Mushoku Tensei – Old Dragon's Tale

17. The Day One World Ends

World of beasts.

It's a world of supermassive forests everywhere and mountain ranges.

It is inhabited by people imitating various animals.

Dragon gods rode into such a world with General Wu Long.

"... ho"

When we arrived in the beast kingdom, it was more than 10,000 troops who showed up before us.

The time is night.

An army of beasts was shining their shitty eyes out of the woods.

Like surrounding a temple on the summit of a mountain.

As if they were waiting for us.


We weren't sure what that meant at the time.

Why were they assembling around the mountain?

Why were you looking at us and pointing at us for murder?

I didn't even think about it.

We are the Dragons.

It's a race of battles.

I could only accept the hostility directed at us, the intention to kill, as it were.

These guys are our own enemies.

I killed Master Lunaria.

So this is how they came together and intercepted us for revenge.

Or, if you look better, you may have found that the faces of the Beasts were stunned and colored.

Stunning, as if an unexpected opponent had arrived.

But that was only a small discomfort, to the extent that now I think about it.

"Let out whoever killed Lunaria!

Dragon god shouted to the consternation of beasts colored with amazement.

It's an angry voice.

Even General Wu Long's voice shook up so much that it echoed all over the beast kingdom.

All the beasts shook up.

Because I found out I was great, mighty, and stunned by my absolute opponent.

"I don't know!

But some were not trembling at the voice of the Dragon God.

He who is equal to the Dragon God.

Yes, a beast god.

He had changed his appearance from the last time I saw him.

There is no difference in being a double-headed beast.

But I wasn't on the white wolf.

I stood on my own feet.

When I saw him at the meeting, he said he was always on a white wolf.

"It's Pudria!

When God the Beast heard his name, he looked surprised.

"Pudria is your place!

"They're gone!

"Then I don't know!


"Make a claim!

"If you don't let me out, I'll crush every world!

"If you can do it, you can try it!

I don't talk about it, that's exactly what happened.

Think of it, it wouldn't have seemed like a fight if we had discussed it more calmly here...

To the Dragon God, to the Beast God, at that time he did not already want dialogue.

Find vengeance and kill it.

That's all I had in mind.


The dragon god spread his wings, and the beast god protruded his fangs, and stood with each other.

The battle began.


Three days and three nights, the battle between General Wu Long and the armies of the Beast clan continued.

But is that a good thing to call a fight......

The Dragon God struck one with the Beast God, and our Wu Long General crushed what stood in his way from one end.

The Beasts are a formidable race.

He has a keen sense of smell and a foreseeable eye even at night, and treads without slowing down even on evil paths.

Use more vocal magic.

Their magic shakes the ears of their enemies and sometimes leads to death.

But he was not the opponent of our General Wu Long.

General Wu Long's body did not pass through their claws, fangs, or weapons, and bounced the magic of his voice.

If I slapped the ground, the mountain blew away, and if I waved my nails, I shredded the forest.

One blow blew up a hundred beast tribes and they died.


Five dragons killed hundreds of thousands of beasts.

Or if we were more numerous and had strength as a group, they would have done the same.

The Beasts did not scratch General Wu Long as one.

There were too many overwhelming differences in power.

The Beasts also had warriors like the Five Dragons, who were God's escorts... but they were not opponents.

That's how the Dragon God and the Beast God were fighting while we crushed the Beast Clan.

The character as a race was overwhelmingly superior to the dragon god, but the character as a god is equivalent. The Beast God never took a pull on the Dragon God.

They were moving too fast, so it's hard to answer when asked what battle it was in detail.

Due to too much speed, shock waves were constantly occurring around the perimeter, and winds generated by the shock waves were creating aircurrents, producing several tornadoes.

The tornado sucked up all things from the earth, which became a sea of blood, and rained great trees and blood on the beast kingdom.

The main weapons of the Beast God were nails and fangs.

The god chewed on the dragon god at an unstoppable rate as he raised his roar.

But not enough to penetrate the scales of the Dragon God.

Again, the dragon gods are nails and fangs.

He intercepted the Beast God, cleaved him with his nails, and punched him with his fist.

But this is also not enough to cut off the fur of the Beast God and damage the flesh.

Circumstances where no decision hitting is given to each other.

But I'm sure the damage was accumulating.

Fourth morning.

It's settled.

For the battle between God and God, it's an early settlement.

When I saw it, the Beast God was biting the Dragon God's shoulder tightly.

The fangs were penetrating the dragon god's scales and causing the blood to blow out.

Finally, it was the moment when the Beast God struck into the Dragon God what could be described as a decisive beating.

But that decision was what Dragon God wanted.

The dragon god grabbed the right head and left head of the beast god that had bitten him, letting his body gather all his dragon chi, and cracked open left and right.

I tore it up.

In two.

The dragon god slammed the beast god into the ground, which had become two.

Awesome shock and flash.

An overwhelming stream of energy struck the beast kingdom.

I was blown away.

It was energy enough to blow up not only me, but all of General Wu Long.

He was blown up, struck to the ground, but soon got up, jumped up.

So what I saw was a giant crater.


The dragon god slowly came from there.

He spread his wings and rose to the sky.

And screamed so that it could be heard to the whole world.

It was a roar of unspoken anger.


On that day, fear and hatred for the Dragon Nation were engraved in every creature present in the beast kingdom.

The Dragon God went wild.

I rambled, rambled, rambled up.

If you don't come out, crush every world.

There was no falsehood in that word.

The beast kingdom was destroyed 90% and self-destruction began.

Most organisms living in the beast kingdom died out.

If this happens, Pudria won't live either.

That's all the destruction that seems to have been done.

"... Laplace, I'll take care of the rest"

The Dragon God returned to the Dragon Realm when he saw the beast realm where self-destruction had begun and his drinks dropped.

Hand me one treasure ball.

It's a bloody jewel.

The moment I got it in my hand, I understood that it was the treasure of God's power.

It is also possible to cross' boundaries' with it.

Shall I keep it as a divine ball?

Perhaps when the Dragon God killed the Beast God, he pulled it out.


With the ball of God in my hand, I was perplexed.

I didn't know what the hell to do where they entrusted me with the place and told me to look out.

The people left behind were looking for a safe place to escape.

But where do you mean to run away when the world is already about to end?

I watched, and it was just pathetic.

As a result of the rumbling of the Dragon God, the beast kingdom can no longer be destroyed.

Then kill the rest of the people and go around?

No, I'm not ordered to.

Beast tribes fleeing in a doomed world, as their hearts took it.

I don't want to die. I want to survive.

But the world perished for a moment.

Their total annihilation was inevitable without even having to put my hands down.

I was swallowed up by a crumbling world, and there was nothing more to look at than fleeing people without doing anything.

Inside, I doubt it.

Was it necessary to do so much?

Was it necessary to destroy everything?

The battle should have come with it when the Beast God was defeated.

I didn't know where Pudria disappeared after all, but I still didn't have to kill them all.

Wouldn't there have been another way?

Because not everything in the Beast clan is bad.

I desperately shook that idea away.

What the Dragon God did.

It must mean something profound.

I even thought it was a sin to doubt.

"... man"

I had someone to talk to.

He stood behind me all the time.

I have no idea how long I've been around or how close I've been.

Looking back, there was a god there with an unrememorable face.

Yes, a god of man.

It's pitiful.

Man God said as if he had seen through my heart.

No, the information, maybe I really saw through it.

Still, the power of God is a mystery.

"No matter how much you suspect you killed Lunaria, not all the people will be bad"


"I'm sure the majority of them don't even know what happened.

When you realize it, God is dead, and when you realize it, the world will perish.

All they have is despair. I didn't do anything, but I don't know anything... "

Man God stood behind me, watching the Beasts, telling me to whisper.

I thought you were being blamed.

Just watching this sight.

That I couldn't stop this tragedy.

But it was a little different.

Man God said after a while, pompous.

"But too pitiful for boulders..."

Looking back at me, man God has laughed loosely.

"Don't tell Dragon God, will you?

That said, man God disappeared from before me all the time.

What are you going to do and where did you go?

I was wondering, but after a while, I realized there was.

Running people were moving in certain directions.

A certain direction.

That is the direction in which the Dragon God disappeared.

Are you taking revenge on Dragon God?

But a long time ago, the Dragon God returned to the dragon kingdom.

The boundaries of the world cannot be transcended.

But they were certainly on their way.

Where we came from.

To the temple to cross the boundaries of the world.

And the people disappeared into the temple.

Inside a temple that should only be used by God.

No, if I had a divine ball, I could use it.

Either way, the gods have moved.

Man God saved the rest of the Beasts.

By moving from a crumbling world to one's world… to the human race.


The Dragon God may have intended to destroy all of the Beast Clan.

Perhaps I should have followed it, too, as General Wu Long.

Maybe we should have blamed God for his actions.

But I couldn't.

I would have been glad if Master Lunaria had avenged me.

I had no intention of destroying the beast kingdom more.

So I just watched people do what God does.

Until that moment, when the last survival of the Beast tribe moves to the human race….

To be honest, I was even impressed then.

How merciful this God is.

Will you give that mercy to the Beasts, even though it will be a cup of hand in your own world?

The Beasts, or even though they might have systematically killed Master Lunaria.

I'm not going to say anything bad about Dragon God.

With me, I felt profound sadness and anger at the death of Master Lunaria.

But at the same time, you wanted him to show generosity and mercy.

Regardless, I had no intention of making such demands directly on Dragon God.

Even now, given the will of the Dragon God at the time, I don't think I had a choice.

But still, I wanted the Beast tribe to have a full salvation.

I had feelings for the Beast Clan, which had only a few interactions and exchanged technicians for Dragon Warriors.

That's why just a little mercy, to them.

And it wasn't the dragon god who gave it, it was the man god.

When I saw him, I thought without any doubt that this God was truly believable.

Don't even know that's his hand.

In any case, this is how the beast kingdom perished.

The few remaining beasts were accepted into the world.

Only a few percent would have survived, but still a few percent of the world's inhabitants.

I didn't know the exact number, but it was never less.

Still, man God accepted them as refugees.

Conversely, more than 90% of the Beasts will have died.

Including the Beast God.

Six worlds, it's been a catastrophe since it began.

But such a catastrophe was also only a prelude to the tragedy that followed.

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