Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 26: Magic mirror

The island, its shameless island.

Mountains, plain mountains.

Sandy beaches covered with coarse-grained sand, sparse coconut trees, and extinct volcanoes made of basalt are all about this small island.

Everything is so ordinary.

Even if there are occasional ships passing by, I won't take a second look at this scarce little island.

"Remains are really here?"

Melissa raised her eyes and looked around. There was no trace of the island that could be seen through this one.

Although this description is a bit exaggerated, it is true, and there is nothing suspicious about the entire island.

Melissa's doubts are also the doubts of everyone except Dawu.

"The ruins are really here, but not above but below."

"Down? Where? In the sea?"

"Yes, it's in the sea."

"In the sea? How did you find it?" Du Juan asked curiously. If there is a clear directional content, then finding here and diving into the sea is an acceptable explanation. However, if this is the case, Dawu shouldn't let us log on. Island, it’s right to dive directly.

"Wait, don't tell me, Dawu, I guess." After hearing Dujuan's doubts, Mi Keli looked around the entire island again, focusing on the island's only striking extinct volcano. With a bit of speculation and jokingly said: "I remember you told me a while ago that some precious minerals are often mixed in volcanic eruption magma, so..."

"You guessed it. This island was discovered when I passed here some time. It was barren as a whole, without the slightest characteristic. Normally I would not choose it. It was the scientific research report that caused my curiosity. , So I dig from the east to the west, and the remains hidden under the thick volcanic rock layer were discovered by me."

Although Dawu was stating the facts, his light-hearted remarks aroused everyone's discomfort, and he made a decisive statement to mediate.

"Come on, don't show off your brilliant deeds, take us directly."

"All right." Dawu smashed his mouth and agreed insincerely.

"Everyone sits directly on the flying Pokémon, and we gather in the crater." Dawu finished speaking and released the giant gold monster to fly all the way to the top of the extinct volcano.

Although I don't know what medicine is sold in Dawu's gourd, I'll talk about it first.

The extinct volcano is about 400 meters high. It is a common cone-shaped volcano. There is no accumulation of rainwater in the crater. There is only a winding crack running through it. The darkness is not real.

Seeing everyone here, they took the lead to lead the way towards the crack under the crater. The natural traces formed by the flow and cooling of the lava in the crater happened to serve as the stairs for everyone to go down to the edge of the crack.

But after reaching the edge of the crack, Dawu was not advancing. Instead, he walked to the jagged rock wall on the side, pointed at the rock wall with nothing, and said, "We are here."

"Ah! It's like watching a good show again. I'm really fed up. Anyone of you knows how to get rid of him. It really is." Melissa said madly.

Although Melissa had broken her careful thoughts, Dawu just didn't say anything unless she begged him.

I really don't know where I learned the bad personality. Even if it is Dawu's good friend, after watching for a while, Mikoli shook his head helplessly, saying that he didn't know.

Naqi, Dujuan, Rika, and Kojiro also stepped forward one after another, trying to see something, but they all came back without a problem.

The whole team left Musashi not trying. Dago asked, "Musashi, don't you try?"

"I really want to go, if I crack it, you won't have any room to show off." Musashi joked, playing with the tip of Naga's tail.


"Musashi, do you know the trick?" Li Jia asked curiously.

"Actually, it's very easy. The secret is that Dago made a bit of disguise in this position, which caused a little visual deviation and inductive shift, so it was hidden in the hole in front of him." Seeing Lijia asked, Musashi did not. You are polite, go straight forward, and block a certain stone. The stone is beside a kick, and a hole covered by a boulder appears in front of everyone.

"Oh my God, how did this happen? It's amazing too."

"It's amazing. At that time, I built the fantasy magic that I built for a long time, and it was simply cracked by you. But if you can crack it, can you restore him?" Dawu said a little unconvinced.

"I can't restore it, but it's okay to cover it up with other methods." After Musashi finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, the hole that had been exposed just now disappeared again, and the naked eye could not detect it. flaw.

"A simple illusion, but the fake is fake. You can find the difference by touching it with your hands. Compared to Dago's almost fake and real way, it really is nothing." Musashi said modestly.

"If you don't believe me, you can go forward and touch it."

Several people stepped forward and fumbled.

"Really, there is clearly a crack here, but my eyes are complete. But Dawu's disguise allows these cracks to be hidden in our sight, and actively ignores it. But in any case, it is much more powerful than us ordinary people. Li Jia laughed at herself, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Lijia and everyone, in fact, there is no need to belittle yourself, whether it is Musashi illusion or my Qimen Dunjia, in fact, it is the same thing that really needs to be investigated. As long as you use the power of Pokémon reasonably, you can also achieve the same. The goal is like Mikari’s water-based Pokémon, Melissa’s ghost-based Pokémon, and Lijia’s grass-based Pokémon can also achieve this goal. If it’s a rock-based or ground-based Pokémon, , It’s easier to complete. So it doesn’t matter whether we did it ourselves or not."

"This is also the fundamental reason why personal power has gradually declined since ancient times ~ ~ Musashi added.

"Okay, let's get back to the subject, dragon-head gopher, strange force!"

"Boom" was driven by the leading gopher, and the huge stone blocking the door was removed. Several people followed Dawu's pace and filed in. Under the illumination of the light, you saw a cave dug out by hand. Look at the scale. It's like a masterpiece of a leading gopher.

"The ruins are ahead, and the danger is also ahead, so be careful."

With Dawu's reminder, the faces of a few people were joking and nodded.

Not long afterwards, the end of the cave was replaced by masonry, and Dawu also stopped. The light illuminates the corner of the opposite mural, which is a mural made of blue gemstones. Looking directly at it, it seems that my ears are passing. With the sound of the waves coming, there was a salty smell lingering on the tip of the nose, and sparkling sparkles appeared in the eyes...

Immediately Dawu put down the light, and all the anomalies disappeared immediately.

"Don't go to see the murals later, or you will fall into the mirror of the murals. If you are unlucky, you may never come back."

Dawu reminded everyone that everyone was awakened to the anomaly just now. Even Musashi himself did not realize that there was something wrong with it. If he had actually witnessed the whole mural, he would probably fall into it as Dago said.

But how did Dawu get out?

"You must have seen Dawu's mural, how did you get away?" Musashi asked.

"This one."

Dawu dragged a necklace from the collar.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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