Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 32: Dr. Oki's invitation

The memories of the Stone Cave were not very harmonious for Musashi, or for the eight people who participated in this trip. The cave of the stone should have ended because of the existence of the lava team, and even the ruins were destroyed by himself.

The gains are also very few, and the only thing that can be praised by the second is to escape from the king-level cadres from the Ocean Team and the Lava Team, and by the way, they rescued a pseudo-Roar Whale and a few Coco Dora.

The roaring whale, which can grow into a behemoth in the future, was given by Musashi to Mikri as a symbol of their friendship, and may have made a promise to fight against evil forces in the future.

Then in these few coco doras, Kojiro found it interesting to subdue a coco dora with a simple and stable personality, which is older than other coco doras. Although he is older, he wins by being docile. In fact, there is another special factor, that is, this Cocodora's body is far more important than his companions, but the size is almost the same.

However, why Kojiro chose this Coco dora as his Pokémon, mainly because of the cocoa dora's character and the ability to eat without being picky eaters, just as his excellent helper to improve the ability of the breeder.

Musashi originally thought that this Coco dora had hidden characteristics: heavy metal, but the day was not fulfilled. It may also be that Kojiro’s good luck was not stimulated. After Musashi’s careful research and comparison, he found that the characteristics of this Coco dora were not. Not heavy metal, but very ordinary and strong.

As for why the weight is heavier than ordinary cocoa, the first is that it can be eaten and easily absorbed, the second is that it does not grow, and the third is that something special is accidentally eaten.

With this doubt, Musashi and Kojiro once again carefully examined Coco Dola in all directions, and sought answers in various anecdotes, and finally found some clues in a research on the immutable stone. These clues are somewhat similar to the situation of Coco Dola. After repeated confirmations, this conjecture was confirmed, and this Coco Dora accidentally ate the immutable stone.

However, it took a long time for Coco Dola to swallow the immutable stone, coupled with Coco Dola's strong digestion ability, this immutable stone had been completely absorbed by Coco Dola, so Musashi was not able to notice it for the first time.

It just means that this Coco Dola is likely to remain in its initial form until the end of life, but fortunately, Kojiro does not particularly care about whether Coco Dola can evolve, and the Coco Dola cannot evolve. Appetite is not small, not picky eaters. It's more than enough to be your own assistant, so I don't insist on Coco Dora's future.

Of course, if there is any way to help Cocodora break the curse of the immutable stone, Kojiro is also very willing to try.

And there is no absolute thing in the world. Although the immutable stone can inhibit the evolution of Pokémon, the immutable stone itself has a limit value that suppresses evolution. As long as it can break through this limit value, Cocordola can usher in evolution. Dawn.

It's just this dawn, Kojiro has spent three years still unable to light it up, so the quiet and thoughtful Kojiro decided to go out for a trip. It is not suitable for the foundation to be consolidated after working behind closed doors, and his strength is stable at the quasi-kingdom level. Kojiro. Say goodbye to Audrey and the two elder sisters, and embark on the journey alone.

Fourteen-year-old Kojiro, standing tall and straight, has faded the remaining green and introverted body. In the four years of the garden shrine, the rigid manners formed by the duck-feeding aristocratic education of the merchant family have disappeared, and some are naturally expensive. Qi, but restrained as jade, gentle and elegant.

Standing on a high place looking back at the panoramic view of Yuhong City, the most eye-catching thing is the Rainbow Department Store Building where the Iraqi is in his heart. He silently made a vow, tightened his shoulder bag, and walked into the distance with a kind of unrestrained self-confidence.

Musashi, who was on the top of the battle tower, glanced in the direction where Kojiro had left, and silently blessed him. At this time, five or six days have passed since the mini-dragon evolved into a hackron, during which Audrey had visited Musashi once. , Said that it was Dr. Oki who was inviting him for something, and also specifically confessed that Li Jia is here to help take care of him, don’t worry, the implication is to let Musashi go out to travel for some experience, always staying in Yuhong City is already a bit detrimental Musashi's growth.

Because Musashi is different from Lijia, Lijia is more than sufficient, lacks expansion, happy to be quiet, not happy, and staying in one place is suitable for Lijia's growth, just like a tree. But Musashi is just the opposite. He is talented and can draw inferences from other things. Excessive static is not conducive to growth, and excessive activity is not conducive to accumulation. It is suitable for activity and rest, like a bird. Only by spreading its wings and experiencing ups and downs can it grow up completely.

Moreover, at this time, Musashi has almost digested the accumulated nutrients of the previous years. It just happens that during this stable period, go out and gain more knowledge, so as to truly break through the threshold of the heavenly king and deal with the future sweeping the world. Catastrophe.

"Kojiro is gone, I should also set off to find the opportunity to break through the heavenly king level. Naga's nine-headed Naga body is only half completed. Poison, ice, fire, grass, and water are all mastered, thunder, wind, and so on. If you have a clue, you can fully grasp these two attributes, and the heavenly king-level door that belongs to the naga will be completely opened.

Anything... the most important thing for sword training is to make a breakthrough in the state of mind, but this is the most elusive thing. Let's take a step at a time.

Titan, with the aid of the Big Steel Serpent Evolution Stone, the only thing lacking from the Heavenly King level is the accumulation of energy, but on the contrary, it can advance the fastest.

Yu has just evolved and is still in an ascending period of strength, but the threshold of the Heavenly King level still needs to wait for the rain **** status to be truly leveled, chance.

Jun, limited by the interference of the anti-singing characteristics, the king's qi has not been completely mastered. I am afraid that it is not enough to evolve into the monarch snake, but the mother also said that after Jun really masters the king's qi, it will be the same when he evolves. When she stepped into the king of heaven, she could not rush.

Little Karen has evolved into an auspicious egg. After completing his training in the auspicious egg nurse school, his current healing ability is more than that of Musashi, but he has not yet reached the level of Musashi in terms of experience, and is stable at the quasi-tianwang level in terms of strength.

There are also two new partners. One is a cunning character, but he is very sincere to the people he recognizes. He shows absolute loyalty to Musashi, which is similar to the former Fanji. If a frontal knight is a protector, then the spoon snake is the assassin in the shadow, the deadly fangs, but to achieve this goal, you need to speak with strength. It was still short of Lingmen, and was named Shadow Blade by Musashi.

The other is Meinas. The Liuli Gate has cultivated an extremely talented Pokémon. After learning that the roaring whale newly acquired by Mikri was a gift from Musashi, he secretly sighed that Mikri had taken a huge advantage. The hidden dangers of the roaring whale are nothing to Adam. There should not be too many solutions. The best solution is to allow the roaring whale to absorb the original crystal of Gaoka, which happens to be like this in the Liulimen. Treasures, so the former island roaring whale king can now be fully realized.

After learning about Musashi’s preferences, Adam deliberately cultivated a Menus for Musashi to repay some of the favors in it. His strength was at the quasi-kingdom level, and he was named Lingbo by Musashi. Lingbo is another name for lotus, after all. Nas has the beauty of water lotus, and the name Lingbo is also appropriate. "

Wait, do you want to say that I still missed one.

Indeed, I have a Pokémon that I did not say, that is the Moon Elf Sleeping Moon.

And Mianyue, for some reason, has recently become more and more confused and loves to sleep. Asked the foster mother, could not find the reason. Asking Master Qingxue also looked like she didn't know what was happening, but fortunately, after Master Qingxue's inspection, Mianyue's drowsiness did not cause any harm to her.

But this is not always a solution, just this time I was invited to go to Dr. Omu to see if he has a solution to the sleepy moon and drowsiness.

. . . . . .

"Boom boom, boom boom."


Daily routine, begging and begging.

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