Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 47: Summer Camp (9)

The rest hut in the Ecological Garden has been transformed into another look after the joint efforts of the four Musashi and others. The neatly arranged seats occupy the remaining space in the hut.

Looking at this masterpiece with her full participation, Musashi felt an indescribable sense of pride in her heart, and she found that she was so easily satisfied.

In fact, Musashi knows that the children who fill this temporary classroom in a few years are likely to become the intermediate force, or even the decisive force, for the next generation of the Kanto Alliance.

"Haha, very good, welcome our little trainers back triumphantly."

At this time, Dr. Oki’s hearty voice came from outside the door. Obviously, the children were back. Musashi checked the time and it was almost the same as the two hours previously agreed. He then walked to the door to see who came back first. .

In the front team, Musashi remembers a child named Xiaojie and his partner Haruki. These two children frequently made speeches when Musashi introduced the three forms of the mini-dragon clan, and they had some unique opinions.

Although these opinions are not correct, it is enough to show that these two children are very intelligent and brave to express themselves. This kind of talent is very good whether it is to take the road of trainer or the road of researcher and research, so Musashi paid special attention to it. Fan.

"Doctor, are we the first to come back, teacher?"

"Haha, yes, I did a good job, I must be exhausted, go in, and choose a place to sit."

"Yes!" the two little boys responded happily, bowed to Dr. Oki, and then walked towards Musashi.

"Sister Musashi."

"Hey, go in and sit down, because you are the first to come back. I will give you a little gift personally."

Musashi touched the little heads of the two children and handed them a necklace with a poke ball. After helping them to wear it, he continued: "If you have another chance, use this poke ball to conquer the first treasure of your life. Dreamy."

"Pokeball, is it real?"

"Of course it is true, but you must first choose what your Pokémon is before you can use it."

"Yeah! Thank you Sister Musashi."

Xiaojie and Haruki excitedly played with the poke ball on their chests. Although the style is slightly different from the ordinary red and white ball, they have the same functions and abilities, and the effect is even better than the ordinary poke ball. Double, but this point they can't find out for the time being.

Speaking of which, all the poke **** currently used by Musashi are provided by Shirota Yoshimi, which are privately customized, and the poke **** used by all members of the battle tower are also exclusive styles specially designed by Yoshimi for the battle tower.

After these years of honing the skills and the original meditation ideas given by Musashi, under various circumstances, Jigme has become a well-known master of pokeball making, and there is an endless stream of people asking her to make pokeballs.

However, Jimei also knows that his abilities are limited, so he can do private customization. As for mass production, don't think about it. However, if she wants her to make a poke ball, there is a restriction, that is, she must have challenged the battle tower, and the number of challenge layers cannot be lower than four.

Under such a series of operations, trainers who have Jigme’s customized pokeballs will consciously or unintentionally show off the pokeballs in their hands when playing against others. After all, they are exclusive customized models with beautiful styles and better results than ordinary ones. Pokeball is even better, so that it still has a bit of symbolic status in the small circle of trainers.

But even with such an operation, Jigme’s impact on the entire pokeball market is still like a drop of water in the lake, except for a little ripple, there is no other impact.

Because not to mention the largest manufacturer of poke balls, Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd., they produce poke **** directly to the world, covering all the middle, low and high grades, and the various poke props they have developed, causing them The position is unshakable.

There are also major Pokémon gyms, and they all have their own exclusive wizard ball maker, so Jigme’s existence has not attracted the attention of big forces too much. Of course, imitation in a small area is indispensable.

Soon, the children came back one after another. The small rest room was filled with the children who came to participate in the summer camp this time, but among these children, Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi were the only ones missing, which made Musashi Dr. Omu is a little strange, so it should be reasonable to come back early.

"Doctor, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao haven't returned yet, are we going to get them back?" Gao Ren walked to Dr. Omu and asked in a low voice.

"Let’s take a look at where they are." Dr. Omu said calmly, took out his portable tablet, touched his fingers on the screen, and soon a satellite map of the new town appeared on the screen. , The positioning model generator built in the camera sends a signal to the outside at a fixed frequency.

The large group of red dots surrounds the green dot represented by Dr. Omu. Only one red dot is floating outside, but it is also gathering in the direction of the hut. According to their feet, it can be reached in more than ten minutes.

"It is estimated that it will be there in more than ten minutes, but since they are at the end, as punishment, the food distributed will not be their share. Ling, distribute the food to the children. After playing for a long time, they must be hungry. Up."


Ling naturally heard the explanation from Dr. Omu, and did not ask Xiaozhi and Xiaomao whether they needed to keep their share.

But Ling couldn't ask, it doesn't mean that others will not care about Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, especially Serena, who has been helped by Xiaozhi.

"Teacher Ling, why didn't Xiaozhi and Xiaomao come back? Will these foods be left for them?" Serena asked.

Hearing Serena’s question, Hayabusa realized that the teacher did not leave food for Xiaozhi and the others, and silently put down the delicious puffs that were handed to his mouth. For a while, the fragrant puffs seemed a little dull and tasteless. .

"Because they didn't come back within the stipulated time, so as a punishment, these foods would not have their share." Ling explained.

"How could this happen? There must be other reasons why they are late. Can you not punish them?" Serena asked hurriedly when she heard it.

"No." Ling smiled and shook her head, without agreeing.

"But they came back late to help me, or give them my share, I won't eat it." Serena said reproachfully, trying to help Xiaozhi and the others by punishing herself.

"Haha, Selena, you can rest assured to eat, they won't be hungry, you believe me." Musashi relieved.

After all, Xiaozhi and Dr. Omu are all in their eyes. When the time comes, they will be able to eat delicious food.


"Really, believe me, not sending them now is to let them understand their mistakes, and to help others naturally have to be rewarded, so don't worry."


With Musashi's enlightenment, Serena took the food in her hands, but she didn't eat it immediately like everyone else.

"Grandpa, we are back!"


Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi immediately shouted when they saw Dr. Oki waiting for them outside.

"It's fine to come back, let's go in first." When Dr. Oki saw Xiao Mao and the others came back within his estimated time, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Xiao Mao is his grandson, and it must be impossible not to worry.

"Okay! Grandpa, I will give you a surprise later, and guess what we captured." Xiao Mao said excitedly to Dr. Omu.

Before the doctor had time to answer, he was interrupted by a sound of "Grumbling~!", but remembering his previous decision, he couldn't give them food right away, so he said, "Surprise, we'll talk about it later, you come in first. "

Seeing that Grandpa wasn't as happy as he thought, Xiao Mao's original excitement also went down, and he sullenly answered "Yes."

Xiao Zhi clutched his grunting belly, looking at Xiao Mao who was a little unhappy, he became dull for a while, lowering his head and fiddling with the camera on his chest.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaomao, come in first." Musashi walked out, took Xiaozhi and Xiaomao's hands and dragged into this temporary classroom, the fragrance overflowed, and the stomachs of Xiaomao and Xiaozhi were stirred from time to time. The glutton in the house.

Musashi led Xiao Shige and Xiao Zhi to the edge of the podium, and Dr. Oki followed behind, thinking about how to solve the situation perfectly.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaoshige, do you know why I let you stand here?" Musashi asked.

Looking at their friends from the podium, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao shook their heads in embarrassment, expressing that they don't know.

Dr. Oki looked at Musashi, knowing that he didn't need to worry about it for the time being.

"Xiao Shigeru, tell me, how long did the doctor give you the first appointment?" Musashi asked knowingly ~ ~ Xiao Shige heard Musashi's question, and if he was aware of Musashi's question, he raised his head and looked towards Hang The clock on the wall, 12:17. I immediately understood the thoughts of Grandpa and Musashi, and his gloomy mood became more gloomy, and he replied in a low voice: "We are beyond the time to come back, sorry."

Xiao Zhi heard Xiao Mao's answer and knew that he seemed to have done something wrong, and followed Xiao Mao and said, "I'm sorry, everyone is worried."

"Very well, since you are aware of your mistakes, then you will not refuse the next punishment."

"Yeah." ×2

"Very well, the punishment is that you have no chance to enjoy this lunch."

"Ah!" Xiao Zhi suddenly exclaimed when he heard such an answer, crying with a sad face, and touching his already "cuckled" belly, as if the sky had fallen.


The turning point of Musashi gave Xiaozhi a glimmer of hope. He immediately looked at Musashi expectantly and prayed silently in his heart.

"Since you helped others during the mission, I will reward you with a delicious lunch. Okay, take these and eat." Musashi handed the only two set meals left on the table to Xiaozhi and Xiaomo, and touched them. Their heads sent them down.

"The kids who haven't settled for lunch should finish it quickly, don't let everyone wait for a long time."


Seeing the children gulping at the food she prepared carefully, Ling was not to mention how happy she was. Although most of the limelight was taken by Musashi, she still made a difference in this summer camp.

Three thousand words chapter.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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