

"Then let's start." Musashi said impatiently.

Kojiro glanced at Dr. Soraki, his expression a little helpless. Dr. Soramu didn't think there was anything wrong, so he folded his obedient hands and muttered in a low voice: "I'm going."

"I'm gonna start now."

"Well, it's delicious, who made this stew?" Dr. Soramu asked curiously with bright eyes.

"Yeah, yes, these are made of fang cages. I have been amazed for a long time after I ate them." Musashi pointed to the fang cage standing next to Kojiro and praised, as if the fang cage is his own treasure. Like a dream.

"Skr." The Fang Cage grabbed his head embarrassedly, grinning with a silly grin.

Although Kojiro didn't say anything, a slightly proud smile still appeared on his face.

After the praise, the three of them entered the silent meal time. After all, the principle of not being able to speak is to observe the following in front of outsiders.

. . . . . . .

At noon the next day, the three of Musashi successfully arrived in Wakaba Town, and Dr. Soraki said goodbye to the two of Musashi: "Thank you, let's say goodbye. By the way, in return, this will be given to you." From the shoulder bag beside him, he took out a notebook that looked a little old and handed it to Kojiro.

Kojiro looked at Musashi, wondering whether he should accept it or not, after all, there was only one copy.

"Look at what I am doing. The doctor gave it to you, so you just accept it. You are caring for the doctor along the way. I'm just a person who eats and drinks, right Karen."


Xiaofudan nodded repeatedly, unaware that such affirmation actually embarrassed Musashi.

"Hahaha, you can accept it, Kojiro, because you said before that you are going to participate in the breeder level assessment in the urban capital area. This is the core score of the junior breeder test that I recorded at the beginning. Now I don’t need it. It’s great. Give you everything you can use."

"Then I will accept it, thank you doctor."

"Haha, don't be angry, then, goodbye. You can come to Ruoye Town to find me when you have time." After Dr. Kongmu finished speaking, he walked towards the town hall of Ruoye Town.

"Let's go too, target the wizard center."


. . . . . . .

Wakaba Town, the center of the wizard.

After a short wait, it was Musashi and Kojiro's turn.

"Is there anything I can help you." Miss Joey asked with a signature smile. The auspicious egg with a nurse hat beside him also smiled in line with "lucky~"

Musashi put the certificate of himself and Kojiro's trainer on the tray and said, "Miss Joey, I want to register to participate in the magnificent contest in the city capital area. This is my trainer's certificate. This is his trainer's certificate. I need to register to participate. The breeder's grade assessment and the challenge of the league track competition."

"Okay, I have received the identity certificates of the trainer Musashi Miyamoto and Sasaki Kojiro, please wait a moment." Miss Joey took the trainer's certificate in the tray and checked the photo on the certificate with Musashi. After Kojiro did not come in, With a smile, he started operating on the computer in front of him.

A few minutes later, Miss Joey gave the certificate to Musashi and said: "Identity information has been entered. This is your trainer's certificate. Please keep it. This is the trainer's guidebook for the city capital area. It contains the gorgeous contest and Pokémon. Some basic information about the gym I hope to help you a little bit. Is there anything else I need to help?"

"Are there vacant rooms?"

"There are also several double rooms, and upper and lower four-bed rooms."

"Please check in for us, a double standard room."

"Okay, please wait a moment. The process is complete. Room 403. This is your room card. Is there anything else you need."

"No. Thank you Miss Joey." After Musashi thanked him, he took the room card and left the hall of the Elf Center with Kojiro and walked to the restaurant. After all, it was almost afternoon. I hadn't eaten lunch yet, so I had to fill my stomach first.

“It’s so full. Let’s take a rest in Wakaba Town for a day and then head towards Kikyo City. Let’s go back to Jihua Market, and it will happen that a gorgeous contest will be held in Jihua City in more than ten days.”

Musashi wiped his mouth and pointed to the page introducing Kikyo in the opened trainer's manual.

"Well, but this is a gorgeous contest at the P1 level. Who are you going to send to participate?"

"How about Karen and Mianyue? It's the first time Karen has participated in the gorgeous contest, so you have to cheer Karen." Musashi ordered a little blessed egg sitting on the table and eating elves food, and encouraged.


"Let the moon elf participate in the city-level gorgeous contest, I can understand, after all, she is also a veteran of the gorgeous contest test, but let Xiaofudan participate, is it too early?" Kojiro said with some advice.

"Don't underestimate any Pokémon. On the stage of the Gorgeous Contest, strength is not the most important thing. The most important thing is how to show the charm of this Pokémon. Please look forward to the gorgeous performance of Xiaofudan. Right." Musashi replied mysteriously.

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