Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 60: Strategize

In addition to the main force released before, the strength of the Pokémon released later should not be underestimated, especially Musashi. Her Pokémon has a terrifyingly balanced strength, and they are basically all-rounders, except that their attack power is slightly weaker. Apart from this shortcoming, there are no other shortcomings.

And this is very clear to both Mikri and Yangcai.

Then there is the big steel snake that can only be super-evolved, with a huge and hideous appearance. Only now, the length of the body is not lost at all to the roaring whale king who is also known for its size. Not to mention the super-evolution, the size of the big steel snake will still be The substantial growth can be described by the term behemoth at that time.

However, even after super-evolution, it is still slightly insufficient compared to the coal turtle in front of me. In terms of hard power, the fire attribute of the coal turtle restrains the steel attribute of the steel snake. Even if the ground attribute is harmonized from it, it is still powerful. Don't wait, this is also the main reason why Musashi didn't release the big steel snake in the first time.

Fortunately, the rain is strong now, which slightly weakens the performance of the coal turtle, but the heavy rain also makes the big steel snake very uncomfortable. If the heavy rain can be replaced by a sandstorm, then the big steel snake will be a real paradise on earth. Because sand can effectively polish the body of the big steel snake to keep it smooth, and it can also effectively clean his body and keep it fresh.

But now at a very moment, Big Steel Snake can only endure, and there are other Pokémon of Musashi to assist him, which also gives Big Steel Snake some psychological comfort and operational support. That's why Musashi has the confidence to hold the coal turtle in an angry state, and give Mikri a chance to launch a fatal blow to end the coal turtle.

After the three released their Pokémon, Yang Nai took the lead in commanding: "The mosquito frog king, pray for rain, floating bubble raindrops, control the surrounding raindrops, so that the big steel snake is not disturbed by rain."


The Mosquito Frog King belongs to a natural optimist. After he appeared, he felt the baptism of the rain, and immediately clapped his hands happily. The people around and Pokémon were inspired spiritually, and their mood improved a lot. Especially the Big Steel Snake, surprisingly no longer dislike the damp feeling of raindrops on his body.

And after the emergence of the mosquito and frog king, the rain that had gradually subsided changed the previous decline and became stronger again.

In the heavy rain, the light on the gray floating bubble flashed away, and turned into a water droplet. Underneath it was a plume-gray body that resembled a rain cloud, and it suddenly fell to the big steel snake. The top of his head.

After making a home on the big steel snake's head, the raindrops above the big steel snake instantly seemed to have self-consciousness, and actively dispersed to both sides, and the original wet body of the big steel snake quickly quickly after the floating bubbles fell on his head. Dry up.

This change made Big Steel Snake more comfortable just wanting to roar to the sky, and the fighting spirit became more vigorous.

Helping the big steel snake to get rid of the water stains on the body surface is easy for the floating bubble, but the only change in doing this is to make the floating bubble's body larger and more rounded.

After level Yangna, Musashi also quickly issued instructions to several of his Pokémon: "Naga, Dharma, Heaven and Earth, with five heads, sharing the pressure of the Whale King."


The fish catching Naga responded, and instantly separated four clones of entities with different attributes, namely grass attribute, fire attribute, ice attribute, and lightning attribute. Then the tails of these four clones and Na Jia's body merged, and then gathered and turned into the appearance of five one-tailed spirit snakes. The huge energy in the inner alchemy was completely released at this moment, making Naga's body instantly enlarged several times as if he had taken a tonic. , And this is the principle of the law of heaven and earth.

Although this form has more than doubled the strength of the Naga, but limited by the follow-up energy supply, it will not last long.

But it is not without a solution. The snake head that represents the grass attribute, its existence is to activate the ultimate absorption immediately after biting the enemy, extract the energy of the enemy to subsidize itself, and the fire attribute snake head can also use the energy to plunder the coal turtle. Fire attribute energy, and then use the swallow skills to give back to yourself, as long as possible to extend the time of transformation.

But all this requires Naga to play on the spot.

"Fan, Green Grass Field, Moon Dance, and Naga will ask you to take care of it. Sleeping in the moon, use the moonlight to restore everyone's state."

"Dafu! Kout!"

Overlord Flower and Moon Elf nodded one after another, the two-meter-high Overlord Flower stepped on its toes, and the continuous grassland was instantly covered with muddy but lifeless earth, and the shining green spots of light continued to penetrate into all the treasures that were back in the field. The body of the dream shocked them, except for the big boss coal turtle that they surrounded and beat.

The moon elves raised their heads and whispered, and a moon quietly hung under the thick lead cloud, swaying the moonlight, but with the dance of the Overlord Flower, the moon gradually solidified and slowly expanded, casting more moonlight. Restoring everyone's physical strength. Among them, the most important thing to take care of is the energy-consuming Naga.

With the help of Naga, the pressure on the Whale King was relieved a lot, and he was ready to withdraw at any time.

However, in addition to the escalation of the war, Musashi and the others also noticed that the coal tortoise’s emotions also slowly withdrew from the rage, apparently gradually adapting to the impact of their soaring strength and bloodline, and in the process of confronting the enemy. It also slowly became more comfortable, and truly began to show the strength of the mid-term Heavenly King class.

The Musashi trio, who sensed this, knew that they couldn't continue to drag on, and after a glance at each other, they immediately implemented the original plan.


"Roar!" With the roar of the big steel snake, eight brilliant light bands linked Musashi and the big steel snake, and a huge gene spiral symbol appeared above the big steel snake.

"Super evolution!"

Following the order of Musashi, the light belt dragged the gene spiral symbol directly into the body of the big steel snake, and the dazzling super-evolutionary light instantly bloomed, illuminating this gloomy land.

Then the light of evolution slowly converged, a circle of metal fragments floated around the neck, and part of the diamond-shaped super outline snake appeared in place. And with the help of super-evolution, the ability to temporarily enter the rank of the king was fully revealed, attracting the attention of the coal turtle, but was soon harassed by the attacks of the roaring whale king and the naga, and had to concentrate on dealing with the attacks of the naga and the roaring whale king.

"Titan, rock fall, sharp stone attack!"

After completing the super-evolution, Musashi immediately issued an attack order. On the other side, Michaeli’s command asked the roaring whale king to use the water cannon, so as to use the thrust of the water cannon to escape the battlefield. At the same time, the super big steel snake took advantage of the opportunity to fill the vacancy of the roaring whale king. Fight the coal turtle with the five Abo monsters that also have the power of the king.

The King of Whale's accomplishment and retreat allowed Mi Keli to finally implement his own fatal blow plan.

"Laplace, King Tooth Sea Lion, use Absolute Zero on the Howler Whale King, Howler Whale King, Bounce, Catfish King liquid circle protects the Howler Whale King."

The bounce skill gave the huge roaring whale king temporarily the ability to go to the sky, but that was only a short ten seconds, not more than half a minute at most, but Mikri didn’t just want the roaring whale king to rise. To use a free fall attack on the coal turtle at high altitude, but to make this attack more powerful, that is to make the big water ball where the roaring whale king is turned into a large solid ice puck, and this must ensure that the roaring whale king Can stay in the sky long enough.

But how to make the roaring whale king have the ability to stay in the air for a long time, in addition to, and the absolute zero used by Laplace and the sea lion on him, that is, it can quickly freeze the water ball, but also To a certain extent, it forms thrust and delays the downward momentum.

In addition to these, the roaring whale king will use waterfall climbing to maintain his upward momentum until it freezes completely.

However, even if absolute zero is the ultimate skill of ice attribute skills, it takes a long time to solidify the water ball outside of the roaring whale king. This is why Mikari needs Musashi to delay as much as possible to complete this. An almost impossible move.

"The Mosquito Frog King, Mali Luli uses the Frozen Beam on the Whale King!"

At this time, Yang Cai's command also sounded, and four energy beams with extremely cold power plunged into the large water ball where the King Whale was in one after another. The ice marks quickly spread upward from the bottom of the water ball, and the rapid cooling of the water was certain. To a certain extent, the movement of the roaring whale king is restricted, and the flexibility of the roaring whale king is also reduced. Fortunately, the catfish king assists the use of the water flow ring to maintain the vitality of the roaring whale king. Otherwise, this set has not yet solved the coal turtle. I'm going to cut one staff here.

"Mikkoli, what is your trick? It's a bit big." Musashi took the time to ask Mikkeli.

"Well, don't make a joke about my bad name. I call it Super Ice Bomb Chariot!"

"Uh, this name... is true." Musashi twitched his mouth and responded, concentrating on directing his Pokémon to deal with the coal turtle's offensive, silently calculating the transformation time of Titan and Naga.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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