Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 14: Island whale, raging waves

(Explain here, the exploration time of the stone cave was three years ago. At that time, Yu hadn’t evolved yet, so it was still in the form of a mini dragon. Because the pit of the stone cave was not filled, I would like to take the opportunity of Yu’s evolution to talk about it. Explain the origin of certain props, so that certain things can appear more reasonably, such as... if you say too much, it seems to be a spoiler, probably that's it.)

"Who is he?"

Dawu couldn't resist his curiosity, so he asked quietly.

Dawu has seen a lot of trainers at the Heavenly King level, but the battles between them are rarely spread. Nowadays, there may be a chance to watch the battle against the Heavenly King up close. It is still live broadcast. This is a big deal for Dawu. Appeal.

"Think about it in the direction of Uncle Hatch." Musashi said.

"Uncle Hatch? Could it be..."

The thoughts flowed in Dawu's mind, and he quickly locked onto a key figure, Genji, the Heavenly King of Dragon.

"It's fine if you know, don't say it, the perception ability of the heavenly king is very strong. You said that there is such a big boss, we just go back in such a desperate way, is it too shameful." Musashi has reached it. Dawu almost blurted out the words, and asked in a frivolous tone.

"You're thinking……"

"Yes, I want to pretend, and then..."

"Get them caught off guard after getting close to them in this boat?"

"Smart. But even though the plan is good, there is a doubt. We just walked back like this. What about the original yacht? Just stop here? It doesn't meet the bad guys' setting, and it's not in line with their speed. A fast-paced approach to action. Also, are there any sailors among us?"

"Wait! Do you want to destroy the ship?" Dawu grabbed the key point and raised his voice a little higher.

"That's pretty much what I mean, but I'm not a tyrant with a big business like you. I just think about how to hide our ship so that it doesn't deserve ultrasonic radar to detect it.

"Anti-ultrasound, this is actually easy to do. It's good to use ultrasound to counter ultrasound, but you just make sure that their search equipment is ultrasound, not other technology?"

"I'm not sure, but we just ask them directly." Musashi said, pointing to the five members of the Ocean Team who had awakened from hypnotism.

"Oh, we won't say it." The captain of the ocean team said stiffly.

"Don't be silly, you have said everything you can say a few minutes ago, including your silly beast pants."

Melissa said a lot of unspeakable words from the girls without the slightest feeling of shyness, and directly flushed the face of the unknown team leader, and she might not drown in the vast sea.

"So, do you want to unknowingly reveal more unspeakable little secrets, or cooperate with us to answer the little information you know when you are sober?" Melissa smiled slightly, her expression sincere as an old man who had not seen each other for many years. Friend.

"I said... the largest whaling ship has two types of equipment: sonar positioning radar and satellite positioning radar."

"You have a way to block them," Musashi said casually.

Hearing Musashi's words, the team leader's face froze involuntarily.

"It's really there, stop the ink, let's talk about it." Melissa gave Musashi a thumbs up, this intuition is really amazing.

The team leader looked at the various objects spread on the deck, his expression moved, he skipped the correct answer, looked at the signal transmitter inside the ocean team, opened his eyes and said nonsense: "That’s it, it’s very simple. First turn on the switch and press Just press that button."

After speaking, I felt a little proud and praised their wit. As long as they did what they said without pressing the button, the distress signal would naturally be sent out when they turned it on again, and the ending would be reversed. .

Seeing the team leader's cooperation, Musashi became suspicious, and looked at each other with Dawu. Before standing up and walking to the pair of objects, he stretched his hands over pieces of different shapes and some unknown high-tech. The product, when he put his hand on the specified thing, the team leader’s eyes were a little bit of joy, and he couldn’t wait. When he opened his hand and revealed disappointment, when he moved to other things, his expression began to concentrate until something seemed to be When it came to the metal ball, the team leader's expression did not reveal the slightest emotion, and he was obviously trying to restrain it.

Obviously this is also an incorrect answer, too deliberate.

But Musashi already knew that it was, so he picked up a suitcase with a metallic appearance and handed it to Dago in the horrified expression of the team leader.

"It should be this, Dawu, you come to study it and see if it can be operated."

"It's simple. Giant golden monster."

Dawu opened the suitcase, which contained a computer, a signal transmitter, and an unintelligible object. With a simple operation, the display screen lights up, but the man-machine interface inside makes Da Wu a little bit blind, but there are giant golden monsters, these are minor problems.

I saw that the giant golden monster gently moved one of his arms to the data transmission interface of the computer, and the weak current connected to each other. How to use it was quickly deciphered. Under the guidance of the giant golden monster, Dawu immediately took control of the method of use. , And confirmed that this thing really has the effect of shielding the signal. After debugging, give it to the old man Hatch and ask him to press the button in ten minutes and wait for them to come back.

Then let Kojiro, Naqi, and Dujuan wait for their return on the yacht, and threw the five members of the ocean team on the yacht, put on the costumes of the ocean team, and started the ship.

Watching the speedboat slowly leave, the old man Hachi muttered, "Father tiger has no dogs." Then he picked up his cell phone and said, "The safety of those children is up to you, Captain."

"Haha, don't worry, sailor."

As Dawu and the others left, the tiny black spots in the sky also moved.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and a thick black smoke appeared behind him, rising towards the sky. The yacht "explodes", and after a few minutes it will "sink" until it disappears into the deep, I didn't expect you to sail. "Melissa said.

"That's right, Musashi asked you before, but you didn't answer. Now you can answer directly with action, which is really confusing." Li Jia took the sentence.

"It's nothing strange, don't ridicule me. And compared to me, you might as well ask how Musashi knew that suitcase is the real answer."

. . . . . .


A loud noise came from a distance, and then the huge blue figure was constantly on the horizon, with layers of huge waves constantly surging and sweeping everything within a radius of ten miles.

Looking at the **** waves that are constantly approaching, the talking and laughing expressions of the Musashi five instantly solidified.

"We are a step late." "Miccoli, I'll talk about self-blame later. Let's break these huge waves first, or we will die too. I will be in a group with Lijia, and you will be in a group of three. Giant waves."

"Be careful to save your energy, I'll come first, giant golden monster, comet fist!" Dawu controlled the direction of the speedboat with one hand, and commanded the giant golden monster with the other.

"Giant vines, destroy the dead light!"

The giant golden monster emerges from the wizard ball, uses its superpowers to levitate itself, and appears under a huge wave that is several meters high while moving at a high speed. The two forelimbs on the left and right flicker, and they alternately tilt their power towards the huge wave. Standing on the giant golden monster, an energy ball appeared in the palms of the giant vine with both hands together, and launched against the powerful wave. The beam instantly annihilated the remaining waves in front of the speedboat, and passed the first level safely.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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