As soon as Du Jing’s words fell, the restaurant began to serve.

Black gold sliced duck, raw jelly multi-treasure fish, crispy chicken with green onion oil, stir-fried mountain soda leaves…

More than 10 dishes, almost all of them local specialties!

The aroma of food wafted through the room, and people watching drooled.

“Wow! It’s really fragrant! Just looking at it and smelling it makes people water. ”

Yang Chaoyue looked at the dishes that filled the table and swallowed her saliva.

Where can Zhang Yu and Chen Yu and others eat and drink like now on weekdays, and they have to eat fat-reducing meals and lose weight at every turn.

That’s so hard!

Finally, if I can let go of eating today, everyone’s hearts will be beautiful and crazy!

“Indeed, you guys taste it! Simply amazing! It’s so delicious! ”

Tang Yan took a treasure fish and put it on Du Jing’s plate, his eyes were full of smiles.

Du Jing naturally would not refuse.

This fish is completely made in a casserole, there are no fish bones, the meat is soft and tender, melts in the mouth, especially its taste is also very strong!

Du Jing couldn’t help but have an idea.

After eating later, he can go and ask the restaurant how the dish is made.

After returning to the mushroom house, you can also show your hand in front of Huang Lei and their 24!


The dishes are already ready.

Outside the window is a street full of people, pedestrians coming and going.

A group of seven people in the house sat around eating and drinking, and the atmosphere was very joyful.

Full of human fireworks!

Mao Buyi finished taking a sip of beer and put the cup aside: “Where are we going first tomorrow?” It is said that this Guilin landscape is a world, I want to have a good look. ”

“Don’t say it, I want to too! I used to have no money for school, but now I don’t have time for work, and I finally have time, I must have fun! ”

“Me too! This time, I must take good photos and post Weibo for my fans to take a good look! ”

“Chaoyue, Sister Yan, when the time comes, our three sisters should take a good photo together!” Just think about it! ”

I saw Chen Yu, the three of them were full of excitement, and they were in a very good mood!

They can’t wait to go now!

Zhang Yu, who had never spoken, looked at Du Niang: “Then where are we going tomorrow?” ”

“Ancient East Maple Forest! Not only is it good for taking pictures, but the view is also very beautiful! ”

Du Jing said indifferently.

Once when he was in college, he came to Guilin several times.

Almost all the nearby attractions are visited, so naturally you know where is the best place to visit!

“Really? Boss? ”

“Then since that’s the case, let’s follow what Du Jing said!”

“I raise my hands in favor!”

“Okay!! No problem! ”

“It’s really our boss! Super Ness!! ”

After discussing where to play the next day, several people were in a better mood.

Wang Xia on the side looked at everyone and couldn’t help but smile.

Playing with the little youth, she felt as if she was also several years younger.

“Then let’s meet in the hall at half past seven tomorrow morning!”

Yang Chaoyue said excitedly.

Everyone nodded and continued to eat.


By the time everyone had eaten, it was already past ten o’clock.

Since today’s meal was so delicious, a group of several people were ready to go back after a sneak.

After leaving the restaurant and leaving the snack street, there were gradually fewer people.

But far more than the northern night.

The road is lined with trees, but due to the season, many leaves have fallen and look bare.

Everyone walked unhurriedly on the road, chatting from time to time.

Yang Chaoyue didn’t know what was wrong with him, and suddenly had a whim.

She told joke after joke, making everyone laugh.

Even Du Jing, who had always been indifferent, couldn’t help but laugh.

Tang Yan: “Hahahaha, Chaoyue you are simply a living treasure!” ”

Zhang Yu: “You really can do it!” She is a good girl on the outside, and she is a funny girl in private, do your fans know? ”

Chen Yue: “Chaoyue, you should go to a funny show!” Hahahaha. ”

Everyone was ridiculing Yang Chaoyue.

She, who has always had a big grin, even blushed a little.

Hurriedly hid behind Du Jing, looking at everyone from time to time.

Du Jing smiled helplessly, and his eyes were a little spoiled.

After all, in his opinion, Yang Chaoyue is his sister, just a little girl. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I don’t know.

When this scene fell in the eyes of Chen Yu and Tang Yan, they suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

In order to divert Du Jing’s attention, the second daughter all fought with Yang Chaoyue.

“Super Moon! Don’t you run! ”

“Exactly! Even if you hide behind Du Jing, it’s useless! ”

Chen Yu and Tang Yan, two big beauties who are gentle and gentle on weekdays.

At this time, like children, they were chasing and fighting.

It surprised Du Jing.

After just turning a few times, Du Jing was a little dizzy, and hurriedly stopped: “Don’t turn!” Dizzy! ”

“Oops! Sister Ruan, you are coming to arrest me! ”

“Hahahaha, you can’t catch it!”

At that time, Yang Chaoyue flashed back and forth like a flexible little monkey.

“Super Moon! You slow down! ”

“yes, it’s a little too much to catch up!”

Chen Yu and Tang Yan panted and shouted.

As for Du Jing…

He was ignored.

Du Jing: “…”

As the three women ran farther and farther, the remaining four people didn’t bother to chase.

After playing all the way, I quickly returned to the hotel.

The three girls were sweating all over, and all the food on the evening was consumed!

After returning to the room.

Everyone rushed to wash, and 533 went to bed.

During the day, it is again catching flights, and all kinds of walking, everyone has long been exhausted.

Where else are you interested in doing something else?

They all hurried to sleep.


The next morning.

Du Jing got up early, and after a simple wash, he came directly to the lobby of the hotel.

He glanced at the time, and it was only before seven.

The corner of Du Jing’s mouth twitched, and he came early.

In that case, let’s go buy some breakfast first.

He went to the hotel restaurant unhurriedly and ate a simple meal.

After ordering some things that could be packed and taken away, I returned to the hall.


Zhang Yu and Mao Buyi came to the hall.

I saw Du Jing drinking a cup of American style and looking at his mobile phone.

On the table not far from him, there was a pile of bags on it.

“Boss early~”

“Boss early!”

The two people greeted each other and sat on the sofa next to Du Jing very familiarly.

“Morning! There is breakfast here, you two eat first. ”

Du Jing pointed to the table.

As soon as they heard that there was breakfast, Mao Buyi and Zhang Yu’s eyes lit up.

They originally planned to wait until they arrived at the scenic area and buy some bread casually.


Du Jing actually prepared breakfast for them all!!

Even, a lot of preparation.


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