Hundreds of years passed.

In Ryu Ming Shan, days of peace continued unchanged.

Hundreds of years are extremely long for the people, but for Rostellina, a long-eared people, it was not a modest length.

No, but did you still have enough time to raise the little girl to be a lady in public?

Rosterina had grown from a poor girl to a fine beauty.

But the contents of Rosterina were little different than they used to be.

She remains the same, innocent girl she used to be.

You live without dealing with anyone but Laplace and Saleyacht, naturally.

However, the inner part of it was far from peaceful.

The smile disappeared, and the gloomy one accounted for the majority of the heart.

That should be it, too.

That story... from the time I heard about LaPlath becoming one of the five dragon generals, LaPlath often gave me a dark and rugged look.

As always on the surface, but Rosterina understands.

It's not that kind of direct emotion that you're angry or grumpy.

But it does accumulate negative emotions.

Moreover, LaPlath has often been away from home lately here.

Originally, I've been away from home, but I've only been home about once a month lately.

I know why.

To ascertain the veracity of rumors of the resurrection of the demonic emperor Xylica Xylis.

When it comes to demon kingdoms, even Rosterina is famous.

Thousands of years ago, he became the head of the demon clan and waged war against the people.

The war was fought hundreds of years before Rosterina was born.

But I know it was a very big war, involving the whole world.

The Great Demon King was defeated, and the war ended.

But if the Great Demon realm is resurrected, there may be another war.

I don't know how Laplace works against that.

Are you going to be on the side of people or the side of demons?

again as a bystander, does it move in an audience position?

But no matter how it works, I'm pretty sure you're busy getting ready for it.

Now, I haven't thought that far and just seem to see if the rumors of the Resurrection of the Great Demon Realm are true......


Rosterina sighed as she incorporated the laundry.

I know LaPlath is busy.

Originally a person who was moving with a strong sense of purpose, if something big were to happen in the world, it would also be natural to be so busy that you couldn't stay on Rosterina.

But there was a lump inside her.

Perhaps I am avoided?

Didn't I feel bad talking about that?

LaPlath said first.

The end of this story is the Bad End.

No matter how good the flow is along the way, it ends up being a sad ending.

From what I've heard so far, it's not a sad ending.

A half dragon and half demon man, who was alone, was picked up, educated and given status.

It's a success story.

If we finish talking here, we can even call it a happy ending, rather than a bad end.

But this is not the end of the story.

If it's the end, LaPlath has set up a house in such a despicable place, and he hasn't flown around the world alone or written a book.

Something just happened.

Something just ends up being sad about LaPlath......

Wouldn't LaPlath hate to talk about something of it?

I don't like being pushed on, so I guess I won't lean on the house.

If so, Rosterina wants to say it out loud.

That's enough, then.

I do want to know about Rosterina.

A sad face, a spicy face, that LaPlath occasionally shows.

I want to know why.

Knowing it, I want to help you.

I want to support your heart.

But if talking to Rostellina makes Laplace feel hard, Rostellina doesn't have to know.

Even if you don't know, you can help Laplace.

I can do laundry, I can do cleaning.

Even cooking has improved considerably in the last hundred years

It's hard to tell if it's really improved because LaPlath tells me everything is delicious, but at least Saleyacht thumped and complimented Rosterina on her cooking.

Well, that's also due to the message format through LaPlath, because Rosterina doesn't understand Saleyacht's language.

Either way, we can help in another way.

I think it's a violation of manners to know even though LaPlath doesn't want to speak, and I haven't learned the ancient dragon divine language, but if you study hard enough, you'll be able to read it, and then you can organize your bookcase.

So at least when you come home, I want you to mind.

These days, even when I come home occasionally, I've been stuck in my study and writing books all the time.

As much as I mourn that I haven't written everything down because of the long time I've been out.

Rostellina is only able to talk to Laplace about two or three words a month.

I wanted you to be more comfortable.

Even an effort to do so, I was going to.

I'm not a child anymore.

"Ha, Master, I wonder if I'll be back soon..."

The laundry is done and the house is cleaned.

After lunch, he also cleaned Saleyakt's bunk.

Don't forget to sprinkle the scales and manure of Saleyacht that were on Saleyacht's bunk around the perimeter of the house.

When Saleyacht returns, he insists on proper territory so that the house is not vandalized by other dragons.

Most of all, I didn't have to do that, but it was basically okay.

"... ha"

It's almost dinner time.

But Rosterina just sighs.

I had no idea what my appetite was.

"... ah!

And, at that time, Rosterina's long ears captured a certain sound.

It's a feather rolled out of a giant wing.

Much more powerful and nostalgic than the Red Dragon ones living in the neighborhood.

It's Saleyacht.

Laplace is back.

"Your husband!

I couldn't stay or stand, and Rosterina jumped out.

Then there was an indication, the figure of Lapras on Saleyacht's back.

LaPlath raised one hand when he admitted Rosterina's appearance and landed in the square in front of the house as Saleyacht flapped his wings.

It was an elegant landing, unlike the Red Dragon.

At the same time as the landing, LaPlath jumped over Saleyakt.

Saleyakt yawned and, not to mention tired, slipped back to the back of the house.

In fact, I guess I'm pretty tired of keeping flying around.

"I'm home, Rosterina. What's the matter with you? It's unusual for you to welcome me outside the house."

"It's not unusual! We've always been welcoming you these days."

"Was I...? I'm sorry about that."

"No, that's okay! So, Master LaPlath... Um, do you want to eat?

Rostellina heard it like it was horrible.

Even when LaPlath asks if he eats like this, he is often turned down.

I don't eat much, Laplace.

"Oh, right. I was flying around without a drink, so I was hungry for boulders. Please."


But it seemed different today.

Rosterina responded well and ran to the kitchen.

Which fire has not been extinguished.

Add water from the water bottle to the pan, bring the water to a boil, and get ready immediately.


"Yes! What is it, your husband!

To the call from behind, Rostellina wanted to rush to LaPlath as she dragonfly back.

"Oh, no, just listen to me as I get ready"

But it was stopped by LaPlath's voice.

Rostellina starts cooking again while pointing her mouth.

"I checked today. The Great Demon Emperor Xylica Xyllis was indeed resurrected.

No, the way you say resurrection, etc., is strange.

It was probably resurrected five hundred years ago. It was a complete body.

And just like when we used to wage war, we were puppets of a belligerent demon king.

... there will be war "

Rosterina's hand stopped for a moment.

But it soon started moving again.

Even if they say there will be a war...... Rosterina is not sure.

Because she has never experienced war before.

In a major war known as the Demon Wars, an unusual number of dead were supposedly found.

but it won't have much to do with Rosterina, who lives in hiding in Ryu Ming Shan.

No matter how great the war, I don't think the damage will be done so far.

"And apparently, that war, he's pulling a thread behind it"


"He thinks I should pursue and defeat... enemies"

Rosterina's hand stopped.

"I don't know what his aim is.

But I have a duty to explore and stop it.

He always leaves the cloth stone behind.

If it turns out they're putting the cloth stone away, if they don't remove it and put it away, they're gonna hunt it down. "


"So I'll be in that war. I still don't know which way it's going to go."

In front of Rosterina, the water began to boil with gras.

But Rosterina couldn't help looking back.

Laplace is strong.

But I'm alone.

The other dragon generals are gone.

And the enemy is probably the one who killed that dragon general.

I could die.

LaPlath may lose.

"Your husband..."

Rostellina was anxious and had a face to the dining room.

LaPlath, as always, sits on the chair with a flat face.

But on his face, somewhere, he also felt something like a shadow sticking up.

Maybe I won't be able to see you.

I even had a feeling about that.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Rostellina.

The war begins only a little further.

Until then, I'll stay with you. "

Knowing or not Rostellina's anxiety, LaPlath said so and smiled.

"So look, will you cook me a meal? Earlier, my stomach was pounding."


Rostellina returned to the kitchen, prompted, to resume cooking.

The soup was made, the meat was cooked and served with vegetables.

It'll be done in no time.

But when I tasted it, I didn't know what it tasted like.

"Yeah, it's delicious today."

LaPlath ate that meal and told me so.

But is it really delicious to fulfill...

"What's the matter, Rosterina? It's quiet today."

"Your husband..."


"That war, do I really have to go?

To the question, LaPlath was only decent for a moment.

But I immediately turned to the truth and nodded.

"Oh, I have to go. If he's involved, even more so."


Why not?

The words, leaked from somewhere else than Rosterina's will.

You shouldn't ask.

That's what I thought, but I asked.

"Right... right. I forgot. Speaking of which, you were on your way. You didn't know."


"Let me talk to you. If you ask, you'll be convinced.

After that, the dragon kingdom...... no, what happened in the world.

What is my mission? Why should I fight him? "

To the words, Rostellina was terrified, listening back.

"I want to talk... don't you?

"That's not true.

It's a hard, sad event, but a past we shouldn't forget.

I'll always talk to you. Not to forget myself. "

LaPlath, like he decided to do something, said so.

"Sit down, Rosterina. Or don't you want to hear it?

In the words, Rosterina swallowed a snail.

I wanted to hear it.

What happened in La Plath's life?

What happened to LaPlath, who became General Wu Long?

I said it out of me.

You can't want to hear it, you can't want to know.

"Let me hear it"

And I took a seat.

Seat next to Laplace, to your fixed position.

"Okay, then let's talk. The end of the story of the dragon world."

Thus, LaPlath began the conversation.

One of the five dragon generals, LaPlath the Dragon King, tells the final story.

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