Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 76: Knife and sword, sharpen the edge

"Luling City, Luoying Road Museum, Yuquan, Hongying, please advise."

"Just!" Luoying Gymnasium, swordsman, red ginseng.

One person, one pet, doing the ancient and solemn etiquette, makes the battle that has not yet been struck simple and special.

Yuquan, who has been hiding his true identity all the time, expressed his true identity in Musashi’s cold words. In addition to respecting the strong, he also meant that personal honor and shame should not be violated. However, after reporting his family, he was somewhat uncertain about Musashi. Because of his identity background, he used ancient rituals to test Musashi.

If Musashi doesn't understand the purpose of doing this, then it can be basically confirmed that the girl in front of him is just a nouveau riche with some abilities, with insufficient background, and she still has the confidence of victory by virtue of her own abilities.

If Musashi knows his temptation and responds with ancient rituals, then he must be careful and careful, no matter what purpose Musashi discusses with him.

But as long as Yuquan loses, in addition to his inferior skills, he will also indirectly lose the face of his master, which will even more embarrass the master.

So this is why most young talents who travel abroad like to hide their identity, not only to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and to enjoy the fun of abusive food, but also because after doing so, they can confidently challenge their peers even if they lose. It doesn't matter, as long as you don't cause any major disasters and return to the teacher's door at the specified time, even if it is early or delayed, it will still be the most beautiful cub in the minds of the teachers.

But now, because of Musashi’s silent persecution, he had to show his identity to be bold, but if he lost the game again and lost his master’s face, then after returning home, he would have to eat fried pork with bamboo shoots and devil training. After the passive reinforcement, we have to see if we can go to the door and find the place again based on the information given by Musashi.

Not to mention the twists and turns in Yuquan’s heart, after Yuquan reported to his house, Musashi could not help but take a closer look at the heir to the doctrine who was trying to hide his identity on the cruise ship and experience life, and then he retracted his eyes and replied plainly: "Rainbow." Jade City, Hongyu Museum, Musashi, where, please advise."

"Dafu." Fan, good at kendo, please give me your advice.

After saying that, I returned a bow like Yuquan did. Although the actions are similar, people with a discerning eye can see that Musashi's movements are more elegant and generous, and it also carries a kind of light and elegance that is unique to the nobles. It is even worse than that of Yuquan. Nothing less.

After listening to Musashi's self-introduction and watching Musashi's actions, Yuquan's face couldn't help but become a little dull. He thought that the other party had only one bomb, but he never thought it was Wang Zhan, and directly crushed his trump card to death.

However, Yuquan is considered to be a small and famous genius trainer in Fengyuan. Naturally, he will not be impressed by Musashi’s identity, background and strength, and he will immediately cheer up his mind because of the taboo of a soldier trainer who is defeated without a fight. When he got up, the invisible aura spread, like a knife about to be unsheathed, and the murderous aura began to permeate.

The giant pincer mantis, who is in communication with Yuquan, also fully exploded its momentum. The sharpness filled the water field, and the sound of swordsmen and soldiers faintly sounded in the ears of the onlookers, and waves of waves appeared on the surface of the water. , Fully cooperating with the power of Yuquan and Giant Pincer Mantis.


The sonorous voice of the sword soldier quietly disappeared with the soft groan of the Overlord Flower, but the relaxed color on Fan's face quietly receded, and he stepped forward with a solemn expression. With the sound of the sword soldier, the sword intent immediately broke through Yuquan. The sword energy collar built together with the giant pincer mantis, and in a flash, took away half of the sword energy domain, transformed it into its own four elephant domain, and firmly held it on his side.

I saw that in the domain of the Overlord Flower, there were seasonal changes, rain, snow, wind and frost, and more advanced four-state changes, earth, water, wind and fire. However, these visions are worth seeing except for the first four seasons. The other two are just illusory changes, without the slightest power at all. After all, the changes in the four seasons are the longest time for Bawanghua to perceive, and it is also the natural rule with the deepest comprehension. , Although he was still at the quasi-heavenly king level, he had a kind of feel for the four seasons.

However, compared to the sword domains of Yuquan and the Giant Claw Mantis, there was only a vague sound of swords, and the Fan domain was too tall and too much. This was undoubtedly another major blow for Yuquan.

Speaking of the four-image realm, it is a new realm that is re-developed on the basis of the realm of Tai Chi that has been comprehended after the balance flow is great, and the opportunity for the re-development of the realm is the Taoist worldview that Musashi said casually. In the end, Tai Chi, Tai Chi two instruments, resurrection of the four images, four images and eight trigrams... may be the theory of yin and yang movements, or it may be an understanding of the theory of Shengke, and then the development of the four images field.

Moreover, this field is more in line with ordinary swordsmanship, and can more perfectly accommodate the four calyx swords he has cast. The four swords are out of the sheath and the sword formation is laid, and there is a posture that the four sages cannot be broken.

However, Musashi knew that this was nothing more than a beautiful fantasy. After all, some concepts in the torrents, Musashi had also stated about his own Pokémon. To be honest, the heaven and earth are really desirable, but it is just a yearning.

Speaking of the Four Elephant Domain and the common Four Elephant Sword Array, the idea is good, but without the knowledge of Fang Nian, I can only explore it alone, like a flower in a mirror and a moon in the water, so I can only temporarily have no step forward as it is now. At that time, expanding one's horizontal breadth and having a clear direction for expansion is also a good precipitation and an opportunity for Fan. After all, the domain is the product of the sublimation of knowledge and ability. Represents his heritage.

However, the foundation is only the foundation after all, and it is impossible to use all the foundation. If it is used as a resource for promotion, no matter how strong the foundation is, it will not help.

But fortunately, behind Musashi, there is stepmother Audrey and birth mother Miyamoto. Even if their own path is not clear, they can still be promoted through the path they arranged, but even if they are promoted to the king by then, the thoughts in my heart may not be the same. There will be much joy, and more unwilling.

(Miyamoto’s story, let’s talk about it later, after all, Musashi hasn’t realized that his mother has returned to the roots and disappeared. From then on, there is only dream, not Miyamoto. Also, Audrey has returned during the period of Musashi’s trip. Yuhong City made the last effort for the disappearance of Miyamoto, so he kept silent and didn't inform Musashi.)

Seeing that Yuquan, who had experienced his own field breakage in an instant, and was double-strucked, even if his mentality was good, he would be a little blown After all, there is no such thing as bullying, the clay figurines still have three points of anger What's more, most of the brave boys, even if they usually behave gentle and easy, but they are absolutely unambiguous when they are angry at King Kong, and immediately commanded: "Hong Ying, sword dance, instant beauty!"

The moment of beauty, as the name suggests, the moves are gorgeous but fleeting. The power of the moves is all condensed in that moment, which shows how dangerous the move is.

The giant pincer praying mantis made an aggressive move, and then the figure was blurred, and the screaming blade hit the front door of the Overlord Flower.

Musashi's expression was slightly solemn, and Musashi naturally knew the principle of the flash of beauty. It was nothing more than the use of bullet punches to attack under the blessing of Sword Dance. Every punch was a sharp sword swing, which showed the danger.

Everyone who raised his hands up, almost instantly tore off the two calyx thin swords that had been nurtured for a short time. Between the soft swords and the hard swords, the weak but continuous, with softness, standing on the water, and fighting and retreating.

"it is good!"

"That's it, take down this little girl in one go."

Seeing the giant pincer praying mantis pressing the Overlord Flower, all the sailors cheered, as if they were about to win the next moment.

"It's too early for you to be happy now. Look at the foot of the Overlord Flower. Every time you take a step back, an ice flower appears. Standing on the surface of the water with the Overlord Flower, this control power is absolutely amazing even if I want to do it. Without his easy freehand brushwork, and in dealing with it, every force used is appropriate and good, Yuquan, this kid is dangerous." It was the sailor who came from the questioning who spoke, a fortitude in his thirties. The man, although he is wearing a sailor suit, can be seen from the muscle lines outlined under the suit, which shows that this leader is by no means simple.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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