Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 45: Summer Camp (7)

"Hurry up!" The boy said impatiently to the girls who were much behind him.

Especially when she saw the girl's only non-committal appearance, she had a terrifying appearance in the outside world, and she made a "tsk" sound in disgust. Although her mouth was merciless, she stopped.

"Forget it, let me get the camera." After that, the boy walked in the direction of the girl, without waiting for the girl's consent, and took the camera hanging around the girl's neck. And said: "It's not heavy now, hurry up and go."

After speaking, she took the girl's hand and strode forward.

The goal of their mission this time is the water attribute Pokémon. According to the boy's idea, the stream may be an excellent place to observe.

The four Musashi who watched this scene didn't know what to say for a while.

Say the boy is not good, but at least he also knows to care about people. But say okay, and I think it's weird. Is this the straight man, Tsundere?

The girl who was pulled by her little hand staggered to follow the boy's pace, her face flushed, but she soon felt her hand loose, only to hear the boy say "Don't run", she chased forward, and finally to the girl Said "Quickly keep up".

The girl only had time to see that the boy was chasing a blue figure.

Seeing the figure of the boy running farther and farther, the girl reluctantly chased two steps, but her physical strength and restless heart could not support her to continue chasing.

The eye sockets of the bewildered girl gradually turned red, and the golden beans in her eyes kept falling like no money. The sobbing sound echoed in the quiet forest and gradually amplified. Obviously, the girl wanted to alleviate the fear in her heart by crying loudly, but It seems to be counterproductive.


The call was cautiously, thinking it was comforting the girl, and it seemed that he wanted to attract the girl's attention.

However, it may be because of the low voice, and did not let the girl notice its existence, so she could only pat her feet with her feathery tail with a slight moisture, which attracted the girl's attention.

As the girl cried, she put down her hand in front of her in a puzzled way. She aimed at a huge tadpole with smooth skin and wet body.

Although this tadpole is blue and cute, but suddenly breaking into the girl who is not used to being in close contact with Pokémon, it still makes the girl feel uncomfortable. She takes a few steps back in fear, but is tripped by the branch near her feet. Sit down on the ground.

"Huh cough?"

The mosquito-repellent-repellent tadpole tilted his head and looked at the girl puzzledly. Thinking that the girl was playing with it, she also sat down on the ground.

"Puff, hahaha."

Seeing the movements of the mosquito-repellent tadpoles, the little girl's tearful expression suddenly turned into a big laugh, crying and laughing.

How funny it is.

"Cough, cough."

Seeing the girl finally laughed, the mosquito-repellent tadpole was relieved and laughed with the girl.

However, in this huge forest, a little girl who has no opinion and common sense of survival is not suitable for being alone. The mosquito-repellent tadpole thinks about it and vaguely remembers that there is a big tree hole not far away, allowing the little girl to hide. I am looking for the help of the human administrator here and take this child out.

Thinking of this, the mosquito-repellent tadpole began to communicate with the little girl, and called twice to make the girl stop laughing.

"what's happenin?"


The mosquito coil tadpole swings its transparent feathery tail, motioning the girl to follow.

The girl looked suspiciously at the mosquito-repellent-repellent-repellent-repellent tadpole, but she looked around at no one to trust. If she didn’t want to be alone, she could only follow this kind-hearted mosquito-repellent tadpole.

Speaking of which, this mosquito coil tadpole is regarded as an old guest in Damu Ecological Park. After being conquered by others, he became a Pokémon of a little boy, but it was sent here not long afterwards, and then it seemed to be forgotten. Become a part of here at the end.

Although occasionally I would look forward to it, and my master would take myself back, but this expectation has never been realized.

In the past, there were self-defeating and arrogant tempers, but they slowly walked out after being enlightened by a kind-hearted predecessor.

By the way, the owner of this senior died accidentally during a trip.

What happened to my master? Mosquito-repellent tadpoles didn't know, and some didn't want to know, so I learned from this predecessor and helped other Pokémon here to enlighten them.

After a while, the mosquito-repellent tadpole took the little girl to the tree hole enough to hide, motioned the girl to go in, and then kept drawing, probably means it went out to find someone to take her back, let the girl wait here, and let the girl rest assured that it is very Safety.

"Well, by the way, my name is Serena."

"Oh cough."

Although the girl didn't want the mosquito-repellent-repellent tadpoles to leave, she nodded her head. After watching the mosquito-repellent tadpoles leave, she hugged her legs and buried her face in the corners of her feet. An imperceptible sob sounded quietly.

The boy chasing the blue figure saw two boys arguing at a corner and asked loudly: "Wait, have you seen a mosquito coil?"


The two boys were interrupted by the dispute and looked at the boy who came here strangely.

"Have you seen a mosquito coil?" the boy asked again.

"No, ah, I remember, you are Jun Gao Yang, my name is Xiao Zhi, and he is Xiao Mao." Xiao Zhi greeted happily as if thinking of something.

"Gao Yangjun, where's your teammate? I remember your teammate is a girl, how about her?" Xiao Mao quickly asked when he noticed something was wrong.

"She is right behind." Gao Yang Hayato replied as expected, his face was a little impatient, but he turned his head and looked behind him.

But after waiting left and right, the timid girl did not appear. Hayato realized that something was wrong, his face changed, and he wanted to say something stiffly, but thinking of Musashi’s previous teachings, he treats Pokémon or treats people. The strong side must protect the weak side because they are a combination.

She opened the mouth and said: "It's too late to explain. She should have been lost. Can you help me find it?"



"I ran here from this direction, and I looked back along the way. I wonder if I can find it. Her name is Serena."

"Okay, let's go quickly."

The three boys immediately followed the direction where Gaoyang Hayato came, but even when they came to the place where Hayato was separated from the little girl, they still couldn't find it.

"How could it not, where did it go!"

Hayato was a little crazy, he was obviously afraid to die, and if he lost it, he didn't know to stay where he was!

"We searched separately. You said this girl is relatively timid, she must not go far, and no matter what, she must return here to gather in half an hour. If we find it, we will continue the mission. If we don't find it, we will go back and ask Grandpa for help."

"Sorry, I am the one who caused you."

"It's okay. After you find the girl with these words, I'm sorry to say to her, I'll go look here." After Xiao Mao finished speaking, he chose a random direction and looked for it.

"Haha, then I'll choose this side." Xiaozhi smiled at Hayato and looked for the other side.

"Okay! Thank you."

Hayato was a little moved, and after speaking, he looked in a different direction.

"Selena! Selena~!"

"Huh cough?"

The mosquito-repellent tadpoles vaguely heard that someone was calling the little girl's name just now, and I felt happy that I didn't have to look for others aimlessly.

Wag the tail, keep your balance, and chase in the direction of the sound.

After a while, the mosquito-repellent-repellent tadpole saw a little boy wearing white short sleeves and blue shorts shouting "Selena".

"Hey cough!"

The mosquito-repellent tadpole knew that he was looking for the right and immediately appeared in front of the boy.

"you are?"

This boy is Xiaozhi, but it is obvious that Xiaozhi does not know the mosquito-repellent tadpoles, and it is strange to see the mosquito-repellent tadpoles appear.

"Cough, cough."

The mosquito-repellent tadpole didn't have time to explain to Xiaozhi and wanted Xiaozhi to follow him.

"I don't have time to play with you temporarily, I'm looking for a friend." After speaking, he continued to call Serena's name.

"Yeah!" The mosquito-repellent-repellent-repellent tadpole is a little angry, but obviously I want to take you to find her, you don't appreciate it!

He appeared in front of Xiao Zhi here, and slapped Xiao Zhi on the head with his tail.

"It hurts, why are you hitting me!!" Xiaozhi cried out in pain, holding his head.

"Yeah! Yah!" The mosquito-repellent tadpole retorted loudly.

But Xiaozhi obviously didn't understand, and was at a loss.

The mosquito-repellent-repellent tadpole was helplessly explained again, and it took a long time for Xiaozhi to understand that it knew where Serena was.

"You said, do you know where Selena is?"

"Hey cough!"

"What are you waiting for, let's go!"

Xiaozhi, happily holding the mosquito-repellent-repellent-repellent tadpole, he will walk around randomly.


"Ah! It hurts, why are you hitting me again!"

"Oh cough!"

The mosquito coil tadpole signaled him to go in the wrong direction and asked him to follow.

"Hehe." Xiaozhi touched his head and smirked. Seeing the mosquito coil tadpoles walking away, he quickly followed.

happy New Year to all!

Daily routine, ask for it.

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