Over time….

Apparently only three or four minutes have passed.

But it was as if more than ten minutes had passed.

Time flies really slowly when waiting for something.

“Hasn’t this fish caught yet?”

Peng Peng sat on the bench on the side, obviously already a little impatient.

“Big brother, this is fishing, let’s play with Yaxing!” Are you supposed to be fishing? ”

“Just be patient! Anyway, I can’t catch fish now, so it’s better to be patient and so on. ”

Yixing smiled badly and pointed to Pengpeng’s injured hand, and moved his extremely flexible ~ hand by the way.

That looks like how much you owe and how much you owe!

“Hey! You! ”

The angry teeth are itching!

Who said that Zhang Yixing is restrained and unkind – words?

What a liar!

It’s really not a blockbuster!

But in the blink of an eye, there is nothing wrong with what he said…….

This fishing tests people’s patience, if you can’t even achieve these two points, what kind of fish to catch?

Peng Peng sighed helplessly and glanced at his hand that was wrapped in rice dumplings.

It’s true that he scratched, but there is no need to wrap himself so thickly, right?

And this is still given by Du Jing …

I don’t know, I thought he had a broken arm.

Everyone talked and laughed for a while.


Du Jing’s fishing rod moved!

Du Jing hurriedly picked up the fishing rod, and saw that the size of the fish seemed to be not small, and its strength to break free of the rod was very large!

If it weren’t for Du Jing’s regular exercise and great strength, it would be estimated that others would be dragged off the boat.

He doesn’t think much about it anymore!

I saw Du Jing put the fishing rod on his abdomen, put the fishing rod with his right hand, and pushed hard to the recycling line with his left hand!

Every step is extremely difficult!

“My God, this fish looks big today!”

“Come on, everyone, hurry up and help!”

Huang Lei beckoned everyone to help Du Jing together.

I saw that the others had already run over, and Yixing didn’t think about it, and quickly grabbed Du Jing’s fishing rod with both hands.

Pull the fish hard with him to the boat!

“This fish is so powerful! Teacher Huang, don’t be stunned, hurry up and help! ”


Everyone exerted their best strength, but the fish only moved up a little, revealing a fish head.

Most of this fish is still in the sea!

“Come on, pull hard!”

“We have to work hard! The size of this fish is really too big, I think it has dozens of pounds! ”

He Yuan’s face was already a little red.

Even talking has begun to take a little effort …

At this time, the netizens in the live broadcast room also looked at the people in front of the camera, a little confused.

“Really fake? Are there such big fish in this sea? ”

“Yes! Didn’t someone on the Internet say some time ago that more than 50 pounds of tuna were caught from this sea? ”

“Really fake? Seeing a few of them working so hard, it is estimated that it is more than dozens of pounds…”

“Come on, come on, hurry up and catch it!”


Over time.

The rod that was used to come to fish was already bent very much.

If this stalemate continues, the rod will not last more than three minutes and it will completely break.

What kind of fish is Du Jing fishing?

Such a lot of strength!

Peng Peng on the side couldn’t help much because his hand was already injured.

I can only cheer for Du Jing and others on the side!

But it has been a stalemate with this fish for several minutes, and the fish has come up for most of the time.

Everyone’s faces were flushed, and they couldn’t wait to even give the strength to eat.

“Peng! What do you think! Look what kind of fish is that? ”

Du Jing shouted with great difficulty.

Due to the exertion of too much strength, he now has some difficulty speaking.


When Peng heard this, he hurriedly looked at the fish in the sea, but it was good not to look, this look, a little dumbfounded.

This fish is really big!

Big outrageous!

Peng Peng feels that he is the biggest fish he has ever seen in his life!

“Pull quickly! I don’t know what kind of fish this is, but it looks like it’s about 100 pounds! Definitely not like the dozens of pounds we just started guessing! ”

Hearing Pengpeng’s words, everyone immediately became as excited as if they had beaten chicken blood.

I’ll go!

What luck did this go today?

I caught such a big fish!

“Now we’re one last point, I count 3, 2, 1, and everyone starts pulling!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Everyone answered in unison.




After the countdown ended, I saw Du Jing and others exerting their last strength and pulling the fish up.

Because of this, everyone lay on the deck, panting heavily.

I’m really tired and paralyzed!

Who would have thought that one day, they would be tired of a jumping fish like this?

At this time, the fish that was caught was still struggling desperately.

Everyone rested for a few minutes, slowly got up, and looked towards the fish.


This fish is too big!

“Oh my God! What kind of fish is this? How is it so big? ”

Huang Lei looked at the strange fish in front of him, and his eyes could not hide his shock.

“This… This should be bluefin tuna, we caught more than a hundred pounds, there should be more than two hundred pounds. ”

Du Jing slowly spoke.

More than two hundred pounds?

What is this concept?

Much heavier than an adult!

And this seems to be a second-class protected animal of the state, right?

At this moment, the live broadcast room has exploded!

“I’ll go! Brother Jing is really a cow! This directly catches such a big fish? ”

“It really shocked me! I’ve never seen a fish this big! ”

“If this fish is really a bluefin tuna, isn’t it a second-class protected animal of the country?”

“Then this fish can’t be eaten!”

“Still want to eat? Afraid that you want to go directly to a free meal? ”

“Brother Jing, this luck is really amazing!”


Some people in the live broadcast room who are not afraid of big things sent screenshots of this live broadcast to the Internet.

Originally, everyone thought that this video was just a spoof, a gimmick deliberately made by the program team for the sake of traffic.

Who knew that when everyone clicked in, they found that this was true!


Many people did not expect that Du Jing’s luck was so great, and he directly caught a blue tuna!

What a cow!

For a while, this Weibo with a video was directly searched on the top!

In just a few minutes, the number of hits on this hot search has exceeded hundreds of thousands!

Even the netizens who came out with that post also gained a lot of fans for a while!

Compared with the shock on the Internet, Huang Lei and several people were obviously a little panicked at this time.

I thought I had caught a big fish!

The result?


If it is really as Du Jing said, then this is really protecting animals…

…… Factory..

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